POISON IVY❖Theo Putnam (DISCO...

By xpeachskinx

63.4K 1.9K 274

"You're beautiful Susie Putnam, and anyone who says otherwise I'll turn into toads" //////////// my name is... More



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By xpeachskinx

Friday, October 31st, Halloween, Sabrina and Ivory's birthday.

I walk up the stairs and turn, walking into my room as Sabrina walks out of our bathroom, also into the room finding aunt Hilda hidden inside two white dresses.

She doesn't notice us as she hums 'happy birthday' to herself.

''Aunt Hilda'' i say excitedly, she seems a lot better than she did last night.

''Ooh! morning'' she chuckles, walking out from under the dresses.

''They're gorgeous'' Sabrina looks at the dresses.

''They are, where did they come from?'' i ask in awe.

''It's your mum's wedding dress and reception dress, they lived such a fairy tale, those two, I thought you might wear them tonight, to your baptism, i know only one of you can wear the wedding dress but the reception dress is just as important'' aunt Hilda smiles anxiously.

''Aren't witches only allowed to wear black to their baptism?'' Sabrina asks and we sit down on my bed.

''Oh, that hasn't been the rule for years, decades'' aunt Hilda chuckles.

''You know, you have nothing to be afraid of, my darlings, i mean your aunt Zelda and I are gonna be there we...and we'll make sure nothing bad happens to you'' she says sadly, aunt Zelda really freaked her out.

''And then, you know, you'll see. Tomorrow you're gonna wake up, and well, you'' wonder what all the fuss was about in the first place'' she chuckles, on the verge of tears.

''Do you believe me...my sweet, brave girls? i love you'' she whispers, holding our faces lightly.

We sit in the kitchen quietly.

''Hilda and I have errands to run and preparations to finish...but i've already called Baxter High and told them you're having a terrible outbreak of hives'' aunt Zelda says, sitting in front of us after flicking her tea covered spoon at Salem and Binx.

''What, why? why would you do that aunt Zelda?'' i shout and Sabrina asks after me.

''The day before your dark baptism should be spent in quiet contemplation, reading your satanic verses'' aunt Zelda treats us like children, touching our faces.

''But we haven't said goodbye to our friends yet, we can't just vanish from their lives'' i panic, aunt Zelda shrugs unbothered and i scoff.

''At a minimum, we have to tell them that we're-'' Sabrina is cut off by Ambrose.

''Transferring to some posh private school in Connecticut?'' he chuckles, walking through the kitchen.

''You'll send them a postcard'' aunt Zelda says grabbing her keys.

''postcard? a postcard? you're unbelievable'' i mumble angrily.

''Ambrose will keep you company and keep an eye on you...won't you Ambrose?'' she says like we're 5.

Ambrose holds his spoon of cereal in mid-air, ''but of course, auntie Zee'' he sighs with fake enthusiasm.

''We'll still be able to see them, won't we Ambrose? Roz and Harvey and Susie? i mean just because we're not at the same school, it doesn't mean we can't be friends, we'll be at the Academy of the Unseen Arts during the week, but during the weekends-'' Sabrina rants.

''On the weekends, you will still be witches'' Ambrose states the obvious.

''No, i know but we'll still be able to go to the movies, same as always and bowling and all the fun things we do together'' i say hopefully.

Ambrose sighs, ''of course, Auntie Mame and baby Jane would leave me to explain the hard bits, look it is frowned upon, it is discouraged'' he stresses.

''But you talk to mortals, aunt Hilda and Zelda, they talk to mortals'' Sabrina stares at him, the hope in her eyes flickering like a broken light.

''Yeah, we do, in passing, but we do not have meaningful connections with them, the coven forbids that, they will see to it'' he explains and Sabrina chuckles.

''What? they'll cast a spell on me if i go to the mall with Harvey? or if Ivy goes to the movies with Susie?'' her eyes water.

I stand beside her silently, trying to figure out a way to still say goodbye, Ambrose looks down.

Sabrina slowly sits down, his silence worrying us, ''Ambrose, will they?'' i ask, now looking at him.

''It's as though a veil drops...between you and the mortal world, and eventually, quite quickly, you're...weaned from it'' he says sympathetically.

"We won't forget them'' Sabrina says quickly.

''You'll want to'' he says and it falls silent.

''Or else the pain is too much to bear'' he speaks lowly, i sit down beside him.

'"Why would it be painful?'' i ask sadly and he looks between us.

''Time slows down, and they'll grow old and you won't, and those things that are so terribly important to them, will...seem trivial and pale to you, the longer you're witches, the more you'll understand, but...it's better to forget the mortal world...and think only of what is ahead...'' he speaks slowly as tears gently roll down my cheeks, Sabrina the same.

''And be ready for what is ahead'' he looks at us sadly, Sabrina stands up without saying anything and heads out the living room.

''Cousin, where are you going?'' Ambrose calls after her, afraid she'll leave the house.

''To call Harvey...we're having one last night with our friends'' she says bitterly.

I look at myself in the mirror one more time, my mother's white silk dress flowing down past my knees.

I touch up my pinkish red lipstick, brushing my soft curls behind my ear, the doorbell rings, Harvey.

''Sabrina! Ivory!'' we hear Ambrose call from downstairs, i smile at Sabrina.

''Go have your fairytale moment, i'll be down in a minute'' i motion towards our bedroom door and she smiles.

''Thank you'', she leaves and i stroll around the room for a minute.

I smile at a photo, standing beside my bed of Harvey, Sabrina, Roz, Susie and I at Dr C's.

Harvey has his arm around Sabrina while she leans into him and i have both arms around Susie's neck while Roz has her arm over me.

I turn, walking over to the door and switch the light off, walking downstairs.

Harvey looks away from Sabrina to me approaching them.

''Ivy you look great'' he smiles sweetly.

''Thanks Harv, nice costume'' i grin and Ambrose clears his throat.

''Well, if you're leaving, leave now, before Hilda and Zelda come home and eat you'' he points at Harvey who looks at him confused.

''I'll explain that you'll meet them at the appointed hour and place and cousins if you are late, the blue flames will burn you'' Ambrose rushes without a breath.

''We won't be'' i smile anxiously, ''thank you, Ambrose'' Sabrina smiles and Harvey puts his arm around her.

I side hug Ambrose.

''Young love'' i joke, watching Sabrina and Harvey smile at each other.

''You best tell Susie tonight cousin, you can't hide it forever'' he smiles sadly and i sigh.

''Thank you, and you're right, i will'' i smile and Sabrina, Harvey and I leave.

3rd person pov

Roz and Susie stand amongst the crowd of people laughing and having fun when the front door to Roz's house opens and Sabrina, Harvey and Ivory walk in.

Susie's eyes widen in awe as she stares at Ivory smile as people greet her, Roz smiles at her friend.

''I can't do it, Roz, just look at her, there's no way she would say yes'' Susie turns to her anxiously.

''You can't ask her out because she looks good? come on, you're totally bewitched...watch and learn'' Roz grins before walking over to them.

Ivory's Pov

I smile as people greet us, some wishing us a happy birthday, the stench of alcohol hanging in the air.

We turn to the sound of Roz screaming excitedly.

''Sabrina! Ivory! you came!'' she grins, hugging us both.

''We did'' i laugh into her shoulder, as she leans into mine.

''You've sure impressed Susie'' Roz giggles and i blush.

''Happy Birthday, wow, you look beautiful, are those wedding dresses?'' Roz asks confused.

''Yes...they're not ours'' Sabrina laughs.

''Good, you've been acting so cagey about your birthday i thought you and Harvey might do something crazy like elope, and by the look on Susie's face i wouldn't be surprised if she got down on one knee'' Roz laughs and Susie slowly makes her way towards us.

''Oh, oh, oh, here she comes'' Roz whispers excitedly.

''Hey! you guys made it, Ivy you look..you look-'' Susie stammers and i go a deep red.

Roz nudges her lightly, ''you look beautiful'' she spits out and i smile sheepishly, ''thanks''.

''I had to sneak out, but that's one good thing about living on a farm, my dad goes to sleep at eight o'clock'' Susie laughs.

''And you're okay? you're feeling okay after what happened with those football creeps?'' Sabrina asks carefully.

''Ivy pretty much saved me but honestly, Sabrina? i don't know why, but i am raring for a rematch'' Susie chuckles.

I smirk, looking at Sabrina. ''I have a feeling that won't be necessary, Susie'' i chuckle.

Roz bounces over to us excitedly.

''You guys, come on, help me get the dancing started'' she grins and we laugh, i grab Susie's hand and we follow Roz.

We dance to the monster mash until Roz brings out a cake and everyone starts singing happy birthday.

I stand between Susie and Sabrina and Roz slowly walks towards us.

''happy birthday, dear 'Brina and Ivy, happy birthday to you'', everyone sings and she stops in front of us with an orange cake that says 'happy Halloween' but the 'Halloween' is scored out and says 'birthday Sabrina and Ivory' underneath.

''No crying, make a wish'' Roz laughs and i chuckle with teary eyes, Sabrina smiles at me and she grabs my hand.

We close our eyes.

I wish life could stay like this.
And we blow out our sixteen candles.

(song: sixteen candles~ The Crests)

Susie and I sway slowly to the music and i rest my chin on her shoulder.

''Ivy?'' Susie speaks up quietly.

''Yeah?'' i look at her and my heart skips a beat, ''thank you'' she says quietly and i look at her confused.

''What for?'' i ask lowly and she doesn't answer straight away and just looks at me.

''For always protecting me'' she looks down anxiously.

I smile lightly, ''always'' i pull away, leaving my arms loosely around her neck.

''Can you promise me something?'' i ask her and i sigh.

She looks at me curiously, ''of course'' she smiles.

''Don't hate me" i look at her sadly.

She creases her brows lightly, ''Ivy, i could never hate you'' she whispers.

I don't say anything and she slowly moves in, i know i shouldn't but by tomorrow i'll be gone and i'll never see her again but i can't help it, i move closer.

With nothing to interrupt us for once, i lightly feel our lips brush, and someone shouts.

''Guys! it's happening, come on, in the backyard!''Roz runs in the room and i sigh, the song finishes as the few people in the room hurry out and through the back door.

Everyone rushes outside, staring up at the moon slowly turn red and my smile falters.

''The blood moon'' i whisper to myself dreadfully.

''Susie'' i quickly speak up, turning to her, my heart aching.

''Ivy, are you okay?'' she asks worriedly and i stammer, grabbing her shoulders, this is it.

''Just don't forget about me'' i whisper sadly, before she can say anything i quickly crash my lips onto hers, every feeling throw into it like it's not just the first, but last time i'll get to do it.

She quickly kisses back after a second and sits her hands on my waist.

I finally pull away and she stares at me shocked, ''don't forget'' i whisper and turn, running over to Sabrina who is saying her goodbyes to Harvey, she notices me and we run into the woods.

''Sabrina it's almost complete'' i shout, looking up at the moon through the trees as we run.

''I know, just run'' she worries and grabs my hand.

We slow down in front of an archway of twisted tree branches, it wasn't here before.

My hold on Sabrina's hand tightens as our dresses turn black, another small archway in front of us lights up in blue flames.

I breathe deeply as we walk through it, unharmed.

I slowly let go of Sabrina's hand as everyone turns, staring at us. Faustus Blackwood stares at us eerily.

''Welcome, daughters of night'', shivers run down my spine like ice.

''Who presents these children for unholy baptism?'' he asks loudly.

''We do, your Excellency'' aunt Hilda and Zelda say in unison behind us.

''Late for your own baptism, honestly'' aunt Zelda whispers angrily.

Aunt Hilda smiles anxiously, ''you look lovely, darlings'' she whispers.

''Disrobe them, sisters'' Blackwood says to them.

I slip off my shoes as Sabrina does the same and aunt Zelda unzips her dress while aunt Hilda unzips mine.

My heart pounds and we step out of our dresses, leaving us in our white undergowns.

''We are gathered here together, in these woods, in the presence of our Dark Lord, with all the souls, the living, the dead, of our coven: the most unholy church of night, kneel children'' Blackwood says and we slowly get on our knees.

Blackwood turns, dipping his thumbs into a small bowl of blood.

''Our Dark Lord teaches us'' he draws an upside down cross on Sabrina's forehead in blood, turning to me.

''There is no law beyond, do what thou wilt'' he speaks, drawing the same on mine, the blood cold on my skin.

''Our Dark Lord asks: would you like to be happy, children, to be free? free to love and to hate? to be what nature meant you to be, true to her laws and yourself only?'' he asks and i tense, we don't answer.

''Girls'' aunt Zelda whispers anxoiusly.

''Yes, father'' we say together.

''Do you believe in Lucifer, the archangel, who preferred the loss of heaven to that of his pride?'' he asks and i look up at him.

''Yes, father'' we answer together again.

''In exhange for this belief, you shall be granted powers that will enable you to be of service...to the Dark Lord, Sabrina Edwina Diana Spellman and Ivory Edwara Ivoan Spellman...are you willing to forsake the path of light and follow the path of night wherever it may lead you?'' Blackwood asks.

''I am'' we say together still, i look into the crowd and freeze.

My eyes lock with those of Ms Wardwell, hiding behind everyone by a tree, she stares at me darkly, a slither of fear washes through them.

''And are you willing to place our Dark Lord above all others in your life, be it your loved ones, your family, your friends, your neighbors?'' he asks.

''I...am'' Sabrina pauses.

''I am'' i mumble blankly.

''Then it is time to sign his book'' he says and thunder crackles above us.

He reaches his hands out to us, pulling us up, he picks up a large knife, dragging it deeply across our hands, side by side.

I gasp in pain, letting the blood drip onto the half filled page.

My mind blanks as i have a flashback to my vision from the Malum, of Greendale's 13 being hung.

''In signing his book, the book of the beast, you swear to obey without question any order you may recieve from the Dark Lord, or from any figure he has placed in authority over you'' he says darkly, forcing the pen into Sabrina's hand.

I stare at him anxiously, he lied.

''That's not what you said before'' Sabrina whispers and he ignores her.

''In signing his book, the book of the beast, you swear you give your mind, body, and sould unreservedly to the furtherance of the designs of our Lord Satan'' he says loudly.

I have another flashback from the Malum.

''You said that we would have free will'' i whisper angrily.

He pushes Sabrina's hand down, trying to sign through her.

"Sabrina drop the pen" i say lowly, she doesn't move as Blackwood keeps pushing her hand.

"Sabrina, drop the pen" i say more anxiously.

I throw my hand out as she drops the pen and i quickly pull her hand away from the book.

We jump away from it and the crowd starts whispers.

"We can't do this" Sabrina says quietly.

"We won't do this" i speak louder.

"You must" Blackwood whispers angrily.

"Girls, don't you dare" aunt Zelda warns, fear and anger in her eyes.

"Darlings?" aunt Hilda whispers worriedly.

I look up and i see my parents, holding Sabrina and I like they were in my dream.

"Run" or mother whispers and I look at Sabrina, she sees them too.

"We're sorry, aunties" Sabrina says sadly, i grab her hand and we run through the crowd, as fast as we can.

"Sabrina, hurry'' i stress, reaching for her hand, suddenly the branches start grabbing us.

The roots reach up, wrapping around our ankles as we hit the ground.

I try tugging my arms away and i snap one, clawing at the rest desperetly.

I grab at the leaves and dirt of the forest floor, pulling myself away.

"Sabrina, crawl!'' i shout and she quickly pulls herself across the ground.

We rip ourselves loose and start running again.

"Are you okay?" i asks out of breath, "i'm fine, we need to get back to the house, come on" she breathes heavily.

"Ambrose!" Sabrina screams as the house comes into view, through the trees.

"Ambrose, help!" i scream too, trying to run faster.

We run past the pet graveyard as Ambrose sprints to us.

"Sabrina! Ivory!" he shouts as he runs.

"You won't--you won't believe what happened" Sabrina speaks through gasps as we pant.

"I think i can guess, cousins...behind you" he points shakily with wide eyes.

We turn as everyone from the woods marches towards us with fire torches.

"While the blood moon still shines, you must sign the book of the beast" Blackwood shouts, carrying the open book.

"We will not!" Sabrina shouts angrily.

"There is another path for us, just as there was for our father and mother, a third way" i shout, fire in my veins.

"And even if ther isn't, our names are Sabrina Spellman," Sabrina shouts.

"And Ivory Spellman" i shout beside her.

"And we will not sign them, away!" we scream together, each word dripping with venom and confidence.

Blackwood slams the book shut, echoing through the air.

"Girls" he turns to the weird sisters and they all storm towards us.

Ambrose stammers, panicked.

"A circle of protection rings this house! and no witch save a Spellman may cross it, any unwelcome witch that tries shall burn! so please, go ahead" he roars. I cock my head in triumph and Blackwood clenches his jaw, leaving with his mob.

"When did you put a protection on the house?" i turn to Ambrose amazed.

He breathes shakily, "i didn't...though i should probably start, hm?" he runs a hand over his head, stumbling into the house.

Aunt Zelda storms past us like we don't exist as aunt Hilda anxiously runs after her.

"Happy Birthday" i look at Sabrina and she sighs.

"Happy Birthday" she says back and i chuckle, throwing my arm over her and we head inside.

(song: happy birthday sweet sixteen)

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