The hero within..

By mk845suny

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The hero within..

15 0 0
By mk845suny

So I'm thinking of coming up with a novel. something i had in my mind for while 

I'm calling it THE HERO WITHIN.. iT's going to be an action with some gore, a Fan fiction

novel. I' m going to base it on a series of Assassin's creed but this one was never heard of, just thought of this, the event, the plot, and the year

I might change the title tho and the charaters

Its an idea of a novel that i would like to after im done co-writing with 1Bloosom

But let me know what you all think

                        In 1843, a 10 year old boy named  Hopi but was mostly call Hania, a naitve american whos name means " Spirit Warrior"   was playing with is older borther named jacob out in the field. Hania was the adopted son

of john and mary Conway, a wealthy family that came across into trouble with their land. The

proprietor name Carl hill, wanted to take over the Conway's land and if not they they had to pay

double for it, if not the he will burn there home. The day came for the propreitor's pay due but the

Conway's as strong willed said no and the propreitor burn there home and wanted the boys for work

and john and mary told the boys to run and then fire went off. jacob and Hania heard the fire wents

off and ran back to se what had happen and a shot went off again. Hania stood there alone when

the propreitor came to him.

Hania said to propreitor  ''' I will never forget this day, I'll see you again, and will kill you, one day"

18 years later a struggled Hania after a life of struggle and doubt in the memory of the family he

once had, came across of depression, he was lost and would like to be found again.

The tiredless Hania, was laying from exhaustion, heard a humming noice and came a across and elderly man whos named was Antinanco, but preferred to be call Mapuche, his names mean "eagle of the sun"

The man Mapuche, saw the young Hania helpless and wanted to know what  is his purpose of his travels with a weapon

Hania reasoning for his traveling was to go and find his family's killer and seek veneges on him,

but Mapuche wanted to show Hania that their is more then going find one man who will have others to profect him, so he can seek veneges.

Mapuche was to train Hania, and show Hania, who Mapuche was in his years, of being a warrior.

Mapuche was an assassin for the templars, a unity of assassins that were warriors and protectors of the destruction of  evil .

And want to train Hania to become a warrior, to be someone more than Hania think he is

To be a protector, a provider, and symbol or greatness, a hero

From the producers of Assassin's creed

 the year of  1861, the start of a epic battle between the north and the south, the confederates and the union if you will

will Hania become the man to help and free the people in need, and he will seek veneges and justice in the right accord

the great assassin, who  protects the consitution of america

the next great hero of hope and justice

This is the HERO WITHIN of  gettysburgs

Well thats what i have so far...

i would like to put more into but i hope you all get where i want to go with novel

and leave any comments and tell me what you think

thanks MK845Suny

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