The Seventh Clan

By erc2109

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An enemy is only after one clan, the mysterious members of the Gegga Tribes, the Khuzaimah clan. One remain a... More

1) Prologue
2) The real thing
3) Dragon
4) Friend or foe
5) Play
6) Chilla
8) Hunter
9) Memory
10) Training
11) Sanada
12) Flower
13) Visit
14) Date army
15) Attack
16) Homesick
17) Assemble
18) The fallen village
19) The Khuzaimah Treasure
20) The pond
21) Temple
22) Hurtful truth
23) The leader
24) Fireflies
25) Reason
26) Moving
27) Battle
28) Anger
29) A Khuzaimah dragon
30) The past
31) Hope
32) Epilog + A/N
Another book?

7) Unlocked

446 15 2
By erc2109

3rd POV

''Ready.'' Says Samantha and start the fight.

The atmosphere is heavy and thick. Nobuharu and Samantha are looking at each others, not making the first move. After a bit of silents, run Samantha towards Nobuharu with unnatural speed. Samantha swing up to the right, but Nobuharu blocked. He is shocked to see and feel Samantha's hidden stengt. Nobuharu push Samantha, making her to take some steps back to steady herself.

''Impressive. You are stronger than you look.'' Praised Nobuharu. Samantha smile and relax a little, but not enough to let her guard down.

''Drake-nii-san sometimes give me fighting lesson. And Doryo train me to be faster than my age.'' Explained Samantha and run at Nobuharu again, this time swinging at his legs. Nobuharu jumped, which is what Samantha wanted him to do. She quickly change swing direction up and manage to hit Nobuharu at the left side of his stomach. ''I got you.'' Cheered Samantha and jump of excitement.

''You did. Good job, even Masakage haven't been able to hit me so far.'' Admitted Nobuharu and smile at the happy girl. ''You had some good teachers.''

''Yes, the best teacher in the world. Drake-nii-san told me once to make my opponent think they know me next move, but then do a complete different move to take them off guard.'' Says Samantha while pointing with her wooden sword at Nobuharu's side, where she hit him.

''He was right, I didn't think you would do that. I was also thinking you would go after Nobuharu-san's legs, so you took me by surprise to, Sammy.'' Says Shingen as he walk closer to the two.

''Arigator, papa.'' Samantha hug Shingen. She is so small, that she only is up to Shingen's hips. Shingen smile softly and lift Samantha up. She just giggle at how high she is now. 

''Let's head back inside, it's seems there is going to be rain soon.'' Informed Masakage as he look up in the dark grey sky.

''Maybe even lightning.'' Samantha flinch at the word 'lightning'. Shingen notice this when he said and smile at the frighting child. ''Don't worry, Sammy. We stay together the hole time, while is raining outside.'' Insure Shingen. Samantha relax and nodded. The three Takeda members walk inside right before it start raining, hard.

*Time skip*

''I don't wanna take a nap.'' Whined Samantha as she run away from Masakage. He got in charge to look for again, and normally does kid at her age take an afternoon nap.

''You need it, other wise you won't be able to stay awake at dinner.'' Shouts Masakage. His yelling and Samantha's whining is taking the attention of everyone else at the castle.

''No. I am big girl, I don't need naps anymore.'' Continue Samantha and take a sharp turn. Masakage is close to give up, but he won't cause that just mean he can't take care of a little girl. Samantha take another turn, but someone was ready to take her.

''Gotcha.'' Says Mitsunari and lift Samantha.

''Nooo. I don't wanna.'' Whined Samantha and try to get out of Mitsunari's grip.

''Thanks, Mitsunari. She really is a fast runner.'' Says Masakage and try to get his breath back.

''It's no problem. We can hear you both from the other side of the castle.'' Says Mitsunari and give Samantha to Masakage, but she is still trying to get free. Before Masakage could take her, comes Masatoyo running towards him.

''We have a Takeda meeting, Masakage.'' Informed Masatoyo. Masakage nodded and follow after his fellow member. Mitsunari and Samantha are looking at them with confused look.

''Why do I have a feeling there is something wrong?'' Mumble Samantha to herself. Mitsunari heard her clearly.

''Seems like I am in charge of you. Let's get you ready to sleep.'' That make Samantha snapped and make her swing her leg and hit Mitsunari in the stomach, hard, hard enough to make him drop her.

''I win... See ya.'' Says Samantha and run after Masakage and Masatoyo to eavesdropped what they are gonna talk about. She stopped near the meeting room, where she can hear Masanobu's voice. She learn closer to the door and listen.

''Either is the medicines effect getting smaler. Or maybe is it more likely that the illness is getting worse.'' Says Masanobu to the supreme commander.

''Probably the illness. *Cough* *Cough* It's getting stronger.'' Says Shingen slowly. He has already taken his medicin, but it's still not working.

''We never tested Yuzuki's blood. Maybe it can heal your illness.'' Suggested Masatoyo.

''No, if this illness shall be gone, then we need a magical healer. But those doesn't exist.'' Mumble Shingen. A thunder boom the sky and make Samantha shriek. Shingen and the others heard it, and Nobuharu open the door fast and surprise Samantha.

''What are you doing here? You should be napping right now.'' Says Nobuharu. Samantha ignore Nobuharu and run past him towards Shingen.

''Papa. Are you sick?'' Ask Samantha kindly. Shingen doesn't want Samantha to be scared for him, but he doesn't want to lie to her.

''Yeah, I have been that a long time. It's an incurable illness, nothing can stop it.'' Shingen smile softly to ease Samantha a little, but she can see right through him. Samantha's body moved on it's own and Samantha's blood red eyes where dull. She place her hands on Shingen's chest, then slowly close her eyes. A golden aura come out of her hands. She is focusing so hard, that her skin start changing. From normal human skin, to pure white scales. Up her arms, legs and cover some of her face. Shingen can feel he is getting better, way more better than normal. ''Is this, Sammy's inner powers?'' Thought Shingen. Soon the golden glow disappeared along with the scales. Samantha's eyes fluttered open, but quickly closed again as she fall on Shingen's chest. Asleep.

''What was that? What just happen?'' Ask Masakage confused at what he just saw.

''Shingen-sama. Are you alright?'' Ask Masanobu and look at his commander. Shingen nodded and shift Samantha, so she is still laying her head on his chest, but sleeping in a comfortable position.

''I think, she just unlocked her inner power.'' Says Shingen, taking the others by surprise. 

''Like she said when we first meet her. The Khuzaimah has always been able to unlock their inner powers, so it must be true that she has unlocked her powers.'' Mumble Masatoyo. 

''It's probably tiring for her.'' Says Nobuharu and pointed at the sleeping girl.

''She just unlocked it, maybe it need more training if she wanna be able to use it as much as she want.'' Says Shingen and cover Samantha with his sleeve from his right arm. 

''By the way, are you alright?'' Ask Masakage. Shingen nodded.

''I can't even feel it anymore. It seems we just got a magical healer here.'' Shingen see Samantha move a little, but just got closer to Shingen. ''Let's tell the others.''

''Let's first get her to bed so she can nap.'' Says Masanobu and walk over to Shingen and Samantha. He tries to take her, but she has a tight grip on Shingen. ''She won't let go.'' Masanobu try one more time with Shingen and the others help, but she won't let go of Shingen.

''Let's just leave her be. Plus, she is afraid of lightning, so she would wake up eventually.'' Claimed Shingen and stand up with Samantha in his arms.

''I go and inform a meeting with the others.'' Says Masakage and run out of the room.

''That girl keeps surprising us every day.'' Says Nobuharu honestly. Masanobu and Masatoyo nodded and look at Samantha. She is mumbling in her sleep, probably having a dream.

''I wanna... Stay with... Papa...'' Mumble Samantha out loud. Shingen smirked and start walking towards the big meeting room.

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