
By Asgardian_Kitty

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Heather had just moved into a new neighborhood, and by neighborhood, I mean she moved into a small area where... More



3 0 0
By Asgardian_Kitty

       "Wait... you mean, Slendy actually approved of me going on a mission with you," I raised an eyebrow and looked at EJ, who just nodded. "Shit. I wasn't expecting that. I'm too clumsy to be taken along."

"He said that you just have to get used to doing it with someone and then over time he'll let you start doing them on your own. For now however," he sighed, "you will he going with me on missions. I'll also see if I can't help and make you less clumsy. Though I don't think that's a possibility..."

"I'm just going to apologize ahead of time for everything that happens," he chuckled before handing me a scalpel and a bag, full of jars. Oh boy. I get to be the pack mule. Fun. I shoved the scalpel into my jacket pocket like he does, threw the bag over my shoulders, and followed after him as he left the room. I got a few looks from the others before realizing that EJ was taking me out on a mission, though Skylor seemed a bit too excited for this and jumped my from the side, nearly knocking me over.

"OH MY GOD! Are you taking her out EJ?" She questioned, turning to EJ. Oh lord.

"On a mission, yes," he replied, "now let her go so we can go." She narrowed her eyes at him before looking back at me and sighing

"If she gets hurt, I'm holding you accountable EJ," she skipped out of the room as EJ sighed, annoyed at Skylor and how protective of me she is. Then again, she's protective of everyone she knows. She's one of those kinda people. After a few moments, EJ just grabbed my arm and pulled me along, pulling me this way and that through the trees until we eventually found ourselves standing on the edge of a small town. I followed EJ as he stalked off down one of the streets until he stopped in front of a house.

       "If anyone sees you, go for their throat. Don't make any noise. And don't forget to help me harvest their organs," he ordered. I nodded and helped him find an easy way into the house before following after him. Walking around the house, I soon realized that it happened to be Tristan's parents house. Oh lord, if Skylor ever finds out I was here and helped kill them, EJ and I- mainly me though- would never hear the end of it. Poking my head into Tristan's old room I already found EJ in there. Okay, I'm not going to hear the shit storm. I walked down the hall into his parents room and quickly slit their throats before doing as I've been shown.

      "Oh good, you've already started on them," he walked into the room and helped me. He was much faster than me, which was a given. Though, he let me finish and munched on a kidney as he watched, making sure I was doing everything right.

       "You know, I kinda wonder what organs taste like, or do they just taste like pig or cow intestines?" I questioned. He just shrugged in reply.

       "Nothing is stopping you from trying them," he replied. That's true. I looked over at him and he just gave me a look that basically said do what you want.

     "...I'll try some, some other time," I replied, finishing up. EJ only nodded as I placed the last jar in the bag and zipped it up. I followed EJ back to the house, and upon entering, Slendy was in the kitchen with his... family? Wait his family is real? Yes, they are. Slendy's voice rang through my head. I deadpanned, making everyone laugh. Though, Slendy just told me that it was fine because since I haven't been here long, I wouldn't have known that they were real. Also since they aren't as famous as him, it could've been shrugged off.

      "This should be a given, but stay away from Offender, and if he tries to give you a rose, decline it," EJ stared as he took the bag from me.

      "Yeah... he's uh... I've heard stories," I replied, "definitely not in my top five guys I would date... or even the top thirty." EJ snorted at my words and let me do whatever for a while until I was needed again. So, I walked out of the lab as he put away his jars, attempting to find Skylor before Offender could uh, ask me anything. Actually, I'll take finding anyone over Offender. But, as my luck would have it, I ran into him.

       "Well hello there!" he exclaimed, smiling as he walked over to me. Oh dear God, this is where I die. If there is a God, please send me help.

       "Uh... hi," I replied, shying away. It was mostly out of fear of him, because you know, he's a lot taller, he has uh... nothing on and is considered a rapist... so I mean... I have everything to be afraid of.

      "Aww, you're shy! That's cute! Say, how about me and you got get a room and become friends?" he questioned, and I'm sure if he had eyes and eyebrows, he'd be wiggling them.

       "No thanks, Offender. I'm not really into all that..." I tried to back out of the conversation, but it only seemed to make him want me more. WHY?!

       "Oh? Then how about a flower?" he pulled a red and a blue one out and held them delicately in front of me. I was drawn to the blue one and was about to reach out for it when I remembered that is a very bad idea, and because someone tackled my from behind.

       "HEATHERRRRRR!" whined a male. Toby. "C- COME PLAY WI- WITH M- MEEEEEE!"

        "Oka-" I started, only to get dragged off by him. Offender seemed to be offended at the action and huffed. He didn't follow and soon I was dragged into the gaming room of the mansion. "Thank God you pulled me away Toby. I owe you."

"W- waffles!" he chirped, "an- and l- lots of v- vi- video games to- together!" I chuckled and shook my head as he pulled me towards the sofa and shoved a controller into my hands.

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