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By __Gossip__Girl__

447K 9.7K 4.3K

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7.5K 215 28
By __Gossip__Girl__


THOMAS ran over to Minho and Alby. The darker-skinned boy was unconscious with a small cut on the side of his head. The runner was on his knees, breathing heavily as he stared at the ground. He hadn't notice Katherine run in and she breathed heavily as the adrenaline pumped through her veins.

"What happened?" Thomas questioned looking at Alby, more his wounds. Katherine took a deep breath.

"He was stung." She answered, already being able to tell. Minho snapped his head up hearing his girlfriend's voice. He stood immediately, the colour draining from his face. He ran over to the girl muttering 'no' over and over again.

"Why would you run in here?" He yelled. "You were safe in there! You were safe!" Minho yelled, his eyes glassy. Katherine closed her eyes, the tears that built up fell from her eyes and the runner calmed, hating seeing the girl cry.

"You think I'm going to leave you in here to die? I don't think so. I'm sorry, but I'm not leaving you." She choked out. Thomas watched the two with an aching heart. "Minho, I know you would rather me be in the Glade, but I would rather be here, with you." She stated, grabbing the boy's hand.

The three heard the moans and groans of grievers in the distance and Katherine's heart dropped. Minho's did as well as Thomas was confused but nervous. "We gotta go," Minho said. Katherine went over to Thomas.

"We can't just leave him here," Thomas said looking at Minho. Katherine held her hair back and inspected Alby.

"The maze is changing," Minho said with a blank expression.

"He's right, Min. We can't just leave Alby here." Katherine sat back on her legs, her hands falling limp in her lap.

The two boys hauled him up as Katherine looked around looking for a place to hide Alby. "We gotta get him up," Thomas grunted. The three looked around.

"Come on," Minho grunted. Katherine jogged up ahead. "Katherine, slow down," Minho said worriedly. She stopped in front of a wall that was completely covered in vines.

"Right here, come on." She bit her lip in nervousness as the two boys set him down. They heard more screeching and Minho's heart began to pound.

"This isn't going to work. We got to go. We got to go." Minho said quickly in a panic. He grabbed Katherine's hand pulling her along with him. She gently pulled her hand away.

"Minho, Minho, stop." She said. He turned to her with pleading eyes.

"Katherine, please. I will not lose you now in this damn maze." He shook his head gently.

"Then help us." She pleaded, looking back to Alby and Thomas. Minho sighed, knowing he could never leave the girl. Minho gave in and they tied a vine around Alby's midsection and began to pull him up the wall.

A low rumble sounded through the maze and Minho stopped pulling, seeing the wall opening up and griever right behind it. His eyes widened as Thomas asked what he was doing. "We gotta go, we gotta go right now." He said hurriedly.

"What? No, no, no." Thomas responded panicked. Katherine's breath quickened as well as her heart as she saw the griever as well. A small gasp sounded from her lips. "Just a little more, we'll tie it off." Thomas reasoned but Minho wasn't having it.

"No, no, no, no, no, no..." Minho muttered. Thomas could see Minho watching the griever with fear, as sweat dripped from both their foreheads. "Minho, just stay with me, ok?" Thomas tried but Katherine knew Minho wasn't going to stay for the show.

"I'm sorry, greenie." was all the black-haired boy said.

Minho let go grabbing Katherine's arm pulled her away with him. "Minho, no!" She yelled looking back Thomas who was struggling to haul Alby up by himself. Minho tugged her along and turned a corner.

The girl stopped and Minho panicked even more. "Katherine, we have to go." Katherine shook her head and they heard grievers in the distance.

"I have to help Thomas." She insisted. She couldn't explain exactly what it was she felt, but she knew she didn't want to leave him behind. She felt like she needed to protect him. Minho shook his head stopping her from running to where Thomas and Alby were.

"If I have to throw you over my shuck shoulder to get you away, I will." Minho threatened. Katherine sighed. She knew he would. The two heard the griever Minho grabbed her hand and pulled her away past a few more corners.

Their hands slipped but Katherine kept up with Minho without a problem. They turned a few more corners. Katherine turned to look over her shoulder and saw an empty corridor. She turned to say something to Minho, but he was gone. She stopped dead in her tracks.

She whipped her head around. He couldn't have gone that far, could he? She started to panic. "Minho?" She called out, not to loud to attract any grievers that could be in the area. "Minho? Where are you?" Katherine called again.

The girl froze, hearing the clicks and whirrs of a griever. Her breath quickened and she looked around, seeing a small spot where she could fit. She quickly crawled in and covered herself with vines. The clicks and whirrs got louder and she could hear the griever walking closer and closer.

The brunette pressed her hands to her mouth to stop and loud noises that could give her away as the griever slowly walked past. Once the thing was gone, she waited a few extra minutes before crawling out. She sighed in relief once she saw no griever or any signs of one.

Katherine slowly made her way back, retracing her steps. As she turned a corner she ran straight into Thomas, knocking her over. She let out a yelp as Thomas yanked her back to her feet and pulling her along. "Run! A griever!" He yelled. She turned behind her and saw the slimy monster, with it's metal legs and knives and needles waving around.

The girl screamed as it got closer and the two ran faster. As they ran the griever disappeared only to reappear in front of them. Katherine screamed as Thomas yanked her down the corridor next to them. Minho could hear her screams and tears slid down his face as he tried desperately to find her.

The two were found at a dead end. "Shit." Katherine cursed. Thomas looked over to the vines. He pulled her over to the wall and he started climbing. Katherine followed immediately. They climbed as fast they could as the griever was as well.

Thomas pulled Katherine up the rest of the way after getting to the top. They ran and jumped onto the next one as the griever followed. They climbed onto another one running as fast they could without falling over the edge.

Thomas almost fell over the edge as they came to one. Katherine grabbed his shirt and yanked him back. They turned and were met with the griever. "Oh, shit." The girl mumbled. Thomas turned and Katherine watched him run to the edge. She followed and jumped off with him. "Thomas!" She screamed watching him slide down the side as she slammed into the wall, grabbing the vines.

The griever followed, landing right in front of Katherine. She screamed as it tried to stab her with a needle. Thomas slid down, pulling the girl with him. She let out a small scream as the griever did as well, pulling down the entire wall of vines down with it.

The two hit the ground and Thomas scrambled up along with Katherine as the griever was tangled in the vines, trying to get to the two. Katherine and Thomas stopped watching what had just happened, trying to process it. "Come on, come on, come on!" Thomas yelled as he ran from with the griever, the girl right on his tail.

"Don't have to tell me twice!" Katherine yelled as she stayed close enough to Thomas to not lose him.

Minho grabbed the girl's arms as he ran out to the two seeing what they did. "Hey!" He yelled in a panic. Katherine screamed. She saw who it was and she relaxed in the slightest and hugged the boy tightly. "Where the hell did you go?" Minho asked breathlessly.

"Uh, we gotta go!" Thomas yelled.

"Ok, come on, follow me! Come on!" Minho yelled. Katherine and Thomas followed the boy down the corridors. "Ok, it's changing, it's changing! Come on, come on, come on, come on. This sections closing. Come on, we can lose it down here!" Minho took off. Katherine and Thomas looked at each other, both having the same idea.

"Thomas, go. I'm smaller and faster." Katherine pushed the brunette boy. He nodded hesitantly. "If Minho tries to come down here, don't let him. I'll make it." She nodded. Thomas mirrored her actions as he followed Minho. He knew he could trust her despite the concern for her safety bubbling up in his chest.

Minho stopped at the end of the section seeing Katherine not moving "Katherine! Run!" He yelled about to run to her but Thomas pushed him back, doing what Katherine told him. "What the hell do you think you're doing, greenie? Katherine!" Minho was angry at Thomas but terrified that Katherine wasn't going to make it. He now understood the side to Katherine as she felt the side to Minho.

"Come and get me, you slimy son of a bitch!" She yelled, seeing the griever run fast at her. Once it was close enough she bolted. The griever following after her. She saw Thomas holding a crying, yelling Minho back. The section was almost closed and she was almost there, the griever right behind her.

Minho was yelling at the girl. "Katherine, run!"


hiiiiii yeah heres the update :) Hope you enjoyed and that was intense🥵

anyway, until next time

Xoxo, Gossip Girl ;)

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