Final Knight

By ArcanicViceX

384 6 3

A noble swordman who has the mission to save the world from destruction. There, the swordman seek for aid fro... More

Journey Begins
Meeting an Old Friend
Confused by Pathfinder
A Change of Plan
Azzalium Ultimatum
Figure of Darkness
Familliar Face
REAL Journey Begins
Under Heavy Siege
Lightpiece in Heart
Dire Situations
Mental Downfall
Test of Strength
Force by Force
Dark Side
Corrupted Memory
Separated from the Group
Brink of Destruction
Painful Truth
Complete Picture
Afterlife Conflict
Awakened Power
Horrible Tragedy
Unknown Power
Light of the Last Hope
Impending Doom
The End
The True Ending

Trouble in Moonlight

20 0 0
By ArcanicViceX

"It's getting dark, we should set up a camp." Said Green.
"Good idea, let's set up a campfire." Said Slyver, as he picked up some dead branches.

Green chosed a location and start to form a circle from rocks. Slyver then put the branches in the middle.

"Now... To start a fire..." Said Slyver, as he radiates a small amber from his hand and putted it into the branches. Then, a campfire was made.

"He taught you that, didn't he ?" Ask Green.
"Yeah, and this sword... He enchanted it as well. I wonder where he is..." Said Slyver.

Green went to a nearby tree and sat on it, Slyver then followed him.

"Mind if I sit here ?" Ask Slyver.
"You don't need to ask that, go ahead." Said Green.

Two of them sat on a tree looking at the beautiful sky.

"What do you think Arcanic up to ?" Ask Slyver.
"I don't know, he seems troubled." Said Green.
"He... Told me that he started to hear whisper from his father, telling him about the darkness is in grave danger, a war broke out between the light and the darkness, chaos... He told me strange things that I don't know what it suppose to mean." Green continued.
"He's been telling me similar things, I have a vague memory about it, something about... A dark fountain or something. Underworld creatures broke free, and wreck havoc upon the world." Said Slyver.
"What do you think that suppose to mean ?" Ask Green.
"I don't know, it could be some sort of clue or... If I'm being bad, he might going crazy." Said Slyver with a little laugh.
"What do you think about it ?" Slyver asked back.
"Something about apocalypse, perhaps..." Said Green.
"Hey look !" Said Green, pointing at the moon.
"Yeah, a beautiful moon." Said Slyver.
"No, look at the color..." Said Green.
"Uhuh... Why ?" Ask Slyver.
"It's glowing pale white... Arcanic used to tell me that the light has grown weaker." Said Green.

Slyver silents, thinking about Green's word.

"He might have a point about it... (Arcanic, you know more about the world's secret don't you... Now I know why you spoke those strange words)." Said Slyver.

"Does that fire ever run out ?" Ask Green.
"No, it shouldn't. Arcanic told me it'll last for a day." Said Slyver.
"Oh, okay..." Said Green.

"You know, I miss him." Said Green.
"Yeah, you said that already..." Said Slyver.
"Did I ?" Ask Green confused.
"I don't know... Go on." Said Slyver.
"The days when we play together, telling jokes and laughed. He used to tell us a story everyday, and we never get bored of it." Said Green.
"... Yeah, I miss that day. I hope he's fine. He has some issues, I'm guessing because his parents died. He doesn't have anyone to support him." Said Slyver.
"I'm surprised he can hold on that until now, most people would just... Give up." Said Green.
"He's determined to do a good thing. That's how he got through his life." Said Slyver.
"What do you think he's doing right now..." Green wondered.
"Something... Somewhere... Hope he's fine." Said Slyver.

The chat went long talking about Arcanic, their old friend who had become influential to their life. Green thought Arcanic is a pathfinder, hoping to someday find his way to do better things. Slyver thought Arcanic is a noble teacher, teaching all but good things to others, spreading knowledge and stories along the way.

"It's getting late... Let's go to sleep." Said Green.
"Yeah." Said Slyver.

Then, they went to their camp. Slyver noticed Green staring at the firecamp.

"Hey, what's on your mind ?" Ask Slyver.

Green still stare at the firecamp.

"Get off of it. What are you thinking ?" Ask Slyver, as he snapped his finger. Green then realized.

"I uh... I can't stop thinking about the night, I feel something... Wrong." Said Green.
"Well, it might be just your feeling." Said Slyver.
"No, something is closing in... Slowly, I can feel it, the trees are scared." Said Green.

Slyver took his guard and draw his sword out. Green noticed this and told Slyver to withdraw it. Slyver nodded.

"Put out the fire." Said Green.

Without hesitation, Slyver immediately put the fire out.

"I... I can't see anything." Said Slyver.
"Keep your voice low Slyver, something's coming." Green whispered.
"What should I do ?" Ask Slyver.
"Come." Said Green, as he put his cloak on Slyver's back, they both then went invisible.
"Now, stay silent." Said Green.

From afar, red eyes started to showed up, the aura suddenly feel dark. Green looked around to see anything he need. But found no answer. Slyver in the other hand remain silent with his hand holding his sword's scabbard. Then, a figure showed up.
Looked like a cloaked-skeleton, hovering at the firecamp.

"Al'ritch... The darkweaver." Green whispered.
"A reaper from the underworld... Arcanic told us about him." Slyver responded.
"Yes..." Green replied.

"The traces are fresh..." Said Al'ritch.
"Find them... Kill them, take their soul. I can feel it, it's a strong soul. That would be my meal." Said Al'ritch. Then, the red eyes disappeared, so does Al'ritch.

"Are we... Safe now ?" Ask Slyver.
"No... They're still looking for us. Come on, we need to move, take it slow, don't make any noisy sounds." Green whispered.

They both walk slowly until they reached outside of the forest. Green then uncloaked Slyver and made him visible again.

"What was that ?" Ask Slyver.
"What was what ?" Green confused.
"How are they not see us inches from them ?" Ask Slyver.

Green laughed. And said...

"The cloak, you remember this ? Arcanic enchant it so it will make me and the user invisible, though it only bound to me. The same thing with your sword, Arcanic bound it to yours." Said Green.
"I see... Come-" Slyver nodded.
Wait..." Green interrupt.

The red eyes started to show up again at the forest.

"Oh no..." Green said nervously.
"Get behind me." Said Slyver, as he drew his sword.

Then, Al'ritch appeared in front of them.

"Well, not one... But two strong souls. Good, good..." Al'ritch laughed.
"You are going to be a candidate for my domain." Said Al'ritch, as he created a sword.
"Al'ritch Darkweaver... A reaper from the underworld, known for it's thirst on the living's souls to become stronger." Said Slyver.
"How... How do you know me ?" Ask Al'ritch.
"You don't need to know... All you need to know now, is... BEGONE !" Shout Slyver, as his sword radiates a bright light.

Al'ritch began to fade in the light, the red eyes started to retreat.

"All of you, BEGONE !" Slyver thrusted his sword on the ground, creating a lightwave that banished the red eyes and Al'ritch.
"Wow... You... I..." Green speechless.
"I'm not sure that's the last time we'll see him." Said Green.
"But it's surely not now. Come on, we need to hurry, Arcanic might not be in Mahallar any moment now." Said Slyver.

They both packed their belongings and continue the journey towards Mahallar Kingdom.

One bow to the might of dark
One dare to the kind of light
One feared with the might of light
One feared with the might of dark
One believe with the might of both
To give path to their journey

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