Demigods At Hogwarts

By Jessicorn1

202K 3.5K 3.2K

Percy, Annabeth, Nico, Thalia and Hazel all go to Hogwarts at the request of Hecate. She wants them to protec... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Author's Note

Chapter 2

13.5K 230 286
By Jessicorn1

Hermione POV

When we tried to wake the sleeping couple they merely rolled over and ignored us. Eventually the other girl, Thalia, stepped forward and touched them both on the arms. They sat bolt upright and glared at Thalia who smirked. Nico, who was standing in the shadows in the corner, smiled. It didn't make him look any less creepy in the half light of the morning.

We went downstairs and had breakfast. During the meal Sirius asked what the noise had been about last night. Annabeth answer sheepishly

"Percy and I got lost last year. We had to struggle for two weeks to find the way back. On the way we almost lost ourselves and each other, we still get nightmares about the fact that we might not have made it" .

It sounded real, but something told me she was hiding a crucial fact, and I want to know what it is.

We told them to get dressed. Percy and Annabeth went to find Percy some clothes. On the way I head them joking about medium-rare t-shirts. I want to know why his t-shirt would get toasted.

Percy POV

On the way to my bedroom Annabeth asked me if I wanted a medium rare t-shirt or one that had been used as a chopping board. I didn't answer and she assumed it meant I didn't care. I would obviously use the medium-rare one. At least it isn't toasted completely. We chose a CHB t-shirt that was still in one piece, which was quite an achievement. Annabeth pulled out a perfectly laundered t-shirt easily and we went down the stairs.

We later used the floo network to get to Diagon Alley. It was a weird green powder that you threw into the flames. We arrived and Annabeth immediately started talking about the architecture and supporting beams, I was happy enough looking around. Mrs Weasly decided that we should split up. She would go and buy household supplies while we bought our school books. We agreed to meet back at the Leaky Cauldron for lunch. Our first stop was Gringotts Bank. We went inside and looked at the ugly creatures that sat behind the benches. Hermione lent over and whispered that they were goblins. We reached the end and a goblin looked at the five of us.

"Ah yes" he muttered "the Lady supplied you with money, come with me" the trio tried to follow but the goblin gestured that only we could come. We shrugged it off and went with him.

We went into an underground tunnel and climbed into a cart. Thalia and I turned to each other nervously. Underground was not our favourite place, to put it lightly. Hazel and Nico seemed at ease while Annabeth looked interested at the structural support of the tunnel.

We suddenly speed off. Thalia started muttering what sounded like last prayers and Hazel was standing up and smiling. Annabeth looked at her and told her to sit down, we were going at 100 kilometres per hour. Hazel calmly said that we were actually going at 200 km/h and continued to stand.

Thalia and I both looked considerably greener when we got off the cart at the other end. The goblin told us to touch the door, for it would only open at the touch of a demigod. The door melted away and we found ourselves facing a huge pile of galleons, drachmas and other currencies. We picked up a bagful each and left the vault. Thalia and I were very happy when the ride back up was over.

Hermione walked us into a bookshop called Flourish and Blots. We quickly collected our schoolbooks. Annabeth and Hermione had each selected about 3 more books each for reading. We stood there aimlessly while they debated if they should get another one. Once they had settled on 5 books each we left the shop. We bought robes and potions ingredients as well as many other unusual objects. Eventually Hermione said that there was only one required shop left, Ollivanders, the wand shop.

The trio stopped outside and gestured for us to go in without them. The shop was kind of creepy, to put it in other words, it looked like the kind of place Nico would hang out in except the walls were covered in hundreds of bookshelves filled with thousands of boxes. A little man with big eyes and even bigger wrinkles greeted us.

"I was informed of your impending arrival by my Great- Grandmother" he began "she delivered wands for each of you".

He pulled out some plain looking wand boxes and handed them out.

"For the Huntress I have pine wood and dragon heartstring." There were a few snickers from the boys. Thalia gave them a dirty look and Ollivander continued "for the Daughter of Pluto I have hazel and unicorn hair and for the Son of Hades I have yew and phoenix feather. For the Daughter of Athena I have walnut wood and Phoenix feather and the Son of Poseidon I have cypress and Phoenix feather, the Phoenix feather is a twin with the girl" he said, gesturing at Annabeth.

We left the shop and went to buy pets. I was already nervous because owls and I have a small disagreement. By that I mean they attack me at every opportunity. We walked in and all the owls swooped at me. Suddenly a woman walked out from behind the counter. She glared at me then called the owls off and gave us each an owl. I called my owl Cookie because I was missing my Mum's baking. Annabeth called her owl Athena. We met up with Mrs. Weasley and went back to Grimmauld Place.

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