Gif Imagines (gxg)

By damn_ok

67.1K 304 23

Thought I'd give this kind of thing a try. There will be some smut, which will be marked in the title. Leav... More

Brie Larson
Camila Cabello
Brie Larson - Interview
Lauren Jauregui

Kara Danvers

17.9K 66 11
By damn_ok

"Where the hell is she?!" I yelled into the DEO as I stormed down the stairs, Alex immediately ran over to me trying to stammer up an excuse for her sister. "Alex," I said sternly which caused her to stop, "ok, ok, but don't be mad at her," Alex said in a rush, "Alex, where is Supergirl?" The DEO agent then sighed loudly before showing me the way to the medical bay where my girlfriend was currently laughing with the big idiot that is James Olsen, the reason Kara got into this mess. I stopped and shooed Alex away before slamming the door to the bay open gaining the attention of the two still sat joking around. They both snapped their heads over to me and both looked immensely intimidated by my stance; arms folded, jaw clenched, eyebrow cocked, and eyes glaring straight into Olsen, willing him to say something. James laughs awkwardly and goes to open his mouth but Kara cuts in, "James, you should go...," she says and he senses the strong tension, leaving us alone.

As soon as the door closes to the soundproof medical room, I walk closer to the blonde girl. "Kara, what the fuck were you thinking?!" I yelled catching my girlfriend off guard, "I was just about to say 'don't be mad' but...," Kara muttered. "How could I not be mad?!" I yelled once again, throwing my hands up this time for effect, "you went into the one situation that I told you not to go in!" Kara then stood up in defence, "I was helping James!" she yelled back, "he didn't need your bloody help Kara! His armour is impenetrable for Christ's sake!" I yelled back, "and to top it all off he had Kryptonite! The one thing that can kill you!" I continued, catching her off guard again. "And then you act as though he didn't even have it, laughing with him, not caring about the fact that he's supposed to be your friend but holds the one thing that can harm you?!" I stop for a moment to take a breath before continuing again, this time directly meeting the blonde's electric blue eyes. "You could have died Kara! The world could've lost supergirl! Alex could've lost her sister! I could've lost you, my best friend, my girlfriend..." I finished with tears forming in my eyes.

Kara looked guilty as realisation finally hit her, "I'm sorry Y/N, I didn't mean for it to happen, I thought that I was just helping a friend and didn't realise how dangerous it really was," she said as she leant back against the table behind her. "I'm sorry," Kara said in obvious shame, making me feel slightly guilty.

"Babe," Kara started as she began walking to me, "Y/N, please look at me," she says as she lifts my eyes to meet hers. "I will never put myself in that kind of danger again, I never want to put you through the pain losing me," the blonde said as she wrapped her arms around me, letting me rest my head on her shoulder. "You promise?" I croaked out almost inaudible, of course she heard me, "yes, I promise you Y/N, ok?" Kara said as she kissed the top of my head. "Ok," I replied before leaning up to connect our lips in a quick passionate kiss. "You know, you kind of scared me back there..when you were yelling," Kara laughed out as we disconnected, I stared at her with my brow cocked, "oh, I scared you?" I questioned slightly amused. "Ok, ok, fair is fair," she laughed as we walked out of the room wrapped in each other's arms.

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