One Bloody Waltz | Vampire!BT...

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❝Every part of you belongs to us now, your blood, your beating heart, your body, and soul, say that you're ou... Daha Fazla

I 🌹
II 🌹
IV 🌹
V 🌹
VI 🌹
IX 🌹
X 🌹
XI 🌹

XV 🌹

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Taken, Fallen, Love is a Pain


"Yah! Be Careful!" She shouted, her hands flying up from the washbowl as Taehyung accidentally threw the small vinaigrette bowl too harshly, causing it to break, therefore, unintentionally injuring her.

"Mianhae, It really was an accident..." The blonde vampire declared, his eyes stuck onto their place, void of emotion.

"Ugh... Just... Ugh!" She exclaimed, vigorously shaking her hands dry before stomping out in an angry fashion.

How... unlikely.

Yoongi, despite his usual carelessness, didn't particularly enjoy seeing the cold mistreatment his dear cousin had just gone through. Setting the dish towel he had at hand away, he walked towards Taehyung and softly patted him on the back, trying his best to offer him a sense of comfort, thus regardless of his inexperience in the domain.

Taehyung, who had been a mess for the past days, didn't even bother flinching, simply going back to the dishes. He was just... emotionless.

"You needn't consoling me, Yoongi-Hyung...I'll be alright." He promised, nodding to himself, his voice still... abnormally missing feelings.

"Still, Taegi, right?" The eldest of the two remarked, trying to make his fellow company laugh, which of course failed.

"Yeah," He agreed, going back to his task of picking up the broken pieces. As he cleaned up, he couldn't help but sigh slowly, something he didn't do, he was acting so out of character.

"I just don't understand what's up with her." He complained.

The mint haired vampire understood what his cousin meant, after all, it was almost impossible for someone to change personalities so quickly. This character didn't seem like one I would adopt at any time, and yet, here she was, right before their eyes.

Thinking about the whole ordeal seemed to make his task fly faster, and the young pianist couldn't help but question the sudden change in nature. It seemed like it was only a week ago where they cuddled against each other in hopes of beating the unbearable coldness that seeped through the mansion's walls, and now, this brand new person refused to even do as little as share a darn movie with them? This was far too... stretched, for his liking that is.

It didn't seem like me at all, and he noticed it, they all did, but they didn't question it, and each and every single one of them had a reason behind it.

Jin, for one, alongside an extremely hurt Jimin, chose to believe that perhaps it was a hormonal issue. It was completely natural for women to change in behavior due to their natural hormonal changes, even so, with his intellectual, Jin refused to believe it was fully because of that. In fact, both he and Jimin believed there was something far sketchier going on.

Hoseok, Jungkook, and Taehyung refused categorically to believe it was the same person, it was me, who was treating them so harshly. Taehyung recalled the incalculable, even uncountable, displays of affection they shared, from playing in the snow to making out in the garden on his birthday night, and he refused to believe that something as small as a goddamn period would fully change his bride, would fully change me.

For Jungkook, it was basically the same thing. He had cried into this bride's shoulder and had bawled his eyes and emotions out in front of her. He had stripped himself off of his pride to show her simply how emotionally unstable he really was and she'd suddenly turn into Cruella DeVil? Unbelievable. Unimaginable, even.

For Taehyung, he was pissed off. Taehyung's character was sweet and nice, but not to mess with. He tended to get possessive and angry, and this new attitude that was surfacing onto the bride was making him quite angry. He honestly wouldn't mind if she got angry and shouted at him, after all, she was only human, but right now she was acting like a spoiled brat in more ways than he could handle, which made him so agitated. He was sure that it wasn't her, it couldn't be, this person wasn't me.

Hoseok, it was another story, unlike Jungkook and Taehyung, who were angrier and hurt, he was...curious, phased, and surprised. Surprised about the sudden change in attitude, phased because of her hatred towards him, curious as to what might've happened that had turned her into... a psychotic bitch.

Namjoon and Yoongi, oh Namjoon and Yoongi.

See, Namjoon was more aware of things that occurred to their bride, therefore, he was 99.99% sure that the person who was currently sharing their home couldn't impossibly be their lovely bride. This... How to say, this ruthless wench, may you remember that this person wasn't their bride, it was a... ruthless whore, wench... It was a psychotic bitch. Bless Hoseok.

Of course, every night, he looked up, researched, read and tried to understand what might've happened, and of course, he was right, it was a siren vampire, and his little finger told him it was his mother who caused this, but he couldn't seem to understand who they'd push into their bride's body. He had suspicions, but they seemed far too stretched, after all, that person was dead.

Lacking in his cousin's smarts, Yoongi didn't necessarily come to the same results as Namjoon, but he was close, realizing that something, or someone, must've taken over their bride's body, even if he didn't understand what it was. One thing that did make him surpass his cousin was his suspicions, unlike Namjoon, he allowed himself to set a certain bride at the top of the list. Despite the fact that his mother made him understand that that peculiar woman died ages ago, Yoongi was a hard-headed vampire who didn't trust his witch of a mother, so yes, Troian was at the top of the many bitches who could've taken over his bride's body, came in next, Namjoon's mother, Aunty Ju-Hong.

The mint haired vampire, affected by his bride's sudden change in demeanor, couldn't even sleep at night, and just focused on creating chill beats for his classes and himself. This occurrence had shaken him up so much, he went as far as to name a track "Bitches", and yes it was dedicated to his mother, which he made sure to precise at the end of the track. He came to think what his teacher would say, he would probably give him an 'F' for both 'Failure' and 'Fantastic'.

As he walked up to his room, he couldn't help but recall how much he had gotten to know the bride, how much he learned to appreciate this bride, how much he learned to appreciate me, over the course of the past weeks.

  ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦

Playing around, that was not something Yoongi usually did. But here he was, here he was, outside, goddamn it he was outside, why? Because she had that much power on him, even if they had met barely a month ago.

It was pure serendipity that she had dragged him outside with her, really. He was sitting by his pianoforte, his forehead laying on the tiles as he attempted to create a unique wave of sound, but he was stuck.

That's when she came in.

Bursting through the door with what seemed to be a shovel in between her arms, she wasted no time in throwing his outdoors clothing at him, not even asking him, or requesting him to join her.

"Hey, you! You've been in here all day, you're going out! Now!" The sass in her voice was almost too obvious for him to not abide by her order, so he silently put on his clothes and followed her out, watching as she scraped the ground of the garden off of the growing ice.

Not once did she ask him for help, simply doing her work, when he questioned her about it, she simply smiled, telling him that she was truly happy with his being there.

His heart spasmed.

The strange feeling came to him once more as he watched her build what seemed to be a... snowman? To him, it looked more like a snowman with a dislocated head, but of course, he commented not about it, his quiet nature getting the best of him. The thing that tingled his senses most was when she put two pebbles on the... snowman's mouth and loudly declared he was now a, 'snow vampire'. How adorable. The small smile that overtook his features was not wanted.

The third time the strange feeling took him, it was whilst she was basically assaulting him, which he didn't question, she had been pretty hyper for the past week, probably due to the snow, she declared many times that she wanted for it to snow and never stop, he didn't question as to why she'd want snow, but he could guess. The beautiful white blanket was definitely worth wishing for, and he was not one to wish for things. He was deep lost in his thoughts when he heard her voice.

"Yah!!!" She shouted out as a ball of snow was directed his way. His lazy ways disallowed him to dodge the rather large snow projectile that was headed his way, and it landed square on his face, a rather chirpy but still adorable laugh could be loudly heard from the other side of the garden.

"Gotcha!" A certain bride let out as she laughed in victory, making him groan as he tried to regain his composure, pushing the cold ice from his face.

"What on earth have I ever done to you?" He asked, his question far from rhetorical. Finally pushing all the opaque ice away from his eyes, he allowed his eyes to settle on her figure, clad in a jacket that was far bigger than her, her beanie recklessly close to her eyes and her scarf wrapped around her luscious neck in a choke hold fashion, to keep herself warm. Her sweatpants were wet, sopping even, from her diverse activities in the cold snow, even so, she looked mesmerizing.

Her (E/C) eyes shone brightly in the dimly lit yard, illuminating the zone with her happiness, her large smile suited her features so nicely, her cheeks puffed up and white from the freezing cold, her nose red. She allowed him a look at her mess of a head of hair as she removed her beanie, only to put it back on and lower it farther than it already was.

Yoongi was never one to stare at anyone, or anything for that matter, for too long, and yet, here he was, completely overtaken by the sight of this girl, this woman, this respectable woman that had treated them with care and respect since the day she came to this eerie mansion they called a home.

At that moment, he was lost in the colors of the scene, the dark blues of the sky, the shiny moon, the white roses, and the yellow lights, it definitely looked like they were in one of Van Gogh's paintings, but with her shining eyes and bright smiles, and his admiring stares and parted lips, they were definitely in one of Edgar Allen Poe's poems. This scene, to him, was far too... odd, but it was also so wonderful. He felt something strange in his chest, something raising, something overpowering, something he allowed himself to fall into, something that brought him comfort, something that brought him hope, hope he'd someday be happy.

It might've seemed scandalous, but he wanted her affection, her attention, he didn't want her to leave him, he loved her.

He loved her.

He loved their bride.

He loved me.

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Yoongi's lips pursed as he felt his cheeks puff up and flush, recalling the memory embarrassing him, the butterflies in his stomach confusing him, his beating chest hurting him. He honestly never thought he would be the first one to fall in love, but it made sense, somehow.

Despite his cold stares and emotionless gazes, he was always the more... emotional one, guided, even driven, by said emotions. They shaped him and decided for him, unlike Namjoon, his cousin, he truly didn't work by logic, he was made out completely off of emotions. Even so, he had a hard time expressing them, but it took this one woman to show up and change his attitude, she helped him, helped him express himself truly, she helped him feel.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but turn his eyes towards a certain petite cousin of his he seemed to simply favor over the others. Had he felt the same compassion for her? Or was he yet to fall into the vast sea that love was? As his brown eyes settled on the sat down blonde who was playing with his legs, swinging them on top of the stool he was sat on.

Said shorty was actually thinking about a certain occurrence that happened with the bride as well, his lowered eyes expressing the sadness he felt due to her sudden change in persona. How could someone change so fast? And so differently?

Jimin was grown, even so, he was still innocent and genuine, his actions were always pure and real, he was not one to plot or scheme, he was sincere and real, and perhaps that's what caused his hurt.

He stood by Jin when the eldest spoke that perhaps it was a hormonal thing, but of course, he still had his doubts. He was hurt, part of him wanted to believe that there was an explanation, part of him wanted to kick her out for making him believe she respected him and viewed him as a real man, as a person who should be respected. She had been one to hand him a glass of water when he was choking, and now she was drowning him in it. It was so... tragic.

Blinking away the tears, he forced himself to recall a happy memory, and gratefully, his memory landed on one, a rather recent one, of course, but it was a happy memory nonetheless, he couldn't help but chuckle, recalling it.

New Year's Eve, someone would call it a busy night, others would call it a serene night, others would just call it a... reckless night.

Jin let out an exasperated sigh as he waited patiently, sat down next to a rather calm Namjoon, Yoongi, and an amused Hoseok.

Upon hearing a clatter, the eldest of the group flinched, "Oh my god, what have they done?!" He asked, no one in particular, making Hoseok and Namjoon chuckle.

"Calm down, Jin. I'm sure it was just a bunch of knives or something..." Hoseok spoke, patting the eldest on the back whilst Yoongi tried to fix his light pink Hanbok.

"Um...Is this supposed to be this loose fitting?" He questioned for the tenth time and Namjoon chuckled, "Yes, Yoongi."

"Why are we wearing them anyway?" Hoseok asked, making Namjoon chuckle.

"Youngsters insisted we do since it's the head of the year, and they wanted to see (Y/N) in a Hanbok, apparently."

"Ah." Hoseok declared before he tilted his head, "The kitchen has been silent for a while, I wonder what's happening."

"Oh god." Jin started hyperventilating once more.


"Shit fuck." Jungkook declared, only to earn a slap from a certain childish hyung, and a certain bride.

"Don't swear!" Taehyung yelled out and Jimin chuckled, "He has every right to, he just broke Jin's most favorite serving plate."

"Oh well, it was too fragile!" Jungkook argued and the bride chuckled, "Nope, you fucked up."

"What the hell happened to no swearing?!" Taehyung reminded before he coughed.

"Maybe if we just throw it away he won't notice..." He declared and Jimin shook his head.

"Nah, I say we glue it back and just push it deep into the cupboard so that he completely forgets about it." He stated, receiving a nod and a thumbs up from Taehyung before those two... lovers, hugged, making Jungkook shake his head.

"Are we really underestimating Jin that much?" A certain girl reminded, running a hand through her (H/C) locks, her very, very, very tangled locks.

"We're not underestimating him...We're just... making sure he doesn't get pissed off!" Jimin declared, receiving a shrug, and Jungkook sighed.

"Fine, where's the glue?"

After a short while, the youngsters, as called, managed to get all the work done. Beautifully served Korean dishes, from royal dishes like Gujeolpan and Sinseollo to more seen dishes, such as Tteokook and Saengchae, as well as small servings of Kimbap and Buchimgae, all served in the most elegant of Bangjja dishware, their bronze color contrasting gracefully against the copper utensils, not to mention the alluring black teapots, accompanied by their matching cups, which were all purely made out of the finest of clays. The ebony low table clad in a sheer teal tablecloth, which matched the dark teal leather cushions.

It was a fancy setting, to say the least, and the large vases filled with branches of Peach Blossom further enhanced the impression of elegance and traditionalism, to say the least. The 'Youngsters' had done a great job, having broken a few dishes along their way, but they truly were proud of their work. For now, it was their turn to get ready, since currently; they looked like a participant of a food fight. Jimin even had some rice stuck in his hair, whilst Taehyung had vegetable stew splattered across his chest.

"Okay, I think we got everything done!" Jimin declared happily, his energy still full to the brim.

Jungkook checked his watch, "Well, we have about three-quarters of time left to get ready, we should hurry." He declared, and almost instantly, he and Taehyung rushed away into their respective rooms.

A certain young lady chuckled, "Wow that was fast." She stated before she started climbing up the stairs; Jimin quickly catching up behind her.

"What color is your Hanbok, (Y/N)-ah?" He questioned, his eyebrows risen with pure curiosity and the young woman shrugged.

"I didn't really take a look at it." She confessed and Jimin frowned.

"I honestly wanted us to match!" He declared, making her chuckle as they reached the door to her room.

"Perhaps we will, I'll see you later, Jimin-ah. I can't wait to hear you sing Arirang!"

With that thought in mind, Jimin rushed to his room, rushed to pick out the best Hanbok he owned, in hopes that it would match the bride's. This gesture might've seemed quite childish, perhaps even cheesy, but he truly held in mind that small gestures were ones that counted, that proved affection and want. Surely, she and he might've shared quite the... sensuous kisses before, but still, it didn't mean they had to skip out on the more corny parts of a relationship.

He thought about it thoroughly as he washed his hair, the lukewarm water of the dripping shower head further enhancing his hyperactivity, unable to hold himself together. He was sure that he had never washed his hair any faster.

Quickly jumping out of the shower, he dried his hair and managed to rummage through his clothing for the best Hanbok he owned, and after much searching –And messing up his closet- he laid his hand on it, one that was gifted to him by his own grandmother. It was truly, to say the least, a work of art.

Sheer, white, lavender. It truly reminded him of the upcoming winter and he grinned. Slipping on the garment, he tried his best to make it look as good as he possibly could without Jin-hyung's help, and as he looked at himself in the mirror, he truly believed he had done a great job.

Sitting down by his vanity, his eyes gazed at the numerous products that were set there and he quickly picked up a simple face cream that he applied rather quickly, simply to look a bit lively, and a pair of earrings were hooked onto his ears, followed by the black sheer Gat that men sported ever so neatly during the Joseon Dynasty.

To him, he looked presentable enough.

To anyone else, he looked like a dazzling scholar from the elderly era, with his stoic but sweet features, the light colors enhanced his already present beauty. He looked outstandingly attractive. A work of art.

Rapidly, he escaped his room and ran, yes, ran, towards a bride's room, knocking a few times, only to hear a small 'yes' and he couldn't help but grin at the sound of the familiar voice.

"Are you ready?" He questioned and she chuckled, "Yes! Can you come in? Tell me how I look!" She requested and in all honesty, he couldn't pass up the opportunity.

Twisting the knob, he took a little peek before entering, only to meet a stupefying canvas of endless charm and artistry.

She looked... angelic.

Attired in a beautiful white Hanbok, the ornate skirt puffed up, but not too much, making her look like the queen she is, the bride she is, her top was sheer, patterned with exquisite astronomical drawings that adorned her with an attractive mystery. Her delicate hands were garnished with simple silver rings that enhanced the elegance of her looks. The hairstyle she sported kept her hair away from her face, allowing Jimin a clear look at the artistic work her visage really was. A touch of gloss could be spotted on her lips, making them appear fuller, plumper, more kissable.

She looked astonishingly gorgeous, in more ways human words could describe.

As Jimin stood there, marveling over the beauty of her looks, he couldn't help but wonder, would she look that beautiful in a wedding dress? That's when he realized, he wanted to be the one, the only one, to have the privilege to see her in such a state of elegance and delicacy. He wished to be the one to touch that (S/C) silky smooth skin, to stroke those (H/C) cottony locks, to kiss those lips, to cherish that refined body. He wanted to be the one she'd choose.

He loved her... Didn't he?

He loved her.

Jimin loved this bride.

"So, how do I look?"

"Ah... Lovely. You look lovely."

He loved me.

"Jimin-ah! Taehyung-ah! Jungkook-ah! (Y/N)-ah! What the fuck happened to my goddamn custom 1800s dish?!"


  ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦  

Feeling his cheeks flaming up and his heartbeat fastened, he quickly shook his head, trying to settle his quite childish feelings. He couldn't help but feel like such an immature human being for having fallen for her so quickly, it was quite hilarious to him, but also quite aggravating. After all, he was somewhat picky, when it came to significant others.

Letting out a small sigh, he stood up, ruffling his hair before he picked up his book and exited the library, only to hear a small cough, coming from the Maknae.

"Where are you going, Jimin-Hyung?" He questioned, his eyes filled with care. After all, he was completely aware of how much the change in their current bride's demeanor had affected Jimin.

Jimin, touched by his cousin's caring nature, chuckled, "Just going to my room, I need to revise some things." He replied, receiving a nod from both Yoongi, who was still attached to the piano, and Jungkook, who was sat with a crossword puzzle in his hand.

"Alright, see you later, Hyung." He spoke, adorning him with an understanding smile.

As the youngest held his crosswords, he did them with great competence, and rather quickly, not even thinking before guessing the words. The little clues were quite easy to understand, barely a challenge for his growing mind. Letting out a sigh of boredom, he caught his cousin's attention and shrugged before he set the puzzle down.

"I'm going to go out for a moment." He politely excused himself before heading out and into the large garden, his feet leading him to his most favorite part of the garden; the rose bushes.

These roses were special for many reasons, but only three of those mattered to Jungkook. The first one being that they were winter roses, their color was a pure velvety white, second was that his mother planted them on the day of his birth, third was, the first rose bloomed on his mother's funeral.

Standing still, his hand darted towards the soft petals, stroking them gently, his other hand was shoved into his pocket. Staring at them, he couldn't help but recall his mother, and how similar she was to a certain bride he had learned to highly appreciate, he was phased that she changed so much in so little time, barely a week ago, she was a sweet kind soul, she had even forgotten Yoongi's birthday! Shaking his head, he couldn't help the small exasperated sigh that left his lips.

How could she have changed so much? He still recalled just how much fun they used to have, right now, all those times seemed so surreal.

  ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦  

"Jesus fucking Christ! I thought this wood was supposed to be hollow!"

A certain bride complained as she looked around for lighter wood, making a certain Maknae laugh as she struggled to pick up the many pieces of scattered firewood.

Glaring, she threw a small piece at his leg, "You shut your face, you six-packed steel wall." Her comment only made him fall apart more, his laugh growing louder.

"I'm- I'm a steel wall now?"

"Yes, you goddamn prison wall." She added, picking up all the wood she dropped once more, and he laughed, even louder this time.

"Wow, thanks, I suppose." He stated, his smile never dying down.

"I'm sure you're not that strong though."

"I'm a vampire, (Y/N)-ah..." He reminded with a smug grin and the bride offered him an exasperated expression.

"Hide those teeth or I'm gonna break them, vampy."

"Gosh, these nicknames are so cringy." He insulted.

"Yeah, like your face you dumbass." She stated.

"Someone's on her period."


"Okay! Okay, I apologize, that was uncalled for." He admitted and she nodded.

"Thank god. Back to the heart of the subject," She stated before rubbing her forearm.

"You really can't be that strong." She continued.

"How can you be so sure?" He questioned, "Well, aside from your six-pack, you look pretty... scrawny."


"Excuse me?" Jungkook questioned, his eyes forming onto a glare before he huffed.

"If I'm scrawny, what the hell is Jimin?"

"Nah, he's short, there's a difference."

"(Y/N)-ah, I'm not scrawny!" He exclaimed, his inner childish self coming out as he attempted to prove the woman wrong.

"Really?" She asked, her voice sarcastic, almost mocking.

That was it.

With no further ado, the young vampire dropped the large amount of firewood he had gathered, setting the lantern aside, he waltzed towards the young woman, picking her up and throwing her across his shoulder in one swift move, his movements quick and skilled. Caught off guard, she let out a yelp before she started uncontrollably hitting his shoulder.

"Yah! Put me down!"

"Now who's scrawny?" He questioned, looking at her legs as they wobbled around, attempting to free herself from his steel-like grip.

"Sheesh Iron Man! Take a joke!" She declared and he let out a chuckle.

"You too." He declared, starting to lightly pull her body up before dropping it, making her yelp.

"Jungkook-ah! Stop it!"

"I could but...I'm not gonna." He declared, a small smile forming onto his lips, slowly, as he heard her loud shouts and yelps, his teeth peeked out, laughs escaping his lips at her childish ways and she huffed.

"You're a sadist!"

"Nah, that's Namjoon-ah!"

"Oh my god!" She declared loudly.

"You're the devil! And here I was thinking you were the nicest!"

"I'm nice! I really am! To people who deserve it!" He declared, making her let out a bitter chuckle.

"Yeah right. You broke a wall!" He couldn't help the laugh that escaped his lips, it was loud and sincere, genuine.

Astonished by the lack of response, he rose his eyebrows towards her, "Why aren't we commenting?"

"Well... I was just... thinking about your laugh."

"What about it?" He was a 100% sure he would hear a snarky remark regarding his laugh.

"I've heard you cry, and it just feels good to hear you laugh."

The response caught him off guard, in so many ways. He could hear the smile in her voice. He was so flabbergasted. She was happy he was laughing? But... why?

Why would anyone feel happiness from someone else's happiness? Was she... that caring?

In his mind, it was completely impossible for someone to be that affectionate, that caring, probably because he thought and believed that only his similar in kind would care that way about him, but here she was, a human being, caring about him, a vampire. Wow.

That's when it hit him, since the day she came, he has done nothing but be... nice to her, something he wasn't accustomed to doing with other people, and perhaps, perhaps that... meant something? Jungkook, much like his cousin, was no expert in feelings and such, he had no idea what this meant, what his behavior towards her meant, what these gathered feelings meant, but something, something strong and willing helped him understand these confusing emotions that had overtaken him so suddenly.

He realized then, that he wanted to laugh only for her, only with her, to cry only for her, only with her, to be with her, and only her, he wanted her to see him for who he truly was, he wanted to show her the human side that he rarely showed to anybody else. He wanted the best of him, to be for her, and only her.

He loved her... was that really love?

He didn't care about his unfamiliarity with the subject, it was powerful, it overtook him.

He deemed it to be love.

He loved her.

He loved me.

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For some reason, he started tearing up, he couldn't understand it, what could've happened that had changed her, what could've taken over her body, but he refused to believe it was really her.

He refused to believe it was me.


At that instant, his hung head raised up, hearing the cry of help.

"(Y/N)-ah? (Y/N)-ah?!"

He didn't understand why his name sounded like a plea, and somehow, it sounded more... real. It sounded like when (Y/N) called him, like when I called him, not like when she called him.

Tear filled eyes looked everywhere, looking for the enlightening body that had once brought him the joy of emotion and was now driving him into pure despair. How had she changed so much?!

Racing into the house, he bumped into someone, from lack of attention, and almost jumped when he noticed it was Namjoon-hyung.

"Jungkook-ah! I was look-"

"Namjoon-ah! I heard something outside! (Y/N)-ah's voice!"

"And how is that stra-"

"She sounded... normal! She sounded like her usual self!"


"Please! Look into it!"

It killed Namjoon.

Tearing, pleading eyes, flushed complexion, emotional expression, this was so different from the Jungkook that Namjoon had gotten so used to. He had finally accustomed to the rare smiles and throws of laughter, but right now, this was a whole new side to him, and it took him everything to not tell the Maknae about his knowledge in the case. Nodding, he agreed on the task, before enveloping him into a hug.

"It's alright Jungkook-ah..."

"Please look into it! I'm sure this person isn't (Y/N)-ah! I don't know why, I don't- I don't know how, but I feel it, it's not her!"

Namjoon couldn't help but freak out a bit, the hope, the insistence in Jungkook's voice, it was all too foreign for the logical Hyung, and he couldn't help but let his insecurities flood. What if he weren't able to figure out whatever happened to their bride? What would happen? Would he be outcasted? Would he be left out? Would he be judged?

With those disturbing thoughts in mind, he comforted his younger cousin before sending him off to his room, advising him to rest, as the bags under his eyes were starting to lower to the ground. Shoving his hands deep into his pockets, Namjoon opted to simply head to his room as well, his insecurities getting to the best of him, disallowing him to head to the library to look further into the subject. What if he didn't find anything?

Reaching the Ebony door, he quickly walked in, shutting the door behind himself and allowing himself to lean on the hard surface. It seemed like the moment he caught up to the safe space of his room, all his insecurities and disfavored feelings caught up to him. A breath left his lips, he did not want to be a disappointment. He couldn't be a disappointment.

Walking towards his bed, he fell face first onto the mattress, his face landing square onto a pillow, and he grunted in pure despair. He wished not to feel such negative emotions; in all genuineness. Of course, Namjoon could've been careless and let go of this burden the responsibilities truly were, but he felt the need to take care of these things, he felt the need to constantly prove himself.

He wasn't careless, and sometimes, this turned out to be a flaw, surely, he was a logical human being, but still, he cared too much, too much about things that didn't matter, he was glad, glad someone made him realize his mistake.

But of course, that person was gone, and now, there he lays, in a pool of his insecurities, unsure of how to find that person, that person who helped him realize he needed a purpose.

«Where are you, (Y/N)-ah...»

  ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦  

It was a cold night, truly, and despite the lack of school they had been having, Namjoon felt the obscene necessity to study and advance in his studies, even without the help of a professor.

Such thoughts forced him to stay almost up all night, something he didn't really notice, in the library, scattered pens and open books surrounding his frail body, the bags under his eyes were darker than the night sky, not to forget the dryness of his lips from the lack of hydration, this without mentioning the many pounds he lost from missing out on so many meals. He looked like a mess, and it was obvious to all eyes, besides his own.

He noticed not when a certain girl saw the shining light of the library. Having gone downstairs to get herself a drink of water, she couldn't help but feel exasperated as she saw the shining life that emitted from the library. With no further ado, she waltzed into the room, ready to scold the hell out of the vampire, but pity took place of anger when she saw his exhausted state. Why would he bring himself to such a state?

Sighing, she walked towards him, despite her loud steps, he couldn't notice her, he was far into his book. Shaking her head, she snapped her fingers in front of his eyes, earning a loud gasp of pure surprise from him and he looked at her, knowing just how this bad looked.

Rubbing his eyes, he set his glasses aside before he raised his hands up in the air, "I know what this looks like-"

"No! You have been studying all day! And night!" She interrupted and he flinched at her strict tone. "You have got to stop!"

"I have like one chap-"

"No!" Her answer was obvious and it wasn't ready to change, and he sighed. Looking at her with somewhat, mockery? After all, who was she to tell him what and what not to do?

Noticing said look, the bride sighed, "Look, Namjoon-ah, I'm not one to conduct your actions, but seriously, look at yourself, you look like a corpse. Your eyes are lifeless, you're dehydrated and you look pale, you haven't eaten in days, and I know that I shouldn't care, but I'm sorry because I do. I just want you to stay healthy, I care about you."

He was never one to care about the emotional side of things, he cared about reason, he couldn't be persuaded, simply convinced, and yet, here she was, affecting him with her words of reason and her moving lips. Somehow, he stood up and followed after her, staying silent as they went into the kitchen and she served him some of the leftovers from dinner. In all honesty, Namjoon felt violated. No one had ever stepped in front of him to advise him, most of the time, he was one to advise people.

So he pouted, and frowned, as she set the plate in front of him, sitting opposite him and watching intently as he ate, his eyes glaring up at her, like a small puppy who wanted to go out on his own, but was refused the request.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She questioned, an amused smile tugging at her lips.

"Because," He started, "No one tells me what to do. I tell people what they do."

"Well," She started, "I'm not telling you what to do in order to advise you, or lead you, I just want what's best for you. I really do care for you. You can't spend a lifetime studying, Namjoon-ah."

Despite her basically repeating her same words, this time they had more of an impact on him, but they didn't do it for him just yet, and by his huff, she could tell.

"Yah, Namjoon-ah," She called out and he looked up, chewing on a piece of meat.

"Let us go to the park." She declared, "It's raining."

"I don't care."

And so they did.

It was a pretty long walk, but they made it nonetheless, of course, despite their long vests and their shared bright pink umbrella, they still ended up drenched, and an extremely pissed off Namjoon was not okay with that.

The bride though, wasn't so displeased. She took a seat on the swings and asked him to push her, silently at first, but a small conversation eventually sparked. It was a simplistic but meaningful conversation.

"How many children do you want?" She questioned, flying up in the air as he pushed her way too high, causing her to yelp.

"Hm, three? Two boys, one girl. You?" He questioned back, his nerves calming as she pushed her back and forth, the sound of the rain soothing him. He never thought nature could be so... relaxing.

"I want (Number Of Children Wanted)!" She exclaimed and he nodded. "Hm, I think you'd be a good enough mother."

"Hey! I'm going to be a great mother." She corrected and he chuckled.

"If you keep annoying your kids like you do me, you won't be."

"That's not annoying! That's caring." She corrected once more, and a little spark poked his heart once more. What was this?

"I care about you Namjoon-ah, which is so wrong on my part, since you guys are vampires, but still, I care about you, because not one of you has received the amount of care he needs, the amount of care he deserves," She spoke, her voice wavering, and the spark in his heart got stronger.

"Maybe you guys only want... physical things, but I want to care for you, you deserve it. Each and every one of you is so... beautiful, so talented, so special, in more ways than one and you deserve to be cared for, to be loved."


He truly did feel as if someone had shot him, the spark had gotten so strong, and he couldn't push her any further, his hands fell limp to his side, his eyes were wide. Not once, not once his whole life, had someone praised him the way she had. She called him beautiful, and special, and talented, and he couldn't believe it.

Namjoon truly seemed like an individual who was mostly confident, but deep inside, inwardly, he was an insecure child who simply needed praise and compliments, and here she was, providing him with exactly what he needed to hear, it ached him so much, it actually felt good. He couldn't believe his ears, but he had heard it.

He was beautiful. He was talented. He was special.

And that moment, as the rain poured down on them, soaking them and their garments, their hair and faces wet, he realized that the beauty in her was what allowed her to see the beauty in them, despite their abnormal nature, she saw the beauty in them.

She was beautiful. She was talented. She was special.

His feelings settled, and he realized something, something that made him grin like a Cheshire cat. Perhaps he was logical, but he knew that these sparks were something human. Smiling like a dork, he once more started pushing her quite high, happy to be adorned by her life.

"Go! Go!" She rooted, her laugh filling the empty park.

He loved her... In all possible ways.

He loved her.

He loved me.

  ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦  

Recalling the memory, he couldn't help but smile a bit, his smile wavering as he recalled her change in persona. Letting out a loud sigh, he turned onto his back and looked at the ceiling.

"Bitch," He whispered, recalling that his mother was probably the one behind this.

"I'll get you, I'll get you good, you motherfucking wench."

A certain elder Hyung chuckled as he walked in, setting a tray onto his nightstand. A tray of dessert, in hopes of cheering him up.

"I suppose that's no way to speak about a parent, yours is a special case." Jin joked, earning a half-hearted laugh from the laying down scholar.

"Thanks, Jin-hyung."

"It's not an issue, tell me if you need something, Namjoon-ah. And please, make sure to sleep well." He advised, and Namjoon smiled, nodding, touched by his caring nature.

"Did Taehyung come out, at all?" He questioned and Jin frowned, the younger of the two instantly understood the meaning behind the frown.

"I think he stopped crying, but his door is still locked." He stated.

"I'm worried for him." He stated, Namjoon's eyebrows furrowed.

"Aren't we all? He's the one who's most... emotionally unstable."

"He's also the one who got most used to her." Jin reminded.

"I'm sure he'll come around." Namjoon assured.

"I hope so. Goodnight, Namjoon-ah."

"You too, Jin-hyung."

With that, Jin walked out of the room, making sure to close the door behind him before he walked towards his own room and let out a breath, sulking as he unbuttoned his shirt and threw it angrily on the bed. This household was falling apart, all because of the whore Namjoon's mother was.

Thing is, they knew what was wrong with their bride, someone had taken over her body, but whom was still a question, and why was another question, how was also still unsettled, and it's not like they could speak to the 'person' about it, they couldn't risk them running away, so for the past week, they simply stayed silent. The elderly of the family could hold themselves together, but barely. Yoongi and Hoseok were basically falling apart, and Jin couldn't blame them, they had all gotten used to the vivid and human feel their bride added onto their household.

Jin's eyes lowered as he sat on his bed, leaning against his arms that were stretched behind him, pushing his head back, he eyed the ceiling, wondering just when they'd be able to get her back. He could sense her presence sometimes, and no, not the presence of this abominable wench that had taken his bride's place, but her presence, my presence.

Whenever he'd be outside, in the Vegetable Patch of the mansion's garden, he would recall her gentleness, her beauty, her obscene generosity, and her endless care for everything in the world. In Jin's mind, he had always been Prince Charming, and it seemed to him like he had found his Cinderella. He recalled vividly what led him to think that she was the one. Chuckling to himself, his mind wandered back to that day. What an odd day.

  ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦  

It was early January. A few days after their New Year's Eve celebration. Due to their hard work, despite the fact that they had broken one of his favorite dishes, Jin had decided to treat them to a meal where they won't have to do anything, and the said dish could be of their choice.

Taehyung had ordered Butter Squash pancakes, Jin decided to use some of the Butter Squash he had planted himself, since the vegetable was at its peak right now. Having repeated many times to their bride that she needn't help, but she still insisted.

Sitting beside him, she watched intently as he collected the large yellow vegetable, his hands gently tugging at the curved end of it. The woman beside him stared at him, great interest in her eyes. Noticing this, he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Yah! What are you looking at?!" He shouted, playfully, as he got close to her face with somewhat an angry expression. She smiled at him, a small chuckle escaping her lips.

"I'm sorry...You are just too handsome." She whispered out in a shy playful way, purposely using a sarcastic tone as she got to the 'Handsome' part, his eyebrows rose up.

"What's that supposed to mean, young lady?!" He scolded, again, using that loud adult like tone, making her laugh out loud this time.

Standing up, she stretched and yawned, all before his eyes, her head raised up, "The sky is really clear today, it's strange, considering we're mid-January." She observed, quite stupefied by the azure blue sky and the shining sun. "I still don't understand how you can stand outside with no problem, by the way."

He chuckled, "I told you, it was pretty... complicated. It involves witchery and all." He declared before turning back to his task, his eyes lowering towards the ground as he continued to cut and remove the vegetable. Setting her hands on her hips, she fixed the straw hat that rested on her head.

"We should have a picnic someday." She stated, setting her hands against his shoulders and leaning on him. He chuckled at her idea, but nodded nonetheless.

"Yeah sure, during the summer perhaps."

"Yep! I would make lemonade," She added, and he grinned, "Sounds like a great idea."

"But," He opposed, "Perhaps you should wait 'til you go with your husband," He declared and she huffed, "That might take a while."

"Not necessarily, you do realize that..." He was cut off short by her.

"I have to marry one of you, yes, I do." She finished for him, a sigh leaving her lips.

"You don't want to?" He questioned and she shrugged.

"I don't know, really." She informed and he shrugged.

"I think you'd be a great wife." He complimented and she smiled before leaning towards him and kissing his cheek.

"Thank you."

He could've sworn something ignited in his heart, it was thumping, and loud. He had a hard time believing that his cheeks were actually flushing and his heart was beating so fast; it was... troublesome. Simply because he was constantly well put together.

Once she moved away from him, Jin couldn't help the large smile that stretched onto his lips. She was adorable, to say the least. He couldn't get enough of her small displays of care and affection, she was a literal ball of sunshine, but she could also be smart and deep, also sassy, she was simply... perfect. She was nice, generous, and lovely, but could be serious and strict, she was also a fun person. All in all, she was just adorable.

Grinning to himself, he couldn't help but think about all the fascinating aspects of her, and somehow, his chore went by so rapidly. In seconds, he had managed to gather a basket full of Butter Squash.

As he prepared to stand up, his eyebrows rose as he noticed a flip flop thrown carelessly beside his basket. He was about to question it, that is until he spotted the troublesome bride sat down by a bench, watching the blue skies, a shoe missing from her left foot. He couldn't help but chuckle, this predicament was too... enchanting.

A smile tugged at his lips as he grabbed the shoe and prepared to offer it to her, but he couldn't disturb her. The moment his eyes met her posture again, he was mesmerized, amazed, his breath hitched as he watched her beautifully sculpted legs crossed, the jean skirt she sported showing off her amazing figure, her shirt framed her upper body in a treacherously delicious way, boasting every inch that deserved advertisement, and in her case, it was everything.

Her hair was let down, messy, but beautiful nonetheless, bordering her angelic visage. Her eyes were raised up, those dazzling (E/C) lifted towards the sky, the shine of the sun heightening their beauty with a catch light that was brighter than the world's finest diamonds. Her lips, oh god, her lips.

Parted, delicious, kissable, and perfect. He couldn't describe the heavenly structure of that obviously human flesh. Pink, dainty, divine, godly. They fit together in flawless fashion. Plump, utopian, celestial, inhuman.

Jin had so many doubts of her humanity, a human simply couldn't be as beautiful as she was, and yet here she was, with fresh crimson blood pumping through her veins, and a beauty that no vampire he had seen possessed; that no creature possessed. He couldn't help but swallow; his lips going dry as his heartbeat quickened and heat raised to his cheeks.

Noticing his stare, she turned towards him, and instead of scolding him for his improper behavior, she adorned him with a radiant smile.

That's exactly when it hit him, like a goddamn wrecking ball.

He didn't even realize that his lips parted and his face relaxed as he lost himself into the realization that her everlasting beauty and bright personality had gotten him hooked; for good. He was caught in a reckless web of butterflies and sparking fireworks, not to mention fluttering stomachs and quickening hearts; he was caught in the web of love.

Realizing that he was standing like a retard, he waltzed towards her before he lowered onto his knee, setting the basket aside. A small whimper like sound escaped her dainty fragile lips as she watched in curiosity as to why he was sat down by her legs, that's when she noticed her missing shoe.

She was about to speak up when she noticed it was in between his hands. Looking up at her, he grinned widely at her widened eyes and flushed cheeks of embarrassment. After all, how could she lose a shoe? He chuckled.

"It's alright." He comforted.

Softly cleaning away any dirt from her foot, he gently caressed the flesh, the skin on skin contact further confirmed his suspicions about his growing feelings towards this beautiful woman. He couldn't help but smile; perhaps she wouldn't choose him, but even so, he didn't care, the feeling of love that overtook his heart was enough for him. He loved this feeling.

And as he gently slid the sandal onto her foot, he realized it greatly.

Perhaps the shoe wasn't as grandiose as a Glass Slipper, but this sandal, this flip flop, helped him realize something.

He loved his Cinderella, even if she only had a flip flop.

He loved her, like a Prince would love a Princess.

He loved her.

He loved me.

  ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦  

A smile tugged at his lips as he recalled the day, it was still fresh in his heart, that overpowering feeling. It felt so bad, but so good at the same time. A hand raised to his hair as he passed it through his fluffy locks, a sigh leaving his lips. What was he to do? Other than recall and hope for the best.

He was the eldest, but he felt so small at this second. He felt tiny, useless, like he couldn't do anything, and it ached him, it ached his heart, badly.

Sighing once more, he stood up to gather his clothing. Throwing on a tee shirt and a pair of sweatpants, he plopped down onto his bed, his eyes closing as he set his arm on his forehead. He felt exasperated; why couldn't they solve this problem? They had solved so many problems before, why couldn't they get her back?

Why couldn't they get me back?

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a knock, "Come in."

He heard the door being pulled open and he took a peek at who it was, hoping it was Taehyung, it was Hoseok.

"Hey...How's Taehyung? He won't open the door to any of us." The younger vampire questioned, his voice lower and less chirpy than it should be. Not Hoseok too.

"I don't know, he refuses to talk to any of us." Jin stated, desperation lacing his voice. Hoseok nodded before he offered him a broken smile, "Thanks hyung."

The youngest of the two was ready to leave when his Hyung called him up.

"Hm?" He looked back at Jin, his brows risen as he awaited an order or a demand.

"Please don't fall apart like Taehyung did, it's too bad to see one of the brightest one of us broken, I wouldn't stand it if that happened to you." Jin requested and Hoseok offered him a sincere smile, knowing how stressed their hyung must've gotten from all of this.

"Don't worry Hyung."

Getting out of the room, he shut the door behind him before he let out a sigh. This was all too...Tragic. Hoseok was honestly doubting that there was any sanity left in this mansion. They were all addicted to a certain someone, and now that she was gone, it was almost... unbearable. Scratch that. It was unbearable.

He didn't know how he was holding on.

Walking through the corridors, he couldn't help but feel... broken, shattered.

What didn't make sense to him was these unexplainable feelings were simply so unfamiliar, after all, he never once, in his whole life, depended on someone else to feel happiness, and yet, here he was, feeling... hopeless almost, when a certain bride was, somehow, kidnapped.

He ran a hand through his hair in a pathetic attempt to calm his nerves but as predicted; it was no help. Chuckling at his pathetic self, he didn't even bother heading to the room, simply stopping midway and choosing to sit in the hallway, wrapping his arms around his legs as he tried to calm himself; this was affecting him, way more than it should.

Hoseok knew why, he knew why it was affecting him so much, but he didn't want to think about it, if he did, all the feelings would flood back to him, and he'd end up a crying mess, much like his cousin, but he couldn't allow that. He was older, he should be wiser. So he smiled, despite the brokenness of his smile, it was still there, and it helped him, get by whatever this was.

He knew; he perfectly knew why he was such a heartbroken mess. After all, throughout his life, he had lost so many of the people he adored and cherished, he couldn't bear to lose someone else.

Someone else he loved.

He recalled, in all details and preciseness, how he came to realize he loved her.

He loved me.

  ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦  

It was a few days after Hoseok's quite romantic occurrence with a certain bride, and despite the fact that it had been an exact week, Hoseok still flushed whenever he accidentally caught her gaze or bumped into her through the hallways.

Today though, when he woke up, he knew that he couldn't run away from the woman anymore, after all, his brother and cousins had probably done the same with her before, and they perfectly held her gaze and talked to her, with no shame or embarrassment.

It wasn't that Hobi was insecure, or even shy, it's just that he had his worries and suspicions, like everybody else. After all, their bride might've not known, but they usually all gathered in Taehyung's room to discuss various things, and lately, kissing skills somehow became one of the more... used topics of conversation.

He recalled vividly his family's most... explicit descriptions of their kisses with the bride, from quick and simple descriptions from Jimin, Jungkook, and Yoongi, due to their shyness, and partial insecurity from Jimin, to more detailed, grotesquely so, from Taehyung and Namjoon; thus probably just to spite him and perhaps even Yoongi, who had shared one of the most innocent kisses with their bride; thus from what he could tell.

Hoseok remembered how he shook every night, thinking how he would plan it to be more than perfect, and yet here he was, reminiscing about a kiss they shared that was more than perfect, and hell was it planned, it was so planned that he had actually cried before their kiss.

Oh god. The cringe.

Biting his lip, he tried to look at the positive side of things, thus in order for his cheeks to not flame up in embarrassment, or perhaps in order for him to not drown himself in the ice cold fountain downstairs.

Looking at himself one last time, he managed to fix his pink hair for the last time before licking his lower lip and ruffling his hair once more, flashing his reflection a smile. Deciding that he looked good enough, he decided to get the hell out before he chose another outfit.

Greeting a few of his family members who were also headed downstairs for dinner, he abruptly stopped once he spotted Jin.

"Hey, have you seen (Y/N)?" He asked, and Jin nodded, "Library."

Following his hyung's instruction, he headed towards the library with an endless amount of confidence emitting from him; he looked good, he felt good. It was perhaps a bit materialistic on his part, but he'd be lying if he said that his good looks didn't help with his self-love.

Shining a radiant smile, he walked inside, no nerves kept him at bay, but the moment his eyes laid on her reading figure, he stopped dead in his tracks. Swallowing, he felt as if a bomb had fallen down on him. How could a girl, a human being, a simple human being, make him feel this... tiny?

He looked at her, stared at her, and admired her, her glamour, refinement, style, everything regarding her made him weak to the knees. She was just so; beautiful, in more ways he could explain. He had never been good with expressing himself, or words in general, he was one to rely on action, but she, she stopped him, all together, he didn't work right when around her, the basic sight of her shook him up way more than it should.

So he stood there, his heart thumping in his chest, with her eyes darting from word to word at a fast pace, he tried, tried to conjure any word, but his mouth went dry, his tongue went limp, he just... stopped.

Eventually, she noticed him, and her head raised up, his breath hitched, catching in the back of his throat. What should he say? How could he explain himself? His mind was busy making up excuses, reasons, explanations, but she caught him off guard, completely off guard.

"Ah, Hoseok-ah," She greeted, a happy smile forming on her lips before she patted the seat before her.

"How about you join me? I was reading Agatha Christie." She informed, and in that precise moment, as she smiled at him, her eyes shining, her skin glowing, her aura inviting; he knew it.

He wanted to be the one she'd come to when she was happy, sad, desperate, angered, hopeless, he wanted to be the one she'd come to for advice, for help, for affection, he wanted her to be the one he'd go to when he needed affection he lacked, attention he needed, he wanted her to be his only one; and he wanted to be her only one.

It was selfish, he knew it, especially since he had to share her with six other boys; but he loved her.

He loved her.

He loved me.

  ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦  

Tears gathered in his eyes at the memory, and he couldn't help but let them slowly drip down his cheeks. Despite the smile on his face, his bloodshot eyes looked like he was crying tears of sadness, but he really wasn't. The memories were something he was holding onto in order to not lose hope; he couldn't be hopeless, not yet.

Weakly, he lifted his head up to look at a particular electric blue door with silver accents. He couldn't help the sob that left his lips. He was wise enough to know how to hold on, but Taehyung...

Poor Taehyung.

Through the door and into Taehyung's room, it was a mess.

A miserable mess.

Scattered toys everywhere, upside down bed sheets were thrown everywhere, pulled up curtains, a broken bed frame, and a weak, heartbroken vampire sat down in the middle of it all, hair shaggy and eyes bloodshot with infinity tears of lost hope and incomprehensible need.

His deep voice couldn't create any more sobs for him to let out, or more screams, shouts, not even whimpers, he had screamed so loud, for the past week, he had gotten so hurt. Her newborn personality was killing him; so much so, it completely fucked his emotional side. He was a reckless mess, the only emotion he showed was sadness, unhappiness, pure sorrow.

He bit his lip for the thousandth time that day; the bruise on his pummeled lip opening up once more and letting more blood seep out. Another sob escaped his lip before an unnaturally low groan left his lip as he threw a pillow across the room.

"Why?!" He shouted out in a beastly fashion, his eyebrows furrowing in confusion, sadness, anger.

"Where-" A thrown pillow.

"Are-"A thrown cushion.

"You?!" A thrown vase.

The sound of shattered glass; that was something Taehyung had accustomed himself to. He wanted her back; he didn't want this bitch of a human being anymore, he wanted his (Y/N)-ah, he wanted the girl he slept with, he wanted the girl who stroked his hair, he wanted the sweet and soft girl who hugged him when he needed it, who laughed with him, whose kisses were like candy melts; whose kisses were ones that healed him every time. He wanted me.

Another beast-like groan left his lips as he tried to overcome his confusion, but he couldn't. What happened?! Had the girl he loved so much changed into this whore-like piece of crap?! Had she really turned into Troian 2.0?! He didn't want to believe it.

It was impossible.

She wasn't that type of person. I wasn't that type of person.

And he knew why.

  ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦  

It was snowy outside, and school was canceled, but yet, here they were. Taehyung and she, standing across from each other in the large and empty theatre-like auditorium, facing each other, each of them had a text of his own. Taehyung's play, which would be held in late May, was one he had to prepare for greatly, in order to do so, he asked for a certain bride's help. Currently, they were in a rather harsh scene of the story; Phoebus' rejection.

"You must listen to me, Esmeralda, please, I beg of you," He declared, pleading.

"I will not allow you to take my family's pendant!" She shouted, loudly, backing away from his approaching figure.

"This is not about that! That is not the reason why I'm chasing you, love..."

At the word, Taehyung couldn't help but let his voice soften, after all, this powerful scene was starting to affect him.

"Then why would you be here?! You're simply another Gorger out to ge-" She was cut off by his stomping up figure. With furrowed eyebrows and passionate eyes, he grabbed both her arms with his own, their bodies now flush against each other's.

"Don't you think that I would've taken you to Frollo already if those were my intentions?!" He shouted and her glare only strengthened, "I cannot trust you, you're a Gorger!"

"Look beyond that, Esmeralda, my love, look beyond our differences, beyond our foreign backgrounds, beyond this world, beyond the people, no one would matter to me if I were to gain your love," Taehyung spoke softly, his hand letting go of her arms as he lifted it towards her hair, the cottony locks enticing him and further enhancing the already present chemistry, making the two feel desperately needy for each other. So... needy.

"Phoebus, this is not right, you have a significant other!" She shouted out, trying to pull away from him, but Phoebus was not having it, Taehyung was not having it.

Far too lost in the intensity of the scene they were in, his eyes lost in her own, and hers in his own, he felt like he were a house of cards, collapsing apart all because of her, all thanks to her. She broke him apart, in such an intense, splendid, hurtful way. It hurt, but it hurt so good.

Grasping her face, her sculpted face in his hand, he couldn't help the words, the explicit words that left his lips.

"(Y/N)-ah...I love you."

She was taken back, her eyes watering at the words, but that didn't stop Taehyung from pushing his lips firmly against hers into a reckless, desperate, harsh, but passionate kiss. He poured his confusion, his need, his desperation, his hurt, his incomprehension, his love, into that kiss. It formed a clash, a disagreement, a forceful melee of emotions and feelings that were too much to handle in one kiss; but he did it, and before he knew it, his eyes were spilling tears, tears that mixed with her own in one uncontrollable dispute of feelings.

She clutched desperately onto his hair, and his her waist, desperate for each other's warmth, desperate for each other's affection, desperate for each other.

It was beautiful; both of them could feel it. It was truly so grand, like an obscene moment from a very good play, but the thing was; this was no play. They were really feeling that need, that desperation, it seeped through their kiss, and eventually, his lips parted away from hers, allowing her a breath she needed, even so, he wasted no time in lowering his lips to her jaw, her neck, her collarbone, he showered her skin with kisses that he needed to spend on someone, and for once, he was happy it was her, he was happy it was the woman he loved more than anything.

Perhaps they hadn't known each other for so long, but he knew it, the moment he saw her, that she was the one for him, she was beautiful, and nice, and caring, and affectionate, and human. She wasn't a sick twisted scheming bitch who's only hope was to tear this family apart; as time progressed, she showed them, she showed him that she was truly a sweetheart, a beautiful human being, a human being who deserved to be called human.

His lips stuck to her skin, enjoying the sounds she produced, and he wanted to hear, see and feel more, he needed to hear, see and feel more. He needed it, his body was desperate for her own, his skin begging to feel her own as he stroked every inch of hers. He wanted her, and from her pleas and demands; he knew she wanted him just as much. They needed each other, there was no point in denying the obvious.

Pushing her into a random dressing room, he gently, slowly, but still desperately tugged at every single article of needless clothing that hid her otherworldly body from his hungry eyes, he tugged, tore and pulled, and she did to his, not able to handle not seeing each other, not having each other.

It might not have been the most romantic of settings, with a messy room full of colorful costumes, a dim lantern hung in the corner, a table full of makeup and paint products that they scattered everywhere as he set her on the counter, broken seats from his impatient waltz into the room, everything was a mess, everything, and so were they. A mess of inaccurate emotions and desires; they were glued onto each other, so their surroundings, their setting, their company, none of it mattered besides them.

Taehyung continued to press kisses onto his bride's body, and I continued to moan restlessly, unable to contain myself from the endless pleasure and need that I felt for him at that moment, it was reckless, corrupt, in so many ways, but the way we blended together, the way we united in a celestial mix of devotion and restless passion; it was... godly. All of it.

We fell apart for each other, like a house of cards.

And Taehyung recalled it all, as he pushed in and out, as I moaned, as he whispered endless 'I love you's and 'I need you's. He repeated those sentences like his life depended on it, every time he kissed his bride's body, every time he thrusted in and out, every time a vocalized expression of pleasure left her lips. Eventually, his confessions turned into a loud incomprehensible moan of pure appreciation.

They blended into one in the most passionate of settings, a setting of pure, endless love, and that's why Taehyung had lost his mind to her absence, an absence that followed this passionate occurrence, an absence that happened one day after their throw of passion.

It killed him, because he loved her.

He loved me.

  ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦ ◦ ❖ ◦  

Taehyung shouted once more, his lips dry by the endless heaving breaths he took, his voice breaking as he screamed more incomprehensible complaints and questions of sadness, his sobs growing louder as he hit the ground with his closed fist, a fist that was starting to darken from all the hits it received by its owner. He screamed and shouted and grunted and groaned, incapable of understanding why, why when he reached the peak of his happiness; said happiness was taken away from him in the most brutal of ways. Why?!

"Why?!" He shouted, sobbing in the most heartbreaking of ways before he fell down, his exhaustion, his hunger, his need for her, for me, all catching up to him.

"Come back!" He weakly shouted once more before he fell apart on the ground.

"Come back... (Y/N)-ah... Come back..."

"I'm trying, Taehyung-ah."

"I'm trying."



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