The Uries (The Urie's Daughte...

By justabassicmusicnerd

22.9K 749 412

SEQUEL TO THE URIE'S DAUGHTER *(do not read unless you've read book 1. This book is in continuation and won'... More

Can You Feel My Heart?
Young and Menace
The Last Of The Real Ones
I'll Never Forget You
The Only Hope For Me Is You
House of Memories (I)
Don't Threaten Me With A Good Time
My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark
My Blood
I Lied
Far Too Young to Die (I)
Far Too Young to Die (II)
This Ain't A Scene
We Build Then We Break
Guns For Hands
This Is Halloween
The Kids Aren't Alright (I)
If You Can't Hang
Stomach Tied In Knots (I)
Stomach Tied In Knots (II)
One Man Army
Song For Isabelle
Lost In Stereo
Remind Me To Forget
Hear Me
Elastic Heart
Drugs and Candy
Life Of The Party
Feels Like Christmas
Kids In The Dark
Missing You (Epilogue)

The Kids Aren't Alright (II)

463 15 3
By justabassicmusicnerd

I could tell dad was fighting unconsciousness. I was trying to hide how much pain I was in. I didn't want to let go of his hand. He told them to take me first while I stared at him in bewilderment. My external injuries might look worse but his internal injuries are probably even worse than mine. I shivered, I was probably going into shock from the blood loss. As told, the firefighter appeared in my line of sight. "I'm gonna get you out first,"he said.

I nodded and squeezed my eyes shut tight, wishing this wasn't real. There were two ambulances, one for me and one for my dad. The medic from earlier was pushing a stretcher to my side of the car. It didn't take more than 10 minutes for the Jaws Of Life to free me from the wreckage. I didn't want to release my dad's hand until he was free. I took a deep breath before I opened my eyes and looked at him. He was slumped over the steering wheel, his eyes closed. "Daddy!"I screamed. He didn't wake. Oh god, oh god, oh god.

I started to panic. I didn't know if he was dead or alive. I kept screaming over and over as my throat began to turn raw. The medic tried to pull me away. I thrashed and fought against him. "Stop! We can't help him unless you calm down and let us move you out of the way,"the medic said. I went limp against him. My leg was starting to hurt from the movement.

The medic pulled me gently out and one of the other medics helped to lay me on the stretcher. He worked on getting an IV in a vein in my hand. The firefighters were almost to dad with the Jaws of Life. I refused to let them move me until he was free and I knew he was okay.

They freed him and medics moved in. They pulled him out carefully. One of the medics with me placed one of those uncomfortable C Collars on me. Dad had one too. His eyes were open, he was conscious now. They had him on a stretcher. The ambulances were next to each other. They rolled us together and stopped for a split second as I reached for dad. I grasped his hand.

"Ryleigh,"he said and then he fell unconscious again as the medics ran him to a separate ambulance and laid him flat as they began working on him. "What's happening? What's wrong with him?"I screamed my questions at the medic and fought the restraints holding me. "Everything is fine, you need to calm down or you'll injure yourself further,"the medic said as they started to load me into the ambulance. There was a splint on my leg and a tourniquet stopping the blood flow.

"Let me go! He needs me! Dad! Daddy!"I screamed and screamed but was ignored as the ambulance doors shut behind me. It cut off my view and they started to drive. I felt a sharp sting in my arm. My vision was blurry with tears. "No!"I whimpered. I passed out but I felt it was from the shock or maybe they gave me something. I wasn't sure.

A short time later, there was nothing but silence and blackness around me. There was a sudden dream to break through.

Ryleigh's nightmare
"So we meet again, what a delight!"a voice says somewhere in the darkness. My blood ran cold and my heart stopped. I know that voice anywhere. "What do you want?"I asked icily. "What do you want?"the voice of my real father mocked back at me. I stayed silent and tried to fight the coming tears. "I'd be nice. You've cost me a lot of time already. I have what you really want,"he said stepping out of the darkness to face me. His eyes were dull, empty, black pits. My stomach flipped and I fought the feeling of getting sick. "Say you love me!"he said calmly. I shook my head no and tilted my chin up in silent defiance. "You wanna do this the hard way? I always win, Ryleigh. Don't you remember the fun we had?"he asked. My blood started to boil. I don't have time for this. He stepped closer and went to touch my cheek. I slapped him.

"That was a mistake,"he tsked as he held his cheek. A light came on suddenly across from me. Mom and dad were tied to chairs. Their faces badly bruised. Cuts lined dad's body. "No! You bloody bastard, what did you do to them?"I screamed. "What did you do to them? This is all your fault. You wanted love and attention. They didn't love you just enough. You were a publicity stunt,"he said. My eyes looked at the ground. I was sick of these inner demons getting the better of me. He took a step closer and I tried not to flinch. "Say you love me!"he yelled. "No!"I shouted back angrily. "I'm tired of you ruling my life!"I said after. "Say you love me!"he screamed. "Or they're dead!"he screamed with an evil laugh. "No!"I screamed back. I didn't see the gun quick enough. Two quick shots. I didn't want to look but he forced my chin up to see their dead bodies. Their empty and lifeless eyes. "No! Mom! Dad! No!"I screamed. "What the hell? I'll never love you!"I said before I spit in his face. He turned the gun on me now as I ran to their sides. A bang and I fell through the floor.

End of nightmare

I woke up and sat straight up gasping. There was a loud bleeping noise and an alarm going off. A tugging at my arm I shook off. My left leg felt heavy. Where am I? "Woah, calm down!"someone said. I jumped and turned to face them. My eyes were blurry with tears and I couldn't make out their face. They stood and pushed my shoulders back down to the bed.

"Easy now! You don't want to injure yourself further,"the male voice says. I thrashed. Someone else came running in. A sting then a burning pain. My head was swimming and felt too heavy for my neck. "Did you have to do that? Again?"the male voice yelled. "Sir, calm down or you're going to have to leave. It was necessary before she hurt herself or had a panic attack,"the woman voice said.

I whimpered in defeat. My eyes were starting to close. I wonder what other demons and nightmares were waiting for me in my slumber. I whimpered again before my eyes shut against my will and enclosed me in darkness again.

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