male reader oneshots

By Meowrose-chan

91.7K 1.2K 420

Idk what my life is anymore More

male reader oneshots
---Shizuo Part 1---
••Shizuo-Part two••
///Ciel Phantomhive ///
/Tsukishima kei/
Kageyama Tobio- Milk and Coffee
L/ singing dweeb
Jumin han
Help, im bored
Haruhi Fujioka
Night watch- L Lawliet
Two tired babes- Ukai Keishin
Happy birthday L!!
Why is there a child- L lawliet

Shizuo Hewajima~part3

4K 54 3
By Meowrose-chan


(Y/n) POV

Working here wasn't bad at all. It's not really busy so it does get boring. One of the good things , in my opinion, is that Shizuo guy that comes here some. He seems to be friends with Simon. I sometimes try to talk to him, but he honestly is scary. I mean HE FUCKING THROUGH A WHOLE VENDING MACHINE ONCE, LIKE WHO DOES THAT. The man he is guarding is lucky to have such a strong one.

     I was cleaning the dishes as normal today and keeping up on things when a huge crash came from outside. I was curious enough to go search what the sound was. Walking out of the front doors, I saw the pale black haired dude , Izaya Orihara apparently, he was laughing maniacally. Shizuo ran this way at a fast speed. I didn't even notice I was slightly walking more forward until the bodyguard ran right into me. Izaya, I believe, ran off happily. It felt as if a thousand bricks were laying on me. With a gulp I spoke quietly, " uh.. can you please get off me." Shizuo got up and put out his hand, " Sorry," he simply said. I took his hand and pulled myself up with his help. " Thanks.. umm I'm (y/n)," I smiled awkwardly and put out my hand for shake. He shook my hand, "Shizuo." He then eyes me for a minute. Chuckling nervously I'm about to turn away when he speaks out. " Don't you work at the sushi place?" ( is it bad I forgot what the place is called... oh well I'm too lazy) Nodded slowly I turn fully back to him. "Yeah I do, I see you come around sometimes, this may sound creepy, but you're a body guard for that one shorter, always wearing brown dude right?" Shizuo nods, " You're right that is creepy, and yes I am." Smiling nervously I say a goodbye to him and it was nice to meet him then head back into work, to well work.

Some months have passed by and Shizuo and I became friends, not super close, but we still hang out sometimes. We mostly only meet eachother at the sushi shop once I'm done working for the day. How we became closer was we talked more and more as he cane to the sushi shop. As I could ever dream, Shizuo was a nice guy, a little hot headed at times, when I say a little I mean a lot. Other than that he's absolutely perfect, handsome, nice, deals with me, oh what could a man ever dream of that's more perfect then Shizuo! Well I gay man, but I bet even some straight males could get whisked away by Shizuo! Am I being way overdramatic? Yes, yes I am, but when I develop a crush, I crush hard.

Today Shizuo had off and so did I, coincidence I think not in fact, I told them I was sick. Bad of me? A little but I could pass spending a whole day with the hot head. We didn't really know what to do so we just walked around the city. That is before the black hairs nuisance came along and stole all the attention. Shizuo bolted after him like a hungry wolf. Expecting that Shizuo wasn't coming back, I just decided to go home. At least I'll have my trustworthy books and movies with me to keep me from boredom.

It's been a few hours of reading and watching movies when I hear a knock on my door. I've never had a visitor before other then one time that Shizuo came around. So it was either Shizuo or a murderer. Please let it be Shizuo! Slowly walking to the door I look through the peep hole of the door. Shizuo standing there looking exhausted as ever. I open the door urging him in and then closing and locking it back up once I get him in. " Did you just now stop chasing him? It's been forever!" I grab his arm gently and bring him to my couch so he can rest some. Shizuo only nodded. With a sigh I only shake my head, " so stupid." Grunting lowly I go to my fridge and grab out a water then toss it to him. " well you can rest here for as long as you like. I don't mind." Taking some big swigs of water he put it down. " Why don't we watch a movie, it'll be something to do while I rest up some," he suggested. I smile lightly, " sure, but I get to choose the movie." Grabbing Castle In the Sky and putting it in, I hop on the couch next to Shizuo.

After an hour, my eyes started getting droopy. The last thing I remember was leaning on Shizuo and feeling his arm around my waist. How we got in that position I don't know, but I didn't mind. The warmth of it must of soothed me to sleep as I had a very peaceful sleep.

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