Mythlands: Mythical Origins

By JasonGreenfield

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Mythical Origins is all about the Mythlands and it's characters - see in story description. More

Introduction to the Mythlands
1. I rose to a Great Height
3. A Most Extraordinary Meeting
4. Dopplers
5. Down at the Beach
6. Let's play a Game
7. These Unnatural Urges
8.1. What Ariel Did Next: Part One
8.2. What Ariel Did Next: Part Two
8.3. What Ariel Did Next: Part Three
8.4 What Ariel Did Next: Part Four
10. 201 Teddy Bears (and Phoenix)
11. Death or Glory
13. A Most Peculiar Gathering
14. Exit Left
15. The Wild Hunt

9. 90 Days in Wonderland

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By JasonGreenfield

*** Weekend Write-In for 19th Oct 2018 ***

"bump": In 500 words, tell what happens when there is a bump


'Hi, my name is Tarrant, I'm a Hatter by Royal Appointment. Today's a very exciting day for me; today is the day my betrothed arrives from Oz.'

Camera switches to the March Hare. 'Yeah, uh big day. Big day.

Back to Tarrant Hightopp. 'I guess some of my friends have some concerns, but guys ...' Turns to friends sitting on sofa opposite. 'I've never been happier than I was with Jellia and I want you guys to make her feel at home.'

Alice. 'We just want you to be happy sweetie. Don't we March?'

March Hare looks unconvinced. 'All I'm saying is that it's super hard to get residency in Wonderland and Oz under Queen Ozma ... well I'd want to get out of there if I lived there.'

VOICE-OVER - Jellia Jamb works in the palace in Oz. She first met Tarrant when he visited as part of a diplomatic mission.

'Hi, I'm Jellia. My fiance ... ohmigod, I still can't believe it ... well he is the tallest, handsomest ... I love him so much. When we first met last year it was like, love at first sight. I am a bit nervous, leaving Oz and all my friends and family behind, but ... well today's the day I find out from the Wonderland embassy.

Cut to Tarrant siting behind laptop. Jellia's face appears on the screen.

Cut to Tarrant facing the camera. 'She is so gorgeous and I am so lucky. I never thought I'd find love again after the divorce.

Cut to March Hare. 'Hatter and I have been friends for years, so of course I want him to be happy. But I was there for the meltdown of his marriage to Mary Ann.'

White Rabbit interjects. 'Mary Ann used to be my housemaid, but she was a terrible social climber.'

March Hare nods. 'Hatter is a romantic, he's very gullible and child-like in some ways and we don't want to see him used for a green card. And confidentially ... well Mary Ann was once mistaken for Alice and when I saw a picture of Jellia ...

White Rabbit continues. 'Hatter has a type, pretty young girls with polite refined accents and he and Alice are BFFs. She thinks of him like a brother and March and I worry he's, well ...

March Hare speaks bluntly. 'Hatter has been in love with Alice forever. He'd never tell her so, fear of rejection you see. So he keeps seeking out these Alice types and ... well like I said, I'm going to give Jellia a chance but I hope she doesn't end up breaking my friend's heart.

Cut back to Tarrant in front of laptop - Jellia's face appears on the screen. She looks serious.

'Baby, did you ... are you ...?'

Jellia breaks out into a wide smile. 'They said yes! I'm coming to Wonderland baby, I'm coming!'

'Ohmigod, ohmigod, ohmigod!! Baby, I love you, I can't wait.'

Cut to airport. Tarrant waits with flowers and chocolates. 'I'm so excited now the day is here. It's been three months since we were together. I hope she likes life in Wonderland. Oh god ... my heart is pounding a mile a minute! I made a new top hat ... my biggest ever.'

Tarrant shows a green felt top hat with a huge sign saying 'Welcome' attached to it.

Cut to montage of Jellia packing in Oz, checking in at the airport and in the departure lounge.

A beaming Jellia sits with her friend Betsey Bobbin holding her hand. Behind them their other friend, the Sawhorse rocks back and forth excitedly. 'When will you tell him?'

Jellia smiles. 'As soon as I get there honey. I love him so much.'

She places a hand on the slight bump of her stomach and gazes starry eyed at a picture of Tarrant.

Tune in next time to see Tarrant and Jellia's reunion. Will it be all roses or do the happy couple face bumps in the road ahead. And just what will the March Hare say!!?? Next time on 90 Day Fiance: Mythlands Edition.

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