Meant Alone

By floralpoetry

118 7 0

Ellie Manixa is a 19 year old girl, fresh out of high school. She is super sweet and so innocent contrary to... More

C a s t
P r e f a c e
3 6 h o u r s
2 6 h o u r s
I n T h e N e x t 6 H o u r s
T h e E v e n t
D o w n h i l l
D i n n e r
M y h o u s e
I n v a s i o n

O v e r d r i v e

3 0 0
By floralpoetry


The next few days were the same as any other. Woke up, ate, went on with my day. But today, i'm going to put my big girl panties on and ask the big question.

I put on my tank top and jeans and ran down the stairs.

"Good morning Honey" my father kisses my forehead.

"Mornin' daddy" i sweet talk

We sat down to eat after i got my coffee.

"Daddy, i have a question." i tell him

"Alright. I knew something was up" he puts his fork down and crosses his arms

"It's not that big of a deal really but i-"

"What's up everyone!" Mickie busts through the front door and takes a piece of bacon from Melody's plate.

"Hey!" she yells

"Mickie? What are you doing here?" i'm surprised because we didn't make any plans.

"I got back from Florida this morning and i wanted to see my very best friend. Mainly her stepmom's amazing cooking" he winks towards Alina

"Michael." my dad clears his throat.

"Please Mr. M, Mickie is fine" he scolds him

"I will not call you an animated mouse's name" he gets up from his chair.

"Wait dad" i follow him to the kitchen "I still need to talk to you"

"Ok. What is it?" he's annoyed

"Well, i was thinking if i had-"

"We need to go to lunch later" Mickie interrupted again

"Mickie, i swear to the heavens above, it you interrupt me one more time your tongue will be staples to your foot" i ball my fists

"Chill out Elle, i'll just wait in your room." he walks away

My dad smirks "What's up kiddo?"

"I wanted to see if it was alright if i moved to my own apartment" i sped up

"Oh well, of course. I assumed you would want to before you start college. We can go looking tomorrow if you want." he smiles "We can make it a day together"

"I'd really like that dad" i smile.

It was a Wednesday morning so i usually go on a run, go to starbucks for coffee and around noon to one, i go to lunch with my Aunt Lauren and Melody.

After a good five minute fight, i finally got rid of Mickie and I change into my workout outfit and fill my water bottle to begin running. I usually run about 5 miles but i'm feeling kind of motivated today so i might do a few more.

I put on my blue, cropped, tank top and white leggings. I had recently bought a fit bit and i've used it every time since so i put it on as well.

I began my long journey by running down my street, which is a gated area, where moms usually are walking their dogs with their babies this early so of course i have to dodge a few things.

I finally make it outside the gate and turn down my normal streets and i'm on mile four and i turn down a street with a lot of small businesses in a strip but i got tired so began walking rather than run. I pass multiple stores and just as i start to pass an ally way and my mouth is covered.

My dad always put me in self defense classes so i use all i know. I take my foot and shove it straight back into their knee. I wiggle until i'm finally let free but spun around to find out who it was. It was Xander with his finger over his mouth shushing me.

"What the actual hell is wrong with you?" i whisper, hitting his shoulder

"Listen, i'm sorry, but there was a man following you for about 15 minutes so i had to improvise." he says

"And you decided the best idea was to quickly kidnap me in an ally?" i raise my voice and shushes me.

"Yes i agree, it wasn't my best idea but i couldn't think of another way" he said

"Ok well thanks for the saving but i have to go" i pull away

"Wait" he pulled be back "I didn't get to apologize for last night. I truly am sorry for  how i acted Saturday"

"Ok. May i go now?" i complain

"Of course"

I turn to go back down the ally but i pause "How did you know where i was?"

"I really didn't, but my dad sent me to pick something up from the post office and i just happened to notice you walking with a person following so, here we are" he explains

"Well, thanks anyways" i smile and i go back down the ally

"Yup" he nodded, smirking.

"Yep" i smile

I walk back down the ally behind Xander when i heard three loud bangs come from the left of the street. Xander turns around and starts running towards me. He grabs my hand and runs with me down the ally. All the way down the long path, bullets are flying past us until we make a left and right and we reach a door. I hear loud banging on the metal door we just crossed and start breathing fast.

"Where are you taking me?" i pull away from his grip

"Listen, i don't have time to explain but you can't be here" he opens the door.

"I need my dad. He has to know where i am" i stammer

"Your dad knows where you are. You have to trust me" he explains dragging me through the door.

We walk down a long hall way then make a left and arrive at another foreign door.

"Please. I want my dad." i start to cry.

"He's right here" he opens the door

My dad comes into my line of sight and i run straight for him. He hold me and let's me sob into his arms before i pull away and wipe my face.

"I'm scared dad" i look into his eyes.

"You're alright. I would never let anything happen to you" he rubs my back.

"Thank you" i whisper

"I think you're thanking the wrong person" he gestured forward when my eyes met Xander's

"Thank you so much." i get on my tip toes and wrap my arms around his neck. He reluctantly wrapped his arms around my waist and lightly grazed my back.

"my pleasure." he whispered.

A/N: It's 3:26am where i live but i really wanted to finish this chapter by the end of the weekend. I always tell myself that since i have no plans today, i can write all day but then i get 14 episodes into the office & realize i've only typed the word 'the'. It's quite amazing actually. But anyways, i'm off for thanksgiving break this week so i'll probably (hopefully) be pushing out chapters like no ones business. If you could vote, that would make my week. Thank you.

Stay Beautiful.

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