Peaceful Midnight Dare

By Sins_Little_Doll

177 4 2

its a short story i had to do for school ... its about a girl names scarlett and her friends dare her go wal... More

Peaceful Midnight Dare

177 4 2
By Sins_Little_Doll


DONT HAVE TO READ  ..................  

Ok I had to write a short story that was about 2 pgs and read it to my class. my short story really sucks but I handed it in late so I rushed :P.  

its a boring story with really no intreresting parts i love the Cemetery part only every thing eles was crap....... i did the middle frist :P thats how alot of my work is done XD 


Peaceful Midnight Dare!

             Scarlett is a 15 year old girl, who just moved in to a small place called North Rose Town. She starts a new school called Rosemend high school. Scarlett made new friends in the first day of school. Her first friend's name is Zanna, who has long red hair and light brown eyes. Next is Alex who has short jet black hair with green highlights and deep blue eyes. Last but not least we have Sam who has blond hair with pink highlights and deep blue eyes. It was October 17 and a really cold night. Scarlett went over to Alex's house with her friends to watch 'The Cemetery Man.' The movie was rated 'R' but Alex's brother got it for us.  

"Hey guys." Scarlett said walking in to the room.  

"Hey!" they all said back.  

"Great timing, the movie is about to start." Zanna said. I sat down next to Sam who looked unhappy about being forced to watch a horror movie and I don't blame her. I hated horror movies too but I am not going to let them know that. After two hours of screaming and jumping the movie ended.  

"Wow that sucked!" Alex said right after the movie.  

"Totally. I mean come on, the gore fest was worthless!" Zanna said getting up  

"Totally!" Everyone just looked at me then stared laughing. "What?" I said.  

"Scarlett, I think you were the one screaming the most," Alex said,  

"Was not!" I said, knowing full well that I did scream a lot.  

"Scarlett, you where scared," Zanna said.  

"I wasn't scarred, ok." Alex looked at Zanna and raised his eye brow.  

"Ok, if you're not scared then I dare you to go into the graveyard down the street for 30 minutes." Alex said. I looked at Alex hoping he was joking, but the way he was smiling I knew he wasn't. I sighed knowing that if I didn't go Alex wouldn't shut up about it.  

"Fine." I said, walking out the door. My friends followed me down the street towards the graveyard. I had to force my legs to keep moving and I came closer and closer to the dead looking graveyard. I stopped at the entrance and looked backed. I took a deep breath and got ready to go in when  

Sam said, "Scarlett, you don't have to go in there."  

I almost jumped at the idea when Alex said "Yes she does, unless she too scared to go."  

"I am not scared!"

             As Scarlett walked into the freezing cold graveyard she gets a creepy feeling that she is being watched. She started reading the chiseled writing on the headstones to pass some time, some headstones had big crosses on them and others had angels. She notices that some of them were there for years and years. She looks on top of some of the stones and sees wilted flowers of all colours, some roses, poppies, orchids, tulips, violets, and many more that she doesn't recognize. Scarlett looks up at the full blue moon and lets the warmth of it warm her soul. The wind whistles a soft song as it passes her ears. She lay down on the long, cold, wet grass letting the cold October night take her in. She feels at ease until she sees something pass by her head making her heart beat faster. Looking over her shoulder she slowly starts to get up from the green, dark grass. In the upper branches of an old, dead, brown tree, an owl that was almost covered in the midnight shadows looks down at her with bright yellow eyes. Scarlett began to slowly walk out of the graveyard. She remembers that when she walked in she was terrified of how dead the place looked but now she now knows that the graveyard is just as alive as she is. Scarlett walked out of the graveyard to see her friends sitting down by the big stone wall that stands the graveyard Scarlett walked up to her friends.  

"Hey, you still have ten minutes left," Alex said.  

"Ha! I knew it. She was scarred!" Zanna exclaimed.  

"Ok fine, yes, I was scared during the movie. Are you happy now?" I  said. Alex started to laugh and I  started to get mad.  

"What's so funny? You know you didn't have to lie, I mean it's not like we're going to kick you out of our group because of a movie," Alex said. I sighed and we started to walk back to the house.

* * THE END * *


DONT HAVE TO READ BUT BLA BLA BLA ....................................  

ok so thats it no other parts no to be continued thats my short story : )  

like i said not vary good but i got bord in class so i posted my short story that all really  

so comment tell what mark you think I should of got :P


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