My Past Was Meant To Be Hidden

By EllasDreams

184K 6.7K 706

CAUTION SEXUAL CONTEXTS AND ABUSE... Her Mom's dead, She's moving to America from England, Living alone with... More

What happened that day
Arriving at my new home
Meeting the neighbour... More like brother
Bad Boy is talking to me?
My first day, Great! not...
The letter... And my 'brothers girlfriend'
Normal day... until he came...
They took me...
Let me go
My first job...
Boss isn't the Boss
My second job was ...
Oh no she didn't ... Date?
Carnival date ...not so well
Kidnapped... Great
Trying not to give up!
Hurt, Frozen and Empty
Putting the pieces together
Two months later...

Wake up kitten..

6K 266 7
By EllasDreams

Something cold was thrown over me, I gasped and opened my eyes to see nothing but black and a shadow in front of me, I went to rub my eyes but something was stopping me, I pulled my arms again, a chain? seriously, why a chain, it's so heavy and urgg!!!! no fair someone chuckled making me look up quickly as the lights turned on, I blinked a few times and glared at him, while he just smiled happily down to me, he crouched so we was face to face, and put his hand on my face

"Kitten" he purred,


"How nice of you to join us with your presence kitten I was starting to think I gave you to much sleeping powder for your small petit body to handle" I spat in his face and he sighed wiping it off

"That isn't very nice, I'm going to have to teach you house manners" he punched me in the face nearly making me lose conscious again.

"Let me go you jerk" he laughed as if I just shared a friendly joke this guy is starting to piss me off

"Now why would I do that? when it took all this trouble to get you in the first place, your just like rare species of cat"

"Stop calling me a cat, or kitten or whatever, just stop!" He kicked me

"Don't talk until spoken to, and I will call you what I wish considering your my property now" I clenched my jaw in frustration

"I'm no ones property!" He kicked me again making me wheeze and gasp for air

"That's where your wrong kitten, your mine, and you will do as I say and that means no answering me back!"

"I won't do anything you say!" He laughed

"If you say so kitten" he walked out as some guards picked me up and dragged me into a jail sorta looking place and when they pushed me in I noticed their was a girl and boy in there with me, they both looked unhealthily skinny seriously I can see there cheek bones and I bet if they lifted there shirt to show there stomach it would be full of ribs and no fat, and there arms I could put my hand round reaching my pinky and thumb together once the guards left they slowly approached me, the boy spoke first

"Who are you? Are you okay?" I hesitantly answered

"Ella or Cassandra, what ever you want to call me and yeah I guess, I think my rib is bruised though, it hurts to sit like this but these stupid chains won't budge" the girl walked over

"Here let me help" she undid the chair and put my arm over her shoulders and looked at the boy

"Eric help me rest her on the bed" he nodded and helped, once I was settled I sighed on relief of no pain, they spoke again

"I'm Evie, and this is Eric, he's my boyfriend, Urm, could we ask why your here Ella?"

"Trey, I bumped into his when I was with a.. Urm friend and I guess he took a liking in me but I didn't like the way he spoke to me so I gave him attitude, he didn't get along with my friend so I guess and that caused him to... Kidnap me, so... Urm... how did you two get here?" He spoke this time

"We got caught up with the wrong people I guess and when one took a liking in Evie I got jealous and beat him up which caused us both to get out in here, said if we love each other so much we can spend the rest of our life together in here forever, they only feed us bread and water twice a day, I think we have been here for two years but I'm not sure anymore, we have lost count" there was tears rolling down Evie's face and Eric hugged her tighter to her resting his head on hers while she cried into his chest, there so cute, they don't deserve this "once I'm free I'll give them money to get away, my dad will come get us I'm sure of it"

yeah that's what I thought


Sorry this is so short but it's easier to put the next part on a new chapter XOX

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