My Journey: Keep You With Me...

By XJasmineSamX16

11.2K 152 60

My life goes on. It carries me to a new journey. In my new journal, you'll see my life with Ryan. My new adve... More

April 16, 2012
April 17, 2012
April 22, 2012
April 25, 2012
May 1, 2012
May 4, 2012
June 9,2012
June 18, 2012
June 28, 2012
July 4, 2012
August 19, 2012
September 21, 2012
October 17, 2012
November 20, 2012
December 28, 2012

July 22, 2012

473 10 6
By XJasmineSamX16

The tour is close to being over now and I can't wait to get home. It's hard when the 2 things I love most are never in the same place. I love Dancing and I love Ryan, unfortunately my dancing takes me away from my Ryan. 

I absolutely love touring and stuff, but maybe since I've been on tour for a while, I'll spend some time at home and doing things around LA.

After we finished our week off in South Dakota, we moved onto Wyoming and Montana. Tonight we are in Seattle. We are ending our  tour in a few days in Sacramento then driving back to LA. Tonight, we are also being interviewed by E! about how the tour went and all that jazz.

"Hey Jords, time for the interview." Cody came into the back lounge where I was chilling.

"Kay." I set aside my book and stood up. He took my hand and led the way off the bus where Jeff was waiting. Jeff led us into the venue of the night and to our dressing room. When we walked in, an auburn haired women was sitting on one of the couches with a camera man sitting next to her and a photographer next to him. 

The interviewer stood once she saw us, "hello Cody, Jordyn. My name's Audrey." She shook both of our hands.

"Hey." We both smiled. "Nice to meet you." I said.

"It's a pleasure for me to meet the both of you." She sat back on the couch while we sat on the couch opposite of her. "So how are you two?"

"We're good." Cody answered, "how are you?"

"I'm fine, thank you." She smiled and glanced down at what her first question is. "So how has your first official tour been?"

"Ah, it's been great. I mean, the fans have been awesome and so welcoming and supportive. I love my fans." Cody answered.

"We've heard you have a special name for your fans, what is it?"

He smiled, "Angels."

"Don't forget the Gentleman." I said.

"Yeah, I have the Angels and Gentleman."

"You don't want your male fans to be Angels?" She smiled.

"Well, of course guys can be Angels. I mean, I'm not sure how many guys out there would want to be so I've accommodated both."

Audrey laughed, "alright, I'm just messing you with. While on tour, have you been working on new music and ideas?"

"Yeah, of course. I'm always writing and thinking of what's next and what I want to release. That's my job right, I've gotta keep going and pushing forward. Better myself and my sound."

"Can you give us a sneak peak maybe?" She asked with a sly smile.

He laughed, "I don't know, I don't have anything completely ready yet." 

"Awww," she faked sadness. "So let's talk about your crew. How important are they to you?"

"They're everything. I'm with these guys all the time on the bus and stuff. We are always having a blast and hanging out. All of them are older than me but we're all little boys around here so we have a lot of fun. But when it comes down to it, we get right to business." He finished.

Audrey turned to me, "do you agree with the little boys comment Jordyn?"

"Oh absolutely." I laughed and Cody laughed too. "But they're a blast and we always have fun."

"Do you ever find yourself babysitting them?"

I laughed again, "no. I'm always joining right in. It's usually Scooter, Brad, and Angie who have to corral everyone."

"I'm sure they have fun with that." She turned her attention back to Cody.

"Yeah, they just like to see us having fun and especially me being a normal teenager."

"What's it been like to have Jordyn on your crew throughout this tour?" She asked then.

"It's been great. She's an amazing dancer and a really great friend." He smiled at me.

"With her amazing resume, it must have been hard not to notice her."

"Yeah, she worked with Jesse and my friend Justin Bieber and that's when I first saw her. She was a dancer for Justin and I was like, that'd be so cool if we could get her. Have something new because we haven't had a female dancer around. So I talked to Scooter and he got her number from Justin and I'm really glad she agreed." 

She smiled and turned to me, "now Jordyn, what's it like being on the road with Cody, how has it differed from your previous tours?"

I thought for a moment, "it's been great. It hasn't been very different at all. I mean, on all the tours I've been on, we've all been really great friends. Always had a blast and  Justin and Cody are like brothers. I love them and love spending time with them." 

"On your first tour with Jesse McCartney, you were dating him at the time. What's it been like without your current boyfriend being on the road with you?"

"It's been a test. We've talked every chance we could, usually late at night or whenever neither of us was busy. He's come out a few times. I miss him and I'll be glad to be home; but we've passed I think."

"Do you think it's made your relationship with Ryan stronger?" She looked at me with intent in her eyes.

"Oh for sure. There's nothing that make's us stronger than distance. And now that we've been away for such an extended period of time, we know that we can do it again. We both have jobs that will sometimes require travel, so it will happen again whether it's him or me. We'll just have to see." I smiled at her.

"Do you plan on going on another tour soon or what are your future plans?" She cocked her head to the side.

"I'm not sure at this time. I'll probably spend some time relaxing at home and maybe find some work in LA for the time being." I replied, wondering where she was going with her questions.

"Do you think you'll continue your schooling or just keep dancing?"

"I haven't really given any thought to going to college. I'm already a professional dancer and choreographer so I'm not sure what a university would have to offer me." 

She nodded, "with your siblings living in your home back in Madison do you see yourself staying in San Clemente permanently?"

I glanced at Cody and he obviously didn't know where this was going either. "I will obviously keep my home in Madison as well as my home in San Clemente. For the long term, I'll live with Ryan in his home until one of us gets sick of the other." 

She nodded again, "well I wish you and Ryan all the best." She turned to Cody abruptly, "as well as you Cody. Thank you both for taking the time to sit here with me and good luck with the last few shows in your tour."

"Yeah, thank you." Cody smiled.

The three of us stood and Cody offered Audrey a hug. I hugged her as well then her and her assistants were escorted out into the hall. Once she was gone Cody and I turned to each other, "that was weird." We both said together.

Then we started laughing. After a few minutes Jeff came in and stopped, arching a brow at us. "You guys alright?"

We laughed for a moment, "yeah, yeah we're good mate." Cody answered.

"Alright, food's on the way."

"Great. Thanks Jeff." I smiled.

He nodded then left which only made us laugh more. The food came and we ate, then we got changed for the performance. Once the show was over, we changed out of our show clothes then loaded the bus and went to the hotel. The boys were chillin so I went to my room and called Ryan. I told him about the show then the interview.

"That's definitely weird Jords." He replied.

"Yeah, like I have no idea where she was going and then she abruptly ends the interview."

"She's probably just trying to get a story. You haven't done anything to cause a huge uproar so she's trying to create something. Just don't be surprised if the story comes out and it's a load of bull." He said softly.

I sighed, "yeah. I hate people."

He laughed, "no you don't."

"Yes I do. They're dumb and stupid and I just want to run away to our island and live in isolation." I frowned to myself.

He laughed again, "that'd be nice. I wouldn't mind that. What about dancing and I've got to skateboard."

"Well, we could build a skatepark on the island and of course I could always dance for you..." I smiled.

"Hmmm, that sounds good." There was a smile in his voice.

I was about to say something else then Cody called out, "Jordyn! You've got to see this!!"

"What was that?" Ryan asked. 

"It was Cody. He says there's something-" I was cut off by what was on the TV. 

The interviewer from earlier, Audrey was on the screen. The caption was 'New Future for Jordyn Evander and Ryan Sheckler?'

"Jords? Jordyn? What's wrong? Hello! Babe, speak to me, what's going on? What's on TV?

I could hear him, but couldn't answer him. Cody grabbed my phone and spoke to Ryan for me. "Hey mate, uh, go to E!. Like now," he said calmly.

I watched as Audrey told a completely wrong story. "Earlier this afternoon I sat down with 18 year old Jordyn Evander before her show in Seattle, Washington. She is, as we all know, a dancer for pop sensation 15 year old Cody Simpson. She is also dating Skateboarding phenomenon 22 year old Ryan Sheckler. During my talk with Jordyn she revealed that while she had no plans on returning to live in Madison, she will keep her residence there along with the home she owns in San Clemente. Her long-term plans of course involve boyfriend Sheckler where she led on that there were plans of her permanent residency in Ryan's home. Is this a vague announcement of their engagement? At only 18, that seems to be a big life leap. When asked what she thought of attending school in the fall she replied, "I haven't really given any thought to going to college. I'm already a professional dancer and choreographer so I'm not sure what a university would have to offer me." This only enforcing her and Sheckler's plans to begin a family together. What do you guys think? Is Jordyn too young to be thinking about getting married and having kids? And is Ryan jumping the gun on getting down on one knee? Comment on our Facebook and tweet us your thoughts." Then she was gone.

"Oh. My. God!" I finally said. 

Cody put my phone back in my hand and I put it to my ear, hearing Ryan's voice. "Babe, don't listen to her. I told you she was just trying to get a story. She manipulated what you said, that's all. A bunch of bull, that's it.

I nodded, "I just can't believe that that's what she got out of it! How is that even...? Ugh!" I huffed and sat down on the couch. Cody put his arm around me in the place of Ryan's. 

Ryan's voice came softly, "Jords, what matters? Them or us? As long as we know the truth, isn't that enough? Our families, our friends, they know the truth. Right? What matters?"

I thought for a moment and smiled, "you're right. It's us. That's what matters. I love you Ryan."

There was a smile in his voice when he replied. "I love you too. I've gotta go and if anyone wants anything to say to us, they can wait until you get back. This will blow over."

"Kay, bye. See you soon."

"See you soon.

Then the call was over. "I can't believe she did that..." I said to Cody.

"Me neither. Don't worry." He hugged me closer and I put my head on his shoulder.

"Thanks Codes." 

Not long after I went back to my room. I took a bath and am writing because what else do I have to do. I'm fighting calling that bitch but I don't know. I just need to sleep so I can not give a shit about it anymore. 


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