The More You HATE, The More Y...

By GillianDeigh

1.3K 33 4

it's been 5 years since the weirdmageddon, but the heat between the Gleeful twins and the cousins, Gideon and... More

In this terrible world
People are meant to hate
Easy for you to say
Real people and Fake people
Maybe everything will be fine
Always ready
Something's up
Others cant be bad as you
Never felt this way
Gideon Charles Pines
Love isn't even real

People are meant to help

154 4 0
By GillianDeigh

Dipper was running, scared what happened. He was trying to get away but suddenly he was held by the shoulders. He turned to see robi crying, mad and cursing at dipper.

Dipper falls to the ground, as his face was in fear to see the horror that has happen. Dipper turned to his side as he heard a scream, his eyes widen and tried to reach to it

But as dipper came closer and closer to who he tried to reach to, he heard his name being called from his back, he turned and sees a bright white light


"Aahhh!!" Both pacifica, gideon and mable as the jump in union as dipper rose from his hospital bed. Mable hits dipper hard by the head

"Mable! Youre gonna give dipper a concussion!!" Pacifica said in shock at the imapct mable did to dipper

"Well.. that wouldnt have happen if SOME DIDNT JUST ROSE FROM A COMA! I couldnt have a heart attack!" Mable complained as pacifica argue with her. Gideon chuckle at the two as he gave his attention to the now awake dipper

"You okay dipper?" Gideon asked sweetly as he placed his food by the table stand beside his bed.

Dipper rubbed the back of his head as he tired to fix his vision, when everything was clear he turned to his side to see who was talking to him. Dipper froze and blush seeing a white haird guy looking at him with his hair down. Dipper was so surprised he fell down his bed

"Dipper?!" Gideon screamed as he ran over to dipper to help him up. Dipper didnt complain until he reached his bed shove gideon away

"Where the fuck am i? And why THE HELL IS THERE A WHITE PORK BELLY?!" dipper said making gideon glare at him. Mable shove gideon away and walked closer to her bro

"At the hospital.." mable said coldly as dippers eyes widen in shock, he points to pacifica and gideon which they only look at each other "hays.. they helped me bring you here.."

"How long-" dipper was cut by gideon, as he walked over and hand over the report the doctor gave

"3 days.."

"3 FUCKING DAYS?!" dipper screamed, but then a doctor came just in time to tell everyone dipper could go. Gideon and pacifica left first leaving the twins alone in the room fixing there stuff.

"I saw that" mable said to dipper who was stripping and fixing his clothes. Dipper turned to look at gus sister and putted his focus back to his clothes

"What do you mean?" Dipper asked as he notice his book in his bag

"Gideon charles pines" mable said in a sing song voice. I turned to her, curious what she has to say about the pork belly

"What about him?" Dipper asked but before mable could reply the door opened reliving gideon

"Sorry to interrupt-" gideon spoke but stopped seeing a topless dipper. Dipper on the other hand was surprised to hear gideon slip his accent from american to britsh

Mable notice the sudden tension and grin giving her attention to gideon who was now beet red

"Anything ya need giddy?!" Mable asked. Gideon answered and dipper just stood there surprise to hear gideon in a britsh accent.

After getting what he needed which was his phone that he left, mable stopped him gideon turned and smile and a cute way

"Arent you so cute" mable said pinching gideon's cheek making him blush. Mable notice something and smiled back at gideon " i never thought you were britsh"

Gideon blink his eyes as he looked both at mable and dipper who by the way was still topless

"Oh.. well-" mable cut gideon and asked him to anwser her in britsh

"Oh, ok well.. i was originally at england. My father is american who married my mother who is britsh. We decided to move to america when i was 8, and learned to speak american here" gideon answer smiling uncomfortablely, and wanting to leave the room already

"Woah.. ah, britsh is such a turn on" mable said as she step closer to gideon making gideon feel uncomfortable. Dipper sighed and walked over to mable

"Leave the english boy alone and find a guy your own size" dipper said looks up and down at her, judging her. She smirks and bits her lips.

"Possessive.. thats cute.." mable said as she pass by gideon slapping his butt. Mable threw some keys to dipper, which he caught "id be home by 10! Bye!"

Mable left the hospital room, leaving both boys feel awkward as dipper walked back to fix his things. But he stopped looking back to gideon who just stoid where he just left him

"Are you going to leave and go find your blond cousin?" Dipper asked casually making gideon surprise

"You.. you just talked to me casually!" Gideon said slipping from america to britsh making dipper blush

"What!? I was just talking.. nothing special!" Dipper said frustrated as him and gideon just stared at each other. The staring contest was cut short when gideon's phone rang.

"Um, i should probably go.. bye" gideon checked his phone and ran out the door.

When gideon was finally out of his room, dipper fell to his bed blushing hard. Dipper glare at his phone as he saw the caller id

"Fuck you mable, fuck you"


Gideon walked by the diner and saw pacifica talking to one of her friends before they notice me. Pacifica waved over for me to come. Pacifica said her goodbye to her friend before giving her full attention to me

"Took you long enough" pacifica said as lazy susan placed there food just in time. Gideon took his breath and looked at the hungry blond that was in front of him

"Well what did you expect.. theyre the gleeful twins for petes sake!" Gideon said sarcasticly as pacifica nod in agreement "umm.. this taste delicous!" Gideon commented making pacifica turn her attetion

"You didnt slip in britsh while being with the gleeful twins did you?" Pacifica aksed as gideon nodds his head no "good.."

"Why'd you ask? Is there something i should know?" Gideon ask pacifica nod her head nothing

But there attention was now by the door where they see wendy''s gang walking in the dinner. Gideon's eyes widen as he notice thompson. Pacifica notice this and kicked his leg

"Ahh! Elise!" Gideon said as he glare at his cousin, making pacifica smirk

"Second name basis are we.. CHARLES" the two starts teasing caughting lee's attention and walks over to them

"What up little whites!" Lee teased as nate laugh with them as thompson smack lee's head

"Little?! Im about 5'9! Im almost as tall as you!!" Gideon whinned as he others laugh, thompson rubbing and playing with his hair.

Pacifica and the guys notice the change of atmospher. They all sat at the other side as they all grin. Thompson and gideon also notice the atmospher, but blushing as they saw there friends smirking at them

"Oh shut it.." gideon said blushing as his accent slip in. People's eyes widen as they laugh on the cute frustrated voice gideon say

"Youre so cute when you speak in your britsh accent" thompson compliment as gideon blush making the crowd around them tease and laugh at them.

(Special POV)
Gideon's POV

Ghad.. i want to run and hide after this huge embarrassament! Its no surprise that i like thompson.. well ive liked hin since i was 12. Guess it was because he was a smart, sweet guy. And even though he was fat, he was such a hot guy

Girl would fight over him. Even though there friend wendy was close to the gleeful's i was happy enough to be there friend.

Even though the topic was now on the sheriff and his husband the deputy, i still felt tense from eariler. Thompson noticed it and asked me to go out with him.

We stood in front of the dinner as thompson took out a cigar, he hand me one but i refused. I looked over to the others seeing them to busy and bought my attention back to thompson who was already smoking

"Thom-" gideon was cut when thompson threw his cigar away and gave his whole attention to me

"I know you like me.." he said boldly making my breathing uneasy as i looked at his light brown eyes.

"S-since when?" I asked, my body shaking. Ive liked Thompson for 5 years and he decided to notice me now? Why?

"Since.. weirdmageddon.." he said as he looking directly to my eyes.

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