Kitten's Little Flame

By magicalsalamander

6.9K 251 21

Pairing: BTS Suga/Yoongi (Dragon hybrid) x Reader (Cat hybrid) Genre: Fluff, slight angst, hybrid!au, BTS hyb... More

Kitten's Little Flame Part 1
Kitten's Little Flame Part 3
Kitten's Little Flame Part 4 (M)
Kitten's Little Flame Part 5 [M/Final]
Kitten's Little Flame [Epilogue]

Kitten's Little Flame Part 2

1K 37 1
By magicalsalamander

Hello, I'm sorry it took so long to upload the secondary part. However, know I wrote this a long time ago and have not found the time to edit it. Know you can find the rest of the series completely posted on . I will still post the rest of the series here. Thank you for reading.

Two plumes of white smoke rose out of his nose, swirling and intertwining with the frigid air that blanketed this Winter night. For him the seasons change was nothing, he held an orange marmalade tinted flame within him that was constantly lit and provided a furnace that made him run hot. A walking fireplace that provides a warmth that is felt only by few. He stuffed his hands in his university hoodie pocket as he walked down the snow-covered street. Snow was falling lightly from the starless night and melted instantly once it touched Yoongi's face, so he buried himself even further into his hoodie to avoid the moisture. The snow littering the sidewalk reflected greens, reds, and blues from the neon lights of shops that were open. Whiffs of peppermint and different dinners along the main street coursed through as people opened various shops doors.

He was returning from campus after submitting his last final of the semester. Music has always been his passion and now he is working towards a professional degree in Recording and Composing. His last final was for his advance music production class and it was a project that was months of work. He can remember the countless nights he spent writing and rewriting his compositions. The countless nights he spent in the studios on campus for students in the Music department. His final was late in the afternoon and he had to submit all his paperwork and a USB of the actual recording of the final project to his professor.

The buzzing of the neon lights, the bustling of people going home from their nine to five, and honking of the traffic reminded him of how much time he had spent indoors these past four months. The occasional shop he passed by rang with holiday tunes. He looked across the street and saw the café that you and Yoongi along with the rest of the gang frequented when you all had time and weren't drowning in school work. This was your third year in University and it was about an hour from your guys hometown. The group you've grown up with since you all were kids made it to University. The eight of you, all different types of hybrids, were striving for success on different paths. The eight of you were all different ages besides species, but you balanced each other out much like fibers coming together to create a single thread.

Yoongi pulled his smart phone out of his jean pants pocket and pulled down his hood to look for your contact. He scrolled through his phone to bring up his recent conversation with you finding your contact saved under the name "Kitty", and pressed the green button to call you. He knew you were already home since today was also your last day for finals and how stressed you've been with your classes this semester. To add icing to the cake you had a professor who was less than qualified to teach a class that was detrimental to you getting into your nursing program. He waited as the dial tone went through, but after a minute of waiting you still weren't picking up and it went to voicemail. He sighed and hung up, and another stack of hot steam made its way out his mouth. It wasn't unusual for you to not answer his phone, despite the man times of him scolding you for not picking up or responding timely. It irked him to his core when you didn't answer his call, who knew if something could happen to you when he wasn't there. He ran his hand through his hair and stuffed his phone back into his pocket grumbling your name. He knew you probably haven't eaten today because of your anxiety before exams makes you ignore basic needs. At some point he was sure you were probably part avian for how little you ate in general. He decided to make a safe bet and get you food by walking into the café, determined to get home as fast as he could.

The plastic bag with two trays of your guys usual swung back and forth in his hand, as Yoongi speed walked his way home. The longer he waited for the take out to be served the more he thought about you possibly not being okay. He knew he was probably overthinking and protective, but it was his Kitty that we're talking about. Waiting in a booth his leg started to bounce in impatience as he waited and glared at the receipt as if that would speed up the process any faster. As soon as his name was called he stood up abruptly with his tail swinging impatiently behind him, he snagged the bag and thanked the waitress curtly. He didn't want to be rude, but when it came to your safety he could throw everything out the window. The sound of snow crunching under his Chelsea boots carried him all the way to the shared apartment complex that was about a 15-minute walk from the campus. He entered the elevator leading to the 5th floor of the complex and made his way over to apartment 512.

Winter, the season you weren't about to gather anyone who would listen and rant and rave about it. No, it was the season you didn't enjoy for a simple reason, you didn't like the cold. The bitter cold stings and seeps into your bones and it always feels like needles prickling your skin. It only made it worse that you were alone in your apartment, bundled up in layers of shirts and leggings under sweat pants, a hoodie and pizza printed socks. You had your hood up and encompassing your head with the strings pulled so you only had a small outlet to watch the TV with. You also had your comforter with you on the couch to keep you extra warm. The occasional shiver racks through your body as you watch the reporter on TV report the weather is only going to get colder in the next few days. The news causes you to curl in more on yourself searching for any more potential heat. The effect of the hot coco you had earlier has worn off a while ago and so now you were relying on your own little cocoon to keep you warm. To add further to your situation, the adrenaline was finally wearing off and you were feeling exhausted after the stress of the past weeks.

You heard your phone ring in the familiar ringtone letting you know Yoongi was calling you. You groan in protest not wanting to answer the phone because that would require you to move. As any grown adult would you decided not to answer it, refusing to breech your little cocoon. You whimper because you miss your portable heater, for more than the simple reason of him being a literal flame. Finals have been so chaotic that you've both barely seen each other, despite living together. Your rooms are literally right across from one another. This semester you've been stuck with a morning schedule mostly and you've spent the majority of your time in the library to use all the figures and displays they have to help study for your Anatomy final. Honestly, besides the heat the Yoongi provided physically, your cheeks always warm up as well when Yoongi is near. The guy does something to your heart that has it doing summer saults. Yoongi has been cooped up in the studio as well, so the only time you get to run into one another is the time when Yoongi is making his way out of the apartment and you're just coming back from the Library. At those times all you get to ask your best friend is how he's doing and if the project is going well, before he's off to finish his project and you to cram more at home.

Twenty minutes later Yoongi's punching in the key code and rushing in from the outside with a plastic bag rustling as he makes his way through the door. He slips off his shoes and lazily tosses his backpack around near the entrance. "Y/N?" he calls out to you with a bit of frustration in his tone, checking if you're are home. "Hmmmh", you mumble from underneath your little fort and turn to look towards the entrance of the shared apartment. He sets the bag of take out on the kitchen counter and walks into the living room to finally fully take in your little arrangement. He scoffs a bit and smirks at how cute you look all bundled up as if the apocalypse is upon the horizon. He honestly wanted to scold you on the spot with his mouth agape ready to spill, but how can he when you're in your given state. The scowl on his face softens a bit before he strides over to you and he sits down next to you and says, "I called and texted you asking if you wanted something to eat, but since you didn't answer me...well I guess I'll have to enjoy it all on my own." You peek through your little hoodie hole at Yoongi and decided to slip it off to express to with the biggest smile you could to show how "pitiful" you were. By pulling back the hoodie you exposed a messy bun and makeup less face, a result of not caring about appearance today. You pull your best pus-in-boots eyes with your ears pulled back and to add to the grand effect you unfurl your tail from around your waist and stroke it innocently and sweetly remark, "you wouldn't do that to me Yoongi, that would be inhumane." You look up at look up through your lashes at Yoongi and move to curl into his side. He knew you were going to say that exact phrase, but when you pulled that face you knew would instantly melt him, he completely softens. You shiver because the cold has hit your neck, but smile because Yoongi feels like Summer. He stiffens for a second but then relaxes instantly when you curl up next to him. You inhale his scent and he smells like freshly pressed espresso and a bit like a campfire.

He's the calming cool you seek in the Summer, but a comforting warmth in the Winter.

Normally, other hybrids would have not dared to even touch Yoongi because of his hard and cold exterior, but you're the only one who's able to do this with him. The rest of the group only can go so far with Yoongi, but he still protects them if someone dares to test any of them. Being your best friend for over a decade, he has learned how to let your simple actions of affection become the normalcy. He's so used to you being affectionate towards him, but still his heart skips a beat when you reach out to him. Yoongi knows you like the back of his hand, he feels you shiver and questions, "is it really that cold?" You burry your face further into his shoulder and nod, mumbling something about your toes feeling frozen and will break upon mere contact. Your ears tickle his neck and he stifles a laugh at your pitiful act. He scratches your ears and instantly you purr in content. You feel at complete ease and slowly heat up with your dragon being your fireplace.

He lets you snuggle into his side for five minutes before he interrupts your comfort with "Hey popsicle, the food is going to get cold." You grumble about not wanting to move, but Yoongi having hunger drive him he has to peel you off of him (despite every instinct internally telling him to pull you in closer) and walks to the kitchen. He brings the takeout to the living room and sets it on the coffee table and pulls out your tray and hands it to you. You open the tray and instantly light up and snag a plastic fork form the plastic bag. You take a bite and hum in content and do a little shoulder dance in happiness. Yoongi laughs at the sight and starts helping himself to his tray. He picks up the remote control and starts scrolling through the guide to look for a movie you both can tolerate. You ask each other in between bites about how each other's finals went, and both eliciting a responding with "I'm just glad it's over with." Yoongi finds a movie that you both wouldn't mind and fall into this lull of comfort of just being with each other. You scoot closer to Yoongi as you finished all the food in your tray and set it down on the coffee table empty. You lay your head on Yoongi's shoulder and thank him for the meal. He only grunts in response, afraid if he turns his head to look down at you your faces will be closer than appropriate.

Half way through the movie, Yoongi has his arm around your shoulders bringing you into an embrace and you moved half your comforter over his legs to share the blanket. Yoongi's breathing has evened out after some time and it's become shallow as you feel the slow rise of his chest against your side. You tilt your head so you can look up at Yoongi to see if he's actually asleep. It's an instantly confirmation as his eyes are closed and his head slightly bobbing back and forth. You smile softly knowing he must've missed hours of sleep and his body is done fighting instinct to sleep. You stare at his face and observe his features. Since you've first meet Yoongi he's always had his black hair and horns that adorn his forehead. Although when he was younger they weren't more than an inch in length, now they've grown and curve back about seven inches. He's always been handsome, but now as an adult he's grown into his features adorned with a sharp jawline.

Confusion clouds your heart though, you're not sure if Yoongi treats you as just a sister/best friend, or as a potential love interest. You can't believe that a man this attractive and accomplished could ever like you. You're just a plain jane, an average house cat. You heart hurts knowing that Yoongi would never look at you the way you do to him. You've seen the girls that chase after Yoongi since elementary school, but he always pushed them away. You know he cares more about his passion than chasing tails, at least that's what he said when Taehyung asked him after the most popular girl in school gave him a love letter and rejected her.

You're no delicate flower; at least since you started hanging around the guys, you've learned how to defend yourself physically and mentally and not take anything from anyone. As a cat hybrid there's the stereotypes of cats being a snarky, standoffish and overall cruel. However, you break those stereotypes and really care about the wellbeing of others and even want to pursue a career as a nurse. Although you aren't the most extroverted being out there like, you still like your time to yourself to be with yourself. That being said you don't lack confidence with yourself, but you feel like you don't deserve someone as amazing as Yoongi.

In kindergarten when Yoongi saved you once by pushing away a dog hybrid that was trying to bully you and cornered you on the playground, you became best friends. He pointed to the kid and told him to never to mess with what's his in a low growl. At the time you were so shocked because Yoongi never talked to you directly besides that one time, but he was always hanging around the same circle of friends. Taehyung, Hoseok and Jimin, a panther hybrid, were only a second late coming behind Yoongi as he declared a threat and seeing the other hybrid book it with his tail between his legs. They picked you up off the ground and asked if you were okay inspecting for any damage. You nodded and looked up at Yoongi to mutter "Thank you" with a bright smile. After that day you would approach Yoongi and even offer him a part of your lunch box your mom would pack. The best friendship wasn't instant but Yoongi came to keep you near as you would follow him around. You grew even closer in middle school when your parents finally left their office jobs after saving enough money and opening their own record store. Yoongi's passion and interest for music grew after your dad showed him all the classics in the shop, and your mom introducing him to notorious rappers. Your mom may look like a sweet woman, but she enjoys her hardcore music. He would show up at the shop with the others when you were just sitting around on the weekends working on homework in the back. You both would just listen to tunes and try to recommend new artists when you ran across them. Eventually as you grew older you met new friends a few grades up of yours, a wolf hybrid named Namjoon and he brought in Seokjin, a brown bear hybrid. As you were a junior in high school a bunny hybrid named Jungkook, younger than all of you, came into the group through Jimin. The eight of you stuck together and became inseparable.

You got lost in studying Yoongi's face that you failed to notice him getting closer to you. The bobbing of his head finally fell forward and landed with your foreheads meeting. His soft, warm breath tickles your face while your noses brushes against each others. Your cheeks instantly redden and panic sets in, you don't know whether to move away or stay. Your breath tickles Yoongi's face and he slowly opens his eyes and meet yours. He takes a second to just look into your eyes, Y/e/c irises sparkle with reflections of light from the TV. His widen a second later realized that this is real, he's face to face with his Kitty. He backs away and coughs to cover up his pinking cheeks to pull of an act of nonchalance. You stand up abruptly and gather your blanket, you take one glance at Yoongi before stating shakily, "I'm..I'm going to go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow Yoongi." Before he can even reply you're already in your room shutting the door behind you.

Yoongi sits on the couch speechless, everything happened so fast, but at the same time nothing happened. His heart is beating in his chest so hard and fast that he feels the embers in his furnace creeping up his throat giving him a butterfly feeling. He leans back on the couch with his forearm over his eyes and sighs. He can't help it anymore, he can't deny that he just wants to protect you as his best friend.

What does this mean for you both now?

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