Trapped in an apocalypse

By LostWriter22

850 21 14

"If you don't pass this exam you will be dropped out!" mom chided. "You need education more than knowing how... More

Chapter 2: Trapped in an apocalypse

Trapped in an apocalypse

530 12 7
By LostWriter22

Zoey's Story

Chapter 1 

~the monster hid in the bushes with its malicious eyes glowed in the darkness, the scared campers held their flashlights shivering in the icy night air. Then they heard a rustling sound in the bushes nearby making all of them cringe in fear. "What the hell was that?!" one of the campers shouted. Their paranoid eyes rapidly moved to check the environment around them, they had no idea what malevolent danger that they have put themselves in. With one strong pounce releasing a deafening growl, the monster lay on top of one of the horrified campers and started to tear off his flesh with its sharp claws, blood spurting everywhere. Blood curling screams filled the air as the monster devoured his victim.~

"RING!!" the sound of the phone echoed through my small room ruining the magnificent mood I had watching the awesome horror movie. I grabbed the remote and paused the movie as I lazily picked up the phone with a frustrated groan.

"Hello?" I asked in a thick deadpanned voice. 

"Is this Zoey?" the caller answered, that voice seemed so familiar, the voice that I always dreaded. 

"Yes, this is Zoey." I replied, not changing the tone of my voice. 

"Zoey, take your education seriously. If you don't pass this last test you'll be taking tomorrow, I'm afraid you'll have to drop out." My professor's calm voice drawl into my ear as my grip on my phone tightened. I always received calls like this almost every week. Last time my parents answered the phone, they went nuts and locked me up in my room for months to study for this last make up exam my professor made for me.  

"Yeah, sure prof I'll get ready for it, bye." I mumbled as I closed the phone.

Damn exam, I hate studying for them. Why can't people understand that I don't give a damn about the course they all wanted me to take? My parents kept forcing me to take a job as a Lawyer. I never liked politics; I'm even a trouble maker in school when I was a kid. So there's no way I'll be studying for this stupid board exam. I barely passed the entrance exam for this college. They locked me in my room to study, fine. I'll waste my time watching horror movies all day. Although, I missed going to the arcade for a quick game of House of the dead 4. All my books lay messy on the floor of my room. I never even touched them. I glanced at my clock and saw that it was already 12:00 midnight; my school will be starting at 7:00am. But who cares?

The warm heat of the sun's rays entered my room through the window. I moaned in displeasure of getting up from my comfortable bed. "RING!!!" the alarm clock screeched, stabbing my ears in pain. I promptly sat up and punched on the stop button. I read that it was already 7:30am! God knows how many times I've pressed the snooze button.  

My head pounded as I gripped on my temples. Staying up all night watching horror movies and only having 2 hours of sleep may have been a bad idea. I gone through my usual morning rut, take a bath, change clothes, grab some buttered toast then run to school.  

The streets are unusually quiet today, I don't see my jolly neighbors doing their morning schedules. The girl that rides in her little tricycle, the newspaper guy, the woman who always cleans up her garden and the old man who greets me every time I passed by his house are nowhere to be found. This is weird, and that's coming from me, a girl who watches weird movies and TV shows all her life. But I don't have time to think, I'm so late for school, not that I care. But I do care about not having my parents kick my ass for being absent, I'm already in a bad status of not getting ready for the test at all. The test started half an hour ago, I think I'll have at least 5 minutes to guess for all the answers to encircle in multiple choices.  

The street was filled with trash, geez it's like the garbage truck was turned over. I tried my best to ignore the putrid smell and continued to run faster towards my school. I saw the stone hard estate that is defined as my school. As I entered the gate, I didn't see the guard that was usually sleeping on his desk echoing loud snores in the gate way.  

In fact, his desk was empty and the files where all scattered on the floor. I just rushed to my classroom, promptly climbing the stairs; I was in such a hurry that with every step I climbed 3 steps of stairs, I almost tripped over the last one. The hallways were drowned in darkness and silence. This only makes me even more suspicious about the world's stillness. As I pass by the other class rooms, it was flushed in dimness. Where the hell is everyone? Why everything so deserted? I just scurried to my classroom, only to see that it was also consumed with darkness.  

"Professor?" I uttered, a few moments passed and I still didn't receive any reply. I managed to find the switch and turned the lights on. I felt my heart stop; I couldn't believe the image that my eyes absorbed. My jaw dropped and eyes bulged in disbelief. I can't breathe. Everyone... all my classmates... lay dead on the floor, all their bodies positioned erratically and is stained with blood. All the chairs seem to be destroyed and the lockers all turned over, having all the books and papers dispersed all over the floor. What the hell just happened here?! Then I saw something move, I gazed over where I saw it. To my professor's table in front of the classroom, blood covered all over it. Something that was lying on the ground started to stand up. A corpse that was supposedly dead, I saw its left cheek was bitted off that its gums and teeth was exposed. Its head turned to look at me. That face was all too familiar... it was my professor! His eyes were bleeding; in fact every part of his body was bathing in blood.  

"Zoey?" He managed to say through his bleeding jaw, his voice was completely different to the usual gentle fatherly voice he always had. His voice now was hoarse and is almost impossible to understand. 

"Prof?" I was able to utter. 

"Zoey you have to run! Go! Now!" he ordered. I wasn't able to do what he's saying. I'm fighting with confusion, why does he want me to run away when he clearly needs help? I have to get him to the hospital. I took small steps towards him. 

"Zoey! NO!" he screamed loudly. "RUN!" he demanded again.  

I was frozen on the spot, I'm not sure what I should do. I can't move due to fear. Then my professor started to flinch and yell in pain. He spat out blood, releasing a sickening sound. Then he slowly stood up, his eyes are now unreadable and lifeless. He suddenly released an inhuman growl as he lunged towards me...


Author's Note: Finally made a story about zombie apocalypses. Been inspired by zombie video games like Resident Evil, Undead Nightmare and ofcourse as the character in this story, Left4Dead. I decided to make a story about Zoey since her life was never explained before the apocalypse and how she managed to find other survivors. 

Hope you guys liked it! don't forget to vote and comment! i really appreciate it ^^


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