By happylilaccident

931 23 42

everything seemed so monotone. all you wanted was something new, something to be happy about. but he was bri... More

• one •
• two •
• three •
• four •
• five •
• six •
hey babies

• seven •

31 1 1
By happylilaccident

I love my readers sm, so here's two new chapters!

• Josh •

"Yum" I hold my ice cream sandwich out in front of me, admiring it.

It's been a great day today, this just tops it off.

"I don't get your obsession with those sandwich things!" Tyler says, exasperatedly.

"Well you obviously don't know perfection when you see it.." I take a huge bite, and see Y/N giggling at me.

I like her laugh, a lot. Especially when she laughs at my jokes.

Anyway, Tyler won't stop talking about performing in that coffee shop down the road. I want to, but I've never performed in front of a crowd before.

People assume - me being me - I would enjoy such a thing. I don't think as much.

"Maybe I can find a space for this weekend?" Tyler thinks aloud, popping the last of his ice cream in his mouth.

"That would be so freakin cool," Y/N says, dropping her ice cream wrapper in the trash.

She grabs mine too, humming our song Migraine from earlier.

"You like the song, then?" I enquire with a smile.

I put my hand up to shade my eyes from the setting sun, I'll have to go home soon.

The golden light seems to dance through Y/N's hair, and her eyes sparkle.

I admit she's pretty.

"its catchy" she takes a seat on the concrete step next to me, and I feel my heart beat a little faster.

I'm such a fool.

• You •

"I have to go home.."
You glare at the time on your phone in distaste.

You want to get more ice cream and watch the sunset, but your mom made spaghetti and you don't want to let her down.

Josh frowns, scuffing his shoes on the ground, "Me too" he mumbles.

"We should do this tomorrow!" Jenna suggests, passing hand sanitizer around for everyone.
She's such a mom friend.

"We should!" Tyler says, jumping up.
Josh nods vigorously and you just smile.

"Thanks for today," you begin, not really sure where you were taking this.

"You've all been so nice, I was really scared no one would like me." you admit with a nervous laugh.

Tyler smiles, "you're cool" and shrugs.

"Hah, thanks" You laugh, happy with his compliment.

"What he means is we are glad you want to be friends with us! I need another girl around anyway."

"don't worry I won't leave you guys," you say, and laugh though you really mean it.

Yet did you all know you'd be best friends for a looong time.

(A/N: me maybe hinting at possible second book..)

The next days went just as fast as your first, you'd felt the happiest you'd been in what felt like too long.

You found yourself going to the arcade rather frequently, and you couldn't have enjoyed it more. You were also getting rather talented with some of the games.

It was finally the weekend of your second week at school, not that you'd been counting for it.

At your old school you counted down every minute like a prisoner, but it was different now with all your new friends around.

It's like the colour had come back to your life.

You had sat pondering this on the couch on Saturday morning, the sun just glowing through the windows.

It put you in a significantly bright mood, not to mention what was planned today.

Speaking of which, your phone started buzzing with multiple texts. It was Tyler.

You shook your head, giggling. You should probably answer.

You shake your head, setting your phone down after Tyler replies telling you Josh is coming in 15.

Today you were going to watch Tyler and Josh perform at the coffee shop.

You'd seen them countless times before now, but this would be different, this would be in front of strangers with opinions.

You'd only thought how proud you would be and were exited to show everyone how talented your friends are.

The doorbell rings just as you'd done checking in the mirror, and you speed to the door.

When you open it you are greeted with Josh's shining eyes and dazzling smile.

"(Y/N)!" He exclaims, pulling you into an unexpected hug.
You stumble back a little, you can feel your face heating up.

"Hello, Joshua" He nods, a light smile playing in his lips. He gestures towards his car and turns to leave, a bounce in his step.

It never fails to amaze you how happy he is all the time. You admire it completely, after all he has an adorable smile.

"You're exited?" You asked, although you figured you already knew the answer.

"Yeahh... are you?" He turns to you with a glint in his eye.

You nod slowly, you'd expected something more enthusiastic.

"Yeah! It's gonna be so cool seeing you on stage- well, a platform" you say with a laugh once you're in his car.

He laughs lightly too, setting off down the road.

He takes a deep breath, "I've never performed on- well.. a platform before" 

You crack a smile, "I'm sure you'll do amazing Joshua"

"Thanks Y/N, I just hope we won't drive people out of the place" he half jokes, you can just tell somethings up.

It's not regular for him to be so doubtful in himself.

You try to hype him up a bit, and shake your head, "Psh ..if anything more people will come in!" you say with a grin.

Josh wanted to appreciate your sweet and supportive words, but the thought that more people would come? It only made his head more of a jumble.

He still thanked you yet again, and the rest of the ride was a comfortable silence.

Maybe you were right, he knew he could keep up a steady rhythm and keep in time with Tyler. That was the easy part.

The thing is, he didn't even know what the hard part was. The twist in his stomach when you guys reached the coffee shop had no explanation,
and it frustrated him.

"hey, josh?" you began as the car rolled onto the curb to a stop.

He turned to you with furrowed brows and you hoped these next words would help with whatever was on his mind.

"Ya know, if you're nervous my mom once told me that you can use it as fuel, ya know? If you feel your heart racing maybe it's just you're body tellin' you to whack those drums harder.." you end with a giggle.

Josh finds him self giggling too, and he wonders how you managed to find just the right words even when he didn't know what was wrong himself.

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