"Shut Up, Deku." | BakuDeku |...

De Izu_Midoriya

1.3K 104 75

"... Kacchan?" "What, nerd?" "Do you.. do you think you could maybe.. stay with me? Forever..?" "... Yeah, su... Mais

Ch. 2 • Trouble

Ch. 1 • How it All Began

526 37 35
De Izu_Midoriya

This'll probably be a really boring chapter because it's the first. Hang in there. c:


As this story involves Katsuki, there's a lot of profanity headed your way.



And most importantly, don't forget to vote, comment, and enjoy the book! ^^


I woke up this morning, disturbed upon hearing my alarm blasting through whatever interesting dream I was having. It blared through my ears, ultimately ruining the dream. Groaning, I reached over and turned it off. I always loved getting up early to train before classes started, but the hardest part was always waking up. I never wanted to leave my bed. Such a fluffy memory foam mattress...

After finding the motivation to get up, I threw on a white T-shirt and black shorts. They were usually the type of clothing I trained in. I grabbed my phone off the nightstand next to my bed before making my way to the kitchen on the second floor. As I was grabbing a water bottle from the refrigerator, I heard footsteps coming toward my direction, stopping behind me. Turning around to see who it was, I smiled upon making eye contact with one of my amazing friends and former classmate, Shouto.

"Good morning, Todoroki!" I beamed at my friend, to which he yawned softly in reply, exchanging the greeting. "Morning, Midoriya." I took notice to him using the back of his hand to gently rub his eyes. He must still be sleepy.

I reached into a cabinet to grab a granola bar while keeping the conversation alive. "Are you training, too? Or are you just getting ready for the day?"

"I'm just getting ready right now. I'll train when I'm not so tired," he responded while stretching his arms above his head. I nodded in understanding, happily munching on my granola bar. Once I finished, I threw the empty wrapper into a nearby trashcan, holding my water bottle and phone in each hand. Before taking my leave, I waved to Todo, who was in the middle of making himself a bowl of Froot Loops. "See you in class!"

"Midoriya, wait." I was about to start walking when he called out to me, making me pause and give him a questioning look.

His expression went from neutral to slightly worried. "You should really start eating more than just a granola bar in the mornings."

Oh! He was worried about me!

I blinked a few times in realization, my smile growing once more, "Alright. I'll start eating more tomorrow." Hearing my reassuring words, he let his own soft smile form, nodding a farewell to my previous statement. I love his smile. Heck, I love everyone's smile!

I made my way down the stairs that lead to the first floor and out the buulding with our dorms, taking in the scenery around me. It was the beginning of October, so the leaves on the trees around me were changing colors and starting to fall. The air was pretty cold and the sky was still black due to the sun still sleeping, crickets being heard from every direction. The stars in the sky still twinkled and gleamed, as if they were smiling back at me, welcoming me with another beautiful morning. It's an honor being able to stand here and watch these stars.

It's a miracle altogether being able to go to U.A.

I went around to the side of the building where I always trained. There were trees connected to a small forest, which I personally thought was cool. There was a stump next to one of the trees, so I placed my water bottle on it and unlocked my phone, setting an alarm for forty-five minutes from now. Afterwards, I placed my phone onto the stump and took a few deep breaths, beginning my training.

So far, when it came to controlling One for All, I was at least at eighty percent. In other words, I knew what I was doing. I wasn't the world's greatest hero yet, but I was definitely getting there. With the full support of my friends, my mom and everyone else, I'm going to do it.

Life is such an adventure, and I'm so glad I'm given the opportunity to live through it!


Katsuki's POV

I woke up hoping none of these worthless Extras talk to me. If I could just breeze through the day, I can go without destroying something.


Unfortunately, my hopes were ruined when I stumbled upon that Half-and-Half bastard in the kitchen.

Dammit, I just wanted to make some coffee. Is that so fucking much to ask?

You know what, it's fine. As long as he doesn't speak to me, I should be fine, right?


Turns out, he made my blood boil by simply breathing the same air as me. And just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, I could clearly hear him clewing his disgusting cereal, completely breaking the peaceful silence that filled the room.

Leaning against the island planted in the center of the kitchen, I clicked my tongue in annoyance, my palms beginning to heat up. If he doesn't leave soon, I'm going to explode.

"Oi, IcyHot, go crunch on your cat kibble elsewhere. It's irritating." The swine swallowed what he recently scooped into his mouth before eyeing me calmly, quickly responding to me in defense, "With all due respect, Kacchan," he laced the word with venom, "I was here first."

How dare he call me by that obnoxious nickname! That ignorant fuck!

"Don't fucking call me that, Canadian Flag! I will end you! Leave, or else!" I growled out, earning a chuckle from the freak. Oh, I'm so going to wipe that stupid smirk off his ugly face and shove it up his ass.

"Your threats are getting old, Bakugou. It's pretty shameful, really," he shook his head in disappointment while washing out his used dishes, "But I'll leave you alone. Not only because I'm done, but because it's way too early to put up with your nonsense."

At that point, I was going to blow his face off, but I realized I didn't feel like putting up with his shit either. Oh well. After an irritated huff from me, he just left. Finally.

Sighing to myself, I began brewing myself a cup of coffee. About time I was left by myself. I closed my eyes and just listened. The coffee pouring into my glass cup made a nice crackling sound that made everything all the more peaceful. The kitchen window was open about halfway, letting comfortable morning dew flow through. Just as I was going to stifle a faint smile, my peace was rudely interrupted with grunts and yells coming from outside.

Are you serious right now?

I groaned quietly and walked over to the window, looking to reveal the source of the noises. Of course that fucking nerd is outside training, of all times to do so. Ugh, he's such an irritating waste of space.

He always wants to try to prove he's better than me. He'll never be better than me! No amount of training will change that, either!

"Tch," I grunted before slamming the window shut, blocking all sounds from outside. Thank fuck.

Taking a light, deep breath, I glanced over at the coffee machine, only to see it was done brewing my cup. I walked back over and grabbed the cup, turning off the machine and getting the things I needed to sweeten it up a little, like creamers and such. I usually liked my coffee black, but it doesn't hurt to change things up every once in a while.

I might as well hurry up and get back to my room before more of those losers show up. It's only a matter of time.

The only thing really on my mind right now is that pest outside. I can't stand him, I dunno why he even bothers trying. I just gazed out the now closed window, thinking about how much I hated him.

... Is he even worth being on my mind?


Izuku's POV

I had gotten so deep into training, I could barely hear when my forty-five minutes was up. I was trying my hardest to concentrate on controlling different levels of my quirk, causing me to zone out. The alarm from my phone brought me back to reality, and upon hearing it, my arm paused in the air, mid-punch. Of course I was a panting, sweaty mess. Just like always.

Releasing shaky breaths, I dropped to my hands and knees, temporarily worn out. After a few more minutes, my alarm turned off on its own, leaving me to embrace my surroundings once again while I recovered.

The sun had rose much more now to where the stars were dissppearing, the sky mixed with different blues, oranges and yellows. The sounds of crickets were replaced with chirping birds, signaling the official beginning of morning. Upon noticing these different things, I smiled to myself after fully calming down. Standing back up, I grabbed my water bottle and drank about half of it.

I'm assuming I have about an hour before classes start, and that's just enough time for me to shower and change! With that in mind, I made my way back to my dorm room.


I had showered and changed, leaving me fifteen minutes to do whatever! I went back to the kitchen where majority of my classmates were, and I smiled upon seeing them. Before I could say anything, a bubbly Uraraka beat me to it.

"Good morning, Deku!" She waved at me, but she was in the middle of making herself some french toast. So when she moved her body to turn to me, her other hand brushed against a bottle of syrup, causing it to fall off the counter and onto the floor. As the sticky substance began oozing out of the plastic bottle, she let out a quiet yelp and went to pick it up. The whole scene made me laugh. "Good morning, Uraraka!"

Ashido sat on a different counter top with her legs crossed, eating herself a bowl of Lucky Charms like Todoroki did about an hour ago, but with a different cereal. "Sup, Mido! You look like you're ready for the day to begin!" I just shrugged a little at her comment, leaning against the side of the fridge. "I guess you can say that. I'm always ready for Mr. Aizawa's classes! They're different and creative almost every time we start!"

"Yeah, I guess that is something to look forward to," she giggled and shoveled another spoonful of cereal in her mouth. I nodded, but upon looking around, I frowned a little.

Where's Kacchan?

I pushed myself off the fridge and decided to voice my thoughts. "Hey guys, do you know where Kacchan is?"

There was a mixture of head shakes and shoulder shrugs. I wonder where he is. Maybe he's already in the classroom?

No, that can't be right. He always shows up a few seconds before Mr. Aizawa does, or a few minutes after. What if he's still asleep? Should I wake him up? Of course I should! If I don't, he'll be in big trouble if he isn't on time-

"Midoriya, you're muttering again," Iida informed, speaking up from his place in the lounge part of the room.

Holy crap, was all that really out loud?

"Heh, sorry.." I blushed faintly and sheepishly rubbed the back of my neck. Tsu piped in after a bit with her conclusion, "You know, it wouldn't hurt if you went to check on him, ribbit."

Yes it would. Very badly, especially if he's not in the mood. Which is basically every day..

But I'd hate to see him get in trouble.

So I hesitated, but sighed and agreed, "You're right. I'll go check on him." I then left the kitchen and went to the fifth floor since Kacchan's room was right above mine. When I came upon his door, I took a deep breath before knocking a few times. I waited a bit, but when there was no response, I tilted my head ever so slightly in confusion, loose strands of hair falling in front of my left eye. It annoyed me a little, so I ran my fingers through my hair, brushing the strands back.

Huh. He normally would've answered by now.

I knocked once more and called out, "Um, Kacchan?" Surprisingly, when I knocked, the door slowly creaked open and I froze. I was expecting him to yell at me or something, but he wasn't even there. The door was just.. open.

Who leaves their door cracked like this? Aren't you supposed to keep your key card on you at all times?

The door continued to swing open until about halfway, and the eerie silence only caused me to grow more concerned. Taking a sharp inhale of breath, swallowing hard, I slowly crept into the room. My legs were shaking, but I didn't get why.

No, I knew why. I was trespassing on someone else's territory, unwanted. But if he wasn't in his room, he won't see me, right..?

".. K-Kacchan...?" At this point, my voice was dropped to a whisper. Stop being so nervous, Izuku. Pull youself together..

I glanced around the room, taking notice to how his bed was neatly made. Who would've thought? He was always the messy type when we were kids, but now his room was spotless, filled with calming reds, dark grays, and blacks. Cool!

"Well, he's not in his room," I mumbled to myself, and right as I was about to leave, the faint sound of a doorknob jiggling completely threw me off track. Quickly turning on my heel, my breath hitched in my throat as I faced the door the noise came from.

The bathroom.

Oh my gosh, the bathroom! He was in the bathroom! How could I have been so stupid to forget that one, simple detail?!

I watched, my doom coming faster than waned as the door opened.

I wanted to crawl under a rock and die. I had no right being here.

In all honesty, I didn't know what was worse. The fact that he froze as well, his eyes quickly widening, or the fact that..

Holy crap, he looked... Wow.

He was shirtless, a few droplets of water glistening off his broad chest. His hair was still a bit wet, so it wasn't fully spiky like it always was, and last but not least, his abs...

Oh my lord. He looked.. W-Well, he looked... hot.

The only things he appeared to have on were a pair of black sweat pants that hung loosely on his hips, his defined love handles making themselves visible as a white towel draped around his neck.

We both stood frozen, our eyes never breaking contact. An intense blush quickly littered my face and ears while I watched a fiery anger slowly pool into his crimson red orbs. He appeared to still be processing my existence.

"... Deku?"

I was snapped once again back to reality upon hearing his voice.

Oh no.

He seemed shocked, but his facial expression instantly changed when he saw how I took a couple steps back.

Maybe I can reason with him? I attempted to do just that, continuing to take steps back while holding my hands up in defense. "I-I can explain..."

Now he looked like a walking volcano ready to erupt.

I died a little inside when I began hearing him growling, and it quickly increased in volume.

Well, I hope I can run fast enough, because if not, Kacchan's room would be the last thing I'd ever see.


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