Broken Promises (Cristiano Ro...

By missespana

34.8K 682 80

Clarissa and Cristiano have been friends since they were little, always by each others side, inseparable. Wha... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16

Part 17

1.6K 39 19
By missespana

'So I heard that the wedding is cancelled' Clarissa stated as she took sip of her hazelnut latte.

'Postponed' Cristiano corrected 'Anselma is making the most of all this. She's postponing the wedding in order to see if she can trust me ever again after I betrayed her by having a relationship with you' he air quoted to convey what the media had been saying.

'We know that's not the truth' Clarissa snapped, banging her open palm on the dark mahogany table of the near empty cafe.

'Of course we do. But the media and everyone else don't. She's portrayed you and I as the villains and her as the sweet innocent soul who's being corrupted. Ugh that woman can play people!' he exclaimed shaking his head in annoyance.

'And so here we are, you in a baseball cap and sunglasses and me in my silk scarf hiding'

Cristiano shrugged 'we can't add fuel to the to the fire but I wanted to talk to you face to face. How are things at work?' he asked.

It had been two weeks since the two had returned to Madrid and every time they left their houses they were hounded by photographers. Of course Cristiano was used to it but for Clarissa it was a living hell.

'The worst' she sighed 'from the moment I leave home I'm chased by paparazzi and at work I'm constantly followed by whispering and rumours and the pointing. I feel like some sort of freak show. I just want to crawl under my duvet and live out my days peacefully there, that way I won't be judged'

'That is a good idea, or you could always buy your own private island and never be harassed again'

Clarissa gulped her drink.'God! Is that why you brought me here? To tell me that you have bought me my own island?' she teased.

'Sorry to break it to you, but no, the closest you'll get to your own private pool is a paddling pool at the moment' he retaliated causing her to scowl like she did as a little girl.

'No. seriously though Clarissa. I asked you here because I wanted to know if you would like to come with me to the club awards in two weeks'

Clarissa's head immediately snapped up as the words filled her ears. 'Cristoano!' she exclaimed as both hands palms down flat on the table causing the cutlery to rattle 'Are you crazy? please tell me that this is a joke' she begged.

'Of course I'm not kidding!' he replied. 'What are you scared of? Anselma? You don't need to be afraid of her' he said, placing a comforting hand on top of hers.

Looking down at their two hands Clarissa let them stay before pulling her hand back and sitting back in her char.

'I'm not afraid of her, she can do whatever the hell she wants but I mean, won't the two of us together only reinforce her stupid story about me stealing you away from her?

'Shit' Cristiano muttered under under his breath slapping his hands onto his thighs, as the realisation that Clarissa had made a good point hit him.

'I can still go, just we can't go together' Clarissa offered.

Cristiano shook his head 'No. the only way you can get in is if you're accompanying a player'

'Well that's not going to happen. They're all got their wives and girlfriends' Clarissa sighed.

'Not all of them' Cristiano clicked his fingers as he remembered that not all of his teammates were attached.

'Who?' Clarissa asked, her brow furrowed in curiosity.

'You're not going to like it but it's the only option we have if you want to attend'

'If you say Sergio Ramos then I swear I'll....' Clarissa began trying to think of a way to finish her threat, crossing her arms across her chest.

'Come on Clar. It's all we have. It's not like you have to sleep with the guy, it's just a way to get you in. I'd love to have you there. You know how much your support means to me' and with that he flashed her the puppy dog look that almost always got him what he wanted.

Breaking eye contact, Clarissa turned her head, focusing her attention to a woman who was helping her child eat her sandwich as the pros and cons debated in her mind.

Suddenly a big booming voice in her mind banished the debate 'Who cares what other people think? You know you want to go, so stop over thinking and just go Clar or you'll end up regretting it'

'Ok' she sighed

'I'll go with Sergio but only because I want to support you and make sure those model vultures don't get too close to you now that you're technically free from Aneselma'

'I think I can handle myself' he smirked.

'Uh-huh. ok we'll see, once they get you drink enough who knows what'll happen!'

Cristiano laughed as he pulled his phone out and dialled.

He winked as he waited for an answer, causing Clarissa to roll her eyes.

It wasn't long before the ringing stopped and the conversation began.

'Sergio! My man! what's going on?' Cristiano greeted.

Clarissa shook her head and couldn't help letting out a chuckle at the rapid change in his persona when interacting with his teammate.

Clarissa took a sip of her latte as she listened to Cristiano going through the formalities with Sergio.

She let her mind wander and it wasn't too long before her attention was grabbed.

'So Sergio, the real reason I rang was because I wanted to see if you have found anyone to go to the awards with because if not I have who is just dying to accompany you' Clarissa choked as the words left Cristiano's mouth.

'Oh yeah man. she's a real babe!'

Clarissa kicked under the table and caught Cristiano giving him a warning.

'Ow' Cristiano exclaimed putting his hand up to cover mouthpiece of the phone.

'Watch it! professional footballer here' Clarissa stuck out her tongue causing Cristiano to laugh.


Clarissa wasn't sure exactly how she had gotten into this position but two weeks after her cafe rendezvous with Cristiano she found herself sitting at her dressing table applying the finishing touches to her make up.

As she stopped the pink lip gloss across her lips she sat back she took a deep breath to calm the nerves that had slowly began to rise within her.

She doesn't know why but she couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was going to happen.

As she shook her head to discuss the negative thoughts, the front door bell rang causing her to jump.

'Ok Clarissa, remember you're doing this to support Cristiano this is not a date with Sergio, just make sure that he knows that' she told herself as she grabbed her shawl and made her way downstairs.

As she approached the front door, Clarissa could see Sergio fixing his hair, which she had noticed was a thing he did when he was nervous.

As she opened the door and was caught by surprise as she was greeted by Sergio who was looking very share and handsome in a black suit holding a bunch of red velvet roses.

'Wow!' Sergio let out a low whistle as his eyes fell upon Clarissa who was wearing a deep royal blue ball gown embellished with silver embroidery. The dress came off the shoulders allowing her hair which was loosely curled and brought to one side to fall gracefully.

'These are for you' Sergio said, handing the roses to Clarissa.

'Thank you Sergio' she blushed. 'You do know this is not a date though right?' she added.

'I know but I want you to have the full stallion experience' he winked. 'Everyone woman deserves it'

Clarissa rolled her eyes 'As long as it's not the full experience we won't have a problem'

'You can try to resist but I know deep down that you want me!'

Clarissa placed the flowers on the table behind the door.

'Come on Casanova, let's get this night going'

With that she closed the front door and let Sergio lead her to his sleek dark grey Audi A8.

'Thank you' Clarissa smiled as Sergio opened the door as she slid into the front seat she made a pact to not resist but to enjoy the evening as much as she can.

The pair made courteous small talk which to her surprise was quite pleasant and didn't involve Sergio trying to flirt. They made their way to the hotel where the awards were being held.

'Wow' Clarissa couldn't hold in her amazement as Sergio drove through the gates and up the drive to the hotels entrance.

'I know right? It's pretty special' Sergio replied smiling.

As the car came to a stop, the valet opened the door, holding his hand out for Clarissa to take, by that time Sergio had already made it over to her side of the car and had his elbow bent inviting Clarissa to take it which to her surprise she did.

'Are you ok?' he bent his head down to ask.

'What? Of course!' she replied quickly.

'It's just because you're gripping my arm quite tightly' he chuckled

'Oh' Clarissa released her grip. 'Sorry' she blushed.

'No harm done' he winked as the two made their way up the red carpet towards the stunning glass doors and archway.

Clarissa's grip tightened as the army of paparazzi's came into view.

Sergio squeezed her hand in a reassuring way as Clarissa kept her head down avoiding being noticed by the photographers as they walked side by side.

'Sergio. Sergio!' the chants and calls immediately started accompanied by the blinding flashes.

Sergio just gave a simple wave and walked inside not stopping to pose for pictures.

'Why didn't you stop?' Clarissa asked.

'Because we're here to support Cristiano, not for publicity. Besides, I don't need publicity!'

Once safely inside the walls of the hotel, the pair made their way across the foyer towards the Grand Ballroom.

'Good evening Mr. Ramos' an usher greeted at the entrance.

'If you'll follow me please, I'll show you to your table'

Sergio turned to Clarissa offering his hand. 'Ready?' he smiled.

Taking a deep breath to calm the butterflies that were fluttering violently in her stomach 'Ready' she replied taking his hand.

Her jaw dropped immediately as her eyes fell scanned the ballroom which was decorated so much more extravagantly than she could ever have imagined.

Tables were placed at various intervals, intricately decorated in silver and royal blue fabric to match the colour scheme of the lights and other decorations of the room.

'Here you are' the waiter smiled opening his arm out inviting the pair to take their seats.

The waiter made a start to pull out a chair for Clarissa but was stopped in his tracks by an all too eager Sergio.

'No, it's fine. I have it.' Sergio took the chair from the waiter taking Clarissa by surprise.

'Your seat madam' he bowed his head.

'Thank you' Clarissa couldn't help but let out a silent giggle as she took the seat, as Sergio sat to her tight. Clarissa looked at her surroundings in awe, she had been to events before but none of this grandeur.

It wasn't long before people started making their way over to their table, to greet Sergio.

Clarissa smiled politely as he hugged and joked with his teammates and some people from the board at Real Madrid that Clarissa recognised.

'I'll be back in a moment' Sergio told Clarissa as he stood up, buttoned his suit coat up and made his way over to a table behind, which Clarissa noticed sat a beautiful blonde model type woman, she turned back and took a sip of her drink.

As she did so, she heard a voice behind her.

'Good evening señora. May I sit here' Clarissa turned around 'Of course'

'Oh my gosh, Clar?' Cristiano exclaimed. 'I had no idea it was you!'

'Guess I cleaned up a little too well today' she joked.

'Where's Sergio?' he asked taking the seat to her left.

'Chatting up some model' Clarissa rolled her eyes.

'Funny, I don't remember chatting you up' Sergio's voice behind her said as he sat to her right after greeting Cristiano.

'Damn, when did you get so smooth?' Cristiano asked

'I was always smooth' he replied mockingly pulling his suit collar up.

As the trio talked about Cristiano and his chances of winning player of the season, something caught Clarissa's eye to her left.

Dressed in an over the top lavish gold ball gown that revealed way too much of her cleavage Anselma strutted to the table to their left.

She waited as her seat was pulled our for her and noticed Clarissa to whom she lifted her hand with her immaculately polished nails up to her lips stained in a powerful red lipstick kissed it and blew a kiss which Clarissa was certain was full of menace.

Clarissa rolled her eyes and turned her head just as music began playing indicating that the ceremony was about to start.

Clarissa focused all her attention on the presenter who was welcoming everyone to the most prestigious event of the season.


As the ceremony went on, Clarissa found herself enjoying herself a lot more.

However once or twice as Clarissa's eyes fell towards Anselma's direction she couldn't help but notice a man sitting to Anselma's left who would lean in and whisper something into Anselma's ear that would made her laugh and sometimes turn and look in Clarissa's direction whenever she wasn't looking.

Before Clarissa had time to think over who the man was, Cristiano's hand on top of hers as the presenters voice filled her ears grabbing her attention.

'And the winner for player of the year is...' Clarissa looked at Cristiano who for once looked nervous '.... is Cristiano Ronaldo'

With that Cristiano brought Clarissa hand to his lips and kissed it before standing up and making his way up towards the stage as people congratulated him.

Clarissa couldn't help but smile as she watched her bet friend receive an award for all his hard work and commitment to his dream occupation which started from since they were young children.

Cristiano beamed as he began his thank you speech.

As the speech went on Clarissa felt the tears begin to sting her eyes.

'Before I finish, theres one person who's very speed to me, show always been there for me, through the goos but most importantly through the bad' he paused and took a deep breath as the tears began to fall from Clarissa's eyes.

'And that person is...'

Before he could finish Anselma had bolted up to a standing position holding her arms up in the air causing all attention to be drawn all to her.

'Thank you!' she squealed as people began to slow clap as she soaked up the limelight.

Clarissa swiped at her tears as Cristiano made his way off the stage and towards the press room.

No matter how hard she swiped the tears, Clarissa couldn't quench then until she realised that she was crying quite heavily.

'Sergio, I'm just going to go to the bathroom'

'Are you ok?' he asked as she stood up.

'Yeah. I just need a minute' With that she hurried in the direction of the bathrooms.

Once in the ladies, she headed straight for a sink and basin and turned the water on.

She began washing the tear stains and mascara that had streamed down her cheeks.

She took deep breaths to calm her down, she had no idea why she was crying so much, she knew it was more than just the fact that she was so happy that Cristiano won the award but there was something more.

Once she was finally composed, Clarissa made her way out into the hallway.

As she walked back towards the ballroom she kept her head down avoiding eye contact with anyone that passed.

Suddenly she bumped into someones shoulder.

'Sorry' she mumbled, continuing to avoid eye contact, she turned to continue her way down the hallway.

Suddenly she felt a strong grip on her forearm pulling her back.

'Ow' she exclaimed as she snapped around to see whose hand pulled her.

'Hello sweetheart' the voice smirked.

As her eyes met theirs,she couldn't believe it.

Clarissa immediately took a step back shaking her head in disbelief.

'Oh yes baby, oh yes' he nodded, confirming her worst nightmare.

'Paulo' she whispered, her voice barely audible.

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