
By annamay2017

246 8 4

some twiztid facts More


246 8 4
By annamay2017

there alot of stories about juggalos and i notices there is't alot about twiztid so i decided to put info and cool fact for the twiztid fans and people that want to know about twiztid.

     1.twiztid is made up of two artistes name monoxide child and jamie madrox.

     2.twiztid have many nicknames some are the demonic duo,lil poot and big stank,mono and jamie,monoxboogi and old school pervert.

     3.they are not how people describe them they are nice and love what they do.

     4.They care about their juggalo family and never fail to mention how much juggalos/jugglettes (female juggalos) mean to them and would go out their way to defend juggalos and protect them and call the the men and womens their brother and sisters  

      5. they are the most funniest people u will ever meet

      6.They have a twitter the name of it is @tweetmesohard

7. they have a facebook was banned but not anymore as long as they folow the guidlines

8. most of their songs have cursing

9.they use to be h.o.k

10.starting at december such a such day twiztid left psychopathic do to reason that have not been release n dont have to be release.

Well there you are some facts about twiztid if you want me to continue comment and i'll make more parts. If you want me to add more put it in the comments.

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