
By babybensler

46.8K 761 156

Peter Stone and Olivia Benson are more likely to be found butting heads over a difficult case, but when they'... More

thread count
four letters
long term
two weeks
2 truths and a lie
peter's truth
loving you is easy...
growing pains
case closed
Olivia, are you happy?
Timing is Everything
perfect frame
and then, there were 4...


3.8K 57 7
By babybensler

She's here in bed with a man and not just any man, it's Peter Stone, of all people. He's sleeping soundly next to her and she just watches him for a few more moments. It's nearing six in the morning and she knows there's only a limited amount of time they have left with each other until she's on her way back home. She's a gotten a total of maybe 3 hours of sleep tonight, and there's a familiar ache between her legs. He'd been insatiable the entire night, waking her with kisses to her shoulder or the sweet stroke of his hand along her back.

"D-don't," Peter mumbles in his sleep and shifts in bed. She doesn't think anything of it and almost laughs, not knowing he even spoke in his sleep. "Pamela..." his chest rose and fell as he began breathing heavily, his body became dampened with sweat. She realized he was having a nightmare, a bad dream, whatever you want to call it he was having one and she felt her heart break right in two. It was one thing to hear about what had happened to his sister, but to bear witness to such a tragedy was completely different.

"Peter," she says firmly but softly as she places her hand on his shoulder nudging him to wake up. "Peter!" She yells almost and shakes his more urgently as he repeats his sisters name over and over. His eyes snap open and he sits up covered in sweat as he tries to catch his breath. Olivia turns her body towards him and watches as he comes to and can tell he's almost embarrassed as he shys away from looking at her.

"Hey," she says softly and turns his face gently towards her as she take a hold of his chin. "Everything is okay. I'm here for you," she pecks the corner of his mouth and he softens. He pulls her close and envelopes her in his arms. Her head lays on his chest and his chin rests on the top of her head. She splays her hand across his bare chest and can feel the rapid rate his heart is beating at. "Talk to me."

"I'm fine, I just have a few bad dreams every now and then ever since..." he stops himself as he tries to keep his tears at bay. It's not like she hadn't seen him cry before, but the truth was he just tired of doing it. Olivia had been a nice distraction from the terrible waves of grief that came every now and then. Yet these nightmares of seeing his sister being gunned down right in front of his very own eyes kept haunting him.

"But this is the first time in a long time that I haven't been alone," he wraps his arms just a little bit tighter around her. "Just like that night you stayed with me in my office after it had all happened."

"I don't want you to ever feel like you have to pretend everything is okay," she meant every word of it. "I used to have them too," she states and isn't sure if she's quite ready to open up anymore than that. "I've seen a lot of shit on this job," she sums up and laughs nervously.

"I can only imagine," he says quietly.

"Tell me one of your favorite memories of Pam," her voice is soft and coaxing as she tries to get him to open up to her. She's dealt with grief alone and she knows the consequences of keeping it all bottled up.

"Oh um," he's caught off guard with her question. "Maybe the summer of '93. We spent almost the entire break at our lake house up in Michigan. She was so vibrant and sober, and so much like the Pam that I knew growing up," Olivia kissed his tear that escaped down his cheek. "I just wish I could've done more for her," his voice cracks.

"Peter, look at me," she sits up and holds his head between her hands. "You did everything you could for her. You tried your absolute best to give her the finest care after losing your father. It isn't your fault what happened to her," she says sternly. He stares at her with tears in his eyes finding any bit of courage he had to believe the words she had been saying.

He moves his own hands to cup her cheeks in his hands and pulls her lips to his, aching to touch her and bring him back to solid ground. His hand moves to grip her thigh and pulled her into his lap. Her hands wrap around his neck and her fingers thread into his cropped hair as she admits to herself that she needs him too.


He's all smiles as he sits across from Olivia at the small table, happy to just be able to have a moment with her during this hectic day. They had shared an incredible night together last weekend, and had been caught up in a case ever since then. It sucks because they both know it's all apart of the job. It's all been a learning process as they navigate through the newer parts of their relationship, and also balance out their constantly intertwined work lives. Finally, over halfway done with their day they've managed to sneak away for a quick late lunch in his office.

"What are you looking at?" she peaks up at him over the rim of her reading glasses as she looks over a few files she brought along with her.

"You," he says matter of factly. He's unashamed that she caught him and overall just elated to finally have her all to himself.

"Well stop," she tries her hardest not to smile and fails as she looks away from him and continues her work. "Peter," she says still feeling his eyes on her.

"Well now that I don't have to hide it anymore, I can't help it," he admits and moved his chair closer to her. She's beautiful just there in her simplest form dressed in her normal day to day wear. Just like the very first moment he saw her, she's in her usual black slacks that's paired with a pale pink blouse that gives a peak of her cleavage.

"Ah ah," she chides and scoots herself further from him. "We're at work," as much as she's dated within the workplace she's always vowed to herself to keep it strictly platonic while on the clock.

"And no play huh?" He gives her a flirty grin and she knows exactly what he's doing.

And it's working.

"What can I do to change your mind?" He stood up from his seat and moved to stand behind her, placing his hands on either shoulder. His hands begin to knead her stress away as he bends to place his lips on her neck. His touch is full of heat and she feels herself melting into the feel of him. "All you have to do is say stop," he teases and suckles that sensitive spot right below her ear.

"Don't," she breathes and tilts her head upwards giving him more access to her silken skin.

"Don't what Olivia?" he says coyly and continues his torturous teasing as his hands move down her shoulders and over her chest cupping her breasts in his hands.

"Don't stop," she rasps and her head falls back at the feel of him all over her. They're in a dangerous territory now. One that involves her falling into her latest weakness that was Peter Stone. She hates how all of her rationale flies out the window around him, but loves the risks they take all at the same time.

He pulls away from her and she protests when he makes his way over to the door of his office and turns the lock. Peter strides his way back over to her as he loosens the deep red tie he wore. Her eyes are stuck to him like a lioness eyeing her prey.

"Get on the table Olivia," he demands calmly and she's stunned by his sudden dominance. He's on a mission and intends to fulfill it before they return from lunch.

She slides onto the table and he moves to stand between her thighs, placing a hand behind her head and the other along her backside. He kisses her as he slowly lays her down on the table and begins kissing his way down her body past her neck, down her abdomen, and pauses just above her belt buckle. Her body is writhing beneath him as he undoes her buckle and the zipper of her slacks, before moving them down her hips. She manages to kick them off along with her underwear leaving her exposed to him.

"Peter no," she tries to stop him when he picks up where he left off and kisses her mound, lifting her thighs and placing them over his shoulders.

"Yes," he moves upwards until he's eye to eye with her and his body is caging her in, her long tan legs around his shoulder. "I want to taste you. I want to make you come," he covers her mouth when he sinks one finger into her slickness in an effort to muffle her moans. The feel of her warmness makes the bulge in his pants twitch and his mouth parts when he slides a second into her.

"Peter," she moans into his mouth as he slowly works her core, moving his fingers in and out of her core. This is the release she's needed all week.

He pulls his lips away from her and traces kisses down her body again until he's back at the sweet spot he's been dying to taste. While his fingers continue he kisses her glistening folds and his lips feel like silk against her. "Fuck baby," her hands reach to grip his hair as her hips roll against his tongue, driving him to get her closer to her release. She's beginning to sweat as her body responds to every single move he makes. He's inside of her, kissing her in the most intimate way, touching her and she's not sure if she can handle the earth shattering sensation building ahead. He flicks his tongue across her sensitive bud as he pulls his fingers completely out of her, triggering her orgasm. Her juices fill his mouth as she comes, cursing his name that he's almost positive anyone outside the door could hear.

Carefully, he releases her legs and grabs ahold of her hands to help her sit up. His hands rest on her waist as she pulls him closer, hooking her fingers through his belt loops. Her lids are heavy as she looks up at him completely sated, her skin is flushed and he can't help the shit eating grin that forms across his face.

"Still against all work and no play?" he asks before suckling on her bottom lip and nipping it lightly before slipping in his tongue.

"Mmm," she moans and smiles against his mouth tasting herself on his lips. He pulls away and gets one more good look at her, realizing their alone time together is quickly coming to an end. Peter bends to grab her underwear he had thrown and snatches his hand away when she tries reaching for it. "Baby we need to get back to the precinct," she tries to look over the fact that she just called him baby for the second time now in a span of five minutes, but he doesn't.

"Baby?" the corners of his mouth upturn and he kisses the corner of her mouth.

"Don't count on that happening too much," she fronts and can't help the grin that follows his. "Now give me these back," she tries to reach for her underwear again and fails. "Peter!"

"You'll get them back tonight," he smiles mischievously and shoves them into his front pocket. It's sexy and a turn on that he's asserting dominance over her. She's always been in control of every single aspect of her life if she can help it, including her relationships. Peter challenged her, kept her on her toes, made her feel sexy, and overall worshipped her body like no other.

"I'll bring dinner over for us and Noah, and then later," he places butterfly kisses along her jawline. "We can pick up where we left off," he finally lands on her lips and kisses her once more before letting her go.


She's still on a cloud reminiscing about the afternoon her and Peter shared in his office. It was completely out of the norm for her, and she wasn't a prude, but sex in public spaces hadn't really been her thing. It technically hadn't been public, but being at work and running the risk of being caught or heard by anyone was risky enough. But she had to admit that it gave her a thrill like no other.

Noah is in the living room having time on his ipad and she's in the kitchen cleaning up a few dishes before Peter gets here. It's a big step for her, allowing him into not only her life but Noah's as well. It had been barely two weeks since they had decided to give their relationship a try, yet everything had been picking up speed so quickly.

There's a knock on her door and she feels her heart flutter, excited that he had finally made his way over. She straightens out her plain tee and takes her hair out of the clip it's in before making her way over to let him in.

"Hey beautiful," he's standing in the doorway in all his glory dressed casually in a pair of jeans and a t shirt. He's holding a paper bag full of food from what appears to be the italian restaurant up the street, and a bottle of wine in the other hand.

"You don't look too bad yourself," she pecks his lips before letting him in. "Noah, look who's here!" she takes the load from Peter's hands and heads for the kitchen.

"Hi Peter!" Noah jumps up from his spot on the couch and to her surprise he wraps his arms around Peter's waist hugging him.

"Hey bud!" he kneels down on one knee so that he's eye level with him now. "Looks like I'm staying for dinner. I hope that's okay?"

"Yeah! Maybe before bed you can read one book with me and mommy," he asks excitedly.

"I would love to stay for that," he ruffles his hair and Noah runs off to continue what little time he knows he has left on his ipad.

"I can help you with that," he stands in the archway leaning against the frame as he watches her plate the pasta.

"I got it," she looks up and smiles at him before going over to the drawer to find her wine opener. "But you can do this," she hands it over to him. "Thank you by the way for doing this, but I don't want you to feel like you have to spend time with Noah or anything."

"Trust me on this when I say I'm here because I want to be," he places the wine bottle on the counter and steps towards her. "I don't want you to ever think I'm here for any other reason except to spend time with both of you," he kisses her cheek and returns to getting the bottle open. "And plus Noah may or may not be just a little bit cooler than you to hang out with," he adds and she laughs throwing her head back.

"You say that now but wait until its bed time and he's pleading with you for five more minutes," she chuckles and fixes the last plate.

"Is dinner ready yet?" Noah hops up onto the bar stool of the breakfast bar.

"Yes it is, go wash up!"

"Come on Peter!" Noah jumps down and comes around the corner to grab his hand and lead him to the bathroom. Olivia watches and smiles from ear to ear just happy that Noah had been so comfortable with him from the start. She manages to balance each plate and make it over to the small dining table before they emerge from the bathroom full of giggles. It's a sound she never thought she would hear fill her apartment, and it makes her heart full.

Their night continues full of laughter and exaggerated stories from Noah's school day, and finally the bedtime story Peter had promised to be there for. He had even helped her clean up by loading up the dishwasher while she put away leftovers and wiped down the dinner table. Everything between just flowed easily and it almost felt like a "normal" night, like it was something they did every night.

He had kept his promise and they had picked up exactly where they left off in his office earlier that day. The moment they had crossed the threshold to her room his hands had been all over her in a frenzy to remove the layers of clothing that stood between them. This time around he had shown restraint and was gentle with her, and took his time unlike this afternoon. Now it was nearing midnight and she laid across his chest savoring this moment- pinching herself to believe that maybe just maybe this was all meant to be. That maybe once in her life she should just let the stars align or whatever they do.

She just knows that she better be making the right decision offering her heart up, because she was falling for him.



I'm going to start incorporating recent episodes because let's be honest with ourselves...nothing about Olivia and Peter is easy sailing especially after last nights episode! 

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