HATE TO LOVE HIM (Undergoing...

Autorstwa zeehijabi1234

214K 2.3K 55

An English Hausa novel. Aisha, a girl with dreams and ambition. She wants to further her education and bec... Więcej

A/N note
Author's note.
A/n note
Bonus chapter.
Chapter 2

Chap 3

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Autorstwa zeehijabi1234

Aisha's p o v

I my finished my. fajr prayer and went back to sleep, I really needed it.

"See who wants to control her sleeping habit" Ya umar said as he entered my room

I groaned and looked at him
"Get up it is 10 already and the henna designer is here" I groaned.

"OMA, why didn't you wake me up earlier" I said and ran out off the room to get ready. I finished dressing and went to the sitting room. The henna designer came and started her work.

Laila's P O V

"This is Aisha's house address, my best friend" she starred at both her husband and his friend.

"You know her?" both of them asked me surprisingly.

"Uhm" I hummed in reply staring at the address.

"What does she look like?" Husssain asked curiously.

"She is my best friend, she is 17 years old, she has a long hair which stops at her waist, her mother is from Niger and her dad is from kastina " I said looking at both of them anxiously.

"Did she by any chance attended school?" Husssain asked.

"Aisha was one of the best student back then In school, she won many awards for the school, but she stopped at Jss 3 because she has to get married" I said looking at them.

"Anyways let be on our way" Hamza said. he stared at me before looking away. Allah why dose he have an effect on me, even though I tried not to get affected by him it is just so hard. I put aside all taught knowing i will never have a fairy tale lif.e and was happy about going to Aisha's house.

We reached her house. "Assalamualaikum" I said as I saw her mother. She replied my Salam and the two men also greeted her. Her father was in the compound so we greeted them and they both sat down with him.

"Ya umar where is indo? " I asked staring at the two brothers.

"So little Laila still remembers me" ya Umar smirked staring at me.

"Why won't I remember the one and only Ya umar" I didn't know when the words came out of my mouth. I looked at Hamza who was already looking at me with anger, I don't know why he is even angry .

"Anyways she is applying her henna in the sitting room" I nodded and went to meet my friend.

"Amariya" I said as I entered the room..

"You came" she smiled standing up to greet me.

"Why won't I, I mean you are my best friend" I smiled at her sitting down.

Aisha's p o v

My best friend is here, I am so happy, I don't keep much friend but seeing Layla here today gives me joy.

"Girl the person you are about to get married too is Hamza's best friend, Hussain" I stared at her surprisingly.

"Ya Allah, you knew it was him all along" she shook her head

"It was today I knew about it" I already finished my own, so she was doing her own henna.

"Aisha baba nakira" Ya Abass said as he entered the sitting room and went out instantly.

I rolled my eyes not wanting to have any conversation with my father.

"Aisha go now " she said and I went out. When I  reached outside, I saw two men sitting with baba and my brothers, one looked familiar, I tried recalling where I met him. OMA, he was the brat that splashed mud water at me.

"Aisha I think you should go talk to your future husband" Baba said pointing at the mud guy. He stared at me with a raised eyebrow. I nod at my father and we both walked towards his car parked outside my father's building.

"Remembered the brat? " he asked, my head was still down. Ya Allah why must he talk about this now.

"My future wife just lost her tongue, because the brat is her future husband, what a coincidence" I was still looking down, but I can swear he was looking at me intensively and it annoys me.

"When I talk to you, you look at me" he snapped at me. And who the hell does he think he is. I held myself from snapping back at him.

"I am Hussein Shehu"  I almost rolled my eyes staring at him. Such an idiot. he glared at me and realization hit me. Did I said that out loud.

"Yes you did darling"  I blushed out of embarrassment.

"Hmm, can I go?" I said and stared walking away, but it seems as if luck is not on my side. He drew me back and pinned me on his car. One move our lips will touch each others.

"This marriage is nothing to me, because I was forced into it, so expect nothing from me" he said and left, walking back to the house. I went back to the house.

"Hamza can I stay back with Aisha" Laila asked as she came out of the sitting room. He gave her a slight nod and I did the must stupid thing ever in his front .

Hussein's p o v

Hamza agreed that Laila should stay back and Aisha did the must stupid thing ever. She jumped at Laila.

"Hurray, this will be a awesome girls night" she said grinning from ear to ear. Her smile widen.

"Yes indo, I so much miss those nights we spent together"

"Don't worry I have a lot tell you" Laila smiled at me.

"But before that let help mama in the kitchen " Aisha's face expression change instantly

"Hell no, you go join her, I will wait for you in the room, you know that I hate anything that is associated with cooking"   Aisha smiled as our gaze met before she quickly teared her gaze away from me.

"I think we should take our leave" we said our byes to her parents before heading to the car and look for a great club to go. Hell no we can't suck inside that house. I looked at my friend and he was already lighting his cigarette. I just hoped that there are good clubs around  here.

"You know what, I think you are happy" I glared at him

"Happy, about what?"

"Guy stop playing innocent here, because since we left her house you have just been smiling" I chuckled.

"Man, I  am smiling because we are heading to the club" His face lighten up and I chuckled.

"Seriously bro, I have just being annoyed with her presence, I mean she doesn't befit my standard" he said disgustedly.

"Why?" I asked him as he threw his cigarette outside.

"Bro, everyone likes her in that house, and her dressing I can't even explain" I chuckled trying to suppress my laugh.

"Guy, I think I will start facing this to" I said stressed up.

"I think you just have to get use to it" 

"If only there is a Way out"

"Guy, trust me you will hate it"

"I already hate it"

He sighed and light another cigarette and continue smoking.

Aisha's POV

"Aisha you don't look happy, tell me what bothering you" I looked at my friend stressed up.

"If we have our own choices to make, no one will force us to get married now" She sighed shrugging her shoulder.

"I promised myself that I will not think about it neither will I shed my tears on this whole thing. Please stop crying and accept your qadr" She said hugging me.

"Laila do you have a phone?" I tried changing the conversation before we both start to cry.

"My sister in law gifted me this" she said handling it to me.

"The name" I collected it staring at it.

"I phone 7"

"Wow your sister in law likes you" she smiled happily.

"You have no idea. Not only her, everyone in his house except him" she looked at me through her lashes her voice dropping.

"Laila you you have gone through a lot" I held her hands looking at her intensively.

"This is nothing, he promised to make my life a living hell when we are in Abuja". The mud guy said the same to me too.

"Laila, don't you think you should ask for a divorce" she collected her hands from me.

"Firstly I Can't stand being a divorcee at 17 and my Baba will throw me out. Thirdly he will not divorce me" she said sternly.

"So what will you do?" I asked in a small voice not trusting my own words.

" I am going to try my best to make this marriage work out" it seems she doesn't care about her education anymore.

"What about your education, dreams, future, tell me, all will go in vain" she gave me a small smile.

"Aisha my mother in laws already made arrangement for me in Abuja, she owns a school there"

"Really I am so happy for you"

"Don't ever make the mistake of asking for divorce, and don't worry, because before coming here he asked about your education and I told him how brilliant and intelligent you were back then In school"

"Laila you are not joking, are you?" I asked hopefully.

"Don't worry you will surely go to school"  I gave a silent prayer quickly.

"Laila are you hiding something from me " I asked because of the way she was looking at me .

"Aisha I don't know how to tell you this, but I have to tell you. Aisha, he drinks, smokes, go clubbing and he doesn't pray"

"Laila, but he looked nothing like the description you just gave him and how come you know about him" I asked still surprise.

"Firstly He is Hamza's best friend and secondly I caught both Hamza and Hussain drinking and smoking on my wedding night" I looked at her surprise.

"Laila, so they are just muslims by name" I asked in total disbelief.

"kinga, it was because they grew in both UK And USA they have not respect towards religion" she sighed.

"But it does not matter" she said shrugging her shoulder.

"Aisha, just forget about him" I hummed in reply.

"laila, you know I don't really get it, but my dad said that he knows him and my dad always wants is best for me, so he will not make me marry someone like him, likewise your dad" I said staring at her.

"Their parent doesn't know about it, the day I caught both of them, you know what they told me" I shook my head.

"How do you expect me to know, I was not there "

"sure, all they told me was that "it is our little secret" so let forget about this and discuss something else because this night is supposed to be girls night"

"Sure chapter closed" We talked about random things.

"You remembered Franca" I asked her .

"yes, what about her?"

"She is in Kaduna state university"

"wow, which course"

"Mass communication"

"She always wanted it"

"And she got it, I just wished I was her"

"So where is the clothes you are wearing tomorrow" she tried to changing the conversation.

"let me bring it out for you"
I said and walked towards my wardrobe to bring the dress out.

"Mashallah, it is beautiful and will also look good on you" I blushed staring at the dress.

"I don't know Laila" I put the dress down.

"Tell me who made the choice for you" I shrugged my shoulder.

"His mother"

"You have met his mom?" I shook my head.

"No, but she sent it through my parents to me"

"Girl believe me, his parents and sisters are very amazing, you Will like them"

"You have met them before?"

"Yes, they are Hamza's parents family friend"


"Yes, but it is surprising both of them behaves like a bipolar"

"Seriously girl it so surprising, if their parents is all what you are telling me about"

"After my marriage, one of his cousin sister who really has a big crush on him came with her mother . Any slight mistake they both will accuse me, but during this time Hamza helped me out, oh boy I was so surprised"

"That how bipolar behaves"

"let go and check maybe mama is done with cooking"
We both went to the kitchen to check mama and luckily for us she was already dishing the food.

"Mama our food" I asked feeling tired. She ignored me and continued what she was doing.

"Laila this is your food" my mom said passing the food to her.

"Mama what of my own" I whined like 3yrs old who is carving for ice cream.

"I don't cook for lazy chidren" she said and left the kitchen. I checked the pot and it was empty.

"Mama is serious, what do I do now" I looked at Laila who was already eating her food.

"Laila let Share your food" she shakes her head.

"No I don't share, you better cook for yourself" she said and left the kitchen.

I looked around the kitchen and looked for what to cook. Luckily for me i found Noddles, I quickly cooked it and started eating my food because I was so hungry.

"Girl why will mama do that to me" I said sitting near her.

"Seriously girl you have to stop this habit of not liking to cook"

"I just don't like it, even though I try liking it"

"Do you even know how to cook"

"OMA, what do you take me for, I can even cook more than you do"

"I don't want to dare you"

"You dare not, because I will win you"

"Seriously you always feel yourself" she shook her head.

"I am a genius" I said winking at her .

"You behave like one"

"Sure I do" I said smiling at her.

"What about your sleeping habit"

"I changed"

"I can see, I love this new beginning of yours"

"But I can't just stop it totally because I value my sleep and food"

"You can never change, I just pray you do"

"Is this night a lecturing one, because I can't get it"

"I have to lecture you, because tomorrow you will not be here"

"Chief adviser, please keep your advice to yourself and if you have anything better to say bring it up and if you don't have let go to bed" I said with anger in my voice. 

"You are already angry, I am sorry, I was just trying to help but it seems like you are angry . Once again I am sorry"

"Is not that I wanted to be rude to you but I just don't want this discussion, I am sorry bestie". I said giving her a side hug.

"Best friends always fight, if we don't fight then we are not friends we are foes" She said giving me a side hug.

We laid on the bed and started talking.

We prayed isha the last prayer of the day before g to sleep.

I just wished everything would get better


Miss ya

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