Stealing Him Away (Tronnor Fa...

By sluttytroye

169K 3.5K 4.6K

Troye and Tyler are dating, but keeping it on the DL from their viewers. Connor is a very close friend to bot... More

What the Hell Am I Thinking?
The Fight
Sleeping Over
The Aftermath
That Awkward Moment
What Are We?
Awkward Encounters
The First Time
Awards & Drama
Wait, why are you crying?
The Final Chapter

First Date

13.6K 225 303
By sluttytroye

Connor's POV


We get off of the bed and make our way to the shower, me purposefully walking behind him so I can watch his butt jiggle as we stroll to the bathroom. He has a cute butt, what can I say?

We got into the shower and I closed the curtain as he messed around with the shower knobs, trying to figure it out. I stood back and watched amusingly as he was bent over in front of me, concentrating. If we didn't do what we just did moments before, who knows what I would have done in this moment. Instead, I just leaned back on the tile wall and enjoyed the view.

Finally he got the perfect temperature and we both stood there as the water hit us. We took turns shampooing and conditioning our hair (how do you think our hair stays so soft and perfect?) and then next with the body wash.

I managed to get the soap over most of my body, everywhere except the back. Without hesitation Troye goes behind me and spreads the soap all along my back, squeezing my shoulders and giving me a short massage before letting me wash it off.

I end up doing the same for him, taking more time on him and enjoying watching him relax under my touch as I lather the soap on his back.

I watch the soap fall down his back and settle downwards, my eyes dropping down to his ass once again. I am way too thirsty for him yet I've already been inside him, he just does this thing to me I'm not quite sure how to explain it.

He turns around while I was in deep thought so I wasn't able to react as fast, causing him to catch me staring at him.

"We just had sex and you're already staring at my ass? Wow, Connor." He said as he gave out a little chuckle and turned back around to wipe any soap there may have been left on him, and then shutting the water off.

I got out first, handing him a towel and grabbing myself one as well.

We walked into my room wearing nothing but towels on our waists, forgetting to bring any change of clothes into the bathroom.

Since it was somewhere in the late night/early morning we didn't find it necessary to put on any sort of outfit, instead just slipping on a pair of underwear and made our way to the bed.

We got under the covers and made our way to the middle to cuddle, me supporting his head with my bicep, as he draped his arm and leg over me (he likes to do that a lot).

He looked up at me, resting his chin on my shoulder, "Goodnight" he said as he smiled up at me. God he was so cute.

"Goodnight babe." I said as I leaned down and softly kissed his lips. He then laid his head back on me, this time on the area between my shoulder and my chest and we went to sleep.


I woke up with Troye gone from my side.

I would have been a bit worried if it wasn't for the rattling of pots and pans, with the hushed sounds of curse words coming from the kitchen. I stayed in bed for a moment, looking up at the ceiling trapped in my own thoughts. It would be awfully cute if Troye was trying to make me breakfast in bed, but the happy thoughts turned to worry in a matter of seconds.

The thing is that Troye can be very clumsy, and very, very messy.

With that I shot right up and made my way to the kitchen, tiptoeing my way around the corner to see what he was doing. To no surprise, he was cooking.

He was wearing one of my older shirts that I sometimes wear at night which was a little too big for me, so it was huge on Troye. I'm not complaining, however, because it seems like my little fantasy from that night on the Livestream at Tyler's was actually coming true.

However it didn't seem as hot as I imagined it, seeing him dodge away from oil splatters from turning the temperature too high, trying to do 10 different things at once.

He was juggling making eggs, toast, sausage, and bagels. I'm not sure why he thinks we're a family of 5 but I'm not complaining.

"Good morning sunshine!" I said as I peeked my way out from of the corner.

His eyes shot over towards me as I made my way to him, giving me the most adorable frown I've ever seen.

"How can I make you breakfast in bed if you're out here? This was supposed to be a surprise." He said giving me a pouty yet angry look, the anger more to himself.

"Well I was going to stay in bed, but I just couldn't trust you to be around a stove all alone." I said teasingly as I made my way behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist and kissing his cheek.

After basically cooking all of breakfast for us, we gather everything onto the table and set up our plates and ate.

We ate in a comfortable silence, both of us very into eating our food at the moment.

Once we finished we cleaned up the table and did the dishes. Me washing them, as he dried them and put them away.

We stayed silent the whole time, causing me to get lost in my thoughts.

I'm not really sure what this all meant. Sure we both made it pretty clear that we like each other, but what happens now? Do we start a relationship? Is it just going to be this way until Troye leaves and then we do the occasional text here and there?

As much as I like Troye and want to see where things go, he does live on the opposite side of the world. I mean, if Tyler and Troye were able to do it, I guess we could too? Minus the whole being an asshole like Tyler. I've never had a long distance relationship, I even had a girlfriend back in Minnesota and we broke up right before I left for Cali because I didn't think I could deal with the distance. For some reason, however, I feel like this could work and would be worth it.

We both make pretty decent money. Not loads of it, but definitely enough to fly back and forth every couple months. And then there is always skype and FaceTime, along with texting and the occasional phone call.

It's all a tad overwhelming because I don't want him to go, but eventually he will. These couple of weeks is going to go by fast and once that time comes, will he be leaving as Troye, my boyfriend, or as Troye, the one that got away?

I'm not going to let him go without trying, I don't want to live with the what-ifs for the rest of my life if I don't even give it a try. I'm going to take him on a proper date, not some random lunch date or taking him out to a club, I mean I'm going to take him out to a fancy-schmancy place and show him how he's supposed to be treated. Not some cheap take-out food that Tyler considered as a 'date'.

We finished up the last of the dishes and as Troye puts away the last dish I stand behind him, waiting for him to finish. He turns around and looks a bit startled, but calms down immediately after.

I walk closer to him, closing off all space between us and wrap my arms around him. "Do you have any plans for tonight?"

"Not that I know of?" He says questioningly, loosely draping his arms over my shoulders.

"Then I want to take you out for dinner. Wear your fanciest clothes."

"Like a date?" He says with a prominent smile spread across his face.

"Yes, like a date."


I get ready in my bedroom, doing last minute touch ups to my hair as I look in the large mirror hanging on my wall. I look over to the clock on my bed and it says 6:34. It seemed a bit early for a dinner date, but afterwards we want to change into some comfy clothes and go see The Fault In Our Stars since we both haven't seen it and it would be the cherry on top to a perfect night.

I take in my appearance, making sure I didn't look as ridiculous as I felt. I don't wear suits that often, so I feel a bit awkward wearing one now. It wasn't anything too fancy, just a regular suit you see every day, but instead of dress pants its black skinny jeans and my shirts first couple of buttons are undone. Let's be honest, I could never pull off having all the buttons closed like Troye and Tyler do with their button ups.

I made reservations to some place called Providence in Los Angeles, it's a pretty big deal from people around here but I've never eaten there. There was no way I would have gotten a reservation tonight if it wasn't for a friend of mine who so happened to be the daughter of the owner, she pulled some strings and now I definitely owe her one.

The restaurant wasn't too far from my place, but I didn't want to be late. A place like that, you could lose your reservation in an instant if you're late and they won't think twice about it.

With that in mind I got out of my room and paced myself over to the bathroom where Troye was getting ready, knocking on the door. "Come on we have to be there in 20 minutes!"

"Alright alright I'll be out in a minute!"

I sit on the couch, waiting for him to be done as my patience grows smaller and smaller.

It was 6:45 and I was just about to yell for Troye to come out, but before I could say anything he opened the bathroom door and quickly made his way into the living room where I was sitting. "Okay I'm ready! Sorry for taking so lon-... what?"

I looked at him in a stunned expression as I took in his appearance. He looked gorgeous. How could someone so adorable look so goddamn sexy in a suit? He was wearing practically all black with a dark navy blue blazer, and dress pants that nicely hugged his ankles, giving the skinny jeans effect.

And of course, his quiff game was especially strong.

After a minute of staring him up and down and him starting to look worried, I finally answered him.

"You look gorgeous." Was all I could manage to get out, trying not to let him know how much he just took my breath away.

"Thanks," He said blushing and looking down at his feet, pushing his hands into his pockets. "We should probably get going."

"Oh right!" I said as I got up and grabbed my keys, and making my way to the door.

Troye's POV


We got to the restaurant and it definitely was not what I was expecting. Everything was so expensive and elegant, basically the opposite of what I am. I felt like I was in Pretty Woman or something, minus the hooker thing.

I wasn't used to things like this. I mean shit, IHOP is fancy for me. I feel like I'm out of place just even looking at it from a distance.

We make our way over to the host, "Name?" the host says as he glances at me and Connor back and forth, giving a warming and polite smile.

"Connor Franta, reservations for two."

"Ah, yes. There you are," the guy says as he finds him name on the piece of paper, scribbling something onto it. "Right this way." He says as he leads us to our table.

I look over to Connor as we walk to our table, to anyone else he seemed calm and collected, but I could tell he was freaking out just as much as I was.

We are placed at our table, the waiter then asking us what we want to drink. Connor orders some champagne for himself, since I can't have any alcoholic beverage. He seemed a bit iffy on it, but I told him I could drive so he can have a couple drinks.

"Uhm, can I just have a coke?" I asked, immediately regretting it when I looked up and the server was giving me a judgmental look. I guess they didn't get that order very often in a place like this. He nods and walks away to get our drinks, and right when he turns away I slouch in my chair, extremely embarrassed at how childlike and ridiculous I sounded.

Connor looked at me and giggled, "Hey, it's not that big of a deal. You're not 21 what do they expect for you to get? Water?"

Connor's reassurance made me a feel a bit better, but I was still thoroughly embarrassed for getting a coke in a 5 star restaurant.

The waiter comes back with our drinks, setting them down in front of us and getting out a pen and a little notepad. He starts rambling things about first courses, main courses, and all this other stuff I had no idea about. All I know about is appetizers and dessert, besides the meal itself.

My eyes start glazing over as he goes over everything, trying to concentrate on what he was saying while looking at the menu. I was a picky eater in general, and a lot of the courses seemed to involve seafood, which I hate. Everything else I wasn't quite so sure on.

I'm pretty sure Connor could see me stressing out, so he decided to order for me.

"He'll have the same thing," was all I could manage to hear, since I was so focused on what to get myself that I didn't hear what Connor was ordering.

I didn't want to look dumb in front of our waiter, so I just looked up and nodded to him and gave him my menu.

Once the waiter left I focused my attention on my drink, fiddling with the stem of the wineglass my drink was in.

Connor then reached over and grabbed my hand and held it, "Hey, it's fine. I just ordered us some steak with pee wee potatoes. Don't know what that means but it doesn't sound too bad." He said, softly grazing his thumb over the top of my fingers as he held my hand.

I started to feel relieved knowing that he didn't order something ridiculous for me, because if it was I'd feel bad not wanting it and wasting tons of money. At least now I know I'll like it.

I kind of like Connor taking control of the situation when I need him too. Tyler was different, he took control over a lot of situations, but most of the time it was when I didn't need nor wanted him to. Connor however could see me under pressure and knew I needed a little help, so he did just that. I appreciated it.

We stayed just like that, intertwining our fingers together as we talked about random things.

"I'm gonna use the restroom. I'll be right back." He said as he got up and went over to me, giving me a quick kiss on the lips as he passed by me. I felt butterflies in my stomach and blushed as he walked away, brushing my fingers over my lips as I smiled to myself.

I look up from the table and I see an older couple in their late 30s to early 40s, giving me an appalled look. What are these people's problems?

It took me a minute to get why they were being so rude, but then it clicked when I realized it's probably because Connor and I just kissed. I mean I realize we are young and that already gives us a bad vibe that were going to dine and dash or something, but come on were in Los Angeles and people still get offended by gay couples? People need to grow up.

I didn't want to make a scene so I just ignored them and hope that there won't be any problems for the rest of the night.

Just then I feel a hand softly grazing my shoulder as Connor looks back at me and smiles and sits in his chair. "Miss me?" He says with a beaming smile on his face. I wonder why he became so happy all of a sudden?

"Ah yes, very much so. I was just about to cry to be honest." I said in a sarcastic tone.

We continued on like that, teasing each other and talking about random things, overall having a good time. The food was delicious, and now I definitely know why they give this place 5 stars. We split a desert together. Not quite sure what it was, but it had loads of chocolate and it was exquisite.

Once we were done the check arrived, both of us insisting on paying. Connor won, again.

He grabbed it from the waiter and he left. Connor was just about to look at it but instead slid it over to me. "I really don't wanna know how much the bill is. Is it bad?" He said as he scrunched his face up and covered his eyes. I immediately picked it up and looked at it, gasping for air when I read the total. Suddenly I felt way more happier that he insisted on paying the bill. It was well into the hundreds. Quite a few hundred. Times that by 3.

"Is it bad?" He says as he searches my facial expression for an answer.

My mouth hung wide open in shock, as I hand him the check back. "You may wanna see this." I say and then quickly biting my lips together, trying really hard not to laugh.

In a matter of seconds I see his eyes go wide and the color drain from his face. I felt really bad actually. Is it too late to dine and dash??

"I can split the bi-"

"Nope! I got it." He said as he raises a hand and sits up straight, taking his card from his wallet and placing it in the check booklet on the edge of the table.

"Are you sure? It's a lot of money." I said guiltily, it seemed like ridiculous amount money for steak and potatoes.

"I asked you out on a date, didn't I? I'm supposed to pay. That's how it works. Let me treat you." He said in a confident tone, grabbing my hand and lacing our fingers together.

"Well, then I'll pay for the movie tickets."

"Wow Troye, you have to stop spoiling me so much." He uttered sarcastically.

"It's the least I can do." I joked as I beamed a smile at him.


We left the restaurant, and got into the car.

"You're lucky I love you." He stated as I started up the car. Did I hear that correctly?

I turn my head towards him and look at him, and I can see the horror in face as his eyes went wide, not daring to look at me. Does he love me like... like love love, or friend love?

"...I mean, uhm... I've known you for a really long time and you've been one of my best friends you kno-"

"Yeah I got it," I snapped back, not really wanting to hear him go on about how he doesn't love me like that. Part of me is a bit relieved that he didn't mean it that was because it's all so soon, but the other part of me is a little sad about the fact that he doesn't have those feelings quite yet. I don't know... my mind and heart are all blah right now.


We get to the parking lot of the movie theatre, purposefully parking farthest away so we can change in the back without anyone seeing. We change into our comfy clothes (basically sweats) and we make our way to the entrance.

On our way there I grab on to his hand and lace our fingers together. I'm not sure why but we seem to have been holding hands a lot more recently, but I quite like it.

We head up to the ticket booth and ask for tickets to see The Fault In Our Stars, with me paying for it as I promised.

Next we make our way to the snack line, none of us that hungry since we just came from dinner, but not enough to turn down overpriced soda and popcorn.

I watch the woman behind the counter as she gets our popcorn, soda, and candies as I break the silence with Connor.

"I still feel terrible that you paid all that money just to take me out to eat."

"Stop. I knew it was going to be expensive when I took you, just didn't expect that expensive. It doesn't matter because it was completely worth it. However, I'm sure I can think of ways for you to pay me back if you're feeling that guilty about it." He stated with a sly smile as he looked over at me.

I give him a light shove and roll my eyes. "You're terrible." I say as I try not to blush.

We head into theatre 6, where the movie was showing. We were a bit early so we had a range of seats to choose from, sitting in the middle of the movie theatre because I saw a tumblr post that said that's where the audio guys sits to check the sound of the movie so it's the best place to be. I'm a tumblr person what can I say?

Once the movie began, I laid my head on Connor's shoulder and snuggled into him, taking in how everything seemed to be so perfect right now.


The movie was absolutely terrible. And by terrible I mean amazing and it shattered my heart into a million pieces. I don't think I have ever cried so much over a movie in my life.

I look over at Connor as we leave the theatre room and the gloomy lights hit us, and it seems like he was equally as effected as I was.

We got into the car and he got into the driver's seat as I got into the passengers, both of us taking in everything. The movie was kind of a wakeup call for me, saying that even though life may fucking suck sometimes, you shouldn't let those things get in the way between you and someone you like/love because the outcome may not always be what you want.

I look over at Connor, realizing that I don't want to wonder anymore what it would be like if we were together. Who cares if it seems like it's too soon to get together with someone after a break up. I want to do cheesy coupley things with him and be able to call him my boyfriend. All I need to do is not be too much of a coward to act on my feelings.

I said to myself 'fuck it' as I grabbed onto his jaw and making him face me, and then giving him a deep passionate kiss.

I pull away, still only an inch from his face before whispering into his mouth, "Will you be my boyfriend?"

He looks at me almost intimidatingly, but more in shock I guess, before nodding his head rapidly and saying "yes".

I give out a huge smile, more to myself with pride because I manned up and finally got what I've been wanting for what seemed like a decade. I leaned forward and kissed him again, this time for way longer that turned into a sloppy makeout sesh in his car.


We make our way to bed, stripping off our sweats and make our way to the bed in nothing but underwear, getting into our usual cuddling position.

We lay like this for a while, in a comfortable silence as we both try to go to sleep.

Just as I'm about to drift off into sleep I hear Connor go,

"So what do you think is going to happen at the TCA's tomorrow?"

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