✅ Kamen Riders of DxD

By CaucasusBeetle

91.3K 1.2K 361

{Story under heavy editting} [I do not own HighSchool DxD and Kamen Riders. HighSchool DxD is owned by Ichiei... More

1. Into The New World
2. Drill Crusher
3. Death
4. Awaken, Dragon Knight
5. Night Rogue
6. Dokusou Hunter
7. Phoenix Blaze
8. Hazard Rage
9. Ryusei vs Ryuga
10. As a Brother, As a Family
11. Dohnaseek Fall
12. Revelation (S1 Finale)
13 (S2). You Still My Family
14. Survive! Dragon Knight Boost Up!
15. The Vanishing Dragon
16. The Cobra Appear
17. Familiar Scent
18. Aftershock
19. Dragon Dragon Unleash
21. Past Mistake
22. Detective Rider
23. The Greeed King
24. Building Toward The Future
25. Riders vs Hero
26. Prison Dragon
27. Killbas
28. Superior Fall (S2 Finale)
29 (S3). Hope
30. Alive
31. Three Way Versus
32. Final Rogue
33. Build Return
34. Evolution End
35. Build and CrossZ
36. Itsy Bitsy Spider
37. Final Phase Fight
38. Journey (S3 Finale)

20. Lord Of Speed

1.2K 18 2
By CaucasusBeetle

Ryusei and Keima is now in their hotel room. "Hero Faction?", ask Keima. "They are the faction that work under Khaos Brigade, which is being lead by the one who i hunt, Blood Stalk aka Evolt", said Ryusei.

"I can assume this Evolt guy is up to no good before?", ask Keima. "Well, technically, he almost destroy a planet but have been stopped before", said Ryusei. "But for now, Evolt is only use the normal belt. He tested on himself using other belt before he use his own belt", said Ryusei.

"And that is why we here. Hero Faction might have info about Evolt whereabout", said Ryusei. "Ok then, i'll help you, but only two of us?", ask Keima.

"I guess i have a right guy to ask", said Ryusei.

-Kyoto, Other Location-

"My name is Cao Cao, a descendent of the famous Cao Cao of the Three Kingdoms", said the man wielding a spear.

"Were you the ones who took my mother?!", shout Kunou. "What do you plan to do with her?!".

"Your mother will help us preform an experiment", said Cao Cao.

"Experiment, you say?", ask Kunou.

"But before that, i came to greet Governor-General Azazel and the Red Dragon Emperor i wish to exchange blows", said Cao Cao.

Azazel, now in Kamen Rider Rogue form, land infron of Issei and co. "I would not mind that but before we begin, we'd like you to return their great leader. We have some important things to establish with her", said Azazel.

Cao Cao smirk, "well then. Please try and take her from us", declaring a fight.

Issei hiss and ready his Boosted Gear.

"Leonardo, release antimonsters effective against devils", said Cao Cao. Small hooded figure can be seen and reveal to be a boy in gray-blue haired with a purple coloured eyes, he summoned antimonsters armies.

"Annihilation Maker...", said Azazel, growling behind the helm.

"Correct. It is a Longinus that can create any monster the user wishes", said Cao Cao.

"So, a power that can destroy the world's is in your faction's hands...", said Azazel.

"No way! That's a huge problem! Henshin!", announce Issei.

Fire engulf Issei's as he clad in red armor as he charge toward the incoming Her's Brigade front liners.

"Seeing as he hasn't sent titan-class creatures to each strategic point, the user must still be in development", said Azazel.

"As expected of the Governor-General. As you say, he has yet to reach that level. However, he is very skilled at one thing", said Cao Cao.

A beam of light shot and pass them and explode the hills.

"An attack of light?!", shock Issei.

"Leonardo has the skill to create antimonsters that target his opponent's weaknesses", said Cao Cao.

The antimonsters shoots the beam from the red gem core at their heads.

Azazel summon a shield to protect them from the beams and explode. A dust can be seen from the distant.

"Not a problem if the attacks don't land!", said Xenovia

"We will just attack them before they have a chance to!", said Kiba.

"Not all of our team members are here right now! What should we do? How should we fight? Think! Think! Think! What would President do? In a situation like this, she would...", thought Issei but he jolt up.

"Kiba, can you hear me?!", shout Issei. "Yeah!", reply Kiba.

"Make a sword that eat light with your power and pass them out!", order Issei.

"Right!", said Kiba.

"Xenovia, focus on guarding Kunou and Asia and then, release your holy aura and attack any enemies that approach!", said Issei.

"Leave it to me!", reply Xenovia. "If it gets dangerous, use that as a shield!", said Issei. "Yes!", reply Asia.

"Irina! Sorry, but please hold the frontlines with Kiba! Light isn't a weakness for an angel!", said Issei.

"It's not a weakness but i still take damage! Fine! I'll try! I'm Lord Michael's number one ace, after all!", said Irina, as wings come out from her back and fly as she summon blue rings to attack the antimonsters.

Issei use a Promotion. "Asia! Promotion, Bishop!", said Issei. "Yes!", said Asia, as she take out a device and gold light shines. A bishop piece appears and shatter infront of Issei. The antimonster fire a beam at Issei but Issei absorb it and fire it back as his own energy blast. "Take this!", shout Issei.

Azazel or Rogue, hover in the air as 6 black wing appears behind his back. "Cao Cao, i'll be your opponent", said Azazel, as he summon Downfall Dragon Spear. "Here i come!", shout Azazel.

"What a great honor!", said Cao Cao, smirking then he charge at Azazel. Two spear collide to create a sparking electric.

"Did you mount attacks in the various leaders of each group so that you could gather data for your antimonsters?!", ask Azazel.

"Correct. Thanks to all of you, we were able to get plenty of data..", said Cao Cao.

"Though, it seems you still can't create a creature that can kill a god", said Azazel.

Cao Cao just chuckle, "for gods, we have our own hands".

Azazel swing the Downfall Dragon Spear but Cao Cao dodge and then Cao Cao swing the spear but Azazel block it but been sent to the air. Cao Cao charge at him again and swing the spear at Azazel but Azazel block and swing his spear at Cao Cao but Cao Cao dodge as they move the fight somewhere.

-Back to Issei-

"Red Dragon Emperor! We are your opponent!". Seem to be, three girl from hero faction charge at him. That turn Issei's attention to them.

"Whoa. This is the perfect time to use that skill!", mutter Issei.

"Release earthly desires! Booblingual!", announce Issei. Pinkish and sparkling zone appear which make the three girl gasp. "What is this?!", ask one of the girl.

"Alright, lady boobs! Tell me what is in your heart!", think Issei.

After confusing you with our movement, we're going to do a chain attack!

I'm going to attack from the right!

I'm going straight at you!

"Then, before that...!"

Issei use that technique as he already behind the three girls as their shirt is now shred in pieces.

"Not to toot my own horn, but the Booblingual and Dress Break combo is invincible!", mutter Issei.

The three girl running away and scream.

"He is the worst...", said Kunou. "This is the first time i've ever seen such terrible attack skill!", said Kunou again. Asia just chuckle and sweatdrop

"As expected of Breast Dragon. That was an impresive skill against breasts. It won't work on me though...", said white haired man.

Issei ready for him.

-Ruined City-

Ryusei and Keima is now arrive at their destination. "We're here. Ikuse-san said he live here alone...", said Ryusei. "Who..?", said Keima.

"The Lord Of Speed, Tendou Shin". A shot of a horned helm figure with red glowing eyes can be seen.

-Chapter 20 end-

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