Personal Experience

By TSDBlackBelt

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Written by @AndreaLotter and myself. This is a story about a young girl who knows the boys of One Direction;... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Thirty-Six

141 0 0
By TSDBlackBelt

Just in the mood to update more because I have it completely written - TSDBlackBJJWhite

 *Colleen’s P.O.V.*

Time has gone by so quick, and the honeymoon was amazing. Harry had me pampered with couples massages and wraps in a private suite. My skin and muscles have never felt better. Even though we only had sex twice, we were still being mischievous around the island. I couldn’t be any happier knowing I had married the love of my life. Even though it took three or four years for it to happen, anyone could tell that Harry and I are happy; and everyone else too.

Despite all the obstacles we have faced, as a group, this year, we made it through it all. As soon as we get back to our house after our daily stroll through the park Harry’s phone begins to ring. “Hello?” he puts it on speaker.“ANDREA IS GRADUATING!” he yells through the phone like a proud father.

Andrea has been studying to become a Certified Crime Scene Investigator when she met Niall. She had to skip a few months when she went on tour for a bit, and only after the incident with Jack and after their marriage did she start studying full time again. She has been waiting so long for this, and I’m thrilled for her.

We were all invited to the graduations, but only Louis, Eleanor, Niall, Harry me and Maura can make it to her Graduation at the British Academy of Forensic Science. Unfortunately, Andrea’s parents can’t make it along with Perrie, Zayn, Kaitlyn and Liam.

“I am so proud of you,” I congratulate Andrea.

“Always knew you were a nerd,” Harry teases.

“Be careful Harry,” Andrea retorts, “I can hurt you, or kill you, and make it look like Barney did it.” Harry steps behind me.

“There she is,” Maura comes over to hug Andrea.

“Maura, so nice to see you! I missed you guys so much!”

“We missed you too, dear. Chris, Greg, Denise and Theo send their love; and they wish they were here.”

“Thank you,” Andrea smiles.

“Tell me dear, how’s that son of mine treating you?”

“Mum, do you ever wonder how she treats me?!” Niall teases.

“Sweetie, how could anyone ever treat you badly?” Maura jokes causing us all to laugh. Of course the paparazzi just had to be here; just like at my wedding. They still cause me to freak a little and hold onto Harry’s hand even tighter.

“Love, they will always be around; nothing we can do about it,” Harry says comforting me after he feels me tense up. I loosen my grip wishing that it would all just go away.

“So now that you are a Certified Crime Scene Investigator, I thought you might like this,” Louis says as he gives Andrea a velvet box. As she opens it she smiles when she see the Ray-Ban Aviator Classic Sunglasses.

“Ha, ha. Very funny you two,” Andrea says as she hugs them.”

“That way you can do that dramatic ‘this is a crime scene’ pose,” Louis chuckles.

“We’re so proud of you,” Eleanor smiles.

“I couldn’t be any more proud of her. It wasn’t easy; late night studying, the arguments and frustration finally paid off. I’m proud of you, Princess. I mean it,” Niall says as he pulls Andrea in for a kiss.

“Oh stop it, you two,” Louis pretends to be disgusted. As the ceremony stars all of us take seats in the third row so we don’t strain our necks. Niall acts as if it’s his child graduating kindergarten. Harry and I laugh at him trying to calm him down. Andrea stands on stage laughing more than ever because Niall keeps pulling funny faces at her; which she occasionally returns. I end up hitting him in the back of the head a few times. After about thirty minutes they call Andrea’s name.

“Graduating from the British Academy of Forensic Science,” says the head professor, “Is Andrea Samantha Horan on the levels of three, CCSI, level six, CCSA and a degree in Forensic Anthropology.” Niall jumps out of his chair cheering causing Maura and myself to jump a bit; I don’t think I’ve ever seen him this proud in his life. Flashes begin to go off after Niall screams; which scares the audience. We were found by the paps even in the dark. I knew they were here, but I can’t believe they were allowed in here! It pisses us all off; who gives them the right to invade our privacy? Stealing pictures of our special events. I try my hardest to ignore them focusing on Andrea; she looks so beautiful in her dress; something she rarely wears. I think it’s only the third time I’ve ever seen her in a dress.

“Excuse me,” we all hear a young voice coming from behind Louis, “Mind if we take some pictures?” It’s a couple of younger girls.

“Of course not; it’s a special day for us after all,” Louis answers; sarcasm clearly being heard. Andrea, Eleanor, Maura and I all step back laughing because of how Louis reacts anymore.

“Andrea!” we hear being yelled across the room. “You never told me you were married to a pop star. I’m hurt; after all our mishaps in the lab and being lab partners for so long!” a dark haired guy laughs with Andrea. (The guy looks like Greg Saunders from CSI). He joins our group then throws his arms around Andrea. She freezes rolling her eyes. He seems like he’s drunk.

“Uh, Josh, hi, this is Colleen, Eleanor and my mother-in-law, Maura,” she introduces us stepping away from him.

“Hi,” we all greet him together; not impressed.

“Ah, the lovely Mrs. Styles and Mrs. Tomlinson. I've read so much about you two ladies. Mrs. Horan, can I just say your son is one lucky man? No wonder Andrea never fell for my charm,” he laughs. “She was married all this time, but I never noticed the ring? Why didn’t you mention this? And that you would be bringing them here? My lab partner is married to a pop star, who would have guessed? The stories I could have shared!”

“It’s kind of hard not to notice a ring like this,” Eleanor takes Andrea’s left hand showing it to Josh; clearly annoyed.

“And what if she told you? A juicy story to sell, wouldn’t it be?” I snap annoyed at him and the paparazzi.

“Calm down girls,” Maura tries to speak.

“This is where you run along and go play with your lab toys,” Andrea says sarcastically shooing him.

Later this evening we go out to dinner to celebrate at La Chapelle ( at the celebration dinner the guys share some news with us; they will be announcing a farewell tour where they’ll sing all of their greatest hits. A tour taking them around the world. And we all get to travel with them; Eleanor, Kaitlyn , Andrea, Perrie and myself.

“What made you guys decide this?”

“I guess it’s just that there’s stuff we still want to do,” says Harry, “I’m still going to be involved with music, always. But behind the scenes. I think it’s time to call it a day while we still can.

“Same here,” Niall says, “I will write songs and produce music. But I also think it is time. Since Andrea and I got married, we hardly have time together with her studies and us finishing up that last tour was hard. I don’t want me children growing up too scared to go outside.

“Besides, Niall and I already bought a property five miles outside of Mullingar” Andrea shocks us all.

“What? You two are leaving us?” I ask upset.

“No one said anything about leaving. We’re keeping the loft in London, but when A and I start a family, we’ll be sure to move to Ireland.”

“Listen to you two being all grown up,” Liam teases, “Marriage sure has its perks.

For the next few days the girls and I decide to take some time out of our schedules to catch up while the guys are busy recording their last album for now. Perrie will still be continuing as a girl group member while the rest of us career women focus on ours. I even got back to working at the kennel. I missed it so much; and it was great to know my employees missed me. We all missed hanging out with our husbands, and now is the time to do it.

Tonight is the night before the album release party, so everyone is over for dinner and mine and Harry’s house. I go to the store to some stuff for the evening. But a few magazines have pulled my attention away from shopping. They’re covered with my wedding pictures and Andrea’s graduation. I shake my head knowing this will never end. I put both into my basket before I check out. The one with my wedding pictures even has an article claiming that my personal issues got in the way of the last tour; I don’t even know how that was figured out. If it’s even the real one. The other one has Andrea’s graduation and wedding pictures on the cover insinuating that Andrea forced Niall into marriage. I head straight home once I get in my car.

It’s around six pm when, as usual, Niall and Andrea arrive first; still as crazy in love as the last time I saw them. After Kaitlyn and Liam arrive the rest are shortly to follow. The guys are outside on the patio while the girls and I sit around the kitchen table; full glasses of wine in our hands. We chat up a storm like always; sharing secrets and of course teasing each other like sisters. They’ve all become my sister in the last couple of years, and we definitely have a close bond with each other. Every single one of them brings their own uniqueness to the friendships we share.

Perrie and I are definitely the backbone of the group. We take on the guys if it’s needed. Eleanor is the beauty with the brains; not that I’m saying that the other girls don’t have brains. Andrea was the supportive hippie; always putting others need in front of her own. She believes everyone has good in them. Stubborn at times and strong willed. A lover, not a fighter. Mention Larry and she is ready to go to war. El has always had a logical way of doing things, and she sure knows how to handle Louis. If I didn’t have Eleanor by me I don’t know how I would have made it through this summer. I know I have the other girls, but Eleanor really share something special. Kaitlyn is a sweetheart; I’ve never really seen her weak. Even with the drama that happens between her and the fans.

“I’ve got something to show you girls,” I say as I go to get the magazines.

“Colleen,” El whines, “I thought we talked about this? I thought you weren’t going to let the gossip upset you?” she grabs them from me.

“I know, and I’m sorry, but I had to share it.”

“Oh, that’s bullshit,” Perrie yells as she reads the article about me.

“Andrea, how dare you force our sweet Niall into marriage,” Eleanor teases as she holds the magazine for us all to see.”

“I don’t know El. Guess I was so insecure, and just wanted to get my hands on his fortune. Makes sense to force him,” she laughs.

“What’s going on in here?” Harry speaks as the rest of the guys stand behind him with concern looks on their faces.

“Girls, I thought we talked about this?” Louis says as he and Zayn take the magazines from us. Niall, Harry and Liam look at us shaking their heads while we all slump into our seats. Other than the magazines, the rest of the night goes well. Jokes and a lot of stories to share with a lot of laughter.

The girls are so cute! Everyone enjoying it?

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