Forever And Always *Sequel* (...

بواسطة bebe05215

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*Sequel to 'You Found Me' : Read it first then this one :) * Ariana Riddle and Draco Malfoy just finished t... المزيد

First Day Back
The Cruciatus Curse
Halloween Ball (Part 1)
Halloween Ball (Part 2)
Animal I Have Become
The Day After
One Night
Keeping Secrets
Christmas Break (Part 2)
The Ministry of Magic
Pissing Off The Carrows
Severus Snape
February Fun
March Madness (Part 1)
March Madness (Part 2)
Forever & Always My Ass!
What Situation?
Who Knew?
The Final Battle (Part 1)
The Final Battle (Part 2)
The Final Battle (Part 3)
The Aftermath
The Malfoy Trials
A Bad Feeling
Is She Dead?
Miracle Baby
Happiness And Love
Big Suprise
Wedding Bells
*Short Author's Note*

Christmas Break (Part 1)

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بواسطة bebe05215

Ariana's POV

As I emerged from the water, I grabbed my towel and patted myself dry. I scanned my surroundings looking for Ally and AJ. It was the day before Christmas Eve and they had invited me to go with them to a pool party. I, of course, could not resist the temptation of leaving the Malfoy Manor. That place is seriously going under. Thank Merlin for Narcissa. She keeps me company but today she took Scorpius to her friend's house and I would have accompanied her but the Rosiers were deatheaters and I simply could not handle being in a room with a bunch of suck-up, self-absorbed, Purebloods. I get enough of that with Draco. Speaking of which, I have not seen him since we've got back from Hogwarts. He left with his father on a 'mission' and will supposedly be back today but I was never the type to sit home and wait all day. Though I do miss him terribly. I want him here with me but of course he would never come to a muggle party, and that's too bad because all of these guys keep hitting on me. It's getting very annoying actually. I sighed but was then pulled away from my thoughts when I got hit in the head with a volleyball. I turned around and growled at AJ, who waved at me innocently.

"My bad Ariana." She yelled from the volleyball court and I simply nodded. 

"Whatever." I just blocked out the pain and I was as good as new. Soon the party progressed and we were all going crazy taking shots. I was too drunk to even stand. I couldn't even teleport so I did the only resasonable thing. I slept over Ally's house, along with AJ. The sleepover was epic. We had a massive pillow fight and I finally felt like a regular teenage girl. I forgot about all of my problems. After all of the games were finished, we settled down and I began to show them pictures of Draco and Scorpius.

"Dam! Draco is so hot!" AJ yelled.

"I know right!" I yelled back. 

"OMG! Scorpius is so Adorable!" Ally squealed.

"Aww my little man. I miss him." I suddenly got sad. I missed my baby and I wanted to go see him but he was probably asleep so I'll just have to play with him tomorrow.  For the rest of the night we gossiped and drunk more beer.

The next morning I woke up with a huge hang-over and since I was so hung-over I couldn't even block it out because it hurt to much to try. I'll just have to wait a little until I block it, I thought. Later on around nine O'clock I bid them good-bye and I teleported to the Manor. I successfully landed in my room. I proceeded to take a shower and wash my hair. Once I came out of the shower I straightened and wave my hair and applied some light make-up. Then I put on some dark, skin-tight jeans with a cute white and blue blouse and white flats. I wore my gold bangles and earings in order to tie the look together. I finally felt better so I blocked out the hang-over. Afterwards, I skipped down the steps and into the dinning room when I got there I saw that everyone was already eating breakfast. 

"Good Morning!" I sang and they all looked up at me. Lucius gave me a slight nod, while Draco completely  ignored me. Cissy was the only one who actually spoke.

"Good Morning dear how did you sleep last night?" She asked kindly.

"Great!" I exclaimed and Draco muttered something under his breath but I chose to ignore him for now. I skipped over to Cissy and took the baby who was more than happy to see me. "Hey Scorpius did you have fun with grandma yesterday?" He nodded and I smiled. "You did, that's great." I sat down and Missy brought me my food. I thanked her, which earned me a glare from Lucius but I did not give a dam.  

"So?" I looked up from my chocolate chip pancakes when Draco spoke. "Where were you yesterday?" He asked suspiciously.

"Oh hey, It's great to see you too." I said sarcastically.

"Answer the question!" He ordered.

"At a pool party." I told him while taking a bite out of one of my pancakes.

"Okay then why didn't you come home last night? You knew that I was coming why didn't you wait for me?" He asked a little angry. 

"You know that I'm not the type of girl to just sit around and wait. I need to have fun so I stayed over at Ally's house with AJ and we had a sleepover." I told him while tickling Scorpius, making him laugh.

"You slept over at a mudblood's house!" He yelled and stood up suddenly enraged. I nodded calmly and sipped on my orange juice. He walked over and yanked me up from my seat and dragged me upstairs to his bedroom. Once we were inside he locked the door and pushed me up against the wall. "Listen Ariana I have been very tolerant with you. But my father has been questioning me about you lately and I can't help but notice that he's right." 

"What has he been saying?" I asked calmly but inside I was raging.

"He believe that I have made a mistake in choosing you as my girlfriend." He stated.

"Why? Is it because I'm not a precious Pureblood?" He sighed and remained silent. "Or is it because I don't believe in that stupid dirty blood theory?" Again he was silent. "Or better yet-"

"No!" He cut me off. "It's because you don't obey me, your always doing as you please without thinking about the consequences and frankly, I'm tired of it. My father does not want me to end up with a broken heart or even dead."

"Why would you end up with a broken heart or dead?" I asked confused.

"Because your always out and only Merlin know what you are doing! What if one day you find somebody else and leave me? And trust me when I say that I'd rather die then be without you." 

"I would never do that Dray." I rubbed his cheek but he pulled back.

"I trust you but you have to obey me." 

"Draco you know I hate being controlled." I spat.

"Look either you grow up and stop acting so childish or I will have no choice but to leave you. I'm not playing games anymore Ariana, I don't care if your mean and disobedient to everyone else but when I say something you must do it or atleast give me a good reason for not doing it. Okay?" I nodded not wanting to argue with him.

"I missed you Dray." I whispered softly and he instantly calmed down, a small smile playing on his lips.

"I missed you too A." He leaned in and placed a gently kiss on my lips but it was enough to ignite the fire within. I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. He immediately got the message and he started trailing his hands up and down my thighs. I bit his bottom lips and he moaned. I took the opportunity and entered his mouth, taking control. He seemed to love it but before we could go any further our marks began to burn. We pulled apart and sighed. He grabbed my hand and tugged me downstairs where the unexpected meeting was taking place. 


"Good Morning sweetheart" I walked up to my father and hugged him, but glared at him for interrupting my alone time with Draco. I sat down inbetween Draco and some hairy dude, named Greyback or something. While Scorpius was upstairs sleeping in his room. "I have called this meeting to ask for any volunteers in the mission to capture Harry Potter tomorrow night at Godric's Hollow." Everyone raised their hands with the exception of myself, of course. 

"Pumpkin. Why isn't your hand up?" My father asked me confused.

"Because I think it's stup-" But Draco's hand squeazed my thigh from underneath the table. "I mean, it's my first Christmas with Scorpius and I'm really looking forward to it." I said sweetly.

"I see. No matter I have decided to send Nagini and as for the volunteer I pick Fenrir Greyback." I nodded not interested anymore. "Fenrir!"

"Yes My Lord" The hairy dude next to me answered.

"I need you to accompany Nagini and kill Bathilda Bagshot." My father ordered.

"And what shall I do with the body, My lord?" Fenrir asked hungrily, I was mentally gagging.

"Depose of it and do as you wish just make sure there is no trace of her left. Do not fail me." Fenrir nodded. Then my father apparated and left the Manor but the deatheaters decided to stay for lunch. While we were eating I felt a hand on my thigh but it was big and rough, not at all like Draco's soft and gentle hand. I looked down and saw Fenrir hairy hand on my thigh. I took a deep breath and tried to remove it without making a scene, but he wouldn't bugde. My eyes widened when I felt his smelly, hot breath against my ear.

"You smell so good." He purred and I felt like throwing up. "I can please you better than Malfoy. We should go back to my place and I'll show you what a real man is." I rolled my eyes. He's a bloody werewolf not a man. "What do you say?" Is he fucking serious? I turned around and saw that Draco was deep in conversation with his father and oblivious to everything. I turned back and glared.

"Absolutely not! If you don't take your bloody hand off of my thigh right now, I'll shove my wand up your-"

"Shhh relax, there's no need to get so angry." He paused and brushed my cheek with his hairy finger and leaned in. Right when he was about to touch my lips I pulled back, making my chair fall down. 

"Don't you dare touch me you filthy mut!" I spat and waved my hand making him fly across the room. He stood up and charged at me but I casted a leg binding spell on him and he fell on the floor. I laughed at him. Then I picked up my chair, sat down and began to eat like nothing happened.

"What happened love?" Draco asked looking angry but at the same time worried.

"He kept touching my thigh and trying to convince me to go back to his place. He wanted to show me what a 'real man' was. Then he tried to kiss me." I looked at Draco and I don't believe that I've ever seen him this angry before.

"If he trys anything again tell me. Okay?" I nodded and he relaxed a bit. Then he grabbed my hand and gently rubbed circles on it reasurringly. 


Later on after lunch, Draco and I went into the study to catch up but once were settled down on the couch, Fenrir stormed in.  I'm guessing that someone freed him from the spell and he walked up to me enraged. 

"Now your going to get it!" He yelled.

"Watch it Greyback!" Draco sneered wand in hand.

"Lucius!" Fenrir yelled and Draco's father appeared. "Cast the spell that you keep bragging about!" He ordered.

"My pleasure." He smirked and in the blink of an eye he yelled. "Removilato!" The spell hit me but I didn't feel anything. I looked at him confused because his smirk was still intact. "Done!" He exclamied proudly.

"Good!" Then Fenrir charged at me again and when I waved my hand nothing happened. I froze and tried to teleport but nothing would happen. Since I had left my wand upstairs, I panicked and jumped up on Draco's lap. He held me tight and with his wand he blasted Fenrir across the room. Then Draco turned to his father looking furious.

"Father! What the bloody hell did you do to her?" He yelled at Lucius and he shrugged.

"Nothing it's just a spell that removes her powers for a couple of days. Now we can hurt- I mean teach her a lesson whenever we find it necessary." My eyes widened and I held on to Draco even tighter. Both of the men left the room and we sat there in silence until Draco leaned up and whispered in my ear.

"Don't worry A, I'll protect you. I promise." And he kept it that promise. For the rest of the day he was by my side and he even helped me unpack my clothes and find my wand. After having my wand in my hands I felt alot better. 


Draco's POV

The next morning was alot less eventful. Ariana was of course squealing like a little girl due to the fact that it was Christmas. I smiled as she jumped up and down with Scorpius. She was truly amazing. I couldn't have asked for a better family. Anyways, the day is going by smoothly. However, Ariana keeps on complaining about not having her powers and having to do everything the 'hard' way. I laugh at her everytime she pouts, it's so adorable. Ugh! I've become soft. I remember back in fourth year when I would make fun of all of the guys who acted like this during the Yule Ball. Fawning over their girlfriends and wanting to give them everything. I huffed. I guess I'm one of them now.

"Hey Dray, do I look okay?" She paused. "OMG! That totally rhymed." I shook my head at her. "Anyways, what do you think?" She came out of the walk in closet and I suddenly felt very hot. She was modeling a strapless, cream colored dress. It hugged her curves perfectly and it made her front and back stand out more, if you know what I mean. Her long hair was cascading down her back in luscious waves. She looked delicious. "So....I take it, you like it?" She giggled and I blushed. I had been staring at her with my mouth open.

"You look amazing!" I commented and she smiled her dazzling smile. 

"Good and that meeting better be quick because we need to open our presents." I nodded in agreement. She stood up and stared at the wall then she sighed heavily. "Curse your father. Now I have to walk  all the way downstairs." I chuckled as she complained.

"Hey! It not that bad." She turned and glared.

"Not that bad! I feel like a stupid muggle." She gasped and covered her mouth.

"Stupid muggle?" I smirked and she shook her head.

"No I didn't mean that. OMG! Am I pregnant again?" This got my full attention. I jumped up from the bed and ran over to her.

"You've got to be joking. We always use the prevention spell. Why would you think that?" 

"Because I was mean to everyone and I acted like you when I was pregnent." I sighed relieved and she raised an eyebrow at me.

"Don't you remember? It was that potion that Madame Pomfrey gave you after I hit you with the spell. The side effects made you act like me, it wasn't because you were pregnant." I explained.

"Oh yeah! Sorry I was having a Draco Malfoy Moment." She nodded.

"Yes you were acting quite dumb- Wait! A what moment?" 

"Huh! What? The meeting? Okay let's go." I rolled my eyes as she picked up Scorpius. Then I grabbed her hand and we walked dowstairs and into the dining room. When we got there her father hadn't arrived yet so we sat down and talked. We called Missy and told her to take good care of Scorpius until the meeting was over. We both kissed his forehead and the minute Missy left with Scorpius, the Dark Lord entered the room with a very angry expression. Everyone was dead silent. After a moment of silence Ariana spoke.

"Merry Christmas!" She almost shouted and I just shook my head.

"What's so merry about it?" The Dark Lord scoffed and Ariana looked pissed. And I knew why. She loved Christmas and insulting it was mistake number 1.

"Fine forget it!" She snapped and I thought she was going to stop there but of course it's Ariana. "Your grumpy ass. I bet my wand your number 1 on Santa's naughty list." She crossed her arms and pouted like a five year old. I smiled a little but it didn't last.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that! Don't you think that Lucius has informed me of your current situation?" She rolled her eyes unintimidated. He took out his wand and pointed it at her but before he could fire a spell she silently casted 'Expelliarmus' and it landed behind him on the floor.

"Aren't you forgetting something, Daddy? I am still the most powerful person in this room with or without my powers." She smirked, my smirk. 

"Just shutup! I don't have time for this right now" He snapped.

"You started it! But whatever hurry up so we can finish. I can't stand your presence." He shook his head, fustrated and turned to us. 

"Last night's mission turned out a complete failure." Ariana smiled and I could tell that she was jumping of joy on the inside. "Harry Potter managed to get away again. This means that we must double our search and find him immediately. Starting tonight all of you will look for him." 

"Oh God!" Ariana groaned and put her head in her palms. 

"Do you have something to say?" The Dark Lord turned to her and she looked up.

"Actually, Voldie I do." She stood up and I gave her a 'Sit the bloody hell down and shut the fuck up' look but she just shook me off. "You and your little obsession is getting on my dam nerves." My eyes widened, she was definitely pushing it. 

"What!" The Dark Lord stood up and screamed at her. "You foolish little girl! Insulting me will get you no where and your son is upstairs I could quickly arrange for his death." I felt the color draining from my face but Ariana turned red with anger, including her eyes. She looked as if she had reached her boiling point.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!" She screamed. "You are an old ass pedophile! Are you in love with Harry Potter or something? Because it seems to me that he's always on your twisted ass mind. And don't even think about touching Scorpius because I don't give a dam if you think your some type of immortal god! I will fucking kill you!" Everyone gasps and the Dark Lord approached her with an unreadible expression. She stood her ground and looked at him, almost daring him to do something.

"Is that so?" He said calmly and everyone looked confused, including myself. He then turned towards Greyback. "Fenrir go upstairs and get the child." My heart literally stopped beating. I looked at Ariana and she looked unfazed by all of this.  We anxiously waited and when Greyback appeared with Scorpius in his arms. My muscles tensed up and I tried to stand but my mother held me back. The Dark Lord grabbed Scorpius and turned to Ariana. 

"Give him to me!" She ordered looking pissed but controlled.

"No. I feel like having some fun." He grabbed Scorpius' little arm and buried his nails in them. The next sound will haunt me forever. Scorpius screamed in agony and when Ariana lunged at her father, Greyback held her back. Soon the Dark Lord stopped but Scorpius was still crying. 

"You fucking noseless son of a bitch! How could you do that to your own grandchild?" Ariana yelled/sobbed. You could tell that she was just realizing how evil her father can really be. 

"Insulting will get you no where." He repeated and picked up his wand, pointing it at the baby. "This will be your punishment Ariana. I hope you live with the guilt for being the cause of your son's death." I stood up but my father blocked my path. I heard someone groaning and I looked to my left and saw that Ariana had somehow freed herself from Greyback's grip. He was now doubled over in pain.

"Don't your dare!" She warned, her voice dangerous while her eyes pitch black. I had never seen her so angry. The Dark Lord smirked and pointed his wand.


"Scorpius, teleport NOW!" She screamed causing her father to stop speaking mid-way through the curse. Then in the blink of an eye Scorpius was safe in my arms. The Dark Lord stared at his empty arms, confusion written all over his face.

"What the.." 

"What's wrong Tom?" Ariana taunted him and then did a silent spell immobolizing him. She got dangerously close to him and spoke menacingly. "I told you what would happen if you hurt Scorpius right?" The Dark Lord's eyes went wide. "Your punishment is death. I am through with you. I have finally reached my peak. See you later Tommy Boy" She waved her wand and everyone who did not live here was gone. She sighed heavily and walked over to me, tears gliding down her rosy cheeks.

"Is he okay?" She asked me scared for the first time tonight. I looked down and examined his cuts. I pointed my wand and muttered a spell, healing them.

"Yes, he'll be fine." I said confindently and she grabbed the baby, pulling him into a bone crushing hug. 

"I am so sorry Scorpius. Please forgive me! I didn't think he'd take it that far but I still shouldn't have went along with it." She sobbed and looked into his big eyes. "Are you mad at me?" She asked and he shook his head. I smiled while she sighed and hugged him.

Soon we went upstairs and got ready for bed. She put Scorpius to sleep on our bed. I'm guessing she was too scared to leave him alone in his room tonight. I sat on the bed while she sat on the rocking chair looking very pensive. I waved my hand in front of her face but she would not respond so I shook her knee gently and she looked up at me startled.

"Oh hey, wassup?" She smiled weakly as she spoke.

"I just wanted to ask you something." She nodded beckoning me to continue. "How on earth did you know that Scorpius could teleport?" She sighed and looked around, obviously avoiding eye contact with me.

"Remember a couple fo days ago when we first came back from Hogwarts?" I nodded. "Well after you and I had that big arguement. I cried and cried, clutching Scorpius to my chest, but after a moment I realized that he was gone. I teleport to him and found him in your room by the bathroom door." She blushed and I smirked. She was probably remembering me in a towel. " Apparently when we argued, he didn't want you to leave so he went to find you. I asked him a couple of questions and made him show me as well. That is how I found out that he could only teleport to you." My eyes widened in surprise.

"Only to me?" I asked not believing it and she nodded. I smiled but then it turned into a frown. "Then why didn't you tell me?" I asked upset.

"Because I was mad at you and I didn't know how good your Occulmency was. I really didn't want my father finding out so I kept it a secret and told him to only teleport when I tell him to." She muttered a little ashamed. 

"But I am his father I deserve to know! How could you be such a selfish bitch!?!" I yelled and she flinched at my tone of voice. I instantly felt guilty and took a deep breathe. "Look, I'm sorry but you still should have told me." She nodded but she wouldn't look at me. I sighed deeply and got up, walking over to my drawer. I grabbed her christmas present and walked back. Then I kneeled down on one foot, in front of her. I took her hands in mine and looked at the side of her face since she refused to look my way.

"I wanted to do this in a more romantic way but I can't wait any longer." I took a deep breathe and opened the tiny black box, revealing a very expensive wedding ring. She still hadn't looked so I was beginning to get very nervous. "Ariana Lane Riddle, will you marry me?" Her head instantly snapped towards me and once her eyes caught hold of the ring, they widened immensely. She was silent at first and then a huge smiled was plastered on her face. A heart breaking smile that I will never forget. She jumped down and tackled me onto the floor, kissing me. I chuckled.

"Is that I yes?" I asked between kisses and she pulled back.

"Of course it is!" She smiled causing me to smile. I took her hand and slipped on the ring, it was a perfect fit. She giggled out of pure joy. The she bent down and continued to kiss me. I truly felt like I was the luckiest guy on earth. 


Hoped you guys liked it! It took me forever to write it. Sorry I was having writer's block but I'm over it :D                            

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