Gale's Revenge(Mocking Jay's...

By FrostStar_

38.7K 529 131

Gale grabbed my neck. Gosh he was so strong. He started squeezing it. I gasped as he squeezed harder. His han... More

Author's Note
Time for Revenge
Blade Under the Neck
The Talent
The Single Choice
The Fight
A Winner
Finnick VS Gale
Hole in the Heart
Am I Dead?
Ghost Mom
The Fresh Pain
Fighting With Relatives
Can't Take It Anymore
Riley? My Twin Sister?
Gale Stuck to a Toilet
Get Ready For the Final Battle
Final Battle
Goodbye and Hello
Author's Note

A Life for Life

1.2K 15 1
By FrostStar_

Finnick's P.O.V.

I couldn't help it but think about Rayna.

Ever since I met her on my first day f school.

I knew she hated me for some reason but I couldn't feel any..anger toward her except when she teamed up to kill my sister. No one touches my sister.

Then I heard blade being unsheathed.

Out of corner of my eyes I saw Rayna unsheathing her dagger and pointed to...her heart.

"NOOO!" I yelled and with inhuman speed I ran to her and knock the blade out of her hand.

She looked at me with surprised eyes then she started to sob in my shoulders. She looked very pretty when she was sobbing.

Rue gasped and ran to us. She quickly snatched the dagger and pointed to Rayna. Her eyes narrowed when she realized Rayna was crying.

Finally mom floated to us and frowned at Rayna.

"Let's get you home Rayna" I whispered to her.

She shook her head so hard I thought it would fall off.

"No" She sobbed "Uncle Gale will..kill me"

Horror flashed across Rue and mom's face where I clutched her hand tightly.

"Come to my house" With out waiting for mom's reponse I helped Rayna up.


Rue P.O.V.

I followed my mom to the room where her body was kept.

Grandma was sobbing next to my mom broken form.

Is it me or did my mom's ghost form dimmed?

"Mom.." She croaked making my grandma jumped a foot high in the air.

"Katniss?" My grandma shook my mom's body gently "KATNISS!"

"Mom" My mom's eyes were filled with misty tears "I am here. Look behind you"

My grandma head slowly turned to see my mom's glittering ghost form. My mom's form dimmed even more under her mother's gaze.

"Katniss?" My grandma croaked out "Your..your.."

"Ghost" My mom said sadly "I..I talked to dad"

My grandma burst in tears. I was surprised. I never seen grandma cry. Tears rolled down her cheeks fast as rushing waterfall.

Grandma reached out to touch my mom but her hand went through her which was really disturbing.

"Mom..." Katniss faltered "I..I am.."

Just then Aunt Prim came in the room her eyes puffy from crying. She stopped when she saw her ghost sister.

"Katniss!" She cried tears pouring our f her eyes.

"Prim!" They tried to touch each other without success.

"Did anyone say Katniss?!" My dad charged in the room with hopeful expression but his face changed to complete sadness when he saw ghost mom.

He sank down on his knee as if his begging while tears slid off his cheeks.

"Peeta" My mom croaked ghostly tears were pouring once her once beautiful cheeks.

I couldn't take it anymore.

I bolted for the door tears glittering in my eyes.

Katniss P.O.V.

I saw Rue ran out the room. I didn't try to stop her. I would rather die then be in this situation.

"Katniss" Peeta tried to hug me but of course I was a ghost other wise known as mist person.

"I am so sorry Peeta" I whispered to him choking on my own sobs.

'"Katniss" Peeta shook his head "Its all my fault. I should have save you.."

"It's not" I said firmly "It was my fate to die. I am proud I died saving love one"

"I will kill Gale" He vowed "You will see"

I smiled "Keep our kids safe"

Then everything disappeared in front of my eyes and I sank into pitch blackness.

"Dad" I called out to her darkness "Where are you?"

"Katniss" He appeared out the groom "Its almost my time"

I cocked my head.

"I will go to the heaven soon" He sighed unhappily "I won't be here to help you anymore"

"WHY?" I screeched "How can you leave me?"

"I am sorry" he sighed again "I could only stay here to give you this you this advise"

"What!" I snapped suddenly very frustrated by my luck.

"The way to regain a life is.." He tailed off.

"WHAT!" I exasperated "WHAT!"

"A life for life" He advised "Remember a life for life. That's the only way. Remember..."

With that he disappeared forever into Heaven where I would meet him when the time is right.


Finnick's P.O.V.

"I wanted to kill you" She confessed "Because you...stole my heart"

That knocked the breath out of me. She liked him?

"My family hated you for.." Her shoulder shook with sobs "For breaking my uncle's heart. If I confessed that to anyone Uncle Gale will kill me and my parents even tough my mo is his own fresh and blood sister"

"He became that cruel?" I asked gaping at her.

She nodded Her pretty blonde hair fall over her head "He isn't himself anymore"

"I will protect you" Uggg someone shut my mouth "I will kill him"

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