Secret lovers

By CharlieCorrie

12 1 0

Thank you for reading my story it took ages More

Secret lovers

12 1 0
By CharlieCorrie

*buzz buzz buzz* your alarm woke you up at 5:30am to get ready for work, you where doing your hair in the bathroom and heard your phone ring, you see it's your boss so you pick up
"hello charlie"
he greeted you
" hello what's with the early call"
" just ringing to let you know we would like you to interview why don't we today for our Channel"
you had a huge day ahead of you, you answered your boss with
"yeah sure will be there around 7:30am, see you soon"
you hang up and Finnish getting ready. You had your shoes in and was out the door by 7:00am, you drove to work and went into your office, your boss walks in " Morning Charlie, here are the questions for the interview, ask them in order" "okay boss, what time will they be here" he looks at his Watch "in about 30 minutes so around 8:15am" you placed down on your desk and answered with "okay will be ready," you pick the questions back off your desk and start to practice asking them.
*half hour later*
You hear a knock and you say "come in" "there here" your boss said to you " send them in" you see the guys walk in " hello I'm Charlie and I will be interviewing you in about 1 hour is that okay" Jonah answered you "yes that perfect thank you"  you stood up and showed to the room where they can sit and talk " here you go, you guys can chill in here until the interview" Daniel asked you " where could we get food and drink" " you an get that in room 310 just down the hall"
*1 hour later*
You sat in front of the camera getting ready to interview why don't we, the boys came in one by one and sat down in their seats, Daniel was sat next to you on your right, jack was on your left, Jonah, Corbyn and zach where sat at the back. You noticed during the interview that Daniel was staring at you, you decide to ignore the fact that he was staring at you, so you move into the next question " right so this is what all the fans want to know which ones of you are single or taken" Corbyn was the only one who answered "taken" Daniel stayed quiet. You looked over at Daniel and see that he was staring at you again " so I take it the rest of you guys are single!"  They all replied with "yes".
You had left the room to go back into your office after the interview and Daniel come up behind you "her Charlie wait up" you turn round to see Daniel running down the hall towards you "hey what's up" you felt weird about this " hey Charlie, I just wanted to let you know that you were amazing during that interview, and by the way you look amazing" you started to blush " thank you Daniel, you and the guys should come over for dinner later" " yes definitely" you have Daniel your number and texted hi your address. You had left work and was driving home and got a text from Daniel "can't wait to see you tonight💛💛😊" you had a smile on your face for the rest of the way home. You got home and put dinner on and put some dishes away, and not long after that there was a knock on the door, you answered it, it was the guys " come in make yourself at home drinks are over there, bathroom is upstairs I'm just going to get changed will be down soon," you went up stairs and you started getting undressed, you went into your closet to get some clothes. As you came out you put your clothes on your bed, the door opens and you turn and see Daniel bump into you, you jumped " DANIEL, what are yo-" you get interrupted as Daniel places his soft lips onto yours,  you pull away " Daniel you shouldn't be doing this" " sorry I thought this was the Bathroom, but it's even better than the bathroom" you started to blush. you finished getting ready and you both headed downstairs.
You went down stairs and dished up dinner, you all sat down at the table, Daniel was in front of you and continuously kept looking at you Zach started getting suspicious
" are you okay Daniel you keep staring" "huh.... yeah I'm fine."
You all had finished and put the plates in the sink, Daniel was in the kitchen whilst you where packing up, the others where playing fortnite, Daniel came up behind you and held your waist "so about earlier"
"Earlier felt amazing, but the boys wouldn't like the fact of us dating" Daniel immediately replies "but that doesn't matter they won't know" You thought about it for a while " I would love to date you bu-," Daniel pulled you closer kisses you and softly whispers " it will be fine I promise, we will keep it a secret until I find a way of telling them"
"Then lets do it" you kiss one last time and hugged. Daniel went back into the living room and smiled " alright boys" you Brant out desert and you had a massive smile on your face, "what's with the smile charlie" jack asked you "nothing just a great day with you guys"
It was getting late and the guys where getting ready to leave, and you showed them to the door and said goodbye Jonah yelled "DANIEL YOU COMING"
"Be right there" Daniel closed the door and pushed you up against the wall and whispered "I will be back tomorrow and we can continue" he kissed you non stop you pulled away and gave him a hug "you better go they really want you" "okay see you tomorrow, love you" wiping the lipstick o his lips "love you to" and off they went, you closed the door and sat on the sofa with a huge smile in your face, and that you smile didn't leave your face. You couldn't stop thinking about Daniel so you texted him 'hey', you put a movie on and waited. Half way during the movie you felt yourself dazing away, *ding* you look at your phone and see you had a text from Daniel 'hey, are you okay' you replied to his text 'yes, actually can't stop thinking about you' ' I was going to say the same thing actually' you didn't revive the text from Daniel because you fell asleep on the sofa thinking about him.
The next day you woke up to find yourself on the sofa with the tv on still from last night you look up at your phone and see the text form Daniel that you didn't get because you fell asleep. You replied to his text with 'sorry babe I fell asleep, are you okay' you put your phone down *ding* 'yes I'm fine, and it's okay the boys were keeping me company' 'oh I bet that was great, are you still coming round today' 'yeah, put hotel isn't long away from your house, will be there around 12:30pm' you replied to his text 'okay see you soon💛'
You had an hour and a bit so you ran yourself a bath, you let it cool down not long after you let it cool down you go in the bath. After your bath you went and got changed into some comfy clothes, Daniel texted you 'just round the corner' so you went downstairs and poured a glass of lemonade *knock knock* you went to the door "DANIEL, come in"  you put the tv on, you put one of your all time favourite movie On and you both snuggled up together.

Daniel got his phone out and took a picture of the movie and captioned it 'we love a good Disney movie with a close friend' you didn't think of it bring a major issue so you carried on watching the movie, you placed your head onto Daniels shoulder, seconds later you where asleep, you got woken up to Daniel kissing your forehead trying not to wake you up, you turned and wrapped your arm around his stomach and looked up to Daniel and kissed him. He said "Charlie, I just want you to know that I love you and your safe in my arms" " yeah ik that I just want you to hold me forever" "I will don't worry, did you want to go lay upstairs" "yes" you held his hand up the stairs and you both got comfy In bed.
You get woken by dm after dm after dm, you look at your phone as Daniel is holding you tight like he is never going to let go. You open up one dm it was the picture Daniel posted and with a message saying 'is this you the "close" friend we all saw how Daniel was looking at you during the interview "Daniel, hey Daniel wake up"
"I'm sorry babe what's up"
"look at this dm there all going crazy"
"oh no sorry babe I will delete the photo"
"no don't take it down it's fine it's just all new to me"
"are you sure"
"yes just go back to sleep and hold me longer."
Daniel turned over to grab his phone, he stared texting
"who are you texting babe"
"Just jack asking if I was okay,and asking who the "close" friend is" you had a little think
"we have to tell them soon"
You sigh "the boys they are gunna start getting curious" you asked Daniel
"What did you say to jack"
"I said it was one of my friends from my hometown."

You got up and out of bed and put Daniels shirt on and some high waisted jeans on (with the shirt tucked in with a belt). You where doing your hair in the bathroom and Daniel walks in
"is that my shirt"
you chuckled
"yes it is"
"It looks great on you", you continued to do your hair, after you had done your hair you went downstairs. Daniel was wasting at the bottom of the stairs so you could say goodbye, you opens the door
"Text me okay, I'm just round the corner if you need me"
"I know" as he started to walk away you yelled "I LOVE YOU" he smiled and shouted back at you "I LOVE YOU MORE". You went into Instagram and saw that Daniel had posted on his story it was a picture of him with the caption "that movie was great👍🏻" you sat down and thought this must be a dream this can't be happening there is no way I'm dating Daniel James seavey.

You message Daniel "so I've been thinking, we need to tell the boys sooner like today"
Daniel replied
"Wait what should I say, you tell them they won't believe me"
"Okay, get them all on FaceTime"
Your phone rang it was the boys which means it's time to tell them, you pick up the phone, you start of by saying "hey guys me and Daniel have something to tell you, so you know that Daniel said he was at a friends house, he wasn't he was actually in bed with me and have been dating since the day you all came round" they weren't buying it at first until Daniel said agreed
"but we can't tell non of the limelight's yet until me and Daniel decide to" they all agreed you felt a bit relieved cuz you were not hiding it from everyone in the band anymore. Hours past you get a from Daniel
"The guys want to come round to celebrate"
"That's fine ahahaha"
You posted a video of you on your Instagram story dancing to music, your phone blew up again but you weren't bothered by it this time.

The boys arrived and put music on and had a bit to drink, you sat next to Daniel on the sofa and he put his arm round your waist
"Aweeeeeeeeeee yall cute"
Daniel going red
"Shut up zach" 
Daniel started passionately kissing you, you two didn't stop till jack said
"Alright I'm getting jealous over here"
You both put your heads together and laugh and fall into Daniels arms.

"BABE" it was 10:30pm you thought what could he possible want me for "COMING" you walk into your room to find him with roses and a banner saying happy two months *ding* it was form the group chat " HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO YOU AND DANIEL" you ran into Daniels arms and didn't let go daniel flipped you over  and got up to shut the door then climbed on top of you, he stared kissing your neck downwards slowly, you've never felt so good in you life. You eventually started undressing each other and found yourself on top of Daniel. You open your eyes and look st the clock and look over at Daniel and smile, you put your round him and and put your head head on his chest as he turns and puts his arm round you
"Thank you for last night daniel, it was amazing, love you" he looks down and looks into your eyes and says in a croaky voice "no you where amazing, love you too"  you stayed in bed for a little longer and put the closest thing near you on and went and made breakfast, as you where putting the toast in the toaster you hear Daniel walk down the stairs "morning" he grabbed your ass from behind and kissed your neck onto your lips you both sat down and ate breakfast, you where so happy to be with Daniel.
" I'm just going to the toilet be right back"
You to the  toilet and came back to see Daniel had packed away "aweee  you didn't have to pack away"
"Yes I did, I think it's about time we tell my fans about us"
"Sure who's gonna make the post"
"I will dw I've got this all under control"
Daniel had posted about you and his relationship and you where getting so much support from all the limelight's about your relationship, you've never been so happy ever in your whole entire life
"hey Daniel"
"Yes babe"
"I love you so much"
"I love you too"
He says slowly pressing his lips onto yours and falling into a tight hug

You wake up and had to rush to the bathroom and found yourself over the toilet being sick you text Daniel
" hey could you run to the pharmacy and grab a pregnancy test because I just threw up a load  please"
" yeah sure I'll be right over"
You took the pregnancy test and it came back positive, you and Daniel were  so happy " now the next thing is we have to tell the rest of the band and Limelight's" you go to the group chat "guys I have exciting news IM PREGNANT"
They all sent there congrats to you and Daniel. You where worried what the limelight's will think so you and Daniel made a posts about you being pregnant and how there is going to be a gender reveal, all the limelight's where so  happy for Daniel and I.

" okay guys we are proud to announce that I'm pregnant with a baby girl and we are going to name her princess"
You, Daniel, zach , jack, Jonah and Corbyn all had a little celebration for the gender reveal, Daniel whispers in your ear " I love you more than anything and I can't wait to be a father to a beautiful girl and tour with the most beautiful human beings ever"  and kissed you in the forehead
"Awe thank you babe, I never thought that this would happen in a lifetime i thought I was going to be single forever and never have children but I'm glad I have you in my life I love you so so so so much"
You rest your head on his shoulder and all of a sudden *THUD THUD THUD THUD* zach falls down the Stairs "YOU OKAY ZACH"
"Yeah I'm fine Ahaha who put stairs there"
You all burst into laughter

You had given birth to a beautiful baby girl called 'princess' you and Daniel are the happiest you have ever been throughout your relationship, Daniel is a great dad to princess and zach, Jonah, jack and Corbyn are great uncles. Daniel and the boys where leaving a few months after princesses first birthday because they had to go on tour but you try not to show that your upset about it but it was fine because you knew Daniel loved both of you and would never let you two go

It was a day before Daniel and the boys leave for tour which means it's princesses birthday. You wake up Daniel up and get princess and let her open up her presents. you heard  a knock at the door Daniel opens it, it's the boys, Jonah said "hey we have a great gift for you and princess, we could all tell that you were going to miss us and Daniel when we went on tour
* zach* "me most"
*jonah* "shut up zach, so we managed to speak to our tour managers and you and princess can come on tour with us"
"WHAT NO FREEKING WAY" Daniel had no clue "WHAT, ima go start packing your things 
"Hear that baby we're going with daddy."
You all left for your the next day and all made a great family ❤️

            hope you enjoyed ❤️😊
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