Ereri - A Loving Mistake - Er...

By VolumeStruck

1M 38.3K 40.3K

Eren Jaeger is a fourth year high school student (18), and Levi Rivaille is a twenty one year old bartender... More

Ereri (Eren x Levi) A Loving Mistake (An Attack On Titan fic) (Yaoi)
The Bartender
An... Awkward Surprise
More awkward shit
Questions and Confuison
A Loving Mistake
Mr. Ravioli?
An ex instead of sushi
Oh. My. Fricking. God.
Petra, you annoying little pest.
Five more days...
After Class
Again. (continued)
Who Could Have Guessed
I love you guys so much. (Not a chapter, but please read.)
Not good enough
An Angel of a Sinner
Not My Choice (Continued)
See you on the other side.
Poor, Poor, Pitiful Little Jaeger
A Savior and first love.
Parking Adventures with Levi and Eren.
May The Best Man Win
All Is Fair In Love and War
The Ring
The Shorline
Get the Goddamn Message
Thanks, Jean.
Change of Plans
So soon....
Say Yes?
Two Years Later...
The Party
See You On the Other Side, again.

Erwin And A Favor

33.1K 1.1K 1.3K
By VolumeStruck

"Armin! Hurry up!" Eren called out to his blonde friend who was scrambling to pull on his shoes, trying to avoid being late for school.

Eren had come home the night before to find Armin alseep on Eren's couch. Although the freaked out and terrified brunette had been sobbing loudly, Armin didn't wake up, although he could have sworn that Armin said something in his sleep... it sounded like "I love you." So he assumed that Armin was dreaming about Krista or something.

"Sorry!" Armin yelped, running to Eren's side, but he tried to avoid eye contact. He noted that Eren was wearing the same ripped black skinny jeans that he had been in Armin's dream, but a Pierce The Veil shirt instead of a blue t shirt. "Let's go, Lets go!" He yelled, throwing the door open and dashing out, Eren following. They hopped into Armin's mom's black minivan, and sped off towards Recon High.

During the ride, Armin occasionally glanced at Eren, who had bags under his eyes and looked half dead. Eren was resing his head on his arm, looking out the widow, seemingly focused on some invisible object. Or he was asleep with his eyes open. Either way, he looked... drained in a way. But, all Armin could see... was them kissing.

He turned his attention back to driving, doing his best not to think about the dream he had.

"It was fake..." Armin muttered under his breath, looking strait ahead. "It didn't mean anything..."

"What? Did you say something?" Eren said, snapping out of his trance.

"No, no, just talking to myself."

Eren shrugged, looking back out the window.


"Okay, I'm sure I didn't hurt him that bad, like, he was drunk." Levi muttered to himself as he sat on his couch.

"Like, why would he freak out so much? He could have just pushed me away. It's not like I assaulted him.... C'mon, there has to be some other reason..." He leaned forwards, putting his head in his hands and groaning loudly.

"Why do all the relationships I have fuck up..." Levi's last girlfriend had cheated on him, the one before that tried to stab him in his sleep, the one before that had some creepy ass fetishes, and the one before that ran away from Levi every time he tried to touch her. He thought that maybe he would have some luck with the opposite gender, but, nope, he was entirely hopeless. A hopeless 21 year old gay midget who is forever alone.

"ISN'T LIFE JUST A FUCKING RAY OF SUNSHINE!" He yelled, and pressed a pillow to his face, screaming into it until his throat was raw, then collapsing onto the couch again.

He was planning on sitting in the corner in a ball of misery and trying not to start crying again, when his phone rang.

He felt a bit of hope... "Eren?" He picked up the phone, checking the caller ID.

No, not Eren.

He felt really dissapointed, but answered anyway.

"Hello, this is Levi." He, once again, sounded like he didn't give a shit.

"Hey Levi!" A deep, but cheerful, voice responded.

"Erwin..." Levi groaned. Erwin Smith had been Levi's only friend since highschool. Incidentally, Erwin was the principal or the local highschool... Survey High? Or... Scouting High... Oh, it's Recon High. Right.

"Hey, I've got a favor to ask of you..."


"But you didn't even let me tell you what the favor is!!"

"Fuck off."



"Come on-"


"Okay, at least let me finish?"

Levi stayed silent.

"Look, the history teacher at the school is out for the rest of the year, so four weeks, and I can't get anyone to cover for him because it's almost summer and a lot of the sub teachers are on vacation. So... You don't have to do anything, just keep an eye on the kids and assign them homework and tell them which page to read,so Pleaaasseeeee? Do it for your buddy?"

"Fuck. No."

"Come on Levi."

"When it snows in hell."

"You owe me one for that girl I hooked you up with."




"Okay I'm sorry, I'm sorry, forgive me, but please. I'll owe you a billion."

"Erwin, you know I'm not even qualified for this..."

"Yeah but you're my last option!"

"I'm flattered."

"Seriously, please."

Levi sighed. He figured that this would be a good way to get his mind off of Eren, Plus, he could get to torture a bucnh of high schoolers.


"YES! No backing out though. You promise?"


AUTHOR NOTE- hey! So I hope you guys are enjoying this!

I just want to know, are there any boys reading this fanfic? I'm just kinda curious because I want to see what kind of readers I have.



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