Tiring Mornings

By coldangels

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"you are only confined by the walls you build yourself." More

Tiring Mornings
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen

chapter sixteen

601 44 1
By coldangels

Terrance King 

"Stiles," I grumble, pushing his hand away. "It's one in the morning. Go away."

Stiles climbs on top of me, sitting cross-legged on my stomach. He grabs a pillow and hits my face with as I groan louder. At this point, I'm pissed off. Knowing it's my only hope of getting Stiles off of me, I say, "What, Stiles? What the actual fuck do you want so badly that you're sitting on top of me while hitting me with a pillow at one in the goddamn morning?"

"Wake up," Stiles says, hitting me one last time before crawling off of me. "Trust me, you won't regret it."

"Yes, I will," I groan, but get up from bed.

Stiles tosses me a sweater and some shoes before dragging me out the door. As we make our way through the corridors, I realize that he's leading me outside.

"What is going on, Stiles?" I mumble.

Stiles looks at me with passionate honey-colored eyes, "You've been getting pretty close with Hannah, which means less Terrance and Stiles time. I'm making up for that." 

Stiles pulls me outside as I roll my eyes, "Stiles, is this about the sweater?"

"I deserve that sweater, okay?" Stiles huffs. "But no, that's not it. I sort of made a bet with Lewis that I'd pull a better prank than him."

"Oh no."

"Oh yes," Stiles grins wickedly. He leads me to a parking lot, taking out the keys to his car. Turning the car on, he opens the trunk to take out a huge cage. 

A cage with three full grown chickens in it.

My eyes blow up to impossible proportions. "Stiles! Why do you have three chickens?"

Stiles' grin just gets wider. He takes the cage out, placing it on the ground by the car and turning the car off. Picking up the cage again, Stiles holds the cage out to me, the sudden movement making the chickens cluck.

I realize he's handing it over to me, making my eyes widen even more, "No way."

"Don't be a girl. They're friendly!"

I consider smacking him. Stiles gives me a pout, widening his honey colored eyes. I grumble a curse at him as I give in, taking the cage from Stiles cautiously, as if it'll burn my skin. A chicken rams its head on the side of the cage, making me yelp and almost drop the animals.

Stiles rubs his hands together, grinning at me. Upon noticing my still confused look, he explains, "We're going to put them in different places."

"Do you know how much trouble we'll get in if we're caught?" I ask.

"We won't get caught," Stiles waves off the topic. With a flick of his hand, he gestures for me to follow. Still holding the cage of chickens away from my body, I follow him uncertainly, still unsure why I'm going along with his plan. Maybe because midterms are coming, leaving me more stressed than ever. I guess I can use a little pranking, if anything, to relax me.

I tiptoe after Stiles, who drapes a cloth he found in his car over the cage so no one can see the chickens. I realize that doesn't help much, considering the sudden darkness makes the chickens cluck even more. 

Stiles smacks the top of the cage, "Be quiet, you fools!"

"I'm pretty sure they don't speak English, Stiles."

"Oh." Stiles thinks about it for a moment. "French?"

I snort, "I'm pretty sure they don't speak French, either."

"Then what do they speak?"

"Nothing, Stiles!" I all but shout. "They're chickens!

Stiles falls silent after that, looking hurt. I ignore his pouty face, instead choosing to ask an important question, "Where are going, exactly?"

"Amber and Hannah's room," Stiles smirks.

I frown at him, readjusting the cage, "Do you want to get killed?"

"Just trust me," Stiles says as we make it to the doors. He scans his card for the building and creeps in, me following quietly behind him, trying to keep the chickens as quiet as possible. "This is payback well deserved."

We make our way through the halls and up the stairs where Hannah's and Amber's rooms are located. Slowly and quietly, Stiles instructs me, "I'm goignt o quietly open the door. All you have to do is open the cage and throw out one chicken, and then quickly close the door."

"You've lost your mind."

"What else is new?"

I sigh, figuring that I can't exactly argue with that point. I take off the cover, trying not to look the chickens in the eye- they still scare me. I reach out for the doorknob, slowly twisting it and opening the door.

Once I'm inside, I fumble with the door of the cage, and take the chance to quickly glance at Hannah. A smile spreads across my face as I realize that she's wearing the sweater I gave her. That smile quickly dies, however, when one of the chickens squeaks, almost awakening the girls.

I begin to panic and quickly open the door, grabbing one of the nearest chickens and throwing it away from the cage. The chicken squeaks again, making Hannah shift on the bed. I shut the door and sprint out of the room, handing the cage to Stiles as I slowly close the door.

We grab the cover and begin to run. We make it out in time, but are still able to here Amber scream, "What the-"

Stiles explodes in laughter once we're downstairs, clapping me on the back. "Nice going!" he says. Luckily, he doesn't give me the chickens this time. Instead, he keeps quiet, gesuting for me to follow him out of the building.

"Where are we going now?" I ask as he drags me across campus.

"Coach Johnson yelled at me yesterday," Stiles says. I resist the urge to roll my eyes. "Now he get's a chicken in his gym."

"You're kidding," I deadpan.

"Nope," Stiles grins. "Come on!"

He drags me across the fields of grass over to the gym. The gym closes at ten, which I tell Stiles, but he only responds by pulling out a key and unlocking the door, setting down a chicken right on a treadmill. I don't even bother asking where he got the key from.

Once we're out, I sigh. "Last chicken, Stiles. Let's get this over with. Where to next?"

Stiles grins, handing me the cage, which I take with distaste. "This one's up to you, buddy. Who do you think deserves a chicken?"

I don't even have to think about it. The teacher I loath comes to mind immediately. I begin to walk towards the lecture hall, Stiles' following without a word.

We reach Moore's classroom quickly with me leading. Stiles pulls out another key, saying he suspected I'd choose this one, and unlocks it quickly. Once in, I take the chicken out of the cage, used to the squeaking sound it makes by now. I move towards the desk he has at the front of the room and put it right on his chair.

"Okay," I say once I'm done. "Can I go back to sleep now?"

"Funny story," Stiles is telling me, voice panicky and words rushed. "We may or may not have gotten caught."

I get up from my bed so quickly Mickey falls off, "What?" 

"Don't worry," Stiles assures me quickly, "It's nothing too bad. Like, there's technically nothing they can kick us out for. Plus, I took the blame."

"You took the blame?" I repeat.

Stiles nods, smilling a little. "I promised you I would."

I can't help it; I hug him. Even though Stiles always pulls pranks, I know how much he hates getting in trouble, and the fact that he's taken the blame makes me smile.

"You're the best friend ever, y'know?"

"I know," Stiles rolls his eyes. "Who else would have let you place a chicken in your most hated teacher's classroom?"

"Oh, yeah," I scoff jokingly. "You're special."

Stiles smile falls a little. "There's one thing, though."


"Amber and Hannah are... kind of pissed."

My eyebrows raise at this, "Like, how pissed?"

As of on cue, the door to our room is burst open, an angry Amber and Hannah standing there. "Shit," I mutter, hiding behind Stiles. Maybe hiding a chicken in their dorm wasn't the best idea.

hAHAHA this chapter sucked sorry ): it's 1:30 in the morning though lol so pls forgive me

Thank you all so much for reading! Don't forget to comment and vote if you liked it c: love you all! (: xoxo

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