Regal Academy The New Villians

By Precious8261

41.6K 466 104

What happens when Rose Cinderella comes back from summer vacation after defating the Snow Queen and new stude... More

Info about the story!
Chapter 1 Im back!!!
Info about the new kids
Chapter 2 Old enemies
chapter 3 The new enemy
Chapter five The Ball part 1
Chapter six the ball part2
Rest of dresses for the ball
Special shout out
Chapter seven the ball part3
Chapter eight the fight
Chapter nine Wide Awake
Chapter ten the date!
Chapter eleven The changes
Not a chapter
Chapter twelve apologies
Chapter thirteen new powers?
Chapter fourteen Changed personitly
Chapter fifteen a normal day
Chapter Sixteen Rose's Birthday
Chapter seventeen not the same
Chapter eighteen Suprise
Chappter nineteen relationship dramma
Chapter twenty the meeting

Chapter 4 Im a kid again ?

1.6K 16 4
By Precious8261

(Hawk)Rose?Rose?Rose !f
  she just fainted I caught her before she could hit the ground.Ling ling we have to go back now for Rose.(Ling ling)yes our friend can't wait but the villian  that did this can.dont worry Rose were here for you.
(With Astoria,Travis and Joy)Yeesss all them screamed the guardian were back to normal size thanks to Dr.Lefrogs ageing potion.(Astoria) It was too easy i kept thinking in my head. Whene I saw Rose unconscious in Hawk's arms I just said what happened.(time skip p.s he explained everything.)(Hawk)We rushed Rose in Dr.Lefrogs office we were probably there all night none of us left.Then Dr.Lefrog cameout and said we have good news and bad news wich one would you guys like to hear first. We all said good.(Dr.Lefrog)The good news Rose is awake the bad news is Rose six years old.It'll wear off after tommorows at you guys will wach her until the potion wears off.(Joy)thanks granpa bye

HHmmm Im so bored what is that man talking about?ohh whats this touch hehe .(Hawk)I heard  screaming is Rose okay we went in the room and she was yelling so cool it was so cute how she was saying it.But there was a note on her back it read"Did you really think I would do such a easy curse to remove on those dragons sincerely Blackhood"(Astoria)I knew it was to easy it was a trap for Rose.But what puzzled me was why Rose ?(Astoria)Guys why fid Blackhood want to turn Rose into a six year old so bad?(Travis)On Earth there it's easier to kidnappe kids that age. (Joy)Why would people do that!!??? play?(Travis)I really dont know.(Hawk)So we all agree she was trying to kidnapped (Ling ling)Probably because Cinderella magic is the most powerful magic!(Astoria)Come on Rose you get on the dragon with Travis.(Travis)Bad luck beast why me fine I'll put her in front of me.So the team took off to go to the enchanted forest to find a book about Cinderella family magic to find out why Blackhood wanted Rose so bad.As they landed someone was already attacking them.(Ling ling)My warrior insects are telling me were going to be in a battle get your wands ready!

(Blackhood) Dark magic!He missed Rose by one inch.(Rose) Can I play now?(Hawk)No you stay here and dont move.(Rose)Fine so boring.(Astoria)Tower magic!The vines wraped him up but not tight enough because he broke free!(Joy)Frog magic!But Blackhood doged Joy's attack.(Blackhood) Dark magic.the attavk was hrading for Hawk but he summoned his mirror shield and the spell went back to hit Blackhood but he doged it.(Rose)hmm they need help but I cant help them I know pompoms Can you help them.The pompoms went to a nearby tree with apples and started throwing apples at Blackhood.But before even one could hit him he froze the pompoms and the apples that were being thrown at him and he seen Rose.(Blackhood) Yore comming with me little Cinderella. (Rose)No let me go.she was squirming and hitting and punching his face on his black dragon until he droped her by accident.(Hawk)Rose! He quickly caught her before she it the ground.(Rose)thanks your my hero she said happily. The she rose up from Hawks arms and started to glow and she was her normal age again!(yay)You havent seen the last of me Darkhood yelled!Oh my frog that villian is going to be hard to defeat Joy said in a scared voice. Ling ling:Yes but I love challenges. Hawk:I'll take Rose to Cinderella castle

👗at Cinderella castle 👗
Hawk:I put Rose in her bed and kissed her forehead then i left.

End of chapeter 4 thank you so much for reading see you next chapter.

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