Where Eyes Meet


7.1K 185 72

A shirbert fanfic in modern times more likely 2018 More

A Familiar Face
A Slight Argument
A Concert
Date 2
A Sweet Night
Beauty and The Beast
Typical (EDITED)
A Galla
A Secret
The Brink Of Love
New Bookie

A Caring Night (Finale)

269 7 6

and OMGz #12 in shirbert

K on with the story


Anne and Gil were walking home. It was the most romantical site to behold hand in hand under the moonlight it was truly romantic a walk In the middle of the night was what they needed after the kissing booth they came to a stop and Gil placed a blanket under them it was a recovered memory for the last time they did this.


"Anne!?!?" Gil said running to the girl alerting everyone at the picnic "Anne where are you? ANNE SHIRLEY CUTHBERT BLY.... the" he said whispering the last letters everyone was gasping whispering while Anne came out from behind a tree "Blythe?"   she asked confused "someday I hope will you join me?" She nodded in respect and also blushed he was just starting at her offering her food drinks and such everyone just watched the girls literally screaming it was a sight to behold.


After remembering that faint memory Gil cupped Anne's ace and kissed her he longed for this more than anything in the world it was sweet and blissful it was heaven for them remembering their first date at the cliffs at Avonlea.


Anne was running toward the cliffs by the sea side she stopped under the cherry tree and she smiled at the horizon when a pair of hands crept and onto her waist and a soft kiss on her neck was felt.


Their time together was complete heaven an iredescent beam of light that would never disappeared and at that time Gil new that tommorow was the time to ask her.

The next day rolled outlike usual everyone was preparing for graduation it was only like two weeks away and the graduation ceremony would be held on Christmas day and Gil knew he would have to propose under moon light so he asked Di and Ruby to distract Anne while Charlie and Billy and Cole would  decorate the woods. " Anne will be coming any minute now" Billy said with worry they all nodded when they saw a redhead coming this way and the signal they all his behind bushes Anne uncovered her eysand saw the beautiful decor and then saw Gilbert knealing on one knee "Anne Shirley Cuthbert would you honor me in being Mrs. Blythe?" Anne just knelt down and kissed Gil knowing that that was a yes he quickly carried her and twirled her around. reception was beautiful after a few bumps on the road the finally reached the end.

And when their first child was born they named her.


Is what Gilbert insisted for she was as beautiful as her mother.


Sorry for the short story but I promise you the next one will have longer chaps but expect late updates THX again.

Edited again there have been comments about SHITLEY? I CHECKED AND WELL CHANGED IT THX FOR POINTING THAT OUT.

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