Shine Forever

By IMMaggie_X

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Chapter 1 The beautiful Stranger
Chapter 2 A Long Night
Chapter 3 The First Day
Chapter 4 Dangerous Game
Chapter 5 Company After Midnight
Chapter 6 Excuse My Charisma
Chapter 7 The Connect
Chapter 8 A table for two?
Chapter 9 Flashback to the past
Chapter 10 Welcome to the Gang
Chapter 11 One step too far
Chapter 12 What do you believe now?
Chapter 14 A perfect Night?
Chapter 15 The She-Wolf
Chapter 16 She's back?
Chapter 17 Broken world
Chapter 18 The war is over
Chapter 19 New World
Chapter 20 Wake up!
Chapter 21 The End of a Story

Chapter 13 A new tension

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By IMMaggie_X

His hand wandering over my body, while I was a nervous wreck, trying to stay in control of my emotions. His lips exploring my neck making my whole body shiver. Softly I pushed him to get some space between us. He looked at me. First confused but then understanding. He rolled back to his side of the bed and stared at the ceiling.
"I'm carried away there." he rubbed his hands together. "No! No it's alright I just...It's...I.." He looked at me. "No need to explain. I mean you never said yes so." I sighed. I really liked him but I felt embarrassed to tell him that I never had a boyfriend before. That he was my first kiss and that this would have been my first make out session.
"No pressure from this side." he said with a smile on his face, pointing up and down his body. He stood up and walked around in my room, observing the picture of Changkyun and me. The one he already saw last time he was here. "How did you became friends?" he asked not looking away from the picture once.
I thought back to the day Changkyun walked into Shui Tang. "I accidentally spilled my green tea over him. And his shirt was all messed up and I keept on rubbing on it with a towel like it would actually help. It was movie sceme like as I apologized and once he started talking to me I was so fascinated by his deep voice. I mean seriously it just sounds so se..." I stopped as soon as I saw his annoyed face. "So normal and average. Totally not sexy or anything." I tried to save myself. He walked back to me placing his hands next to my head. "Really? That's what you like?" he asked. "N-No?" My voice was so quiet I wasn't sure he even heard me. His eyes just staring right into mine, trying to find the truth inside. "AlrightfineIadmitthatit'sunbelievablesexyI'm sorry." I spoke so fast, shutting my eyes close. Peeking at him I saw him laughing. "Better than this?"

He showed his cute little dimples. „Never!" I said and pulled him close to me, what surprised him. He tripped and fell right on top of me looking at me. I kissed him and even if it wasn't the first time, it felt like the first. Butterflies check! Sparkling feeling check! Fireworks check! His face was still close to mine as we separated our lips.  I got lostin his eyes again and smiled at him.
„Alright hard as it's going to be for you now, I gotta leave." he said and laughed a little at my staring. I will never get enough of this sound. „Hard for me or hard for you?" I asked raising my eyebrows. He gave me his smirk again, which suddenly didn't bother me anymore. No it was more sexy than anything else.
„Yeah...I am really hard for y..." I almost slammed my hand on his mouth. „Jooheon! What the?!" I whisper yelled! He laughed and took my hand off. "Sorry, I forgot about your sweet little innocence." He kissed my cheek and turned around. "Just gave you something to dream about." He gave me one last wink and left. Without realizing it was open, I closed my mouth. He's insane! My brain shouted at me.

The next day I had a big smile on my face. Everything was alright. I got Jooheon back, he accepted that Kyuni is my best friend and now I can focus on school. When I stepped on campus I saw Sona walking up to me. Her face was a numb expression. "I thought we were best friends! How could you not tell me about you and Jooheon!" she playfully slapped my arm. "Ouch what the? I just got here when was I supposed to?! How do you even know?!" I asked rubbing my arm. "No no no! First I want some details!" she said. In a very short version I told her everything that happened yesterday day. From the fight between Kyun and Jooheon. To me forgiving him, him touching and kissing me. Everything. "Now you tell me how do you know about that?" I asked.
"From the man himself. He asked me where you are. Can you believe that? He talked to me!" she squeaked.
"He did? What exactly did he say? Speeeeeeak!" We both probably sounded like teenagers having their first crush.
"Okay so I was walking with Kyuni, who was pretty awkward, more awkward than usual! And then Jooheon walked up to us and he asked ME! 'Hey Sona right? Where is Yuri?" My eyes widen, like a child hearing about Santa for the first time. "Anyway, I thought you were fighting so I was like 'Not here yet. What's it to yaa anyway?" I interrupted her. "Sona I know you well enough to know you did not say that." She smiled at me.
"Alright! So I was like 'Not here yet, but I will let her know you were looking for here! And then...omg now it's coming! He was ahhh! He was like 'Let her know her boyfriend is waiting for her at the music room!" We both screamed like fangirls. I couldn't believe it, my first boyfriend and it's Lee freaking Jooheon!
Without hesitation I headed to the music room. Ignoring everything and everyone around me I rushed into the building.
Suddenly someone grabbed my wrist. A little scream escaped my mouth and I turned to see who grabbed me. " scared me." I breathed out as I saw the familiar face. "Sorry didn't mean to, but you didn't heard me calling your name." He said, letting go of my wrist. "Sorry I just...I wanted to see.." "Jooheon I know." He said. How did he know?  "Listen Yuri, before you go see him there is something I wanna let you know. We all love him very much. We're like a family. And we all know he likes you and is But if you ever...and I mean ever hurt him again...I will come find you and this time I won't just ignore you and walk away when you appear. Just to make this clear." His voice was serious and in his face I could see he really meant what he said. He turned around and walked away as soon as I slowly nodded.
Did I just got threatened by a baby hamster looking man?
Slowly I continued my way.
When I reached the room I heard some voices inside. One definitely belongs to Jooheon and the other? Just knock and go inside! Do not eavesdrop on whoever is inside with him!
I knocked and opened the door. I saw Jooheon sitting on the stage talking to his phone.
His eyes met mine and he immediately hung up. "Princess! Finally!" He walked over to me shoving his phone into his pocket. "Hi...boyfriend I guess." He smiled at me what automatically made me smile too. "Yeah...about that. I..." I laughed at his sudden embarrassed face. "It's alright. I like that." My thoughts wandered back to Kihyun. "Hey? You alright?" he asked, wrapping his arms around me. "I don't know." I looked into his confused face. "What do you mean you don't know?" he asked.
"I got...never mind. I'm happy to be here with you." I said and gave him a fake smile.
I could see he didn't believe me, but he didn't said a word. "Alright...So there is something I wanted to ask you. Since we got disturbed last time...would you go out with me again?" He scratched his neck. "Since when are you such a shy man?" I asked and gave him a smirk. His eyes on me and I swear I felt them burning on my skin. " that's what you want hm? Not so innocent after all babe." with big steps he came to me. His hands on my shoulders pushing me against the wall. "You wanna play games with me?" He whispered into my ear. "I already told you...if you're playing with fire, you might get burned." his breath on my neck made me shiver. Slowly his hand wandered up my leg. " wanna get burned baby?" My eyes were closed and his rough and deep. Our heavy breathing filled the room. "Jooheon...I..." My brain was all mushy and I couldn't think clear. What is this boy doing to me?! He placed tiny kisses on my neck, my face and finally on my mouth. My hands wandered over his body, around his neck, playing with his hair. I wasn't really experienced so I had no idea what I was doing. Soflty I pulled at his hair, which made him moan into oir kiss. Just hearing that made shiver.
His hands stroke down my back and rested on my hips. As he suddenly squeezed my hips a loud moan escaped my mouth and made me pull himeven closer. Embarrassed about what I just did I let go of him. He probably noticed in my face what I thought. "Hey hey babe it's alright, everything is alright." he stoke my cheek. My breath was fast and I had that weird feeling in my lower stomach half.
The door go opened and students stepped inside. They stopped when they saw us. The blood rushed into my cheeks. "Let's go!" Jooheon grabbed my hand amd pulled me passed all the other students.
"Yuri? Are you okay? You don't look so fine" Jooheon said with a worried face. He took my hand but I pulled it back. My hand felt like it was on fire, where he just touched me. "Uhm...I...I gotta go to class now." Just as I wanted to turn around I almost ran into the whole gang. Everyone looked confused except Kihyun. He still looked at me like he was a little assassin who would easily kill me in my sleep. "Everything alright Yuri?" Kihyun said, but I knew exactly why he asked that. I turned back to Jooheon, who stood there like I just left him in the rain.
"Everything's fine! I just...gotta go to class now, see you later?" I looked into Jooheons eyes. He nodded and licked his lips.

Than I ran away. I needed air!
Gosh! I can't do that! He's just to much for my heart to handle. My fingers softly stroked over my lips where he kissed me.
He's so experienced and knows exactly what he's doin and I'm just... "Yuri! We need to talk." It was Changkyun. He didn't look very happy. "Not now Kyuni! Please I have enough on my mind. "What?!" his voice sounded like a mixture for sad, mad and disappointed. "Yuri! Yesterday you practically..." "I said not now!" my voice was louder than I intended to.
"I'm sorry Changkyun. I didn't mean to...I'm sorry." he looked at me and sat down. "What is it?" he laid his hand on my back.
"It's Jooheon. He..." "What did he do?! I'm gonna kill him!" I rolled my eyes. "Shut up! He didn't do anything. I mean...well we kissed and it was more like a make oit session and suddenly I felt this weird tingling in my body. I mean you know I never had a boyfriend before and that I never had you know what. And now I'm just scared, I'm not ready for this yet. What if he doesn't want to wait?" Changkyuns face looked kind of disgusted but also like he was seriously thinking about what I said.
"So he doesn't know he's your first? He doesn't know he stole your first kiss just like that?! He just treats you like he can do whatever he wants?! Yuri this is freaking Kyoto and he tries to lay his hands on you?!" He stood up. "Changkyun! Why do you always get so mad when it comes to Jooheon? He's not the bad guy you're always accusing him for! Do you know that he unlike you accepts the fact that you're my friend? Or that you're supposed to be my friend?! I'm so sick of having this conversation all over again! I like him, he likes me, he's my freaking boyfriend! If you can't accept that we might shouldn't be friends anymore!" I stood up and walked away. "YURI! ARE YOU REALLY GOING TO CHOOSE HIM OVER ME?!" He shouted after me. I stopped. "Are you making me choose?" I looked at him. He shook his head. "I love you Yuri. And I just want you to be alright." I walked back to him and hugged him. "I love you too but please Kyuni...Give him a chance." I begged.

*Changkyuns P.o.V

I will kill him! If he really thought I would just let him use Yuri he thought wrong. I stomped through Kyoto searching for him. I found him with his friends on campus. I walked straight up to him. "You! You little bastard! We need to talk!" I grabbed him by his collar and tried to pull hik with me. "Get your hands off me!" He pushed me away. "What do you want?!" he shouted. All his friends build up behind him like a wall. They were ready to fight me. "Yeah what do you want!" it was Wonho who spoke. "Don't you fucking touch Yuri ever again Jooheon!" I said to him. He looked at me. "Alright! If this is what you want." He said and raised his hands. "I mean it Jooheon!" His movement was so fast, I could barely catch up. He came close to me his forehead almost leaning against mine. "I don't give a damn what you mean! She's my girlfriend now and I will touch her whenever she wants me to touch her!" I stepped back. "What if she doesn't want you to touch her?" I said and gave him a smirk. "What?" He was confused and so were his friends. "Think about it...didn't she already turned you down last night? Or just before? You never thought about why she just practically ran away from you?" I said. I knew him well enough to see he was thinking about my words. I got him exactly where I wanted him. "She never had a boyfriend before Jooheon. You already messed up her first kiss, so please leave her alone! You're not worthy to be by her side." His eyes widened and he shook his head. "What? You mean...she..." Suddenly his eyes fired like darts at me. "You're lying!" He said. He was desperate, it was obvious.
"Am I? Why don't you go and ask her?! Or are you afraid." I said and slowly walked away.
The last thing I heard was a quiet fuck from him and his friends who wanted to know what happened. I'm not gonna let him play with her like he tried with Ayumi amd many other girls!

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