I'm All Yours, Klaus (Book 2)

By BeckySmolder

17.1K 509 347

Danielle Rodriguez has spent the last three weeks in Spain with her girlfriends, living wild and free like a... More

CH. 1
CH. 3
CH. 4
CH. 5
CH. 6
CH. 7
CH. 8
CH. 9
CH. 10
CH. 11
CH. 12
CH. 13
CH. 14
CH. 15
CH. 16
CH. 17
CH. 18
CH. 19
CH. 20
CH. 21
CH. 22
CH. 23
CH. 24
CH. 25
Book No. 3 - OUT NOW ‼️💛🌈

CH. 2

1.2K 24 7
By BeckySmolder


Sunday, January 8th
2:30 PM

I smiled happily, taking a bite out of my churro I just got off a food truck. I got three cinnamon churros, two hot dogs, and a large cup of tea. All the food was in a white paper I carried in the same hand I carried my drink while I ate my churro I held in the other hand happily. I was starving and Klaus didn't want to sit down and do food. Matter fact he wasn't concerned about feeding me at all. He was on a mission. And the first step to completing that was find Cami.

"Don't—Don't do that crooked smile thing, okay? I haven't see you for months, and now you're appearing out of the blue? What do you want?" Camille asked my boyfriend as I approached them.

"Well, I have a rather long list of people I need to track down and deal with. And at the top of that list is a certain runaway witch who you were just on the phone with," Klaus said, both of them turning their heads towards me as I reached them, standing off to the side as they faced each other directly.

"Danielle," Cami greeted in shock as if she was surprised to see me. I bit back a frown and forced a smile back.

"Hi," I said simply.

She didn't bother with anymore pleasantries as her eyes hardened on my boyfriend. "Maybe she doesn't want to be found," she told him.

"And for good reason. Had I magically resurrected the insane, vampire hunting father of my sworn enemy, I'd be hiding too," Klaus quipped.

Another look of shock covered her features, "Wait, what?"

"Oh, haven't you heard? Mikael the Destroyer is back from the dead. And by all accounts under the complete control of your little friend, Davina," Klaus said casually while leaning over to take a bite of my churro.

"Hey," I pouted and he wrapped an arm around my waist, tucking me into his side.

"Well, you heard her, clearly. She didn't say where she was."

Camille was eyeing the two of us, jealousy written all over her face. I glared back but she didn't notice. She was taking in the way Klaus cuddled me, sharing my food.

Klaus without looking at her and instead wiping cinnamon off my face replied, "Oh, on the contrary, love, you just had to know how to listen. For instance, I heard cicadas and I heard tans, but the real giveaway was the church bells. Did you know Davina's family owns a little cabin in Terrebonne Parish?" He asked, stopping to glance at her before taking my drink and food bag from my hand. "It's been abandoned for years, but a brief glimpse at a map showed its just a mile from the loveliest little chapel."

"So, what's the plan?" Cami sighed.

"Well, the way I see it, if Davina wants to use Mikael to kill me, we just have two options. One: you reason with her. Two? Well, I don't think you'd like two very much," Klaus chuckled before taking a long sip of my tea.

Cami watched him, eyes moving from his lips around the straw back to his pretty blue orbs before sighing again. "Fine. Let's go," she said.

My brows raised. Go? She wants to come? And why won't a phone call do? Cami turned and walked away and Klaus smirked, going to follow after her. I cleared my throat loudly and he stopped, looking back where I stood frozen in place. "Are you seriously bringing her with us? For what? Can't she just call Davina?" I frowned deeply.

"Davina just hung up on her. She's dodging everyone. So Camille comes with us. Try to persuade Davina to undo all this and stop plotting my death."

"Whatever," I scoffed.

"What's wrong? You don't have to go, baby girl. If you want to go home—"

"And leave you alone with her?" I cut him off quickly and angrily. "No way in hell."

"What's wrong?" He asked again.


"You don't want her to go? Fine."

"What?" I frowned in confusion.

"I'll tell her never mind. She can't go."


"Yes, really. Because if I don't this will somehow bite me in the ass next time we argue. Either how I don't listen, I don't care about your feelings, or I put other people and things before you. None of that is true. Or at least they've never been intentional. You come first, baby girl. That's why my New Year's resolution is to be a better boyfriend."

"Aw!" I squealed, wrapping him up in a tight hug while he complained for me to let him go. But he was smiling so I knew he was enjoying our moment just as much.


Sunday, January 8th
4:00 PM

I was sitting alone at a table in this empty bar with a glass filled with the Shirley temple I ordered. I asked Klaus to stop at this deserted dive bar to use the bathroom and get a drink. But I knew I had been taking my time in here. I was just so irritated.

Cami didn't come with us but in the first hour and a half of the ride she's called three times. All to say she couldn't reach Davina. The last call came about twenty minutes ago and I asked Klaus to pull over to let me out while Cami droned on about not hurting the young witch. I just needed a moment to myself because she was getting under my skin and Klaus' obliviousness was annoying as well. I had no idea how he tolerated her. She was nice and all but the way she was with me was not how she was with him: like she was babying him, trying to take care of him. She wanted to know him and all his secrets. And everything about her wanting to be closer to him made my blood boil.

"Danielle, seriously? 'Wait in the car,' you said. 'I'll be right back,' you said!" Klaus growled out each word as he stormed into the bar. I slurped down my drink, staring at him in disinterest. "Do you not understand the urgency of this endeavor?"

"Yes, I understand your urgency," I said. "I just needed a moment without you and the blonde on the damn phone."

"Love, you're blonde now," Klaus said, his lips quirked up at the sides, ready to smile any second.

"Shut up," I snorted, rolling my eyes. Klaus sighed and pulled my glass out of my hand as he sat down at the table across from me. He took a sip and made a face before sliding it back.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"You. Cami. Everything."

"I didn't bring her," he argued defensively.

"Yeah but she keeps calling!"

"She's keeping me updated."

"On what?" I scoffed. "How she hasn't reached Davina? It's annoying. She's calling because she wants to talk to you. Not about Davina's whereabouts. But I guess I can't blame her. You're begging for her attention."

Klaus scoffed, offended. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me," I growled, banging my glass on the table and glaring right at him into his cold blue eyes.

"I'm afraid so. I'm not begging for hers or anyone else's attention. So can you stop with this jealous thing you're doing? I have more important—"

"Then leave me here! Go! I won't hold you up or waste your time any further. For all this, you should've never asked me to come. This adventure we are on right now, you wanted to have with another woman. I got the message loud and clear."

"What are you talking about?"

"Really, Klaus?" I asked.


"Do you think I'm dumb?"

"Danielle, say what you need to say."

"Okay, fine. You wanted Cami to come with us. You didn't need her to find Davina like you're leading on. You knew exactly where we could find her. That's why you were digging around for stuff this morning and using that map. You seemed out Cami because you wanted to bait her into coming with us. You wanted a friend. You wanted therapist time. You wanted to talk to her, for her to listen and give you her opinion. Am I right?" I questioned.

"You're right about me wanting her to come. To convince Davina. Not about finding her."

"Why don't you talk to me?"

"I do talk to you."

"90 minutes in the car proves otherwise."

"What do you want me to say? What do you want to talk about?"

"I don't know, Klaus. You and Camille have conversation. I know you've confided in her. Why don't you tell me the things you tell her?" I asked.

"I tell you everything."

"No, you don't."

"Yes. I do."

"No. We have late night talks, cuddled in bed about what you did that day without me. You tell me a bit about your past. We don't talk about your feelings. Besides about Hope and my abortion. You don't open up to me. Maybe if you did instead of to Camille, she wouldn't be pining after you. You turning to her, wanting to talk to her leads her on. She thinks she knows you, the real you and I know she has no idea who you are as a man nonetheless as a lover. But when you turn to her, it makes her feel special. Oh, he's not telling his girlfriend or even his brother this. He trust me... If you want to see a real therapist to work through all these years of your hell, fine. But not Camille. She has feelings and I'm not okay with your blind trust in her. If you're not ready to tell or be vulnerable with me, fine. But don't go telling another woman or any friend. Don't you dare put them above me."

Klaus stared at me in shock and was silent for a couple minutes before he licked his lips. "Okay," he whispered.

"Okay, what?"

"Maybe you're right. I like that she listens."

"I listen."

He shrugged. "It's not the same. You want to touch me and coddle me and take care of me also. That's why when I tell you it's different. It's when I'm ready for comfort from my lover. Not just speaking my mind."

"You don't like affection?"

"Not when I want to get something off my chest. I start to panic when you're being kind and caressing my face or holding my hand. It feels like I shouldn't ruin the moment. Like I should be spending our time together better."

"I baby you," I stated. It wasn't a question. I was gentle and loving because I cared about his entire wellbeing. I didn't know that made him scared about opening up to me. "Then I won't do that."

"I don't want you to stop that. I like when you take care of me... I just... don't know how to talk to you. I don't want to show you how messed up I really am, Dani."

"I love you, Klaus," I stated, grabbing his hand off the table now and giving it a gentle squeeze. "Your past cannot and it will not change that. So talk to me. Please I want a deeper emotional bond with you. I'm not going anywhere. Ever. Do you understand that? I'm all yours, Klaus."

He cracked a smile and brought our hands to his mouth to place a kiss on the back of mine. "I'll confide in you. But you can't be all cute and sexy girlfriend when I do. Pour me a drink and listen."

"Cute and sexy?" I smirked. "I don't know how I'm supposed to stop all that. And I am your girlfriend 24/7. If you want me to be your drinking buddy I can be that also."

"You have a fake ID, don't you?"

"Uh, yeah. We met in a club remember?"

"I'm gonna get us real drinks. Then you can ask me anything."

"Okay," I smiled. Klaus winked at me and headed to the bar. I finished my Shirley Temple while I watched him. He leaned against the bar, talking to the biker chick bartender. My eyes roamed over his tense body. Maybe I could give him a massage. Oh, look at this glutes. Klaus had some a firm and squeezable bottom. He turned to look at me over his shoulder and I blushed profusely. He smirked, turning back just as he received our drinks.

Klaus walked over to me, sliding a pink cup to me while he held a glass full of whiskey on the rocks. "I put it on your tab," Klaus chuckled and I rolled my eyes.

"From this point on, I'll keep my hands to myself and we will just talk."

"Cheers," he said, holding up his glass. I clinked my cup against his and then took a sip out of the straw. Tequila sunrise.

"So you want to kill your father?" I started off and Klaus shot me a deadpanned look. I let out a giggled and kicked him under the table. "Talk."

And he did. He told me how much he hated his father, which I already knew. He told me about the pain he suffered. His fathers abuse. His fear of him still to this day. The traumatizing effect of Mikael being brought back to life has on him. How Mikael's main goal is to kill him and rid the world of vampires.

Klaus and I were on round 4 of drinks. And I didn't know if I was the only one feeling the effects of the alcohol or not. I felt nice and my body thrummed in delight off my buzz. Still I was focused solely on Klaus as he changed the subject.

"My mother's intentions are far less savage than my father's. She'd prefer to place us all in new bodies, thereby reuniting our family in some bizarre coven of extremely dysfunctional witches," Klaus said, bringing up Esther's proposition.

"So, what, are you just gonna kill her too?" I asked him. He wanted to kill Mikael before he killed him. That made sense to me. But his mom was a different ball game. I genuinely wanted to know what the plan was. How do we get rid of her?

"If only I could. But therein lies my predicament. If I kill her, she'll just jump into another body," he reminded me and I nodded. "If I somehow manage to thwart that nasty little inconvenience, she'll rejoin the bloody witch ancestors and haunt me from beyond. But, right now, Mikael has the white oak stake. He needs to die first."

"And, how are you going to do that unarmed?" I frowned. He was set out to find Mikael but Davin and Mikael has the white oak stake. I was beginning to worry about this plan now. We weren't just looking to catch the two, Klaus was ready for a fight.

"I've taken precautions," he smiled. He slipped his hand inside his jacket before pulling out a familiar curved white blade.

"Papa Tunde's blade, a mystical knife of torment. Perfect," I mumbled.

"My parents dedicated their lives to making me feel weak and afraid. I've killed them once already. I can do it again."

He stood up and I was quick to follow suit. He looked ready to go but I placed a hand on his arm. "Baby, wait," I said.

Klaus looked at my hand then up at my face. His eyes read for me to remember I promised no affection and coddling. But this was the end of the conversation. I knew that. Klaus' mind was back on getting to Davina and Mikael.

"I get it. The hurt your parents have inflicted on you for a thousand years. I understand what you're fighting against. The real question is what are you fighting for?" I asked.

Klaus stared at me with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. I walked around the table until I stood in front of him. "Dani—"

"Shhh. Ask me to dance," I smiled.

"You want to dance?" He asked, surprised and suspicious. I laughed, shaking my head at him.

"No. Not really... I've had enough to make me stumble and embarrass myself if I try, but I'm making a point: there's more to life than the pain they made you feel. A glass full of whiskey, a rock song," I paused, pointing up at the speakers playing some Guns N' Roses song I recognized. "A cute and sexy girlfriend," I continued, smirking as I grabbed his hand now. "There are good things, Klaus."

Klaus tugged on my hand to pull me onto the dance floor. I placed the hand he didn't hold on his shoulder and he grabbed my waist. We slowed danced to the long winded song without a care. I rested my head on his shoulder, sighing softly in content. This tough but broken man was all mine to love and cherish. And I wanted him to know there was more than his pain and suffering in this world. He could be loved, he could have a happy family. He could have anything he wanted. It will take time but it could be his. Ours.

"There's no real peace in revenge," I told him. I lifted my head off his shoulder and Klaus brushed his lips against mine and rested is cheek against my own. I moved my head, ready to capture his lips but so suddenly he spun me away. And he didn't pull me back. He let me go and I stumbled. When I turned he was gone.

I sighed and pulled myself together. It was time to go apparently. I walked over to the bar and closed out my tab. After paying I walked outside to sit Klaus had the Range Rover started and he was waiting for me. I hopped in the passenger seat and smacking his arm. Klaus didn't respond or react so I went ahead and turned on the radio. We had another 90 minutes or so until we reached Davina's hideout.


Sunday, January 8th
7:00 PM

I rushed out the car as I heard a loud scream. I must have fallen sleep during the ride and Klaus didn't bother to wake me. But now I was hearing him yell in pain and my heart was beating out of my chest with worry.

Another screamed sounded out, rougher. Not Klaus. I followed after the sound, but I didn't have to because Klaus flashed in front of me and he looked like hell. "Baby, are you okay?" I asked, looking him over and he nodded his head but my eyes were on the blood hole in his jacket over his shoulder. "Come here."

I opened my arms and Klaus was quick to step into them, letting me hug him. "I'm fine, love. Mikael is not."

I let him go and smiled, "You won. I'm proud of you."

Klaus opened his mouth then closed it. And did it again. He was lost for words. But that didn't matter as he tugged me along through the woods, showing me where Mikael laid. "Is he dead?" I frowned in confusion. Mikael's body twitched and a creepy shiver went down my spine.

"He's still alive, in complete and utter agony. I decided to take your advice, keep him that way," Klaus said.

"I didn't say not to kill him," I retorted. Klaus looked at me with a raised brow before smirking. I dropped his hand and shrugged my shoulders. "Whatever. Can we go home?"

"Yeah, baby girl. We can go home," he said. He walked over to Mikael lifting him up and heading to the car where he tossed his fathers indisposed body in the trunk. "You want to wait here?"

"No," I said quickly. Klaus laughed at my fear and I hurried to his side. He wrapped an arm around my shoulder and we headed to the cabin.

I opened the door and Klaus stopped me as I went to walk in. Davina laid on the floor with a young boy hovering over her. Klaus looked over the two before removing his hand from my arm. "I have to be invited in, but she's out cold," Klaus said.

I didn't rely, I simply walked into the house towards the two younger teenagers. "You should get her to the hospital," I told the boy seeing the dried blood on her scalp.

The boy ignored me and looked at Klaus in the doorway. My boyfriend had a dark look on his face and was playing with the white oak stake.

"Oh, hello darling. Back to huff and puff and blow the house down?" The boy spoke to Klaus. He had a fine British accent, different than my boyfriend's and heard more with how loud and obnoxious I knew he was being.

"You know, it's funny how often a person's sharp tongue can end up cutting their own throat," Klaus retorted.

"Klaus, he's just a kid. Give him a break," I sighed in annoyance. I did not have time for this. Davina was all the way unconscious and I was worried. Seriously, she needed a hospital. Her ankle was swollen I could see with her pants rolled up. Her ankle was inflamed and looked broken. Yeah, she needed a doctor.

"Yeah, she's right. You know, you may want to try a bit of lavender under your pillow. Does wonders for stuck-up pillocks with anger issues," the boy replied to Klaus, breaking my train of thought.

Before I knew it I had slapped him. Not too hard but enough to get his attention back on the real problem. Davina. "Hey! Shut it," I warned him.

"I can promise not to kill Davina, I say nothing about this insolent sod," Klaus spike again.

The boy smirked and I rolled my eyes. "Get her into that chair. She shouldn't just lay on the floor," I told him then I walked outside to an angry Klaus. "A minute ago, you had the opportunity to kill your father with this thing, and you didn't. You're not going to kill this kid with it, either!" I hissed and Klaus sighed.

He looked into the cabin and then back at me, meeting my brown eyes. "Fine," he agreed.

"Thank you," I smiled, relieved.

Klaus reluctantly placed the stake in my hands and then pulled out his keys. "Go get the car and let's take her to hospital," he said and I nodded.

"Don't touch that boy," I warned and he cracked a smile. I pecked his lips before walking away, heading back to the car.

I climbed into the driver's seat and put the stake down, starting the car. I didn't bother with my seatbelt because I knew I would just hop out to let Klaus drive in a few minutes. I didn't even get to put the car into drive before my door was pulled open. "Klaus—" I started with a laugh turning to face who I thought was my boyfriend joining me already.

It wasn't. It was Mikael. And with a yank of my arm he pulled me out of my seat. I started to yell for my boyfriend when Mikael's large hand covered my mouth and he reached in the car for the stake before his arm wrapped around my throat. "Klaus!" I choked out against his hand while my vision was blurring.

Mikael didn't wait till I passed out, he started pulling me through the woods quickly. And when he deemed we were far enough that Klaus wouldn't hear my cries he let me go and gripped me only by my arm. But he held tight, leaving a bruise without a doubt.

"Klaus will find you," I growled out.

"Oh, he will. But, I will be ready."

"How? I've seen the kind of pain that blade causes," I replied. I was worried that he got the blade out. On his own. That alone showed his strength. But I was hoping that would at least have him weak now. If Klaus could take him before, he could do it again.

"I have fought more pain than anyone, living or dead," Mikaelson said, examining  the blade he held in his hand along with the stake. But, once I feed, I shall be restored."

I gasped and tried to pull away from him and rub, terrified for my life now. "Not you," Mikael hissed, squeezing my arm so tightly I yelped. I wanted to run. But I knew I wouldn't get far. God, I need Klaus to find me soon. "You, my dear, are leverage. Once I threaten to dismember you in front of him, Klaus will hesitate. And in that moment of weakness, I shall end him."

"This is crazy. The two of you, going round and round trying to kill each other? You're obsessing over the death of someone whose fatal flaw is that he was fathered by another guy!" I said, voice raising.

"Hush! You are the enabler of the weak! No wonder he seeks your company," he spat back at me. I stared at him with disgust, wishing I could stake him myself.

Mikael stopped walking but didn't let me go. Music was playing nearby. "I hear music," he said and I rolled my eyes.

"Thank you, captain obvious."

"And, where there's music, there's food."

He dragged me out the woods until we came across several people dressed up for Halloween or something. They all had mask on and were partying around a y'all bonfire. "Well, well, well, well... What have we here? Hillbilly Halloween. Oh, perfect," Mikael grinned devilishly.


Sunday, January 8th
11:50 PM

"Just let me go," I complained, struggling against Mikael who still tugging me through the bayou now. We were approaching some sketchy building. He was heading right for it.

"Shut up or I'll make you," he warned and I clenched my teeth but didn't speak. He nearly carried me into the falling apart building. Once we were inside the old looking open warehouse of a room, he shoved me away to the floor.

I crashed on the hard concrete floor with a smack as I tried to brace my fall with my tiny hands. Ow! "You know, I've always believed and saw the good in everyone. But you? I'm wondering how deep your hatred runs for Klaus. I wanted to believe you really did care about him one upon time. Maybe deep, deep down. But... Klaus is a good man. If you cared at all, ever, you would see that. And the fact that you don't see he is perfection, is because you ruined him," I said, pulling myself into a sitting position while I stared at Mikael.

There was something about him that made me pity him. Maybe Klaus was similar to him. But my boyfriend deep down had a heart. And he cared about his family, he had loved ones he'd do anything for no matter how mad he's gotten at them. Mikael? Was full of anger and hate. I almost wondered if the pain he spoke about has driven him to the madness that succumbs him. Maybe something ruined him too.

"I didn't always hate him. When Klaus was born, I was overjoyed. I thought, "This one... this one has the eyes of a warrior. He will be worthy." But, my hope was short lived. And, when I found out that he wasn't really my son, my relief was glorious. But, that passed with the knowledge that he was begat of a beast," Mikael spoke growing more disgusted with every word.

"His mother's infidelity was not his fault! She was a whore!" I insulted.

Mikael glared at me deeply but didn't show his anger at my words about his to his knowledge deceased wife. "Everything that followed her infidelity was because of Niklaus' obsession with the wolves! He ventured out to watch them turn under the full moon, and he took my youngest son, Henrik. He was but a child, and he was torn apart."

"Are you kidding me? Klaus didn't want his brother to end up dead! He loves all of his siblings more than anything. That, with Henrik? That was an accident."

"An accident?" He scoffed. "An accident?! He murdered my wife! His own mother, who sought to cleanse him of his beast-like nature! He betrayed me. He turned my entire family against me! And yet, you defend him?"

"Well, I love him. Of course I'll defend him. Any sane person would. He's tormented by a thousand years just as you are and he didn't deserve any of this bullshit from you or Esther. None of those damaged kids did," I retorted. "And, after centuries on this earth, do you really not see that all of your violence is pointless?"

"Let me hazard a guess: you are one of these alienists, right?"

"No," I stated. "I'm a woman in love. A woman with a heart, a brain and feelings. My intellectual opinion is you should see a therapist or one of those alienists, you could use some couch time."

"Actually, my dear, since my wound does not appear to be healing..." he trailed off, wincing as he looked at the gaping hole in his chest. "What I could do with right now is some food."

I pushed myself away, trying to crawl back as if that would help me avoid his hungered gaze. "You said you wouldn't," I argued as my only defense.

"Yes, I did, didn't I? And although the blood of a full belly makes for good fodder, in times of need, even the devil eats flies," he smirked evilly before lunging at me in a flash.

He barely pulled me to my feet before his teeth plunged into my neck. I screamed bloody murder at the harsh intrusion. But my screams fell short as everything soon after went black.


Monday, January 9th
1:00 PM

Mikael pulled me off the ground from where I laid weak against the wall. He tugged me forward and then stopped, adjusting me in place. I furrowed my brows in confusion trying to keep from falling down. His one hand around my bicep holding me steady.

He had continued to bite me, sometimes not feeding just to let my blood pool down my neck so I was drained from the loss of it. He also slashed a knife against my thighs, ripping my jeans. I just wanted to sleep for a really long time now. I was exhausted physically and mentally.

He held my phone in his hands that was ringing suddenly. He quickly declined the call. I don't remember him ever taking the phone from me. But it was a long night and morning. Not that I was sure what time it was currently either. My lock screen brought a weak smile to my face. It was a picture of Klaus and I the day he took me to the airport for my trip to Spain. Klaus was in the striped tee and leather jacket I bought him for Christmas and I wore the cheetah fur coat he bought me. It was one of the only pictures we had ever taken and I loved it so.

My smile fell as Mikael pulled out his knife again, pressing it to my throat. "What.. are... you doing?" I whispered out not trying to slit my own throat.

Before he could reply Klaus had stormed into the room. He held some makeshift stake at his father, glaring at him full of hatred. "You're gonna pay for hurting her," Klaus growled out.

Mikael pulled the knife back smirking victoriously and let go of his grip of my arm with a measly shove that had me crash to the floor. I welcome the cold hard ground, my cheek pressed against it. I needed sleep. "Danielle?" Klaus called and I struggled to keep my eyes open to meet his concerned gaze.

"Finally. I missed you," I smiled weakly before a cough erupted from my lips. I sat up a bit and tried to cover my mouth as one cough turned into many.

"Aw, how sweet. The cur whines for its bitch," Mikael spat as I continued to cough on the floor. Specks of blood falling into the palm of my hand.

"Klaus," I whimpered.

"Dani, hold on!" Klaus shouted, voice desperate but I was freaking out. I was weak and I was dizzy. I'm coughing up blood. I'm gonna be sick.

"Okay," I whispered, lip quivering as tears filled my eyes.

"I'll be sure to drain the rest of her right in front of your eyes, just before you burn," Mikael spoke up.

I let out a shaky breath in fear. Then my eyes snapped to them, focused as Klaus leaped high up and lunges towards his father holding out his stake. Mikael is tackled but quickly pushes him off, still holding onto the white oak stake in one hand and Papa Tunde's blade in the other.

My heavy eyes closed, and I listened to the faint sounds of grunts and shouts. I laid on the floor half sleep or half dead, hands clenching my stomach that hurt badly. I had cramps but I was also starving. I just wanted to go home.

"Klaus," I whined, forcing my eyes open. I don't know how long I was out of it, but everything became too real when I spotted my boyfriend pressed up against the wall. Oh, no. "Baby!" I screamed.

Klaus before he could be stakes, knees Mikael in his stomach causing him to let go and stumble back. Klaus leaped on him quickly and the two went crashing into another wall, that collapsed under the strength of Klaus' wrath. The two ending up in a different room.

I took a deep breath and with a lot of struggle and shaky arms and legs, I climbed to my feet. I could hear Mikael and Klaus still going at it. But they were now out of view. I dragged my feet towards the gaping hole in the brick wall to find Klaus on top of his father.

My breath caught as Mikael was aiming the stake at Klaus. My boyfriend pushed it away with all his might and to my relief turns it away from himself. "Not as weak as you remember, am I?" My boyfriend smirked down.

Klaus gets the stake out of Mikael's grip and it falls a few feet beside the two of them on the floor. I held my breath, watching Klaus reach for it. But before I could even process it, Papa Tunde's blade was heading right towards my face. Mikael must have thrown it. I didn't have to dodge it because Klaus flashed in front of me, catching it in his hand.

"Watch out!" I yelled, my eyes not on his but on Mikael rushing behind him.

"Ahhh!" Klaus screamed. The stake coming from his back through to his chest. He fell to the ground in what seemed like slow motion.

"No!" I cried at the top of my lungs, seeing his face start to grey. I was silenced by a firm slap to the face. My weak body collapsed to the floor quickly near where Klaus laid.

"Why aren't you burning? If you were dead, it would burn. Burn!" Mikael yelled in annoyance.

"Klaus," I sobbed, army crawling closer to him. Mikael suddenly vanished but I paid it no mind. His eyes locked on mine but the rest of home was still, lifeless. Color only half in his face. I tried to push the stake out, but it didn't budge. With desperation I pulled myself up a little and pushed the stake harder, trying to raise Klaus up off the floor so the stake went back. Not all the way through his heart any further. His blue orbs shut and his skin seemed to harden slowly.

"Come on, Dani," I snapped at myself, pushing the stake some more as Klaus withered up into more gray. "No. No, no!"

And with one final tug, I pulled it out of his back and his skin returned to a health flesh color but he didn't wake.

"What do you think you're doing?" Someone growled. Mikael has returned and was stalking towards me.

"Stay the hell away from us or I swear to God, I'll kill you myself," I snapped, holding an arm over Klaus' body in an attempt to protect him.

"You have a warrior's heart. Perhaps I'll keep it as a souvenir," he retorted, teaching towards me. Before he could grab me, he was pulled back. Marcel was here. And he was now punching Mikael over and over again as he had the advantage of catching him off guard.

Mikael suddenly kicks him off and away where Marcel falls back but manages to pick up Klaus precious broken piece of wood from something of a stake. "Now, enough! This night has been a long parade of fools. I'll enjoy killing every last one of you," Mikael roared with anger.

Klaus besides me gasps, taking in a huge breath or air. "Baby?" I called, pulling him up and hugging him while we both still sat on the floor.

"Dani," he whispered, stroking my head. He pulled away from me and a small smile plays on his lips. The sounds of chains behind me catches my attention. I turned to see Hayley, wrapping a long heavy chain around Mikael's neck.

"I wouldn't bet on it," she grunted, tugging hard enough to knock Mikael off his feet. She then punched him as he got up. Klaus jumps up and stalks over to where Mikael stood. Hayley and Marcel flanking him immediately. My eyes caught sight of Davina walking in now.

"It's over, Mikael. You're outnumbered. Are you going to beg for your miserable life?" Klaus asked him.

Mikael laughed. Genuinely humored. "You think having people makes you strong? It proves how weak you are. Come find me when you don't have fools, women and children fighting your battles," Mikael said, throwing some random makeshift weapon and flashing away.

Everyone cleared out besides Klaus who had picked me off the floor and found something to sit me on top of. He was checking me over and then feeding me his blood. "I'm so, so sorry, baby girl," he apologized for the third or fourth time now, caressing my face.

"Why aren't you healing?" I asked him.

"I'm okay," he said. "You lost a lot of blood and I'm not helping you much."

I frowned, he was weak. And there was still a hole in his chest from where he was was staked. "Are you really okay?"

Klaus smiles softly at me, holding my chin between two fingers and leaning forward to peck my lips. "You pulled the stake out in the nick of time. A moment longer, and I would have been done for," he told me.

"I wasn't going to let you die. I can't live without you," I said. "But next time don't misread what I'm telling you. Cause you should've killed that bastard the first chance you got."

Klaus' lips quirked into a smile for only a mere second. "Well, he hurt you. For that alone, I will kill him... You know, in a thousand years, I think it's the first time I've seen him run."

Klaus touched my neck where bite marks had fainted into small bruises. "He was still weak," I said.

"And, he knew he was outmatched," another voice came. Hayley. She and Marcel walked in to join us.

"We checked the perimeter, and he's definitely gone," Marcel said.

Klaus sighed, pressing a kiss to my forehead before stepping away from me to look at the other two. "I appreciate your assistance," he told them.

"Well, hey, you die, I die! Just call me selfish," Marcel joked with a big grin. His optimism and how genuinely happy he was trying to lighten up the situation brought a smile to my face and I chuckled softly.

"Yeah, you die, a lot of people die. But, Klaus... we have another problem. Elijah is missing," Hayley chimes back in

Klaus sighed and nodded. "Of course he is," I scoffed. 24 hours home and my life has gone to shit. "What do we do?" I asked Klaus who smiled at me.

"We deal with it tomorrow. Right now, I need to get you home. I'll run you a bath, get you some food, and spend the day holding you in my arms."

"Klaus," I whispered, blushing and smiling.

"I was so worried about you."

"I'm okay," I promised him, placing my hands behind beck and pulling him in for a long, deep kiss. I was so happy he found me. That this was all over. That he wanted to take care of me.

"Let's get you home," he said, lifting me up bridal style into bus arms. I giggled weakly, wrapping my arms around his neck before a yawn slipped past my lips.

"I'm tired," I mumbled.

"Go to sleep. You're safe now. You're with me, love," he whispered, kissing the top of my head just as I let my eyes close.

~Picture: Danielle and Klaus on December 18th—At the airport the day Dani left for Barcelona. Also her lock screen as mentioned in this chapter on January 9th—during the last scene of Dani with Mikael before Klaus showed up.

Anywaaaaays... how was that? Dani got kidnapped. We got a bit of Cami drama. Is she going to be a problem? Is Dani overreacting? Or is she right about Klaus seeking out Cami? More to come down the road I'm sure 😉😉 But for now, Klaus and Dani are headed home, both alive. All while Elijah has been deemed missing during this stressful time. What's going to happen next?

If you liked this chapter leave a brown emoji for Dani's airport attire of that faux fur cheetah coat Klaus bought her 📦🙈📜

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