Supernatural Series Rewrite...

By queenofdeansbooty

143K 3.9K 832

Dean's clock is ticking and with each passing moment, he is closer and closer to death. You, Sam and Dean try... More

The Magnificent Seven- Part 1
The Magnificent Seven- Part 2
The Magnificent Seven- Part 3
The Magnificent Seven- Part 4
The Kids Are Alright- Part 1
The Kids Are Alright- Part 2
The Kids Are Alright- Part 3
The Kids Are Alright- Part 4
Bad Day at Black Rock- Part 1
Bad Day at Black Rock- Part 2
Bad Day at Black Rock- Part 3
Bad Day at Black Rock- Part 4
Bad Day at Black Rock- Part 5
Sin City- Part 1
Sin City- Part 2
Sin City- Part 3
Sin City- Part 4
Bedtime Stories- Part 1
Bedtime Stories- Part 2
Bedtime Stories- Part 3
Red Sky At Morning- Part 1
Red Sky At Morning- Part 2
Red Sky At Morning- Part 3
Red Sky At Morning- Part 4
Fresh Blood- Part 1
Fresh Blood- Part 2
Fresh Blood- Part 3
Fresh Blood- Part 4
A Very Supernatural Christmas- Part 1
A Very Supernatural Christmas- Part 2
A Very Supernatural Christmas- Part 3
A Very Supernatural Christmas- Part 4
A Very Supernatural Christmas- Part 5
A Very Supernatural Christmas- Part 6
Malleus Maleficarum- Part 1
Malleus Maleficarum- Part 2
Malleus Maleficarum- Part 3
Malleus Maleficarum- Part 4
Dream A Little Dream Of Me- Part 1
Dream A Little Dream Of Me- Part 2
Dream A Little Dream Of Me- Part 3
Dream A Little Dream Of Me- Part 4
Dream A Little Dream Of Me- Part 5
Mystery Spot- Part 1
Mystery Spot- Part 2
Mystery Spot- Part 3
Mystery Spot- Part 4
Mystery Spot- Part 5
Mystery Spot- Part 6
Jus In Bello- Part 1
Jus In Bello- Part 2
Jus In Bello- Part 3
Jus In Bello- Part 4
Jus In Bello- Part 5
Ghostfacers- Part 1
Ghostfacers- Part 3
Long-Distance Call- Part 1
Long-Distance Call- Part 2
Long-Distance Call- Part 3
Long-Distance Call- Part 4
Time Is On My Side- Part 1
Time Is On My Side- Part 2
Time Is On My Side- Part 3
Time Is On My Side- Part 4
No Rest For The Wicked- Part 1
No Rest For The Wicked- Part 2
No Rest For The Wicked- Part 3
No Rest For The Wicked- Part 4
No Rest For The Wicked- Part 5
Author's Note
Author's Note
Author's Note

Ghostfacers- Part 2

1.6K 54 2
By queenofdeansbooty

"That was Corbett!" Ed exclaimed.

"That was Corbett! Corbett!" Harry yelled, everyone, running up the stairs to rescue their friend.

"No! Guys, we'll find him! Come on!" You yelled but they weren't listening.

"Guys! Fuck!" Sam cursed. You looked at your phone and your eyes widened.

"We have a bigger problem..." You said, holding up your phone to show the brothers what time it was. "No one is leaving this house now."

"Come on." Dean sighed and ran up the stairs, taking two of them at a time. You and Sam followed him.
"Hey! Hey! Hey! Come on." Dean raised his voice, getting everyone's attention. Corbett's screams started to fade away before the room became silent.

"Corbett's... He's not here. Let's go. Let's go." Sam urged people. You needed to get them to safety inside the house.

"No. No. No. But that's Corbett. No, that was Corbett. Didn't you hear that?" Ed asked.

"Go, go, go, come on." Dean gathered everyone up and ushered them out of the room with Sam leading them.

"Here we go. Here we go. Keep it moving. Keep it moving." Sam said. You sighed and walked with them down the stairs and you groaned when you bumped into a camera. You glared at the person holding it and saw it was Harry.

"Just walk and turn that thing off!" He didn't listen. You, Sam and Dean brought everyone to the living room since you couldn't leave the house.

"Oh, god, what's happened? Oh, god. He's gone. He just disappeared." Ed began to panic.

"Okay, let's just go through all the angles. Spruce, let's go through all the cameras we have." Harry instructed and talked with the unknown man, trying to figure out what happened to their friend.

"Well, it's 12:04am, Dean. You good? You happy?" Sam glared at his brother. It was Dean's choice to come here.

"Yeah, I am happy," Dean answered back sarcastically.

"'Let's go hunt the Morton house,' you said, 'it's our Grand Canyon.'"

"Sam, I don't want to hear this." Dean sighed.

"You got two months left, Dean. Instead, we're gonna die tonight." Sam growled, picking up a chair and smashing it against the window. The only thing that broke was the chair.

"Whoa! What the hell is going on guys?" Spruce asked, his camera trained on you three. Everyone jumped at the crash and started to pay attention to you instead of their friend.

"I'll tell you what's going on. Every door, every window, I'm guessing every exit out of this house—they're all sealed." Sam kicked the door but it wouldn't budge. You groaned and tried to think of what to do and how to hunt this thing with 4 other people with you.

"But, why are they sealed?" Maggie asked, scared.

"It's a supernatural lockdown, okay?" You informed, catching their attention. "Whatever took Corbett doesn't want us to leave, and it's no death echo. This is a bad motherfucker, and it wants us scared."

"Or it just wants us," Maggie whispered. Suddenly, the sound of an EMF detector went off like crazy. The computer monitors started to static, a sure sign something was coming.

"Uh, guys, the camera is fritzing again," Spruce said, looking at the experts for help.

"Whoa. Whoa. Guys, the EMF's starting to spike. This is a big one!" Ed exclaimed, holding the EMF reader.

"Everybody, stay close. There's something coming." Sam said and you gathered everyone close to one another. You took your shotgun out and pointed it out, waiting for something to appear. Suddenly, a man in a dirty coat appeared, his back to the whole group. Everyone jumped and began to panic but you calmed them down.

"Is this the same echo you guys saw earlier?" You asked.

"No, it's a different guy," Ed answered.

"Multiple echoes? What the hell's going on?" Dean asked and Sam shrugged.

"Beats me." None of you had an answer for this. This isn't what was recorded.

"Okay. Alright," Dean said, walking to the ghost who still had its back turned to you. He starts to yell at the apparition. "Uh, hey, buddy! Hey. Hey. Wake up. You're dead! Hello!"

"What's he doing?" Harry asked twice, looking at you and Sam for answers.

"It's rare, but sometimes you can shock an echo out of its loop if you can talk to the part of the ghost that's still human, but usually you'd have to have some kind of connection to the deceased." You explained and looked at Dean who was trying to get the ghost to listen.

"Come on! Wake up! Be dead!" The ghost suddenly flickered and he turned around. He looked scared out of his mind but he wasn't listening to Dean at all. It was like he didn't want to listen or couldn't hear him.

"You guys hear that?" Harry asked, hearing some kind of horn blaring. You looked around but there was nothing that could be making that noise.

"What's that sound?" Ed asked.

"Snap out of it, buddy, huh? Come on, what are you waiting for? You're gonzo! You're dead!" Dean yelled. The spirit wasn't listening and a bright light appeared on his face even though the flashlights you had couldn't conjure that much light up. As the light got brighter, the sound of the horn got louder. Suddenly the ghost was hit by this invisible car and went flying backwards, disappearing.

"Where the hell did it go?" Harry asked, looking around. Everything went silent again and you sighed, leaning against a pillar in the house.

"Guys, a word, please?" You brought Sam and Dean to the side, seeing Spruce follow you with a camera. "Bring that damn camera any closer and I will not hesitate to rip it from your hands and smash it against the wall." His eyes widened and nodded. He backed off immediately and left to his own group.

"Did you know you're sexy when you're pissed?" Dean smirked but this was no time for jokes.

"Dean, come on. Look, I think we need to look around this house for some kind of evidence. This shouldn't be happening. These people didn't die here and they never lived here. There are no records of any of this happening. Now, the only thing keeping a spirit around is their remains or an object they're attached to. So, that means their bones are somewhere in this house. It's the likely reason. Why it's here, beats me but we need to find something."

"Yeah, you're right. We should explore the second floor. Maybe something might be up there. I mean, Corbett disappeared up there." Sam whispered.

"Alright," Dean said, walking away from you and to the other group of people. "Alright come with us and stay close. You don't know when another Echo or something more dangerous will show up." Dean and Sam took the lead and walked upstairs, everyone following behind. You followed the group in case no one wanted to listen and wander off.

"Did the echoes take Corbett?" Maggie asked Dean, her camera trained on his face.

"Yes. No. I don't know. We don't know what's doing what here; that's what we're trying to figure out, okay?"

"Alright, stay close. Okay, look, um, death echoes are ghosts, okay? Now, ghosts, they usually haunt places where they lived or where they died." Sam explained.

"Except these mooks didn't live or die here." You said. You looked to your right and saw Harry smiling at you. You rolled your eyes and continued to walk.

"So, you come here often?" Harry asked and you stopped, making him stop as well.

"Look, Harry, you gotta stop with the flirty comments. I'm dating Dean but he's not the one you should be worried of. It's me. I see the stares you receive from Maggie over there. I think she likes you and to be honest, she's a better girl for you than I could ever be. Sorry, dude but get over it." You smiled into the camera he held and walked away, going to Dean's side. You grabbed his hand and he looked at you. You smiled at him and he chuckled lightly.

"So, what are they doing here?" Maggie suddenly asked.

"You think we know that?" Dean asked, turning to look at Maggie even though a camera was in front of her face. "Alright, seriously, does looking at this nightmare through that camera make you feel better or something?"

"Um...I, uh... Well, yeah. Uh, yeah. I think so."

"Oh." Dean nodded before looking at you and giving you that look. He sighed and walked into another room. You looked behind you and saw Harry talking with Maggie. You smiled lightly but snapped out of it.

"Come on, you guys. We can't be separated unless you want whatever took Corbett to take you too." Harry and Maggie looked at you before nodding. They walked past you to get to the other room and you sighed, following them. You looked around the room with your flashlight pointed everywhere. You hated not seeing what you were walking into. This reminded you of the time Gordon trapped you in that room and turned off all the lights. You were glad he was dead and out of your lives for good.

You coughed at the immense amount of dust in the place. You walked around the room, staring at the large amounts of stuffed animal heads on the wall.

"This place deserves the creepy award." You muttered out loud but no one heard and if they did, they didn't comment.

"Hey, check this out," Sam said and you and Dean immediately walked over to him to see what he had. He held a broken framed certificate. "Freeman Daggett, house's last owner, officially commended for 20 years of fine service at the Gamble General Hospital."

"You think he's the one responsible for the death echo's?" You asked.

"Could be. He was a doctor?" Dean asked.


"This looks like his den. When'd you say he died—'64?"

"Yeah, heart attack," Sam answered.

"What are these, c-rations?" Maggie asked and you looked over at her. Near her was a bunch of food that wasn't perishable. They were what army men got.

"Yeah, army-issued, three squares—like a lifetime supply," Dean said, shining his flashlight over the large amounts of food.

"Oh, come on, guys. This is ridiculous. I mean, how the hell is this supposed to find Corbett, huh? We should be digging up the fucking floorboards right now." Ed said, frustrated that his friend was still missing.

"Look, Ed, we'll find him, okay?" You said but was interrupted by a loud bang. You turned around and saw Dean opening a safe up. He took out one of many boxes and turned around only to come face to face with a shitty EMF reader. He gave Harry the bitch face before Harry backed off. Dean brought the box to the table and opened it, filing through the papers in there.

"Crap. Crap. Taxidermy. Okay. You said Daggett was a hospital janitor?" Dean asked his brother, looking at him.


"Ewww. Got three toe tags here—one, death by gunshots, train accident, and suicide." Dean said, reading through the tags he found.

"Ewwwwww!" Sam grimaced.

"I told you guys they were here." You smirked, glad that you were right yet again.

"What?" Harry asked, completely oblivious.

"Daggett brought the remains home from the morgue. To play." You looked at the two men, watching realization flit across their faces.

"Ewwwwwwwwww!!!!! Ugh!!!!!" They grimaced at the same time.

"That's nasty, dude," Spruce said. You sighed and suddenly, the EMF reader was going off like crazy and you knew that something big was coming.

"Harry. Harry, I got an 8.6 and climbing fast. Something huge is coming. Look. Something big is coming." Ed rambled, trying to stay calm for his friends.

"It's past 1, you guys." Harry looked at the time. You shined your flashlight everywhere, trying to figure out where the next death echo was going to come from.

"What? Nobody move! Hold on. Hold on. Stay quiet." Dean ordered and everyone went quiet. You looked around and stayed close to Dean when suddenly you felt hands on your body. You opened your mouth to say something but you disappeared from the room full of people only to end up somewhere you didn't know. You were going to scream for help when something hit you on the back of your head. You groaned and rolled your head to the side as something tied you up to the chair you were suddenly sitting on. The last thing you saw was Corbett but it looked like he was barely breathing.

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