Prince Of My Heart

By rayson2017

866 334 27

Sophia buries her family in one week, she loses the only hope she had in her life, not only that but she has... More

|Chapter 1|•√
|Chapter 2|•√
|chapter 3|•√
|Chapter 4|
|Chapter 5|
|chapter 6|
|chapter 7|
|chapter 8|
|chapter 9|
|chapter 10|
chapter 11
|chapter 12|
|chapter 13|
|chapter 14|
|chapter 15|
|chapter 16|
|chapter 17|
|chapter 18|
|chapter 19|
|chapter 20|
|chapter 21|
|chapter 22|
|chapter 23|
|chapter 24|
|chapter 25|
|chapter 26|
|chapter 27|
|chapter 29|
|Chapter 30|
|chapter 31|
|chapter 32|
|chapter 33|
|chapter 34|
|chapter 35|
|chapter 36|
|chapter 37|
|chapter 38|
|chapter 39|
|chapter 40|
|chapter 41|
|chapter 42|
|chapter 43|
|chapter 44|
|chapter 45|
|chapter 46|
|chapter 47|
|chapter 48|
|Chapter 49|
|chapter 50|
|Chapter 51|
|Chapter 52|
chapter 53
chapter 54
chapter 55
chapter 56
chapter 57
chapter 58
chapter 59
chapter 60

|chapter 28|

9 5 0
By rayson2017

Sophia POV

I turn to the man beside me realising its morning, I groggily stand up.

Alex? I nudge him awake.

He abruptly stands up am up!! am up!!

I laugh, it's been 3 weeks since alex told me he loves me and he has been spending more time with me, including sleeping over.

I walk over placing a kiss on his forehead, good morning.

He shook his head instead pulling me into his thighs placing a kiss on my lips.

Hey I have morning breath I say pulling away.

You should know by now that I don't care.

I blush probably looking like a raccoon with my bed hair.

You don't look like a raccoon he laughs realising I said it out loud you blow my mind away soph, I'm going crazy because of you.

Okay enough with the sappy talk I stand up, I have work and you've made me late too many times this week.

He laughs

That reminds me, they really want to see you I pout.

He heaves a sigh, soph

You're busy I know, I slam the bathroom door behind him.

Come on soph am not ready yet he opens the door stepping in dressed in just his lose yoga pants

You're scared I conclude.

He bit his lip staring at me, with a small nod.

I sputter out laughing, who would have thought?

Hey that's not fair stop laughing he grabs my waist pulling me to his body.

I laugh staring at our form in the mirror, he looks up at our form to tucking a strand of my messed up hair behind my ear.

Look at us, were perfect together.

I smile into the mirror at his words

You're a very beautiful woman Sophia both inside and out.

Just say you want to get into the inside I laugh

He laughs, I have no problem doing that he bites my neck playfully

He grips me tighter, am serious soph you're beautiful and am a lucky man to have you and when am ready I'll meet your family okay

I nod, its okay I don't think I would want to see your family anytime soon too

He laughs, I can introduce you when you're ready.

Yea not happening anytime soon I lean into him my eyes closed.

You know something? He whispers in my ear

What? I mumble snuggling closer to him

You're gonna be late for work he says while laughing.

Holy shit Alex I push him out quickly, taking a quick bath and getting ready in the first pair of jeans and long sleeved top I see, I don't bother with my hair putting it in a bun I grab my keys and coat placing a kiss on Alex lips.

I walk to the door.

You're forgetting something alex says

What? I groan

Morning breath soph he laughs.

My eyes are wide and I quickly rush back to the bathroom, this is all your fault, I walk past him again opening the door.

Your shoes soph you're forgetting that.

I groan and get my sneakers bouncing on my feet, I walk through the door hearing the faint sound of alex telling me he loves me.

I walk down the stairs, its really cold and I cover up more.

I reach the shop and I groan when I see its opened which means am late, I enter and its surprisingly silent I head into the kitchen I quickly cover my eyes, uhm guys if you guys want to make out maybe in the store room I mumble

I hear them laugh before uncovering my eyes, you're late Andrea says trying to distract me from the fact I just caught Lara and him making out.

Not gonna work I wiggle my fingers at him with a smile, I watch Lara cheeks cover in a blush, I laugh I don't know how many times were gonna go through this.

Okay if you want to make out the storage room and if you want to have a quickie the toilets are available I smile as Scarlet and Mara walks in.

Let me guess they were caught again Scarlet laughs.

Yup I nod, good morning Mara I wiggle into her arms hugging her, how is Lilly? I say referring to her daughter

She's great she smiles.

I smile staring at my new family, I might have lost my whole family in New York but I gained a new one here.

We laugh together as we get to work Rosie and Johnny coming down the stairs together

Soooo? I say turning to them, I might need a day off this Saturday I mumble

Let me guess, its that unknown boyfriend of yours Rosie says

I nod, yup Alex is taking me somewhere

Ooh i wonder if its somewhere exotic.

I laugh with a roll of my eyes at Lara no were just going to his cabin it's a 6 hours drive from here so I will have to leave early this Saturday.

Johnny nods, its okay we can handle things.

Thanks I smile.

I talked to Simon and he agreed to help us transport the food for the party in the next 3 weeks.

I can't believe it, everything is so fast.

So what are you gonna do for your birthday Andrea brings up the topic

I don't know yet, I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

He nods and I go ahead to give Alex the good news, happy they let me go.


The week goes by the same and honestly I love my routine but the change of scenery is nice.

I jump out of the car staring at cabin while alex grabs my bags.

So what are we gonna do here? I say staring at the vast field behind the cabin.

We can have a picnic, berry picking, and we can go to a stable not too far from here.

Really? I love horses I say walking into the house, he switches on the lights

I smile at the tiny living room, I walk to the small kitchen similar to mine and of course the single bedroom upstairs.

I open up the windows, when was the last time you were here?

I think last year he says grabbing my waist and pulling me to him gazing out the window with me.

Why? Its so peaceful here I breath in

He nods, exactly why I love it.

So that picnic I laugh watching his eyes light up when I turn to him.

I got that settled already my lady he bows

I smile and nod I know


You think I won't notice the large basket at the back of your car I raise a brow.

He laughs pulling me close, placing a kiss on my lips, but I hold on to him turning the kiss to a full blown put make put session, I pull back, I could survive on that

I could survive on you he says placing a kiss on my nose.

I giggle and he's about to let me go, I hold on to his arm, and I start fidgeting suddenly feeling nervous.

Hey what's wrong? He tucks my hair behind my ear.

I really want to tell you something, I have no idea how to say it

He not his lips with a smile, you know all you have to do is open up your mouth and talk

I smack his chest with a smile, am serious here Lex, am not a poet like you or I don't have a long list of things you do to me that makes my day cause they are just too long, I can't put my words into a song or a poem cause am talentless but I just want to tell you, I love it that you're in my life, I love that you've been with me this long even with my stupid complains, my addiction to food, and disturbing you when you watch your games, but I really love you both inside and out Alex, I never thought I'll fall in love again after my last boyfriend who was a jerk by the way, we both laugh even though he practically took care of me.

Okay am off the topic now, i say staring up at him, he's hazel eyes looking bright in the sun

I love that you make me feel like you love me everyday, i love that you make me an important aspect in your life, I love you Alex and am sorry I did not say all this earlier, I was scared, I was scared I would lose you soon but this, all this you do makes me realise that you're going to be a permanent person in my life-" I don't finish my really long speech before alex is kissing the hell out of me.

I close my eyes wrapping my hands around his neck fiddling with his hair he pulls back, you have no idea how happy you make me soph he says placing a kiss all over my face making me giggle.

Then show me I say placing my hands on his shoulders.


Nothing!! I say blush covering my cheeks I knew I would give out soon.

He smirks pulling me closer to his body, are you sure soph can you handle me

Oh don't be so conceited I smile staring up at him

I'll show you conceited he laughs grabbing my thighs lifting me I wrap my legs around his firm waist

Oh I gasp as we climb up the stairs to his bedroom, its finally gonna happen I squeal in my head, my eyes are wide when he drops me on the bed.

He leans down placing a kiss on my lips, this is heaven I think, for a few hours he made me realise how love can get you so crazy,he was gentle and sweet, his kisses hot against my body, the intensity in his eyes told me how invested he is at my reaction when he pleases me, we spent hours of passion that would forever be engraved in my head.

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