Peter Parker field trips to S...

By WispyWhispers

508K 11.4K 13.6K

All characters belong to Marvel except for a few here and there that i make up. I take requests. Just some f... More

Unexpected Tour Group Pt. 1
Unexpected Tour Group Pt. 2
The Sleepover of Doom Pt. 1
The Sleepover of Doom Pt. 2
The Sleepover of Doom Pt. 3
The Sleepover of Doom Pt. 4
Bullies Embarrassment Pt. 1
Bullies Embarrassment Pt. 3
Bullies Embarrassment Pt. 4
Bucky's Niece Pt. 1
Bucky's Niece Pt. 2
Hungry and Alone, Until he Wasn't
Hungry and Alone, Until He Wasn't Pt. 2

Bullies Embarrassment Pt. 2

29.5K 773 875
By WispyWhispers

Peter's alarm hadn't gone off, and Friday decided to inform him that he needed to get up 10 minutes later. As he rushed to get ready, Peter couldn't help but imagine what his family was planning. He knew they had stayed up after he'd gone to bed, but had no idea what they had discussed.

As he grabbed a few apples from the fruit basket in the still burnt kitchen, Peter said a few quick good mornings to everyone. He was about to run into the private elevator when he took a double take. Every. Single. Person. Was. Awake. That was not good. They were hardly ever up this early. Oh no.

He looked at the time and decided to ignore the fact he was doomed for a moment, and instead worried about the fact he was going to be late for school. He hopped into the elevator and told Friday to take him down to the ground floor where Happy would be waiting for him as usual.

The trip didn't take that long and as soon as the doors opened he ran out and hopped into the car waiting for him. "Hey, Hap!"

Happy simply grunted in reply. Peter talked to Happy the whole way to school about how terrible the field trip was going to be. Happy pretended not to care, but in reality he listened to every word the kid said. He also knew about the Avengers plan.

~I'd like you all to meet Mel, the Giraffe. She is the father of Mason. She just wanted to thank you all for reading about her family!~

Peter got to school just in time. They were just about to close the doors the the yellow bus. He quickly hopped up the stairs, gave Mr. Harrison his signed form, and rushed to the back of the bus to sit by Ned and MJ.

"I was sure we would have to leave without you!" Ned laughed.

"My alarm never went off this morning. I think I must've broke it when I threw it at the wall the other day." Peter replied. He looked over at MJ who seemed to be drawing his face. He sure felt like he was in crisis so, he wasn't surprised he looked that way too.

"Hey, Parker! You ready to be humiliated?" Came the awful sound of the one and only, Flash Thompson. His buddies laughed, patting Flash on the back and saying things like, 'good one!'

How that was a, 'good one!' I don't know. Peter just ignored him. It wasn't worth his energy.

The whole way to the Tower, Ned rambled on and on about how awesome the tour was going to be. Peter, knowing how Ned got, zoned out, only slightly paying attention. MJ payed no attention to anything either, she just read her book.

As the buildings passed by, a large sense of dread washed over Peter. Knowing his luck, something is going to go horribly wrong. The question was, what.

Peter heard gasps from his classmates and looked up. They were here.

Peter sank deeper in his seat. Why couldn't they just go on a normal field trip? Spend the day at an aquarium or something. Why'd they have to go to his house!?

"Dude! Look, look, we're here!" Ned exclaimed as he shook Peter's arm violently.

"Ned you come over literally every week at least twice." Peter reminded his best friend. Mr. Harrison began to heard everyone off the bus. It wasn't that hard.

Peter and MJ were the last ones out. "Hurry up you two! We don't have all day." Mr. Harrison called. Peter let out a large sigh before trudging, very slowly, to the front of the bus. MJ followed behind him with a smirk.

Once they joined everyone, they stood there for a moment longer as everyone admired the building. Well everyone other than Peter and MJ that is. Peter just glared at the ground while MJ, once again, sketched his face.

Once everyone got over their shock, we entered the main lobby. Once again everyone gasped. The lobby was huge. Even Peter stopped to admire it. He'd never come in this entrance before. A lady Peter had never seen before approached the group with a fake smile. He'd become accustomed to fake smiles from people. The interns and teachers gave them all the time.

"Hello, everyone! I assume you are Midtown Tech, are you not?" She asked looking to Mr. Harrison. He nodded. "My name is Jackie, I intern here at Stark Tower. Today I'll be giving you a tour of this fantastic building!" She said with fake enthusiasm.

Jackie was holding a bunch of lanyards, "These are your entrance passes that allow you to access certain places in the building. When I call your name come and get one." She glanced at the first pass, "Michelle Jones." MJ went up and grabbed her pass, and slipped it around her neck. That repeated 25 more times until everyone had one.

Everyone except Peter. And, of course someone just had to point that out, "Peter didn't get one!" Abraham called out. Jackie's smile slipped a little at that.

"Peter, I'll get a pass for you right away." She sighed. Jackie began to turn when Peter raised his hand. "Yes?"

"I...uh...I work here and actually have, uh, been given permission to, uh, not carry a pass. Friday will just scan me when I go through the metal detector." Peter said, looking down from embarrassment.

Jackie glared at him suspiciously. Only the Avengers, Pepper Stark, and a couple unknown people had that type of access. She was pretty sure a junior in high school wasn't one of them. "Listen, kid. Only people such as the Avengers, and Pepper Stark have that access. You have to be pretty important to have access like that."

Peter could feel everyone looking at him and was about to say something when, Mr. Harrison came over and glared down at him. "Peter you're a good kid and I don't want to have to be the one to say this, but a lie like this could ruin you're life. You either admit you don't intern here or you can go sit on the bus."

Peter didn't know what to say. Instead he sighed and stepped around Mr. Harrison, strolled over to the metal detectors, and walked straight through. He could here Jackie and Mr. Harrison telling him to wait, and that he would have detention for breaking the rules.

He didn't care.

"Peter Parker, level gold, no unauthorized materials. Welcome back, Peter. I've never seen you enter the building through this entrance before." Came Friday's mechanical voice. Peter looked behind him to see everyone in the lobby staring at him. His whole class, Mr. Harrison, and Jackie looked shocked. "I have alerted Boss of your arrival."

"Why'd you have to go and do that, Fri?" Peter complained.

"Boss told me to alert him as soon as you entered the building so, I did 5 minutes ago." She explained. Peter sighed. Again.

His class soon joined him on the other side of the scanners, the only difference was that they were all level white, except for Jackie who was level grey.

Mr. Harrison and Jackie marched over to him, "Mr. Parker, if I find out you bribed someone to do that, there will be trouble." His teacher grumbled. Jackie simply nodded in agreement, eyeing in suspiciously.

"Miss Jackie, what does each level represent?" Someone asked.

She gave me one last glare before turning back to the class, fake smiled plastered across her face. "Well there are 6 colours that represent the 6 levels. White is the lowest, and gold s the highest," that earned Peter some stares. "White is for tours and janitors, grey is for interns, black is for employees, bronze is for head staff, silver is for important business people and heads of departments, and finally gold is for the Avengers, Pepper Stark and some unnamed people." Jackie stared right at him when she said the last part.

"Okay, lets start the tour."

They were all herded into a large elevator, it was cramped despite it's size. Sadly, he got stuck next to Flash. "Hey, Penis, I know you hacked into the system so it would recognize you," Flash hissed, elbowing Peter in the ribs. Hard.

He thought he might've even heard a crack. Clutching his side, Peter let out a small gasp. It hurt, but would heal in a couple hours due to super human healing and all. Knowing Tony, he probably had Friday keeping tabs on all his vitals. In fact, he was most likely watching the security cameras right now, and that was not good.

The elevator doors open and everyone stumbled out of the squishy room. Peter got bumped in the side a couple of times and winced a little. Flash had quite the hit.

"We will be going into the intern labs, have a quick presentation on what interns do, and then you'll all get a chance to make a small gadget based off of what we discuss." Jackie explained as we walked through the glass door into a lab. A lab Peter hated going into.

This specific lab was where most of the interns that hate him work. As they entered he saw many of the interns inside scowl at the sight of him. They really hated the fact that a high school student was a personal intern with The Tony Stark. Peter already knew this would be terrible.

Everyone took a seat on the floor as there was no chairs. Before the interns could even start explaining anything, a group of people entered the room.

"Change of plans everyone! You are all going to come with us up to our living commons." Tony grinned at Peter and his class. The Avengers stood behind him, fully armed. They all were straight faced and seemed to be staring at one person.


He. Was. So. Screwed.

Hey people!!!! I hope you enjoyed this second part to Bullies Embarrassment!!! I'll try to get another part out tomorrow. If not, you might have to wait another week before I get something out. SORRY!!!

This part has 1684 words.



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