Darling Doll (BrindaxCuppachi...

By SheliceToomer

836 42 17

There's not a lot of variety in AU for Bendystraw or Mugoris so I'm trying this. If this gets popular, I migh... More

Chapter 2 -Attention and New Feelings
Chapter 3-A New Feeling Called Jealousy
Chapter 4: Special Surprise and Meet-up with Friends gone Wrong

Chapter 1 - A Fateful Encounter

370 14 7
By SheliceToomer

Sorry I have not been writing a lot lately. I've been through a lot thing these last few. First I experience pain and find out I have cysts and I have to go through surgery. I have spent the last 4 weeks slowly recovering and trying to move around. Now that I am feeling a little better I feel like writing. So here we go. Sorry if I made Brinda a little vain in this chapter.

For Brinda's Doll Size form think of a 50cm-70cm Volks BJD

For Brinda's Cartoon form -5 ft 2inches maybe shorter compared to Cuppachino who is 6 ft 0 inches.


Cuppachino: 24

Bendy: ??? (19ish)

Maggie: 23

Boresse: 18


"" = talking
'' = thinking/ monologue/ Character's point of view

Cuppachino's P.O.V

'So you're my new master?'  A cute, but devilish female voice caught me off guard. An intensely cute little demoness is suddenly standing in my dorm room! This fateful encounter truly took me by surprise.

You're probably wondering how this all came to be. Well, it started one day with something my sister Maggie said.

Normal P.O.V

It was a crisp fall morning at Inkswell College. Three girls, two sisters with cups for heads, and a wolf girl were chilling at a cafe nearby, reading and chatting about the latest gossip.

"Huh, The Devil Darling Doll is up for auction." said Maggie, her eyes focused on her laptop. "That one again?" Boresse the wolf gripped her Dolls magazine tightly as chills ran down her spine. "Devil Darling Doll? You mean the one they say attacks people and sucks out their soul?" Cuppachino inquired, skeptical of the countless rumors. "Yeah, apparently that's where the name came from. It's a really cute doll, so someone always bids on it." Maggie continues reading the rumors to Boresse and Cuppachino. "But they always end up selling it right after they purchase it."

"The fact that it happens over and over again, you can't help but think that something creepy is going on."Boresse points out while looking at the cute clothes in her magazine. "That's what all our other friends in the doll community say about it."

"Hmm, I'd actually like to see what it looks like." Cuppachino's statement caught Boresse's attention as she dropped her magazine with excitement in her eyes. "Oh! You're interested in a doll Cuppachino! You should think of owning your own doll and just making clothes for them!" Boresse's tail wagged, while she explained the satisfying benefits of owning a doll. "Boresse, both you and Maggie know that I'm happy just making clothes. Besides your dolls are there to wear everything I make."

"But you'll enjoy it even more if you have your own doll to design clothes and dress up Sis." Maggie chimed in with Boresse to convince her sister in owning a doll. Ever since she fell in love with Boresse and moved in with her, Maggie felt a little guilty for leaving her older sister all alone. Still, Cuppachino was happy for her and even supportive of their relationship, and Maggie really wanted to return the favor. Their conversation however was cut short, when a book hit Boresse in the back of the head. "What are you girls talking about? I mean, seriously you're in college now! It's time to stop playing with dolls." A male angel commented as Boresse rubbed her head glaring at who rudely interrupted their conversation.

"Alan!" Boresse pouted at the said angel. Alan Angel was a senior here at Inkswell College. Despite his handsome looks, intelligence, and sweet demeanor, Maggie and Boresse couldn't help but hate the guy. Both girls knew he had a thing for Cuppachino. He was always pestering the poor girl; trying to persuade her to ditch her sister and Boresse. If you ask them, he was a little too desperate for the Cuppachino's attention. "Cuppachino! Maggie! You don't have to go out of your way to play along with Boresse here you know!" stated Alan flipping his hair to the side. 'There he goes again.' Boresse and Maggie sighed in unison. Once again, Alan Angel was trying to charm his way into Cuppachino's heart. "Boresse is my sister's girlfriend and my best friend. And I actually like sewing. Plus making doll's clothes is fun and inspiring." Cuppachino declared shooting down the angel's big ego. "What my sis said! And stop picking on my girlfriend bub!" Maggie concurred, pulling Boresse to her side giving her a quick smooch on the cheek.'Heh Take that Angel Boy!' Boresse relaxed in Maggie's embrace while smiling smugly at the annoyed angel.

'Still maybe having my own doll might inspire me to make even more clothes.' Cuppachino focused her attention on Maggie's laptop. "Is that Devil Darling Doll expensive?" Maggie turned her laptop to Cuppachino. "You wanna see it Sis?" Maggie clicked to enlarge the photo on the screen and showed it to her. "Here.. this is it!"  Cuppachino's eyes widened as she looked in awe. It was a picture of a devil doll figurine. It was dressed to look like a show girl; its clothing hugging her curves giving her a sort of hourglass figure. Its sheen ebony fur looked so exquisite, Cuppachino actually wanted touch it. The heart-shaped pale face complimented her almond eyes beautifully. And those cute crimson red eyes drew Cuppachino in like a moth to a flame. 'What the? This is the Devil Darling Doll that everyone thinks is creepy? How is she creepy? She's adorable!' Cuppachino blushed as she instantly fell smitten for the doll.

"...Cuppachino, I really don't think you should get involved with the Devil Dariling Doll." Boresse stared nervously at the picture of the doll. "This one!" Cuppachino's next statement made both girls' eyes widen. "I want this one!"

Cuppachino's P.O.V

This was the first time I fell in love at first sight.

Timeskip to 3 weeks later...

"Package for you, Miss Cuppachino."

Cuppachino made beeline to her door, excited to receive her package. "Thanks so much!" she smiled as she signs for the delivery, and quickly slams the door. She gently sets the box down. "It's the doll! Good, she arrived here safely!" Cuppachino exclaims as she hurriedly open the box. "Aw, so beautiful!" Cuppachino held the doll at eye level examining its every detail. "You're even more adorable than the picture. Hmm, this black outfit does suit you. But I kind of want to see how you'd look in a pink one." She gently set her new doll on a pillow as went she to her computer to start on some ideas. "All right, time to make some new clothes. Then again, maybe I should buy you stand first, and.." She turned unaware of the doll's hand slowly moving behind her. A shadow suddenly loomed over her. "So you're my new master? This is the first time I've been able to change size so quickly." A cute but devilish female voice caught Cuppachino's attention. A hand grasped Cuppachino's cheek turning her to meet with fiery red eyes. Her cherry red eyes continued to stare in disbelief at the complete stranger right in front of her. A little demoness grinned as she gently rubbed the cup's cheek.  "I've been passed around from master to master for a while now. But I think I might be finally able to settle down this time. So what's your name?" the demoness giggled at Cuppachino's speechlessness. "What's wrong Missy? Scared of my beauty? Oh yeah, from now on you have to say that you love me and only have eyes for at least five times a day"

"Y-You... Intruder!" Cuppachino raised her hand to smack the strangely familiar demoness, only to be met with thin air. "What?"  What was going on? Did she imagine it? As if, to answer question a high-pitched voice shouted at her and she looked down at her...doll? "You actually tried to slap me? What would've happen if you left a mark?" The doll glared up at her confused master. Once again, Cuppachino was at a loss for word. Her doll was moving and talking to her? 'What the? She's moving and talking?'  Was all this really happening? She pinched herself to make sure. 'Come on Cuppachino! Wake up!' Another giggle interrupted her train of thought. "Surprised Master? Not that I blame you." the doll dusted herself off as she made herself comfortable. "I am given a soul while my master loves me. And for me to change size on the first day, you must really love me!" The doll explained to a confused Cuppachino. "I like you too Master. Go ahead and love me as much as you like." 'What is wrong with me? Am I going crazy?' Cuppachino thought still trying to wrap her head around the whole situation.

The next day, Maggie, Boresse, and Alan Angel were met with an overly exhausted Cuppachino. "Morning."  Cuppachino sat her bag down, as Maggie, Boresse, and Alan looked at her with concern. "What's wrong? You don't look so good." Alan was the first to comment, noticing a change in Cuppachino. "Oh, nothing. My doll just arrived yesterday."

"Oh..that's great? What's it like?" Boresse asked thinking Cuppachino was probably tired from being overly excited for the arrival of her doll. She had similar problems and Maggie had to tempt her to go to bed if it it got out of hand. "It was the Devil Darling Doll." Cuppachino's statement made everyone's blood run cold. "She didn't take my soul away, but the rumors were right about her moving. She also changes size." Alan grabbed Cuppachino and gently shook her in attempt to bring her back to reality "How can say that so calmly with a straight face?! Get a grip girl!" Alan turned to glare at Maggie and Boresse. "This is all your fault you two!" Boresse and Maggie stared in shock. "What? Our fault?"

"She's talks too. A bit sassy I might add. She grows taller and shorter. Though, she still isn't as tall as me." Cuppachino murmured continuing to scare Alan. "That's not possible!" shouted Alan as he started to think the poor girl might need a therapist. Boresse and Maggie started to feel guilty as well. "Sorry about that, Sis. I didn't mean to scare you." Boresse sighed as she snuggles her girlfriend. "It's not your fault Maggie. I'm the one who said it was creepy. I'm so sorry Cuppachino." Cuppachino couldn't stay mad at them, but she was still in disbelief about yesterday's events 'They're right. That had to be a dream. I'm sure she'll be back to normal when I get home.' She thought calmly, but she was in for a rude awakening.

Standing right at the entrance of her dorm room, The short demoness was waiting for her to arrive home. "You're finally back Master! How long were going to make me wait?" 'She's not back to normal.' Cuppachino stared at current size of the Devil Darling Doll walking to her side. 'She's 5'ft 2 inch. That's shorter than me and what's with the attitude?' Cuppachino was growing very annoyed with this girl. "I'll forgive you if you give me a warm hug and a kiss." The demoness continued to complain at her master. "Why are just standing there? You haven't even said you love me yet. Don't you remember? You have to say that I love you five time a day! And.."

Suddenly the  little demoness complaints were interrupted by hard flick to the forehead. "Ow! What gives?" The demoness cried shielding her forehead from another attack from her master. "Oh, I thought if this was a dream it would be okay to flick some manners into you!" Cuppachino tapped the doll's nonexistant nose. "It's not a dream okay! This the real world!!" the demoness pouted at how insensitive her master was being. "Obviously. Guess it finally sunk in!" Cuppachino sighed as she ruffled the devil's head a little. "About time you accepted it Master!"

"Be grateful I did shortie! And what's with the high and mighty act anyway?" Cuppachino continue to ruffle the little demoness. "I'm I starting to understand why you keep getting sold over and over again now." The demoness's eyes froze at Cuppachino's harsh words, but then she smirked. "That's right. They all welcome me with open arms at first. Shower me with affection and treasure me. But they always change their tune when I start moving. They even call me a monster." Cuppachino stared in confusion as the small demoness lifted her dress shirt. Cuppachino gasped at a scar near demoness's hip "See this? It's from my last owner Joey Drew who threw a knife at me. Sad isn't it? Is me changing size really that frightening?"  

"Especially since it's a sign of how much my master loves me. It's not like I was going to hurt them. I just wanted to thank them." She smiled sadly as she pulled her dress shirt down. "I just wanted to say their names. Not that I ever managed to do it. I always end up changing back into a doll before I can say it. That means the proof of my master's love has faded and they've begun to fear me." The little demoness then look up to Cuppachino. "But you're different. Even now, I'm still moving , still talking..."

Cuppachino's P.O.V

At this point I decided to ignore everything. After all I fell in love with her at first sight.

"...Master." I suddenly looked down. When did she shrink back? Oh my gosh! She's so freaking cute!! "...Hug!" She lifted her hands up like wanted to me to pick up. Huh, I think I get now. The real reason she probably orders me around so much is because she wants my affection more than anything else.

Cuppachino picked up the doll-sized demoness and held her close. "As a reward for that, I'll let you decide on my name." The little demoness smiled at her master "Your name? Brinda should be good enough for a brat like you!" Cuppachino snorted. "Y-YOU! How rude! You didn't have to say it like that! But since you came up with a decent name, I humbly accept it." Brinda the newly dubbed Devil Darling pouted.

Cuppachino's P.O.V
I giggled at my doll's antics. At that point, I thought my strange doll was kinda cute when she acted like that. But I'd never say that even if it killed me.

Later that evening...

There was a knock at Cuppachino's dorm room. "Yeah?" Cuppachino opened the door and was met with a familiar face. "Alan? What's up?"

"Nothing, I was just in the area, and I wondering what you were you doing?" Cuppachino let him come in as she went to get some snacks. Alan turned to look Cuppachino's doll. "So this is the doll?" Cuppachino turned to look Alan staring at the doll. He was acting a little fidgety, but Cuppachino paid no mind to it. "You mentioned it moving and stuff. Is there anything bothering you? If you're scared of it or anything...I-I'm here for you."

'Huh? Where did that outburst suddenly come from?'

"Alan ..I-"Cuppachino slowly backed away from Alan as he came towards her "You're very beautiful Cuppachino. I could never bring myself to say it before but I've always love you." Alan kept advancing towards Cuppachino until she fell back onto her couch. "What about you? Is there anyone you like? You're not seeing anyone are you?!"

"Alan!" Cuppachino froze as Alan grabbed both her wrists with one hand holding them above her head. "A-Alan! S--stop..!" she shivered in disgust as the angel slowly moved the other up her shirt towards her breasts. "Can't you choose me?! Cuppachino -"

"That's more than enough you peverted piece of crap!"

Alan Angel turned to see the doll standing while glaring straight at him. "You've got some nerve laying your filthy mitts on my master! Don't think you'll make it out of here in one piece!" Brinda changed size right in front of Alan Angel. Her tail elongated wrapping around his neck like a snake as she grabbed his halo. "Now, what should I do with you?" She sneered striking fear inside the angel. Out of sheer terror, Alan launched a barrage of books and magazines at the demoness. "Waaaah! Aaaaahh! Monster! Monster! Monster!" Brinda froze as a book almost made contact with her causing her tail to loosen. Alan kept throwing blindly until Cuppachino punched him in the face. "What do you think you're doing ?" She glared at Alan confusing both him and Brinda. "Attempting to rape me wasn't enough? Now you're going try break my precious doll too?" Alan stared in disbelief at sudden change of events. Was the woman he loved seriously defending a demonic doll that just tried to attack him? She chose a doll over him? It can't be true! "Cuppachino---I—"

"Get out now or you'll have to answer to me!" Her pointer finger glowed ready to shoot down the angel that threatened her doll. Alan rushed out of the room leaving two girls and a big mess. "Ugh seriously, what was he trying to do?" Cuppachino turned to Brinda to check on her well-being "Anyway, are you hurt?" Brinda turned away from Cuppachino "Why? You don't care if I'm hurt or not. After all I'm just a monster. Cuppachino gently grasped her cheek. "You're a monster? How so?  I think you're quite beautiful." Brinda blushed as her master turned clean up the mess. "Master..."

"Come to think of it, I never told you my name did I?" Cuppachino smiled at the flustered demoness. "It's Cuppachino."

"..Cup-pa-chi-no?" Brinda pronounced slowly looking at her master who nodded.

Cuppachino's P.O.V
After that, she kept saying my name over and over again. It got kind of annoying but she seemed so happy. Plus it was so cute seeing her say it, so I let her do as she pleased.

The next day I went to go see Maggie and Boresse at the cafe before class started.

"Hey Cups! We've got a major problem!" Boresse was looking nervous as she and Maggie joined me at our usual table. "Hey Sis, Boresse! What's up? "

"Alan's going around telling everyone that you have the Devil Darling Doll at your place." Ugh, that dumb angel. He couldn't get in my pants, so he decides go around spreading rumors playing like he's the innocent victim? "Oh, that is problem." I sat down and pretended to listen. "He's saying the doll moved and attacked him, and it was gonna to eat him!" Oh brother, Brinda was only defending me from that lying pervert of an angel. "Weren't you saying something like that yesterday too? It's not true is it?" Boresse and Maggie looked at me in concern. I'll have to introduce them to Brinda one day but for now, it's my little secret.

"Duh, of course not. My little Brinda is the most adorable darling doll in the world." I bragged.

Hours laters...
"Cuppachino? Did you really have to call me your
'little Brinda' in front your friend and sister?" Brinda pouted as her said master continued sewing a new outfit.

"In my defense Bri, they asked and I didn't lie. Besides to me, you're adorable no matter size you are." Cuppachino chuckled as a cherry pink blush made its way to her darling doll's face. 'Yep definitely the cutest doll in the world.'

😅 Phew well that's Chapter one outta of the way. If I get enough reads or likes I will try to on the Mickwald stories as well the Sonic Yaoi Oneshots and possibly add Bendystraw and Mugoris oneshots to my list. So stay tuned ;3!

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