My Journey: Keep You With Me...

By XJasmineSamX16

11.2K 152 60

My life goes on. It carries me to a new journey. In my new journal, you'll see my life with Ryan. My new adve... More

April 16, 2012
April 17, 2012
April 22, 2012
April 25, 2012
May 1, 2012
May 4, 2012
June 9,2012
June 28, 2012
July 4, 2012
July 22, 2012
August 19, 2012
September 21, 2012
October 17, 2012
November 20, 2012
December 28, 2012

June 18, 2012

549 10 2
By XJasmineSamX16

The past week with Ryan passed by too soon. He stayed on the bus with us but obviously didn't get to do what we could if we were at home. Haha. 

The 2 of us flew to Madison on Friday night for my friends graduation on Saturday. That was a couple days ago. I was soo glad to see them again. 

"Jordyn!!" Joey smiled when he saw me. We went to meet them at Denny's for brunch on Saturday morning. 

"Hey!" I smiled and hugged him. 

That was soon followed by hugs from Taylor, Alex, Kristen, Nick, and Lily. Taylor was the first to address Ryan. "Hey man, how's it going?"

"Hey, it's good bro." They shook hands.

"That's good." Taylor said, "you guys probably don't get to spend much time together lately." He looked at me.

Ryan put his arm around my shoulder as I answered. "No, not lately. But he's been with us this past week."

"Yeah, that's good." Taylor smiled. "I'm happy for you guys. Gonna be a year soon?"

"Yeah, Monday." Ryan smiled. 

We had brunch (which Ryan generously payed for) then went to chill at my house before they had to go to dinner with their families. 

I was extremely happy for my friends as I watched them all walk across the stage. After graduation ended, I was throwing a party for the entire class at my house. My good friend Frank was there of course to check security. I had hired a D.J. and catering. The strobe lights flashed and the music blasted through the night. Everyone had a great time. 

The next day, all of us just hung out. We went to the mall, the movies, bowling, and dinner. By the time Ryan and I got back to my house, I was dead tired. 

I woke up this morning to a kiss on my forehead. I smiled and opened my eyes to Ryan. He smiled at me and said, "Happy Anniversary Baby."

"Happy Anniversary." I brushed my fingers through his hair and pulled his face to mine, kissing him gently. "What's the plan for today?"

He grinned and kissed me again, "a shower?" He whispered. 

I laughed, "alright, I'll go first." I jumped up and ran to the bathroom, closing and locking the door. 

"Not what I had in mind!" I heard him call out. I laughed again then quickly showered and dressed. 

When I walked out he was laying on the bed staring up at the ceiling. "Your turn." He looked at me and smiled before standing and walking over to me. He kissed me lightly then walked to the bathroom. When he came out I asked, "now what?" 

"You're sister's waiting for you down stairs."

I arched my eyebrow at him. "Why?"

"Spend some time with her before leaving tomorrow. I'm spending the day with your Brother."

I hesitated for a moment before grabbing my purse. "Okay... I guess I'll see you later hon." 

"Kay." We kissed then I left. I passed Jake on my way down the stairs. He said Happy Anniversary then continued on his way. 

 "Hey sis, ready to go?" Jesse asked as I reached the bottom of the stairs. 

"Yeah, I guess." I sighed.

She took no notice. Didn't ask why I sighed. Just smiled, grabbed my arm and pulled me out the back to her car. We started by having lunch at Texas Roadhouse. Then we went shopping and to see a movie. 

When we got back home, she dropped me off in the driveway. "Where are you going?" I asked.

"I'm going out with some friends. I'll see ya in the morning before you guys leave." 

"Alright, have fun. Love you." We hugged and I got out. When I walked inside, all the lights were off. I flicked the switch in the living room, no one could be heard. "Ryan! Jake!" I called out. Instead of hearing one of the boys I heard the jingle of my cats collar. I looked down to see her coming from the kitchen area. She meowed at me and I stooped to pet her. Then she went back towards the kitchen. "You hungry?" I asked her quietly. 

Instead of going to the kitchen, she led me to the dining room. There I found the lights dimmed, candles lit, food on the table, and Ryan standing next to one of the set spots. "Happy Anniversary Jordyn." He smiled.

"Ryan, this is what you and Jake did all day?" He smiled and nodded. "Aww, it's beautiful." I walked to him and he wrapped me in his arms. 

"Thank you, I'm glad you like it."

"I love it." I kissed his nose. "What's for dinner?" I eyed the covered dishes. 

He stepped back and pulled out a chair for me, "ma'am." 

"Thank you kind sir." We both laughed. He reached over and lifted the covers off the dishes and revealed. Five cheese ziti, cooked carrots and corn, cheese bread, and there was a bottle of wine in a bucket of ice. "Wow, you made all this?"

"Yes, with your brothers help." He laughed as he sat down. 

"Looks amazing."

"Thank you." He reached for the wine which had a cork screw in the cork. He twisted it and pulled the cork out swiftly. "Wine?"

"Yes please." He poured us both a glass then filled my plate, then his. We began eating in silence as he waited for my opinion on the food. When I looked at him, he smiled. "This food is amazing baby. Thank you." 

"You're welcome." He smiled and I leaned over and kissed his cheek. 

"Thank you." He grabbed his glass as I grabbed mine. He took my hand and looked into my eyes. "This is to a year with the most amazing girl I've ever known. We've only had the best of times after getting through the worst I think we could possibly have. I've never loved someone as much as I've loved you and this is to hopefully many more years."

I smiled, "to many more." We touched glasses and both took a drink. "I love you too."

"I know." He smiled. We finished dinner then did the dishes together. This is the last night we get together for a while. He returns to L.A. tomorrow while I go to New York. "I also have desert." He said, pulling a cake from the fridge. It was a double layered chocolate cake with chocolate frosting and fudge. We brought the wine into the kitchen and ate some of it while sitting at the island. 

"Delicious." I smiled. 

He kissed me. "I'm glad you liked it. I have your present upstairs."

"Really? Cuz that's where I have yours." He laughed and took my hand, leading me to my room. 

He sat me on the bed then went to the desk where his backpack was. He pulled out a small square box and walked over, sitting down next to me. I reached under the edge of the bed and grabbed his. He smiled and we exchanged them. 

"You first." I said. 

He looked down at the rectangular shaped box the size of his hand. Pulling the ribbon off, he lifted the lid, his hand hesitating over the object inside. He lifted it into his hand, letting the chain dangle over the box. "I love it, thank you." He smiled kissing me lightly. 

"Good." It was an anchor with the letter "S" over the length of it and a star off the the side, next to  the right side of the "S". The Anchor was all diamonds while the "S" and the star were red rubies. On the back was an engraving that said, "You're the only one who saves me from myself. -Jordyn" 

"Open yours," he said, putting the necklace back in the box.

I looked down at the small square again and took a small breath. I lifted the lid and found a ring. It had a key made of small gold diamonds, with a heart made of rubies. The rest of the space was filled with normal diamonds. I pulled it out of the box, there was a quote engraved into the band. It said, "Look after my heart, I've left it with you.-Ryan" I looked up to see his face was solemn as he watched me. "It's beautiful Ryan." 

I hugged him close. When he pulled away, he took both of the presents and set them aside. He picked me up and carried me to the side of the bed, pulling back the sheets. He climbed onto the bed, setting me in his lap. He brushed the hair away from my face and placed his hands on my cheeks. His eyes flicked back and forth between mine before he pulled my face to his and kissed me roughly. 

Needless to say, you know where that went. We laid in bed in each others arms for a while before he spoke, "wanna watch a movie?" 

I smiled and sat up, "sure." 

"Kay." He smiled and kissed me before getting out of bed and walking to the tv. He browsed through the movies before picking one and putting it in. He grabbed the remote and came back, pulling me back to him. When the movie started I laughed. "What?" He asked, amused.

"Nothing," I laughed again. "Good choice."

"Thank you." He smiled and kissed the top of my head. 

His choice? Happy Feet. After that, we watched Happy Feet 2 and feel asleep. I woke up an hour ago to my brother and sister coming home. I suppose I'll go back to bed now. Ryan just woke up and put a hand on my bare waist, "what's wrong?" He asked quietly. 

Tomorrow I'll be on my way back to Cody and Ryan will be going to California. I'd rather spend my time in his arms then writing anymore. 

Night <3

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