Not extinct(transformers prim...

By SuicidalManiac1

3.3K 54 28

While exploring a Energon cave Optimus is attacked by Vehicons. During the battle the cave entrance collapses... More

Chapter 1 Trapped
Chapter 3 Training

Chapter 2 Friend

775 9 6
By SuicidalManiac1

:{Optimus POV}:

I awake from my peaceful recharge to find something heavy on laying on my legs. I feel the presence of someone big. I open my optics and look around. At first, I am surprised when I see a predacon sleeping next to me. Then I remember yesterday's events. I pet Voidwing and decide to comm Ratchet.

"Ratchet, this is Optimus. I have found the location of the energon signal. When can you bridge me back?" All I get in return is static. 'So much energon must be tinkering with the comm. I have to get outside,' I think. Just then, Voidwing decides to wake up. She shifts a bit and opens one optic. Looking at me, she opens her other optic and raises her head. "Good morning. How was your recharge?" I ask. She gurgles. I tilt my head, indicating that I don't know what she is saying.

She gives me what looks like a gummy smile and then does something I thought no Predacons could do. She transformed! (Just like in the picture below only the green is actually silver, has really big wings and a tail. She is only half a head smaller than Optimus)

I stare at her with wide optics. She looks like a Cybertronian teenager. At most. The same age as me. And here I thought I was the youngest Cybertronian left. She smiles. "Hello, I am a teen predacon. I do not have a name but you can name me. I had a peaceful recharge, thank you. What about you? I can tell you do not get much recharge, at all." she said. Primus, how did this femme know? Even my team did not know. I hid it so well. I started to panic. "I . . . had a good recharge . . . thank you." I say nervously. How can I speak like this? I am a Prime. I am wise and collected. I should not act like a Cybetronian teenager. And yet I am one. The irony!

She chuckles. "You must be hungry. This way," she says and transforms. I follow her to the exit of the mini-cave that we slept in. She stops close to the edge. I walk forward a bit more and stop at the very edge. Not a good idea. Looking over the edge, I enjoy the sight of energon crystals that covered the walls. Suddenly, I was shoved over the edge.

Falling for a second before landing on something, or rather someone. I end up comfortably sitting on Voidwings back. 'Holding on would be a good idea,' I think and hold on to her neck. She flies down and into a particular cave. Flying further through, she hovers above a particular spot and slowly lands. I get off her and she walks over to pluck a few crystals from the walls, which were covered in the substance.

She walks back over to me and lays down. I sit down next to her and watch as she eats some of the crystals. A moment later, she makes weird noises and a cube of energon comes out of her mouth(Kinda like when Hiccup first gave toothless the fish, just saying, big how to train your dragon fan right here. If you don't know what I am talking about, search it up or something). Voidwing pushes the cube over to me. I take it carefully into my servos(hands) and bring it to my dermas(lips). I look back at Voidwing, who was watching me. I sigh and drink some of it.

To be honest, saying it was bad would be an understatement. I almost spit it out the moment it touches my tongue. But I manage to keep it in my mouth and swallow. Energon is energon. I should be thankful that she is helping me like this. I look at her and smile weakly."Thank you for giving me energon. But I must be honest. This is terrible. I am sorry if you took offense in anything I said. If this keeps me alive, I shall drink it." I say. She gives me a gummy smile and starts to eat her portion of the energon.

It took me a while to drink my whole cube and when I was done I stood up but suddenly collapsed in pain. My body started burning and shifting. I screamed in pain and curled up into a small ball. It was like taking a bath in the acid wastes back on Cybertron only a hundred times worse. The shifting plates did not help. My armor was shifting and changing. Adding pieces and those that it did not need, throwing away. It felt like I was forced to transform into something that did not fit my form.

The pain, almost unbearable, after what seemed like hours, finally started to fade away. It fully subsided left me gasping for breath. I lay there, staring at the ceiling. Once I come out of my shock, I look at Voidwing. Smiling a pained smile I chuckle.

"Do you hate me enough to poison me on the second day we met? Wow, I must be annoying." I say. She gives me her way of laughing and gurgles. "It was supposed to help you adapt. Plus, if you're not dead than you are worthy. Congratulations!" she said. Wait, said?

I stare at her, dump folded. "So you can speak know, huh? Great, and what do you mean by worthy?" I ask. She transforms and chuckles. "Look at the mighty Prime. I see you've got sarcasm. Wow. Finally cracked under pressure. Then again, you are just a teen. You should not carry such a burden. Hey, that's what I'll call you. Tribulation or Trib for short. Which means burdened in Latin. An earth language. It's perfect. What do you think?" she says. I think for a moment. "I am fine with that," I say.

She smiles and I can't help but let a small smile escape my usual emotionless faceplate.

" Come Trib, I think you wish to go outside for a bit to get some fresh air," said Voidwing. I nod and she transforms.

Carefully getting on her, I hold on as with one big flap she shoots up and flies through the cave. Soon enough, I see faint light and we fly out of the cave only to get blinded by the golden rays of the sun.

Tucking in her wings, she dived head first towards the ground. A small laugh escaped my dermas. I smiled my lopsided smile and ducked so we received more speed. At the last possible millisecond, Voidwing extended her wings and landed with a thud. I shakily started to get off and received a comm link.

"Base to Optimus, Optimus do you read? I repeat Base to Optimus, Optimus do you read?" said voice over the commlink. "I read you loud and clear. Who is this calling me?" I say. "It's Ratchet. Optimus, we have a problem. After you entered the ground-bridge malfunctioned and exploded. I'm afraid that you will have to stay in the energon mine location for about a month. I am trying to fix it but I am afraid that it will take longer than. We will send a bridge in a month or so. Until then, please stay safe." said Ratchet. "Understood old friend. Optimus, out."

I looked back towards Voidwing who was sitting quietly as if understanding that she must keep silent. I smiled and went over to her, scratching behind one of her ear-like things. She paused, but after a moment, she started to move into the touch and . . . purr? I laughed. Giving me a gummy smile, she jumped on me, pinning me down. Without warning, she started to lick me from helm to pede.

I manage to roll away but not before she covers my entire protoform in her saliva. "Haha very funny. I'll get revenge on you someday," I say, trying to get the slobber off my armor. After a couple of minutes of useless attempts to get it off my protoform, I realized that the thing won't come off.

Glaring at Voidwing I look around. We seem to be in a forest near the mountain(No a duh). But something seems off. My sight seems, different. I can literally see the smallest of dust particles floating around. My sight somehow improved. I close my optics to test out my other senses. Just barely, I can hear the sound of running water nearby. 'A river' I think. Turning off my adios, I decide to concentrate on one of my other senses. Touch. Small vibrations, barely enough to feel, feel like giant footsteps to me. I smile and turn into the direction of the footsteps. I feel them stop and prepare to jump.

Quickly, I duck the assault of my scaly metallic friend, only to get smacked by her tail a second later. I groan and power up my optics and adios. I see Voidwing standing in front of me. "Stand up. Let's go again. We need to turn you," she said, pointing one claw at me, "into a predacon." She reached out a paw to help me up.

I get into a stance and turn off my optics once again, this time keeping my adios on. Voidwing walks forwards and gets ready to pounce. This time I manage to avoid both her and her tail. She tells me to do it again and this time does a different approach.

We did it for the rest of the day. Voidwing was doing different takedown techniques while I was trying to protect myself from her assaults. It was actually fun. In no time the sky started to turn yellow. We stopped "fighting". "Trib, saddle up. I want to show you something," said Voidwing. I turn on my optics and get onto her.

With one big flap, she lifts off of the ground and shoots into the sky. We fly around for a bit before Voidwing seems to find what she was looking for. We land on the top of the mountain on an edge that is facing the setting sun. I get off and Voidwing transforms. She grabs my hand and brings me over to the edge. We both sit down, dangling our feet over the edge.

I watch the sun as it slowly dips down into the horizon, all while painting the skies beautiful colors. Red, pink, yellow, and orange, with a small hint of blue.

I look back at Voidwing and see her form as relaxed as it could be. She was leaning onto her hands, head thrown back, bathing in the sunshine. She had her optics closed and her mask was retracted. I did not realize I was staring until she turned her head towards me and smiled.

Primus since when are her optics so beautiful? Midnight black with some small silver parts here and there. They reminded me of the galaxy. I smile and look into the distance again. The sun had already set and the stars decided to pay us a visit. The sky was painted with blue and silver dots that seemed to be sprayed all over the midnight black canvass. Truly mesmerizing.

I smile and move to sit right next to Voidwing, our shoulders touched. She looked up at me and I look at her. We both turn back to the distance and she put her head on my shoulder. I put my head on her head. After a while, my optics droop. I lay down on my back and Voidwing joins me. Unconsciously, I wrap my arms around her, pulling her towards me. She played her head on my chest and we both fell into a peaceful recharge.

A/N    Yes, I know, you all probably hate me now. I totally get it and I have a good explanation. I was sick, with a very common disease. It haunts everyone these days. And sadly I got it. It is called... LAZINESS!  I know, I was just really lazy. I'm really sorry for making you all wait so long. I might update in the near future.

-Till  all are one

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