Every Cruel Present Has it's...

By rainbow_pandas9

3K 126 11

As Wadanohara stands in the battlefield of Sal and Samekichi, she gets stabbed, only to find herself not in h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 2

535 22 5
By rainbow_pandas9

Wadanohara blinked as she sat up, she must've fell asleep or something, maybe that whole thing she saw was a dream, maybe now she was in one of Princess Uomi's nursing rooms, she rubbed her eyes lightly and opened them to see that she was sleeping on the floor of what seemed like a child's bedroom. No, it wasn't a dream, she really was still in their past. Her back was leaning against a closet and all the way in front was a bunkbead, the bottom bunk was closed by bedsheets, like curtains on a bathtub. She sneaked slowly and opened the curtains, to not see a sleeping child, but a dollhouse that looked liked a haunted house, and there was a bunch of witch dolls lying near it, Wadanohara picked one of them up and looked at it in horror, the doll looked exactly liked her! It had brown hair, braided exactly liked hers and the dolls braids were exactly below her shoulders, just like Wadanohara's herself. They wore the same dress as she wore and even the hat was identical! It even smiled just the way as she did. She covered her mouth to prevent a gasp and dropped the small doll on the bed. Next to the doll that looked like her was also a doll of Chlomaki, a good friend of hers, as a bunch of other witches she didn't know. She quickly closed the curtains and climbed halfway to the top bunk and peeked, and there young Samekichi and Sal slept together. Their small chests going in and out in a unison. Sal held a small black teddybear while Samekichi held nothing, Wadanohara smiled and climbed down as carefully as she could without making a creak. As much as she was invisible to them, she was visible to the world, which meant the floors would still creak if she took a step. As she landed softly on the floor, she looked around the room, it was painted a soft blue with small waves drawn on the walls, there was a nightlight nearby that was still on, it was shaped like a seashell. The carpet was a creamy while, like the closet and the dresser that stood by, next to it was a small box. Wadanohara looked inside to see a bunch of toys, she closed it lightly, trying not to make a sound.


Wadanohara looked back at the bunkbead as she heard a small whimper, but a quiet mumble answered it. She shook as little Samekichi sat up and rubbed his eye, she still wasn't sure if she was visible to them but she tried to hide herself in case, he looked around and than back at his now cowering brother. "See Syake? It's nothing, now stop waking me up" he said tiredly to his brother and he went back to bed. She sighed softly in relief. She soon dozed off on the white carpet again, hours passed and she woke up, in front of her was the Sal and Samekichi sitting in front of eachother, facing in their direction.

"Yeah and than at midnight they would go close to you and whisper.." Samekichi went closer to Sal and whispered "Syake-san~"

Sal shook and quivered in fear as his brother playfully whispered his name in a creepy undertone. He soon giggled at Sal's fear. "You really do scare easily, Syake~"

"N..no I was cold.."

"But it's warm here ya dumbo"

"I'm c..cold"

"You were definitely scared, ya scaredy cat"

Wadanohara smiled as she watched them, she giggled softly as Samekichi continued to tease Sal. Who knew they got along so well when they were younger? While she was thinking, Samekichi tackled Sal playfully while Sal cried, footsteps were heard heading towards their room. Wadanohara froze along with Samekichi and Old entered the room. "What's going on? You're loud enough to be heard from the attic!" He demanded as Sal struggled and sobbed. After watching Samekichi getting scolded while Sal being comforted, Old left and went back downstairs, of course telling them to behave.

Samekichi looked at Sal who still had tears in his eyes. "You know you can stop crying now" he said quietly as he began to wipe his brothers tears with his small, stubby fingers. Wadanohara knew Samekichi way too well, she knew that he would probably do that.

A few minutes passed and yet she was still in their room, she didn't want to move around, afraid that she would make too much noise, she heard little small noises, it sounded like crayons gently filling the pearl white page with color, she looked over to see Sal drawing something with a pack of crayons beside him, Samekichi entered the room and peeked at what he was doing, but as soon as Sal left the room, Samekichi looked at the drawing and than got a red crayon and colored over it. 'What a surprisingly mischievous kid' she thought to herself as he giggled and than walked away and Sal entered and looked at his now ruined drawing. He began to look at it with a really upset expression and began to sniff. "I....I..worked..so...hard..." He said quietly as Samekichi looked back in a small expression of surprise and shame. Sal sighed and sat down on the bed as Samekichi looked at the drawing he drew over and tried to copy it on another piece of paper. It didn't look as good but he at least put effort. "Here! I made this.." Samekichi said as he brought the drawing to Sal. "K..kichi.. Wh-" "just... Don't cry, ok?" Sal smiled. "Thank you kichi.."

Wadanohara smiled at the scene aswell

She knew Samekichi too well...

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