This is Our Song

Oleh maddiespring1

35 0 0

""If you wanna dance tonight... then let's go right ahead..."" (Chapter One) Two teens headed to the same be... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1: Dance Tonight

35 0 0
Oleh maddiespring1

"Bye sweetie I  love you!" I heard my dad shout

Two Months in  Wilmington North Carolina felt so short. Two months spent at the beach and shopping and no worry about school or anything. It felt great to be going away from Texas.

The Airport in Dallas Texas was humongous and it was the first time I was flying alone by myself. I had flown before, back and forth to Wilmy and to Florida. Never by myself though, so this was new.. My dad dropped me off  since I'm going to visit my aunt Liz  and Uncle Jimmy  with their four kids. Yes Big family..

I have a huge family,  I never see. My older brother Cole who I never get the chance to see since he is in Tennessee with school. My other Uncle Lee, who lives in Florida with his wife and two kids. Family get togethers were great especially when it was the holidays but the past few years have been scarce on visits where the entire family came.

This would be the first time I'd see Aunt Liz and Uncle Jimmy in almost four years. I was very excited. Two months spent at the beach and shopping. It was gonna be great.

Once I got inside the airport I went straight to security so I could get through fast and get to where I have to board my plane, and get some food first. Best part of the Dallas Airport was the Chick Fil A. Literally the BEST PART.

"How are you today ma'am? Where are you headed?" The Security guard asked smiling

"Wilmington North Carolina for the summer. I'm doing great thanks for asking." I said

"Gosh Wilmy is beautiful. You have fun ma'am. Enjoy!"

Security went fast thankfully and finally I got some food. Now onto where I have to board the plane.. I loved airports and plane rides. It just makes me so happy I get to go to a new old place but everyone around me does too.

I kept walking, trying to fix how my arm was holding my backpack until I was face first on the floor.. Shit. Did I just run into someone? Oh my gosh no. My drink was everywhere Luckily not on my clothes but the cup was a couple feet in front of me. I noticed a hand out in front of me, I grabbed it and it helped me out. Thank god. I am so clumsy.

"I'm sorry thank you. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going." He chuckled.. God that laugh was enough to make the butterflies in my stomach go wild. I could see the sweet tea from my drink all over his shirt. I looked up so I could see his face and damnit...

"I'm sorry about your shirt."

"You don't have to apologize. It's okay, luckily I have an extra in my backpack. Easy fix. How are you? You hit the ground pretty hard." I nodded my head. He was knocking dirt off his phone screen.

"Is your phone okay?" 

"Yes it's fine. I have my trusty old case on it. It's alright. I'm Parker." He held my body trying to help me up right looking me straight into the eyes.. They were beautiful. He had these green eyes but they weren't fully green more of a blueish green with some orange specks. The smile on his face appeared and that's when my heart started racing. Who knew a smile could be so beautiful..

"Lucie. I'm so clumsy.." I smiled as we walked to sit down. "Where are you headed Parker?" I added once we were both sitting.

"Wilmington. You?" He said

"Me too." We were headed to the same place. I bumped into him and he was so nice about it. Stuff like this only happened in movies not to girls like me.

They called for boarding the plane. Standing up I grabbed my backpack and my phone which was in my hand.
"Well Goodbye. I'll see you around I guess."

"Lucie, would you wanna sit by me. Y'know on the plane?" I nodded my head, I would love that.

"I would love to.." We both walked onto the plane and found our seats.

The plane ride was surprisingly fast for being two hours.

"So you play baseball?" He nodded his head

"Yeah I've played my entire life. My two older brothers played and naturally I would play too. I love it. It's the best feeling when you hit a homerun or catch that ball that gets the guy out. Do you play any sports?"

"I used to play Volleyball and swim competitively. I don't anymore.."

"I'm sure you're great at it. You should totally play again. I couldn't imagine not playing." I nodded my head..

The plane landed and we both grabbed our things walking off the plane. Toward baggage claim.. Yay I'm about to spend thirty minutes alone at baggage claim..

Did I mention this is the worst part of flying? My worst fear is not getting my bag back.
He said before grabbing his suitcase off the conveyor belt.
He waited for me so I can grab my bag and when it came. I grabbed it before we both walked to the front where we are being picked up.

"I'll wait with you so you're not alone.."

"You don't have to. I'll be okay. You're probably waiting to get picked up. I couldn't ask you to wait.." I wanted him to wait for me to tell you the truth. I wanted him standing right here next to me.

"Look, Lucie, you may want to get rid of me but it's gonna take a lot more than that to get me away from you. I'm just saying if you really want me to go I will. Maybe we'll see each other soon."
He chuckled, and he was facing me. On his head he had a Texas Rangers cap and it fit so nicely on his head.

"See you later Lucie..." He softly spoke into my ear before walking to the truck.

I didn't get his number, so chances are I will never see him again.

I saw my aunt pull up right after he drove away.  I put my suitcase in the back and climbed in the front seat. Surprised to see Brayden and Hayden in the backseat.

"Eww, it's Lucie," Brayden said laughing
My aunt leaned over to hug me and the boys sat contently in the backseat.

"I missed y'all so much.."
My aunt had four boys, the oldest Easton who was my age more annoying, Brayden and Hayden who were 15-year-old twins and Cashton who was four.

The last time I saw little Cash was the day he was born. It was Christmas break and I came to stay with my aunt and uncle.

"Aunt Liz thanks for picking me up. I'm super excited to spend the entire summer in the beautiful city of Wilmington.." I loved this city more than life and I hope that I end up here for the rest of my life.

About 30 minutes later  we ended up at her house. I was so glad.
thank god I cannot be in the car any longer.

"I love you Aunt Liz.." She gave me the biggest hug.

"How are things at home? I'm sorry I never called."

"I don't wanna talk about it, I'm here to enjoy my summer!" She parked the car in her driveway, I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out. Hayden trapped me in for a hug, I punched him in the shoulder

"I missed you Lucie." He said the last time I've seen him was Cash's birth. It was great to be back in this small town. Gosh, I love it so much more than the small town I live in. I didn't bother grabbing my bag mostly cause I knew one of the boys would be forced to grab it.

Opening the door, their dog came and tackled me to the ground. Oh gosh.
"Hey, Tater." He licked my face before my Aunt Liz came into the door pushing him off of me.

"Hey, Lucie." Easton came down the stairs and gave me a hug.

"Mommy. Mommy." Cash shouted

"Easton tend to your brother so I can get Lucie settled in."

I followed my aunt up the stairs to the room I'll be staying in, gosh it's so pretty decorated so nicely.

"Thank you, Aunt Liz. I'm gonna head down in a minute. Let me settle in first."

"Who was the boy that was waiting with you?" I looked down into my open suitcase

"No one. He was just helping me grab my bag."

"Didn't look like no one Luce." She knew me so well for not seeing me in four years. 

I chuckled before lifting my head up and I could tell my cheeks were red and hot. "It's a boy I bumped into at the Dallas airport. My clumsy butt, we sat chatting the entire plane ride here to North Carolina. He was headed to Wilmington too. His eyes are beautiful Aunt Liz and his name is Parker."

"Well did you get this Parker's number or what?"

"No. we didn't exchange numbers.."

I smiled as she gave me a hug. "Well unpack I'm going downstairs to help Cash out."

"Okay and would it be alright for me to go downtown and shop around"

"Yeah Sure. Just Text Easton I know he was having a friend over."

L: "Hey Easton would you mind going downtown shopping with me?"

E: Sure I'm gonna text Baylor and pick him up he was gonna come over but it's alright..

He still speaks to Baylor, Gosh I haven't seen him since we were younger.

So much for me unpacking, I grabbed my phone and headed down the stairs after changing into a cuter outfit.

. Easton grabbed the keys to his truck and walked outside. I followed him and hopped into the passenger seat of the vehicle. I watched as he hooked his phone up to the aux and put on a song that I knew. Which I don't think he knew that though. It was "Hurricane" by Luke Combs.
"Luke Combs is freaking amazing!" I said singing along to the song.

"I wanna see him when he comes this summer. I'm pretty sure the tickets aren't sold out yet. I'll see if we can get some!" I smiled

He pulled up to Baylor's house and he came walking out. He began laughing as he was closer to the truck. Noticing me in the front seat.

"Lucie Joy. Damn it's been a while."
I just had to laugh..

Baylor took his hat off and brushed his hair back with his hand. God he was hotter than I remember. He hopped into the truck, and buckled.

"Baylor you remember I told you Lucie was coming in town. You remember him Lucie right?"

"Barely. We were 12 the last we saw each other." I said

"Damn Easton she got hot." I didn't look back instead  I could feel my face getting hotter by the second.

Baylor laughed, and Easton reached back to punch him. Gosh I've missed it here.
"What do y'all do for fun?" I added asking that question.

"The beach, the boardwalk and parties. Literally those three things. Nothing else.

" There's one tonight. Do you wanna come?" Baylor asked

I nodded my head telling the two of them yes.

"Since when do you party?" Easton asked

"There's a lot you don't know about me.." I smirked.

I ended up going back to the house, curling my hair I did my makeup as well which I surprisingly never did.cgy
When it was time to leave, I grabbed my phone and put my shoes on before walking down the stairs. Easton chuckled
"You always look this beautiful huh?" He said

"No, I thought I would dress up its a party.."

"You think you're going to meet someone? Is that the problem? Secret Admirer?" I couldn't help but laugh.

"NO East.."
We both walked out to his truck, I immediately put Luke Combs on before he drove away.

"So I talked to Mom and Dad. They both said yes to us going to see Luke Combs in Charlotte, so I bought the tickets today, and we have pit tickets to see Luke, I bought four so you could bring a friend I'm just gonna bring Baylor along. Cash is gonna be so jealous."

Baylor and another guy who I could only see the back of his head were all talking to a  group of their friends.

"Hey, Baylor," I said and just as I did the one facing Baylor turned my way.  He was cute, then he smiled.. Shit shit shit abort mission It was Airport boy.  Oh my gosh. I never thought I'd see him again

"Lucie right?" He said

"Yeah. Airport girl.." I let out a soft chuckle.

"It's good to see you again. Can I get you something to drink?"

"No, I'm good I was headed to go sit on the tailgate of the truck." Baylor walked up and patted him on the back

"You know him, Lucie?" Baylor asked

Oh, shit. "Yeah, I met him today at the airport. We kinda bumped into each other. How do you know him?" I looked down at my watch seeing the time.

"He's my cousin. I invited him to the party. Well, I'll leave you two alone then."

"No don't stay," I said grabbing his arm. He stood next to me...

"I wanted to get your number but you didn't want me to wait with you.. I am glad to see you here though.."

"I wanted you to stay actually but I didn't know how to tell you that."

Easton walked closer to us.. "Hey Easton it's been a while." Parker said. How does he know my cousin what. This is insane..

"Parker what are you doing here? I thought you lived in Texas?" He shook his head..
"I do. I'm here visiting my grandparents for the summer."

"Hey Lucie.." Easton said giving me a hug. Not remembering that we literally just spoke to each other.. I'm gonna need a drink by the end of this..

"You two know each other?" Parker asked

"He's my cousin.. I'm staying with his family for the summer.."

I smiled then walked back toward Parker. "So you're here and you're his cousin. Well, I guess we will be hanging out more then." I then added.

"C'mon I have a spot Parker." Grabbing his hand I pulled him toward Easton's truck. He popped the tailgate down then picked me up to sit on it.

"Lucie today was great. I wanna see you more especially since we'll be in the same town for the next two months."
I could feel myself leaning in toward his body and I couldn't stop myself. I didn't wanna stop myself.

He grabbed my face with his big soft hands and once his lips touched mine
I could no longer feel my legs, my body tingled and my stomach had those butterflies the kind you get when you're scared for what's to come. I closed my eyes to take it all in I wanted this for the rest of my life. I wanted his lips on mine. I had just met him today yet here I am wishing for him to stay in my life

We broke apart and I turned my head. Afraid at what he was going to say.
"Lucie Belle.. Don't turn your head. I can't take back that kiss but I don't regret it.." he turned my head back his way and I could see his smile was no longer on his face but mine was, my cheeks felt hot I'm sure they were as red as Rudolph's nose.

I grabbed his hand and started pulling him back to my cousin's truck. He took the tailgate down and we sat down on it.

"Tell me everything I don't know about you.. I wanna know it all." He said

"What was the first country song you listened to?" I asked

He chuckled. "The first I ever listened to was Love, Me by Collin Raye.. My grandpa used to play it in the car. He told me it was the song for my grandma... She's still alive but. He used to write her letters when he was deployed in Vietnam. I was 5.." He looked back up at the stars before his eyes gazed over my body.

"What about yours Lucie Belle?"

"Wild Angels by Martina McBride.... Gosh I fell in love with this song and with her. I loved how it sounded. I used to jump around the living room listening to it. Easton can tell you."

"Why don't you live with Easton and them?" My eyes gazed to the ground before I looked back up at him.

"I wish I can tell you Parker, and trust me I do but not today.. I did live with them at one point when I was 5. I moved back to live with my grandparents."

"Parker when was the first time you hit a homerun?"

"It was the summer of 2008, I was 7. It was my first year playing real baseball. For three years I did tee ball. It was hot as hell. I remember going up to bat, I beat my cleat with my bat and then I got ready. The ball came flying and I smacked it... That feeling was so great I loved it. Ever since then I knew I wanted to play. You should've seen the look on my dad's face. He was coaching, and his 7 year old son just smacked the shit out of the ball."

I'm smiling and he's staring at me as I told him so much stuff about myself.

He knows more about me than I have ever told anyone.

"Parker." He smiled at me once again

"You're beautiful damn," He leaned in and kissed me again.

"We only met today.. I don't care though.." He looked back up at the stars and started pointing at all of them and began telling me stories about how he would go outside and look at the stars with his brothers when they were younger.

"You should play again." He said

"What?" I was taken back by what he said.

"You should play volleyball again. If it made you so happy.. You can't quit something that makes you happy.. It then makes you miserable." He grabbed my hand.. "You're too beautiful to be miserable.."

"I just can't play.."

"I'm not taking no for an answer Lucie Belle. How about you and I go play at the beach? One day this week.. Or sometime this summer. We do have two months to get to know each other." He said smiling at me.

"I will think about it. Let me think on it."

"I can take that for an answer but No is not gonna be the answer. I have an idea." He grabbed my hand and led me to a patch of grass where we could still hear the music playing. I knew the song but I didn't know it. He grabbed my body and pulled it close to his and I began dancing with him, he lead the way so I just laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. "Dance Tonight" by Jon Langston played through the loud speakers of someone's truck.

"If you wanna dance tonight... then let's go right ahead... Lucie Belle." He whispered in my ear. I couldn't help but smile.

"That can be our song.. The one we listen to when it comes on." He added, as my head came up and he grabbed my hand.

"You wanna take a ride? I can get the keys from Baylor.. We took his truck. But he's in no shape to drive."

I nodded my head and we headed out..

Not gonna lie I hesitated publishing this because I am lowkey still working on this story. It's my little baby and I don't know if I'm ready for the world to read it yet. But here it is "This is Our Song" the cover is getting redone, as we speak. I am working on getting chapter 2 edited and up so y'all can read it.

Hopefully you enjoy this, this is my idea and my little book that could. I hope one day it is published as an actual book so you can have it in the palm of your hand. (My big goal)

I'm Maddie and I have been writing for quite some time now but thank you for reading this chapter, and reading every chapter after if you choose. I promise to update when I get the chance. Please if you have the time give this a vote or even a comment telling me your opinion!

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