flipped // hood A.U

De pizzapocketclifford

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Everything changes when you find out your little sister's getting married to your high school boyfriend. Mais

1 - reunited and it doesn't feel so good.
2 - engagment parties
3 - strangers in bars.
4 - hangover
5 - cake & friends
7 - dress fittings & even more breakfast food
8 - drunk

6 - breakfast at midnight

99 9 10
De pizzapocketclifford

When I woke up, I was tangled in Calum's arms. Fuck. I thought to myself, this isn't something you do with someone you want to forget about the next day. This is something you do with someone you truly care about. I removed myself from Calum's tight embrace. He was really warm. He looked so cute sleeping, like a little baby.

I looked at the clock on my bedside table. It read 5 in the morning. Not that bad. I wasn't sure if I really wanted to wake Calum up but that problem soon solved itself.

"Shit, what time is it?" Calum said groggily.

"5 in the morning," I replied.

"Fuck, Carsyn I meant to leave I just must have dosed off in the middle of 27 dresses and-"

"Cal, it's fine."

Calum stretched out his arms and let out a yawn. He rubbed his eyes. This must be what calum does when he wakes up. He was still wearing the flannel he was wearing last night. He really wasn't lying when he said he dosed off. I knew Calum didn't have bad intetions when he stayed the night.

Calum got out of my bed and put on his shoes which were by my door.

"Well I better get going, so nobody says anything."

I nodded,

"bye Calum."

He quietly opened the door, when he suddenly walked back in the room.

"Hey Carsyn I just got this crazy idea,"

I smirked at Calum, "and what is that?"

"Get dressed!"

Since it was five in the morning I didn't really feel like putting a lot of time or effort into what I looked like. Because who was I going to see? I put my hair up in a messy bun on top of my head and threw on the shorts I had on from the day before and a plain grey tank top. Good enough for five in the morning I thought.

When I walked out of my bathroom a grin spread across Calum's face.

"How do you look this good, this early in the morning?"

I shook my head, "stop being a kiss ass Calum."

Calum shrugged, "I've been told it's what I do best." I nodded, "I can't disagree with that Cal."

We headed out the door of my house but we were sure to stay quiet. I knew they were all asleep. The only person that might even be up at this hour was my dad and I highly doubted that he was awake this early. Calum had told me that Luke was staying at our house the night prior and it disgusted me that Luke and Ashlee probably slept in the same bed the night prior.

We thought we'd made it out but then that pesky little rat started barking. "fuck," I muttered under my breath. Cal grabbed my wrist pulling me out the front door of the house. Thankfully we'd left the house without no one noticing. Usually they all woke up at the slightest noise but I guess things had changed while I was away.

"we made it Carsyn!" Calum laughed, "yes we did!" I nodded.

We sat in Calum's car and waited for it to start. It was an older car and it wasn't in the best condition so it took a while. It was probably the best car Calum could afford on a musicians salary so I didn't mind.

"Fucking start," Calum muttered to himself quietly.

I laughed to myself silently. I didn't want to laugh at Calum because I could obviously tell that he was a little self concious about this car. I thought it was cute.

When the car finally started, Calum let out a sigh of relief. "You know Carsyn, this car is my baby."

I smiled at him, "is it really?"

Calum nodded, probably seven times. "I've had this car since high school. I bought it with my paychecks from when I worked at that italian restaraunt in the news square."

My eyes widened and my jaw almost dropped, "this is the car?" Calum nodded, "Of couse. I mean I'm on tour probably nine months of the year. This car is my baby and she runs. So at the end of the day that's all that matters."

I nodded, "I wish I could say the same thing about the car I had in high school, I sold it the day I left for college."

Calum smiled, "I remember that."


As we drove off to wherever Calum was taking me we didn't talk much. We just sat in silence and let the music coming out of the radio fill the silence that was surrounding us. Calum was playing an old mixtape filled with the greatest hits of our high school memories. The cd wasn't too loud but it wasn't too quiet either. It was the perfect volume to fill the silence.

The only noises aside from the music were the occasional sounds of Calum's blinker on his car and him muttering swears under his breath. I had to admit it, the car was a piece of crap. I would never tell Calum that however.

As we sat there in perfect silence the lyrics of "Finders Keepers" by You Me At Six played in the car, I couldn't help but sing under my breath a little.

"I like secrets cause they keep me in line, old habits die hard but I'm too young to die." I sang quietly under my breath.

"You have a pretty voice." Calum said blushing slightly.

I smiled, "Thanks Hood. Yours is prettier."

Calum shrugged, "Wanna bet?"

I shrugged, "Why not, Hood?"

"AND HAVE ANOTHER DRINK AND THEN THINK THIS ONE OVER, YOU DIG YOURSELF A GRAVE EVERY DAY YOU'RE SOBERRR" Calum sang in the most out of tune voice I'd ever heard. If I didn't know Calum and well basically everyone in his family had a beautiful voice, I'd assume he was tone deaf.

"That was unpleasent."

"Yeah, it really was." Calum laughed.

Calum finally pulled into a parking lot of a familiar diner. The diner I spent many hungover Saturday mornings at. Sofia's Pancake House.

"Calum you brought me to Sofia's?"

He nodded, "It wouldn't be right not to bring you here Carsyn!"

I smiled, "It's been too long since I've had strawberry banana french toast. They don't have stuff like this in New York, my room mate Lia doesn't like it. She's super healthy. I haven't eaten like this since high school."

Calum raised his eyebrows at me and looked at me like I was crazy, "Seriously Carsyn?"

I nodded, "Seriously. Lia eats like a bird. She only eats like seeds and salads, and everything at Starbucks minus the Frappucinos."

Calum laughed, "sounds like Ashton's type of girl."

I rolled my eyes, "please don't set poor baby Ashton up with Lia. She'll break his heart."

"I doubt it not as bad as Zoe Reischler from High School did,"

I shook my head as we proceeded to enter the diner. "No, Lia is my best friend but she's way worse than Zoe ever was."

Calum laughed, "Carsyn that's absolutely impossible."

"Is not,"

"Is too!"

"You're ridiculous.

"Yeah I get that a lot." I shrugged.

The hostess at the front of the restaurant was a young girl. She was probably my age or younger and she was staring at Calum and I impatiently.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed. It was probably five thirty in the morning, and I was probably ruining this girls hectic shift because what person would want to be working right now? Absolutely no one.

The girl shrugged, "you're fine. Your argument is probably the best one I'll hear today."

Calum smiled, "well thanks that means a lot."

The girl looked Calum up and down smiling at him. She thought he was hot and Calum was clearly oblivious to it.

"Are you guys a couple?"

The girl asked, Calum and I looked at each other and laughed. "Nope," we both said at the same time.

"Could've fooled me!" The girl said.

"Just friends. Friends that go to breakfast at five the morning!" Calum said nervously. I didn't know why he had to be so nervous about telling this girl he was single. She was actually really cute. She had long brown hair, she was tan, she had no makeup on and she was beautiful. She was the type of girl Calum would have a crush on.

Compared to her I was nothing. The exact opposite, short, blonde and I needed to wear makeup to look semi decent in my opinion. Calum had a crush on me, he'd make it apparent but any sane boy would've forgotten about me and went for this girl.

"I'm gonna take you guys to your table," the girl said. "Natalie will be your server and she'll be here in five minutes."

I nodded and took a seat in the booth directly across from where Calum sat down.

"Does this bring back memories?" Calum said.

"Only the best. I would kill to go back to high school wouldn't you?"

I shrugged, "not really. I was miserable."

Calum looked down. He obviously had felt bad he said the wrong thing to me. Don't get me wrong their were some things I missed about high school just not a whole lot. My father was an alcoholic. He would come home and scream at me, and my sister for no reason. Sometimes he had even gotten physical. He always talked about how my mother wouldn't touch him. It was disgusting. He was a pitiful human being. He was a big part of the reason I wanted to get so far away from home.

 Calum sighed, "I'm sorry."

I shook my head, "Calum it wasn't you. It was just other things."

Calum nodded, "I understand."


We sat in silence after that. I didn't know what to say. I didn't want to come out and tell Calum about all the horrible things that happened when we were friends but I also didn't feel like spilling my guts in a diner at five in the morning. So I just kept my mouth shut and focused on other things. Like the glass of water that I was drinking.

The waitress came up to us and took our orders, finally breaking the silence between Calum and I. I ordered strawberry banana french toast, while Calum kept it simple with plain pancakes & bacon. 

"And how do you like your coffee, miss?" The young waitress asked.

"Iced, with two sugars."

"And you, sir?" she said turning to Calum.

He shook his head, "just chocolate milk for me."

When the waitress left I turned to Calum and smiled.

"Chocolate milk? Really Calum?"

He smiled, "It's like I'm still five, I know. I just don't like coffee. It makes Ashton so mad."

I smiled, "that's because he's the coffee king apparently."

Calum nodded, "he is. I think that if the band ever breaks up, they'll offer him corporal manager of like all of them in the county." 

 After a few seconds, the waitress showed up with my coffee and Calum's chocolate milk.

"I still can't believe you ordered choclate milk."

Calum shrugged, "what can I say Carsyn, I'm a kid at heart?" he winked at me.

"Oh my god! Stop flirting with me?"

Calum kept winking at me, "Flirting? What do you mean Carsyn?"

I rolled my eyes, "you disgust me."

He smiled, "hey wanna see something funny?"

I sighed, "Why not Calum?"

Calum then proceeded to blow bubbles into his chocolate milk. Something that every two to seven year old child loves to do. 

"God you're a fucking child!" I groaned.

Calum smiled, "But you love it right?"

I smiled, "I mean I guess."


Soon enough our food came, and Calum and I were on our way home again. The ride back was silent because it had hit both of us that we were extremely tired and maybe going out at five in the morning for breakfast wasn't the brightest idea we'd had.

"That hostess was cute Calum."

 Calum shrugged, "I guess."

I sighed, "did you get her number?"

Calum shook his head, "No but her name was Adriana she wanted mine."

I looked at Calum confused, "And you didn't give it to her?"

Her shook his head,  "No I have my eye on someone else."

"Oh," I said looking down nervously.

Deep down I knew the girl Calum had his eye on was me. I mean it had to have been. We'd spent so much time together lately. I didn't want him to waste his time on me. We were going to have sex, that was evident. But we were going to go our separate ways. Calum in Summer Fling and me back to New York. 

"Yeah," he said laughing a little.

"Well Calum if it's me, please don't waste your time on me."

"What?" Calum said looking at me confused.

I bit down on my lip. I wished that life had created an option so that you could delete a sentence you'd said out loud as if you'd never said it because I was feeling embarassed. Thanfully we were pulling up to my drive way.

"Nothing," I finally said.

Calum smiled, leaning in to kiss my cheek. He whispered in my ear, "Carsyn it actually is you I was just kidding." 

I smiled a little freaked out by Calum saying he had a crush on me. "Well Calum I'm gonna have to leave..."

"Text me!" Calum yelled as I left his car.

"Um will do..."

I walked back into the couch to overhear Luke having a phone call.

"And that's why she can't know! You know how I feel about you, I love you!"

I was furious. I was about to walk over to Luke to say something.

"Mom you're my best friend. You don't have to worry about me moving in full time with Ashlee!"

Little fucking shit. I thought to myself.

Luke noticed I was there, "Oh hey Carsyn where did you go?"

I shrugged, "Don't worry about it, Luke."


i'm sorry i've just been SUPER busy with school but i'll update mroe this weekend.

thanks for 300 reads on this :) 

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