Gaurdian's Of Remnant [Titanf...

By Tanker980

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Alex aka Carnage was a Apex Predator. He and two of his friends were evacuated off their ship due to a engine... More

Emergency Evacuation
Welcome To Beacon!!
Win her heart
Promising my life.
Searching for team Apex
Searching for my son
Attacking Remnant
The Betrayal FINALE PART 1
The future FINALE PART 2
New book
Volume 2
Volume 2 Release?!
Dear god!!

IMC Retreat.

2K 20 11
By Tanker980

Hey! So now we will be doing this chapter possibly only in Jacks POV. So hope you all enjoy.

Jack Cooper's POV

Me and BT were waiting for Titanfall to get the IMC to leave this planet but we knew we will have to protect every planet.

Zenithal: Im ready to finish these fuckers Jack.

Me: Haha we are not even close kid we gotta find Simon.

Predator: Can I put a bullet in his head?

Sarah: Calm down you two.

Me: I can see why they are excited Sarah. This may be the first time in a while the IMC left Earth alone.

Sarah: You three are why we are able to do this.

Me: Wait have you noticed the Apex Predators haven't made contact with us in a while.

Predator: Yeah. They make contact with us every 2 days. The last transmission was three days ago. They said they had the Leviathan the IMC had for some reason.

Pilot1: Sarah! We have a new contact from Richter.

Sarah: Lets see it before we drop.

Contact panel: playing call

Richter: This is Richter if anyone can hear me we have been shot down by IMC and landed on a planet called Remnant im separated from the others. Im not sure if they are alive. But I've found a tribe village North of the crash site. If anyone can hear me please send help. I know you all are busy if this is reaching the Militia. But when you can send help you never know if this is reaching IMC but I hope not. This is Richter of the Apex Predators out.

Me: Damn! He's correct the IMC may have got this too.

Predator: We are gonna have to send someone.

Sarah: I can send a drop ship there to see if we can find Richter and the others if they did crash lets hope that Leviathan still lives. We need to see what they did with it.

Zenithal: If they did get it. They're going to make that their next base. They are on a planet with life and people who don't know IMC capabilities.

Predator: Kid. Carnage never dies I bet he's alive. Slone would kill Simon slowly if he did die.

Me: That girl has issues.

Sarah: You do know im responding correct? This is being directed to Remnant.

Me: No! Don't send it!

Sarah: Got ya. Well lets respond.

Contact Panel: Recording now...

Sarah: This is Sarah Briggs of the Militia if you are getting this Richter we have a drop ship coming to search for you all. We got your message. The IMC did get this so be ready incase they show up there. If it's only you still alive it's up to you. You must teach the tribe how to fight the IMC till we arrive once we do the entire damn Militia will be their raining Titans. God speed to you Richter. Sarah Briggs signing out.

Me: Lets hope he got that.

Predator: Now lets prep for Titanfall.

Zenithal: Hell yeah!

We get ready for titanfall and the militia pilots embark their titans. The riflemen check their equipment and enter the pods.

Me: Sad memories.

Predator: He died a honorable death sir. It's not your fault.

Sarah: Do this for him Jack.

Zenithal: See ya on the other side guys.

Me: Yeah. Lets do this. Sarah give the mark.

Sarah: Sarah briggs to the militia fleets... Prepare for Titanfall.. Good luck everyone.

A few seconds after the riflemen drop Titans were raining from the sky as IMC cannons started firing.

Zenithal: This is our planet Simon!

Predator: Lets do this.

Sarah: Im tired of you Simon...

Me: We talken shit now? Well go fuck yourself Simon.

Pilot1: Reaching ground in 3.... 2.... 1

We all landed on the ground as we see IMC Titans running out of the IMC gates. Some of our very old mortar titans plant their cannons in the ground.

Mortar squadleader: READY. AIM.  FIRE!

All 100 Mortar shells land on IMC gates and cannons clearing us a way in. Now we have to protect them in order to get past the rest of the walls and Cannons.

Sarah: Good job. Protect the Mortars as we move up.

Predator: No problem.

Savage: Enemy infantry pushing as hostile titans are staying back.

Sarah: Legions use your smartcore on those infantry units.

Legions and savage: SMART CORE ONLINE

And there are the fireworks. All the IMC infantry are finished now IMC titans and Militia titans will make their move towards eachother.

Predator: Charge!

Me: BT you ready for this?



Zenithal: You read my mind bud.

Pilot1: Briggs they are moving their Ronins toward us.

Sarah: Their mistake everyone but mortars move up and kill the titans.

As we are making our way towards the hostiles Apex Ships appear and pods and 10 titans drop from the ships and they attack the IMC Titans from behind. (Don't question lets just say Blisk had a fleet.)

Sarah: I knew the Apex's resistance team would show up.

Predator: This is hilarious the IMC are panicking.

Me: That's not all of them though.

Zenithal: What do you mean?

Sarah: There are still a thousand yet to arrive.

Predator: They better have a plan for entering without hitting eachother.

Apex's resistance captain: Were we late to the party Ms. Briggs

Sarah: Not really we are approaching IMC from the front.

Apex's Resistance Captain: Ms. Briggs we have 6 IMC ships taking off we can't get em all. We can take out maybe four because they have thick plating.

Sarah: Alright take em down.

We see ships taking off but four get shot down and destroyed .

Zenithal: Not so fast you IMC idiots.

Pilot1: They seem to be firing up a deadly cannon aiming at the militia fleets.

Me: Get the Mortars to shoot it.

Pilot1: Mortar Leader adjust angle and aim at that big cannon on that hill.

Mortar Squad Leader: READY! AIM! FIRE!

All 100 mortars constantly shoot the cannon but the shots blow up on some shield.

Pilot1: It's no use. Its shielded

Sarah: Fuck! All Militia fleets get out of here now you have a cannon ready to wipe you all out.

Fleet Leaders: Yes Sir!


All of the fleets make it out except 10 that got shot down.

Apex's Resistance Captain: That's all our men you got over 2, 000 more troops ready behind their walls cleaning out IMC. We're already out. Good luck. Tell us when we're clear to return.

Sarah: Thanks sir.

Timeskip brought to you by Titanfall chibi: Militia and the resistance getting drunk.

We have made it to the cannon while some people tried to see if they could lower the shields.

Predator: How we gonna destroy it.

Zenithal: Or we could walk through the shield theirs a shield switch on it.

Zenithal steps through the shield unharmed and turned the shield off and then turned off the cannon.

Zenithal: Keep it turned off till we get control of it.

Sarah: Yeah we may need this cannon some other time.

Pilot1: We lost Miller sir. He was executed by a Legion class Titan.

Sarah: Dammit. Lets get Resistance and Militia fleets back here now that it's safe.

Predator: Is it just me or is their a herd of Leviathan passing.

Me: Guess they know it's safe to walk Earth without being shot.

Sarah: This is Sarah Briggs to Militia and Resistance. We are clear you may return now we will have this place as a main HQ just needs repairs. Feel free to land just watch out for the herds of Leviathan.

Captains of the fleets: Alright sir coming home now.

Pilot2: No sight of Simon sir.

Me: Damn. We know where he's going. Now we need to ready up. Have a course for Remnant ready we'll set off in 7 days tops.

Pilot1: yes sir.

Zenithal: We did it. We took back our home.

Predator: I wanna see if they found my secret bunker I made as a kid.

Sarah: We have 7 days we can go see what's left back at our homes.

Zenithal: I wanna see the Northern Lights Carnage told me they're amazing.

Me: Haha alright kid lets go see em. I know he promised he would take you but we ain't sure if he's alive.

Sarah: I'll get that drop ship heading to Remnant. And get you two one ready.

Me: Your a devil aren't ya Briggs.

Sarah: har har har. Real funny.

Me: Thanks.

Sarah: I almost forgot I owe you a kiss on the cheek because you saved my ass.

She goes to kiss my cheek but I turn my head causing her to kiss me on the lips.

Sarah: Really?!

Me: Yep.

Sarah: I hate you.

Me: No ya don't.

Sarah slaps me across the face.

Me: Damn...

Sarah: Just go.

Me: Way ahead ya.

Simon's POV

Dammit! Dammit! Dammit! They just took Earth but i'll take my stand by fleet to Remnant. I'll take that planet and make the people their my workers. They don't even know us. They may be stupid enough to fall for a lie.

Me: Set a course for the stand by fleet and then for remnant.

Spectre Leader: Yes sir.

Me: Revenge. Is. Mine.

Spectre: What was that sir.

I grab my pistol and shoot the stupid spectre.

Me: They get annoying.

IMCPilot: Yeah. They don't stop beeping when im trying to sleep.

Me: I'll be sure to move you pilots away from where the Spectres charge. Pilots need all the rest they can get.

Hey guys! What do you think. Also I know some of you may be questioning Titanfall 1 Mortar Titans. Well I cant remember if Miller was in the first er second its been ages since TF1 came out I instantly beat it. Then came TF2 and Xbox One insanely better graphics and story. Beat that in like 3-4 days due to school. Well remind me of that please. If you want I can put the Ogre and the other one in if you all want. I'll be asking for ideas and suggestions. Just do it privately if you have an idea for me so no one finds out. And plus I won't tell ya if im using your idea so don't ask that please guys.

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