Fire emblem x Reader

By Azumayah

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This are small one-shoots storys about Fire emblem characters. Fire emblem belongs to nintendo. I don't own... More

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Roy X Reader Part 1
Roy x Reader Part 2
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Jealous Marth x Reader Part 1
Jealous Marth x Reader part 2
Thank you for the 10k views!
Ephraim x Reader
Bridal blessings scenarios...
Thank you for everything.

Seliph x Reader

884 9 1
By Azumayah

Dear diary.

Like always today is another hell's day. It's monday again, and we now what that means going to school and lying again to Julia. I really love her she is my best friend but I can tell her about this I don't want her to be worried about me, I just want to stop existing...

You're Pov..

My daily routine is always the same, waking up, going to school, being bullied by Ishtar and her gang, and my dear friend Depression, not to mention being abused my father.

I usually go to school at 6:30 am because my classes start at 7:00 o'clock and with the teachers I have, getting late is the worst thing ever. I study in Anteros Academy, a prestigious school. This academy is let's say, you can learn how to use any kind of weapon, spells and many other stuff. My favourite class is arts, it's the only class that I can write my stories and draw whatever I want. Arts is the only class where Ishtar doesn't bug me because she is too busy making out with Julius who also is an ass hole (Sorry Julia for calling your brother an ass hole but he truly is one!).

Julia is my best of best friends (well, my only true friend), Julia's half-brother Seliph, he is sooo handsome, I have a crush on him since we we're children. Seliph always been so nice to me, but he been very distant to me since I started to study in the same school as him. I can't blame him, he's just too popular to hang out with someone like me...

-Hey, buzzy bee! Said Julia as she approached you in the art's class.

-Hey Julia. You said with a sad smile in your face.

-How's it going? Said Julia.

-I am doing just fine...

-Your lying. I can see it by your face.

You remained in silence staring at your drawing.

-Was it Ishtar again? Asked Julia.

-No...Not yet...

-Then why are you so sad? Asked Julia.

- ... You didn't respond, you could tell Julia that your mother abandon you and that your father abused you.

-Helloooo? Earth to (Y/n)! Said Julia.

-Sorry...I can't tell you, just... yet.

-Fine, but at list let me see, what are you drawing. Said Julia grabbing your paper.


The entire class looked at you when you screamed. You blushed in embarrassment, Julia gave a little giggle as she looked to your drawing, you just had drawn Seliph's face.

-So, you still have a crush on my brother, I see... Said Julia giving a look that she's planing something probably not good.

-J-Just give it, to me!

-You're no fun. Said Julia returning your drawing and sitting next to you.

You kept staring at your drawing hoping, one day Seliph would notice you.

After class...

-Yay, finally time to go home! Said Julia.


-Since tomorrow is Saturday, why don't you sleep in my house today? Asked Julia.

-Thanks Julia, but my father...

-Don't worry, I'm sure he will say yes. Said Julia.

-Yeah, sure...

Dear Diary.

I literally lied to Julia again I couldn't tell her, I don't want to worry her, she already has her problems. I wish my mother was here, so I could talk to her...I miss her, I don't get it why she left us only to marry that thing. Okay, he's rich but that shouldn't be a motive to betray the man you love most. Well, in my case I would never do that to Seliph (If I ever marry him, of course T^T). I think I will sleep toady at Julia's house, I am afraid what my father might do to me today, he's not the only one who's depressed...I just wish I wasn't so weak. Right now, I am packing up my stuff, I'm going out without even telling him, because I already know the answer.

At Julia's house...

-Gods, this place is huge?!

-This is what you get for being the daughter of the descendent of a legendary crusader, buzzy bee. Said Julia.

-Stop calling me buzzy bee.

-Nooooooooo! Said Julia in a childish way. -Let's go to my room, you're going to sleep with me. Said Julia

-Okay, lead the way. You said following Julia.

You're Pov.

Julia's room was very big, well she lives in a castle and her father owns the current lands, so...Yeah...I can't lie I'm jealous, I wish I had this princess life.

-Buzzy bee, this is your bed. Said Julia.

-Thanks, Julia. You said putting your stuff in your bed.

-Buzzy bee, I still haven't induced you my parents. Said Julia.

-Oh? Where are them?

-Come! Said Julia running to the exit and the halls.

-Wait Julia!

Julia was so fast that you lost track of her and the halls where so big, that you also got lost.

-Great, now I am lost. You said that walking until you bumped in someone or something.

-I am so sorry. Said the person.

-It's fine, I wasn't looking where I was going.

-(Y/n)! Said Seliph.

-Seliph?! You said blushing.

-Hey, (Y/n). He said that helping you getting up.


-What brings you here, (Y/n)? He asked.

-Julia, asked me to sleep here today.

-That's nice. I'm going to my room, now. Said Seliph.

-Yeah, sure.

O my freaking gosh, diary, I couldn't help but to get nervous. I was scared I was literally some "corridors" away from my crush. This would mean, an entire weekend with Seliph. I could scream right now but it would be weird.

-Uh, Seliph...I kind of got lost, when Julia ran to show me your parents.

-Don't worry I can take you there. He said grabbing your hand.

- (H-He's grabbing my hand?! Don't freak out (Y/n) just stay cool).

You two walked for half an hour.

-There. Said Seliph.

-Thanks Seliph.

-No problem, bye. Said Seliph.

-There you are! Said Julia.

-Julia, where have you been. I literally lost track of you.

-Sorry, I was just little excited. Well, this is my mother. Said Julia.

-Hello, I am Deirdre. Julia is always talking about you. Said Deirdre.

-Oh really? You said giggling and looking at Julia.

-Mother! You weren't supposed to say that. Said Julia.

-Sorry sweetie. Said Deirdre.

-Come let's eat dinner, I am too hungry! Said Julia.

Sometime after...

You and Julia, where in your room talking about girl stuff, so you already might imagine how it is.

-Tomorrow, it's your chance to tell him. Said Julia.

-Why tomorrow, can't, you know, wait?

-Nope. Seliph is going to his father's house tomorrow. Said Julia.


-It's your last chance. Said Julia.

-Fine, I will tell him. Now go to sleep. You said that turning of the light and going to sleep.

-Good night, buzzy bee. Said Julia.

-Good night, Julia.

Next day...

-(Y/N)?! Screamed Emile, your butler.

-Emile, what are you doing here?

-Your father, he killed himself. Said Emile.

-WHAT?! NO! Emile we need to go home, now!

-Wait, (Y/N) where are you going? Asked Julia.

I'm sorry, but I can tell you. You rushed to the door and with Emile you returned home.

When you entered in your house , every thing was broken, your father's death body was lying in the kitchen. You approached the death body and grabbed his hand.

-Father, please don't leave me. I lost mother, but I don't want to lose you too.

-(Y/N)! Screamed Seliph and Julia who just arrived.

-W-What happened here? Asked Julia shocked.

-My father he.. You couldn't speak, you were crying to much.

-There, there. Everything will be just fine. Said Seliph hugging you.

-(Y/N), does your mother knows about this? Asked Julia.

You shook your head.

-Actually, she does. Said Emile.

-How? Asked Julia.

-I told her. Said Emile.

-What she said? Asked Seliph.

-She said she didn't care at all. Said Emile.

-Seliph, what do we do, now? Asked Julia.

-(Y/N), can stay with us until she can find a place to stay. Said Seliph.

-What do you think (Y/n)? It would be nice if we lived together. Said Julia.

You didn't respond.

-It's a yes. I know buzzy bee. Said Julia.

-Let's go home, (Y/N) needs to rest. Today was a very traumatic day.

Dear Diary

Seliph was right, I needed to rest. I needed to clear my mind. I had doubts about everything and everyone. I couldn't trust myself. My depression started increasing. There was a time that I couldn't cry any longer. I just can't do anything about it, in school is always Ishtar and her gang bullying me and at Julia's home...Lord Arvis and Lady Deirdre were nice people, but it wasn't home, it wasn't my mother and it wasn't my father. I miss them despite everything they done to me.

Some days later...

-Julia, how is she? Asked Seliph.

-It's been over a week now. In class she seems distracted, and at home she doesn't go out of the room. Said Julia.

-This is bad. Said Seliph.

-I tried to talk to her, but she doesn't open up. Said Julia.

-You probably called her Mrs bee again. Said Seliph.

- No, I didn't. And it's buzzy bee by the way. Said Julia.

Seliph gave an obvious look to his sister as he knocked the door.

-(Y/N), it's me. Seliph.

You didn't respond and he simply entered.

-Hey...He said that sitting down in your bed.


-You know, (Y/N), you shouldn't be so sad like that. I think your father would be sad if he saw you like this. Said Seliph.


-(Y/N). There are many positive things in your life, you living here with Julia is really nice. She says she is enjoying it a lot. Said Seliph.


-Still, no answer. Said Seliph. -No worries, I will try again, I m only going to stop when you talk to me.


Seliph and Julia tried to talk to you during weeks, but like always you wouldn't respond, or you would simply say that you were okay.

Some months later...

You decided that you couldn't handle it any more and when out of your room. You returned to your house and decided to go to the kitchen. You took two pieces of paper and wrote messages to both Seliph and Julia. You grabbed the same knife that you're father did and positioned it in order to end your life.

-Father, I will soon join you.

Dear Diary

I think you already know what happens next, let's say that I feel sorry for finding me like this but it had too. I wasn't able to save myself, to tell Seliph about my feelings and to thank Julia about everything. Everyone knows that it's not me, whose writing this page...

-Hang in there (Y/n) were gonna save you! Said Seliph who seemed to be caring you.

Some hours later...

-She's waking up! Screamed Julia.

-Julia, don't scream! We're in a hospital. Said Seliph.

-Sorry. Said Julia.

-(Y/n), I am so glad, I thought I had lost you forever. Said Seliph.

-Buzzy bee, don't do that to Julia, any more, You heard it! Said Julia.

-...Why you saved me...?

-(Y/N), we don't want to lose you, you are very important to us. Said Julia.

-Julia is right. Killing yourself, isn't the answer. If you need to talk, please know that we will always listen to you. Said Seliph.

-I'm sorry, I was afraid. I was afraid of worrying you and cause problems. It's just I don't belong here. You said it crying.

-Julia, give us a moment. Said Seliph.

Julia simply nodded and got out of the room.

-(Y/N), it's okay, don't worry if you have a problem just tell us, we won't fell bad, we will try the best we can to help you. And of course you belong here, you are needed, if this is because Ishtar told you something silly. Just don't listen to her! She is like that because of her stupid boyfriend. Said Seliph.

-Thank you. Seliph you said that kissing him without noticing.

-Sweet. He said leaking his lips.

-OMG,OMG OMG?! I'm so sorry, Seliph?!

-It's okay, I liked it. He said blushing just like you.

Your foreheads touched as he said something that you would never forget.

-I love you (Y/N), and my heart will always be yours.


Author: It felt good. I needed to take this out of my chest. 

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