Your Honour

By ConsulCreme

70 12 4

An RP between myself and yanapangit Just. Yeah. Have fun reading this mess of an rp Our OCs are from Deck A... More

⌜Author's Note⌟
⌜Updating Schedule⌟


19 3 0
By ConsulCreme

Hyatt had to get it.

Crowns, a famous group of bandits, have heard that the Sterling Kingdom had acquired tons of gold from the neighboring country for the help they did. And unfortunately, Hyatt had to do the job of stealing gold inside the kingdom.

"This is basically suicide," She muttered, stealthily running across the lawn of the garden just after she knocked out two of the palace guards at the gates. "If they catch me, I swear to god I'll kill them," She angrily muttered, referring to her group.

Silently, she climbed up one of the walls that made up the castle, the trees thankfully hiding her from the open field. She sighed for a moment before she continued to climb up.


"Prince, we have reported that-"

"I know." Graeme sighed, pulling his cape up on his shoulders.

"Bring them back in. Give them medical treatment if hurt.

I'll go investigate, myself."

"But Prince, your safety-"

"I will be fine, Revvie. Please, help the two men first." Revvie straightened his back, his lips pursed, nodding bitterly.

"Got it." Before hurrying off.

Graeme silently watched him rush off, then headed into his room, shutting the door behind him, then headed out to his balcony to overlook the castle, his room being the highest in the castle, giving up a magnificent view of his garden and the kingdom.



Hyatt grabbed the last brick she could hold and pulled herself up. Upon arriving at the top most part of the castle, she sighed in relief. So far, no guards were looking out. She then slowly walked across the castle and found out that there was still one more part of the castle that she has to climb up.

Oh fuck! Someone is watching!

She cursed mentally, biting her lip and quickly hid behind a post. She assumed the person at the balcony wasn't looking down but ahead of him, thinking he didn't see her. She hoped that was the case-

Why not kill him?

Hyatt knew her orders. Killing was unnecessary. There was no need for violence but right now, she had no choice but to climb up behind him and kill him.

And so she did. She had to go to the farthest back of the castle and climbed up from there. It was hard since there were no ledges nor balconies, but it was sure that no one could see her. Quickly, she climbed up, and silently, she arrived at the balcony behind the man who stood before her. She drew an arrow, pulling it with the string of her bow and focused her aim.

Goodbye, mister-

Graeme took his crown off of his head, watching the female make her way up.

What in the world was she doing, he wanted to know.

He fiddled with the crown a little, noticing she had disappeared.

Then heard footsteps behind him.

"...what a nice way to greet me...

Hello, there." He greeted, not turning to face her, still holding onto his crown.

"What are you doing here?"

"Your Highness, I..." Hyatt wanted to laugh. They didn't have the time to chat idly like good friends. Why did it even come up to a situation like this?

"I'm here to take your head because I was stupid enough to let you see me."

She smiled, "So please don't turn around..." Her hands were trembling. What was it that made her nervous all of the sudden?

She knew that this man was not just the kingdom of Sterling's prince. He was more than a person with a crown...

He had a terrifying aura that shook her. What was it that it feared her to the point where she's shaking?

"Oh no! I'm so scared..." Graeme slowly raised his arms up in his defence, one hand still holding onto his crown, his back still facing her. He sounded very sarcastic, though.

He was upset. Upset that there was a thief in his castle. But he didn't say anything.

His cape glided with the wind, still attached to his shoulders as his hair waved with the wind as well.

Nice atmosphere.

"What else are you here to take, apart from my life?" He asked in such a casual tone, that it made him sound even more scary.

"I believe, Your Highness, that you were taught by your Royal tutors and teachers that thieves exist for gold. Apparently, the richest source of gold right now is in your castle, so why not aim for your humble abode directly?" Hyatt frowned, her hand sweating in anxiety. She had the guts to talk, but she lacked will. This was not what she wanted, it was what her family wanted— the Crowns, their desire to be wealthy and to hang on to life.

The fact that the prince had his back on her was calming. She took a deep breath and exhaled.

"See you in the afterlife, Prince."

She let go of the bow, letting it fly in the Prince's direction.

Graeme listened quietly.

"Then why, my dear, must you take me as well?" He suddenly spun around, catching the arrow smoothly as it whizzed passed his ear. Cutting it, from its speed.

He barely even flinched, his expression calm... yet a dark aura surrounded him.

"Why must you take my precious life as well,

Daughter of the Crowns?"

He's heard of the group before, and didn't really do anything to stop them... since they never bothered him.

Until now.

Hyatt jumped in surprise, muttering a small 'shit' as she stumbled on her steps, forcing herself to enter the Prince's room.

"It's none of your business." She frowned, one of her closed eyes opening in anger and frustration. Her red eyes glints. "Besides, when did the Royals ever care for those who are in need?"

She shut the door of the Prince's room, keeping the Prince outside in his balcony to give her time to hide and device an escape plan. She hid in one of his large closets, thankful that she could fit in inside.

She then had 5 minutes to think of a plan or else she's dead meat.

"Oh, it's completely my business." Graeme's eyebrows furrowed, now dropping his arms to the side, holding onto the arrow and his crown tightly. "Because you were going to kill me."

"I did. I still do." Red eyes... what a nice match for her flaming personality, he'd say.

"I tried providing for those in need, as much as I could." He softened, relaxing a little, sighing to himself when she shut the door.

He held a lot of charity events in his kingdom and town along with his older sister, Queen Carolyn.

He tried. He really tried.

"Are you really in need, though?" He asked, hoping she'd hear him, his cape and hair still flowing against the wind.

He still does?

What the fuck does that even mean?

Hyatt stopped, thinking for a moment and listening to his words. Now he's asking if she really was in need. What the hell? What's up with that fake play?

She remained silent, letting the darkness of the closet eat her up. Somehow, she definitely regretted attempting to kill him, or coming to this fucking castle.

But they need it. I need it, Hyatt thought. Still, they should've picked someone better than me...

Hyatt, who was standing inside the closet, now crouched down and hugged her legs to her chest, burying her face in her knees, breathing heavily to try and calm down. She still had to think of a way to escape. Away from the Prince, away from the kingdom.

Away from the assumption that not all Royalty are as bad as it seems.

"I can help you." Graeme started to head back into his room, flinging the door open, scanning it. He knew she was here somewhere— but he wasn't going to bother searching for he. He'd wait for her to come out, herself.

"I will help you." He took a seat on his bed, placing his crown down.

"Just tell me what you need— gold, shelter, food, anything! I'll try my best to provide it." He sighed, taking off his cape, and folding it neatly on his bed.

"Then you wouldn't need to steal anymore." He ruffled his slicked back hair to mess it up into his more informal one, to make himself appear more presentable and friendlier to her.

"I know there have been assumptions that every royal from every kingdom pay no attention to their people's needs— but it's not every kingdom! My kingdom is part of the few who helps." He pursed his lips, staring at his closet in silence for a while, as if thinking what to say.

"I host charities around my kingdom. That's my main job. It's not like I sit around here and- and do nothing." He huffed, getting up from his bed again.

"So please.

Come out of hiding to let me help you."

Hyatt just listened, but every word he spoke made her blood boil. Who the fuck does he think he is? Why is he acting sympathetic all of the sudden?

How the fuck would he know what she felt?

What she felt when her parents lost all their money because of the unjust system? What she felt when the poor like her were discriminated and humiliated? What she felt when her parents hurt her and left her because of desperation? What she felt when she found the Crowns who adopted her for the sake of turning her into a weapon?

What she felt when she had completely nothing...

She slammed the closet door open, walking out of it and then pushed him back to his bed, grabbing his collar. "You bastard-!"

"Stop talking, will you!? I don't care how much you've helped other people, I don't care how helpful you've been to your kingdom, I don't care how much you've tried! I don't-" she inhaled sharply.

"I didn't want this!" She punched his chest, weakly, as she started to shake, the tears that had threatened to leak earlier finally falling. Still holding his collar, she pounded his chest with barely any strength.

"You... so you... shut up...! Don't talk anymore...!"

Graeme watched as the closet door slammed open, and then got himself pushed back onto his bed.

When she grabbed his collar, though, he inhaled sharply and held his breath there, listening to her yell.


He let her pound her chest, watching her start to cry, his expression softening, finally allowing himself to breathe again.

"Then what did you want?" He had made sure his kingdom was all in order, that no one would live in poverty.

"I pity you, godammit!" He tightened his grip on his bed sheets. "That's why I want to help you! You don't have to stay with them if they're going to treat you so badly!" It was just an assumption.

"Hah!? So you're telling me to leave them!?!?" This was ridiculous, why was she telling this to a stranger like him? Would he really understand?

"It's not that easy!" She roared, angrily trying to choke him with his collar. "It's not easy because I have to pay them back! I-I am indebted to them! How could I not pay them back when they had helped me survive this unfair world for years..." her tears rolled down her cheeks like rivulets, and she couldn't stop them.

"Don't pity me... You shit, don't you dare look down on me..." She glared, rubbing away her tears with her fist, "I'll work hard, I'll pay them and my freedom...!! I'll live my own life and I don't want your pity..."

Who are you, Prince? The tears refused to stop coming as she leaned down on his chest. She haven't cried like this for years. She haven't told anyone about her problems. She haven't felt so light after carrying a hundred tons of burden...

"No, I'm not... I'm not forcing you to... leave them..." Graeme struggled to grasp onto air.

"Then take it! Take all the gold you need to pay them back..." his words wavered. Like he was trying to say anything. "I'm not looking down on you.

Listen, I'm going to admit this.

I look up to you. You have so much courage to even come up here to kill me, just to hide all evidence that I saw you.

Look at you! I don't have the courage to do that.." he watched her cry on his chest, feeling a pang of of hurt in his heart, and out of instinct, he rubbed her back in attempt to calm her.

"I'll help you with your debt, if that is what you need to do."

Hyatt detached herself from him, staring into his eyes before she sat down properly on his king-sized bed. She hiccupped, the aftermath of her crying, wiping her tears completely from her eyes.

"For me, I don't think it's all about the money. I don't think I can ever repay the kindness they have shown me," as if that was an act of kindness, she thought the Prince would think of that. "But you know what, your offer got me thinking that they were after the money, after all."

She held her chest, feeling a pang of pain. "I'm that worthless, after all."

"I didn't plan to kill you, Prince." She awkwardly admitted. "I didn't want anyone to see me so I just thought I had to kill you..." Guilt rained down on her. She swallowed the lump in her throat. "I'm such a fucking failure... that I'm even telling you all these things."

She could feel the tears fighting to reveal themselves again. God, Hyatt, stop being a crybaby. "You can't expect me to accept your offer." She stammered. "Like what I said, I'll buy my own freedom... I can't just die like this..."

Whatever she was worried about, she felt like this prince had her back all this time. He was ready to help her, but she couldn't just accept it. It's just... not right...

Graeme then wrapped his arm around Hyatt, rubbing her arm. Trying to comfort her as much as he could.

"They helped you survive, yeah? At least they were kind enough to help you." He mumbled, nearly inaudible, but because of how close he was to her allowed her to hear it.

"What?" He looked up at her. Only after the money? That... ouch..

"We'll keep this meeting a secret, yeah?" He smiled a little at her. "I'm not gonna frame you for sneaking around either. I'm sure I can make something up." He looked up at the ceiling.

"You're not. It's okay to tell someone how you feel, sometimes. It's not really... say, healthy to keep everything in... to yourself." He hummed, his real personality showing again. His real, kind personality.

"Oh, no. I don't at all. It was only an offer, after all." He glanced over at her. "It's your choice if you want to take it or not."

Hyatt couldn't help but enjoy warmth within his comfort. Shit, after thinking so badly of him, she still gets forgiven... she won't get caught, she won't get jailed, she won't get hurt...

His kindness overwhelmed her that she wanted to hug him but it would be selfish of her. He's done so much for her today that even she wanted to think she's indebted to him. Damnit. Damnit.

Why did you just show up now when I needed kindness and guidance a long time ago?

"I'm not going to take your offer, Prince... and I can't promise that I'll not become a thief..." She pushed him away, embarrassment taking over, heat rising up on to her face. "I'll see what I can do from here. Still, you have my heartfelt gratitude."

She looked at him and looked at the smudge of blood on his ear. She reached out to hold his cheek, sliding her hand to his ear. "Did I do this to you...? Does it hurt?"

Graeme grinned at Hyatt, dropping his arm from around her when she pushed him away. She looked a lot better... and red.

Embarrassed? He kept the teasing to himself.

"Oh, it's not a problem. I really want to help as many as I can before my time is up." He smiled a little at her as she shifted closer to him, and now it was his turn to go a little red.

"Your arrow slipped and cut my ear, but it only stings... I'll.. I'll be fine.."

She shook her head and fished out her white handkerchief from one of her pockets. She dabbed the blood out of the way of his pretty face, her white handkerchief getting soiled in it instead. "I've hurt you, and attempted to kill you and I-" she hitched her breath, the wave of guilt getting stronger. She felt horrible. "I am sorry..."

Suddenly, the door of the balcony opened with a bang, surprising the both of them inside. Hyatt's eyes went wide in horror as she saw the familiar face standing on the balcony.

"Xenon...? What are you—"

Xenon frowned, his face darkening. "We're all worried about you but you're here, flirting with the Prince?"

She took a step back away from the Prince as her heart beat's pace picked up. She's so fucked up. "X-Xenon, let me explain-"

Xenon silently looked at the prince, sending him the deadliest glare he could manage up as he took a step forward to their direction. "Let's go, Hyatt. Everyone is waiting for you."

Hyatt felt torn. Why did Xenon have to show up now? With the prince amidst their presence?

"No, it's okay... thank you." Graeme gently held onto Hyatt's wrist as she dabbed the blood away, pulling away in shock when his balcony door opened, his head turning immediately to face this... other guy.

He got up from his spot on the bed, bowing a little to Xenon... to be polite, ignoring his glare, then straightening his back and picking up the crown from his desk.

"Hello. And while you're here, take this. That's all I can give right now." He threw his precious crown over to him, glancing at Hyatt a little as if saying "you may leave".

Xenon caught the crown and hummed to himself, "This is not a joke." He nodded in acknowledgment, sliding the crown into his bag. "You're quite generous."

"Oi, Xenon, you can't just do that!" She marched across the room and grabbed for his satchel where the crown was kept. "Give it back!"

Xenon grabbed her face, giving her a silent stare that made Hyatt tense up and quieten down. "He gave it to us, and you, of all people, should know that we need it more than he does." Xenon kept glancing at the prince who was, surprisingly, calm of the current situation. He let go off her, and held her wrist tightly, "Let's go back."

Hyatt couldn't help but cry, again. Her tears just fell as she looked back at the Prince. "Thank you...!" She managed to yell before Xenon picked her up and they jumped from the balcony.

While she was in his arms, she could feel how heavy her heart was again, as she continuously let her tears fall until the both of them left the vicinity of the castle.

Graeme crossed his arms, watching him calmly. "Of course I am. I could always get another, so it doesn't matter." He watched as Hyatt tried to give the crown back to him.

Aw... how sweet of her.

He gave a quick wave, mouthing a "See you when we can" to Hyatt as they jumped off the balcony.

That was... very dangerous of them.

There was a hurried knock on the door to the Prince's room.

"You may enter."

"Price Graeme! We- we've caught the thieves, they're escaping with your crown-"

"I know." Graeme gave Revvie, his personal assistant, a side glance.

"Wh-what do you mean 'you know'?!" Revvie yelled at him, a little disappointed that Graeme had let them off like that.

"I gave it to them, they need it more than I do."

"Why would you-"

"Because this is who I am." Revvie fell silent at that, sighing.

"As you wish, your highness..."

"You know you don't have to call me that, right?" Graeme gave him a lopsided smile, heading over to him and giving him a pat on the back.

"Yeah, I... yeah."

Xenon had dropped her as soon as he fairly ran a few kilometers away from the castle. Hyatt fell on the rocky ground as she winced in pain. "You're a failure, and I'm sure you're aware of that."

Hyatt didn't speak, biting her lip in frustration so hard until it bled, tasting the iron that seeped inside her mouth. She didn't dare to look up at Xenon, hiccupping.

Xenon sighed, "You know how much I love you, Hyatt, but I can't possibly save you this time from Angelo's wrath." Hyatt understood. She grew up with same situation as Xenon. They grew up like siblings, and Hyatt quite understood very well why Xenon was the one who picked her up from the castle.

"I'm worthless... I'm pitiful... I'm-"

She could remember the Prince's words. 'You have so much courage...' she was that courageous, and the Prince believed and she was, too. The thought made her so happy and the same time, a resolve came into mind.

Xenon noticed the change of behavior, crouching down on her level and grabbed her face to have Hyatt look at him. "What's wrong?"

Hyatt could only smile, "I'm preparing for the worst."

"And that is?"

"To leave Crowns."



Word count: 3621

Characters mentioned: Hyatt, Graeme, Revvie, Xenon, The Crowns.

[Slightly edited]

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