Unexpected Love


676 39 87

Hey so this is a yaoi and if you dont like dont read okay. Dont comment and complain saying this is gross cau... More

Break down pt1
I think its love
How much do you love me?
⚠️⚠️SMUT ⚠️⚠️
Ok sorry

Problems (1)

57 7 20

Keith and lance had been in a good mood since they...calmed down. Keith hasn't argued with lance as much and lance decided that he's over himself.
Now everyone in the castle knows that Keith is part galera and will of course have some out lashes towards the team, but so far he's only had them towards lance.
So there lance was minding his own business eating some type of food that hunk had made up in the kitchen for him. Lance wasn't really in a good mood. He'd been thinking about his relationship with Keith and allura and how everything was gonna go the way it needed, when allura had poked her head into the room.

"Hello lance, can we talk for a moment in private?" Allura was normally the type to do this so lance, got up reluctantly and walked into the hallways with allura.

Lance didn't think of it at the time and he even was bored of it, until he realized what was happening. He and allura were alone, in a hallway, and no one was in sight.

"Allura did you need something?" Lance finally spoke up. He had been feeling a little useless lately and hopefully allura would tell him to do something to make him feel some type of wanted.

"Ah yes lance I... I have feelings for you... and I know you have feelings for me so...." and with that lance was shut silent by allura's lips pressed against his.

Lance couldn't do anything she was very strong and had a tight grip on him, but this isn't what he wanted. All he could think about was Keith's lips.

"Wow lance wow!" Allura backed away flushed and they both looked over at Keith who was beyond angry.

"What Keith?" Allura asked with a small smirk upon her face. She had knew they were together but she didn't want them knowing about that.

"Keith I- I swear she kissed me! I didn't like it! I swear!" Lance looked at the spot Keith was once in and looked down the hallway to se him already turning a corner. "Allura! Why would you kiss me!? I never said I liked you, and I never accepted your feelings for me!"
With that lance was already down the hallway to far to hear allura giggling to herself.

"Keith! Wait, let me explain!" Lance shouted constantly down the hallways trying so desperately to find Keith. "Please listen!"

"Look Keith I don't know wher-"
Suddenly lance was on the floor in a second, looking up to see Shiro was the one to bump into him.

"Ah sorry lance I didn't see you there you sure are getting much faster since your training."
Shiro was oblivious to the fact that lance was shouting Keith's name and it was obvious.

"Shiro not trying to be mean but have you seen Keith?" Lance was very desperate and he wanted to be able to explain at the least.
"Actually yea a few minutes ago, he actually seemed very upset... did you two fight or something? DID YOU TWO BREAK UP?!"

Shiro's voice was demeaning but scared for Keith and lance both.
"No we didn't break up but we're probably going to, allura kissed me in the hallway and Keith was right there I didn't even want to and you could tell she kissed me... I love Keith so so much but when I tried to explain..." lance trailed off.
"He didn't listen... yea that's Keith reacting, just give him some space and time away from you... I'll talk to him." Shiro didn't sound mad at lance at all, in fact he sounded surprised.
"I thought you liked allura?"

"I used to like her I stopped liking her hand Keith went to join the marmora... then I started liking him...I doubt he even wants me alive now."
"Look it's not your fault we'll get this sorted out soon until then just stay away from Keith."

It was clear that's not what lance wanted to do... he wanted to go to Keith and explain and hug it out but, even with all of his confidence, he still felt like he would never be forgiven.

"Ok Shiro... just explain to him... make him watch the footage of the cameras just convince him that it's not what I wanted!"
"Ok" Shiro have lance a firm nod and walked towards the direction Keith had went.

Lance decided that he'd go to his room... maybe think a little bit, maybe get lost in his mind. He just kept feeling so down so terrible so.... useless.

Please don't read this part of you are easily influenced by your emotions.

Lance wandered down the hallway all the way to his room thinking about Keith and how much he fucked up. "Gosh why am I such a mess up. I always hurt people. I even hurt the love of my life." Lance unfortunately didn't Have his anti depressants, he'd just run out so he'd have to rely on nothing but his head. But it was so dark, so clouded with guilt he couldn't even see in the right direction.

The then voices came, those damn voices. Telling him everything he already knows.
"Useless, unwanted, stupid, in the way, just
Go lance!" He would hear each one of those from his teammates, mainly because he'd heard them before. They never really got to him until Keith's voice came up, then they would hurt and mess with lance.

That's when he had enough, he went into the bathroom and found a razor blade he had used to shave his face with once. He took it and made a cut. 1 cut went to 5 and 5 cuts went to 10 and so forth all the way up his fore arm until the voices finally went away. That's when the pain hit him. His arm had lost so much blood.

He grabbed the bandages from his cabinet and wrapped his arm sloppy, but firm enough to stop the blood. Once done he out on a long sleeved shirt to cover it up and went to lay down, he was feeling very tired.


Keith's POV

I rushed down the hallway past Shiro not wanting to listen to whatever lances excuse was. I thought I could trust him! He told me he was over allura! Ugh that good for nothing liar!

After a few moments of wandering the hallway trying to get rid of lance I soon realized that I didn't hear him anymore but I heard Shiro instead.
"Keith! I need to speak with you!" HIs voice echoed down the hallways enough to grab my attention. I stopped in my steps and saw Shiro coming up behind me soon after. "Yes Shiro?" I asked. "Me and you need to talk I'm gonna take you to the security footage. Ok?"

I didn't really want to go anywhere considering what I had just been through but I'm pretty sure he didn't know, and I didn't need to be depressed over la- ugh!

"Ok sure." I said shrugging off my problems. We walked down the long narrow hallways yet again to find another room. We both walked in to find multiply screens playing various different things that had been happening all throughout the castle. "Ok why did you bring me here?"

Shiro looked off to the side at first and then took a quick breath in. "You have to promise me that you will listen to the entire story and not just walk out. Ok?"

I have a quick nod and with that he began.
"Look Keith it's about lance. I know what happened between you two and he Told me that he was looking for you to explain what had been going on. Keith I understand if your hurt by what happened I would be too, so I told him to go to his room and give you some time and space. He said to make sure that you at least watch the security cameras and just look at lance when allura kisses him. Ok?"

I was beyond angry. I didn't want to rewatch my heart get broken alright!
"For my sake you'll rewatch his expression."

I didn't want to say yes but there was some part of me still hoping that it was truly an accident. "Fine!" I said with a huff.

And with that he played the video. It showed allura pulling lance out there and her doing all the talking and the entire time lance had a sad expression. Then she confessed and kissed him. He closed his eyes for a split second the shot them wide open obviously trying to pull her off of him but with her being incredibly strong it was no use for him, then I showed up and stood there shocked and said a few words then ran off. After I ran off lance was yelling at allura about what had happened and started chasing me down to explain.

Now I knew. Lance really didn't want that to happen. He really is over allura and he really loves me. I smiled at the thought of lance loving me. Someone so beautiful, and funny loving me it really does make me happy. But lance needs to learn his lesson and just because I know it was an accident doesn't mean I was over it.

"Well Keith What now?" Shiro have me a stern look that made me tell the truth.
"I see that it was an accident but I still am hurt by the situation I need time to think about it, plus I want him to think about it.."
I paused for a moment should I ask Shiro to ask allura why she did that?

"and can you please talk to allura about not being a ho... she had a smirk when I saw them together and I find it suspicious. Please just tell him that I'm thinking it over and that allura needs go back off my man, or ask her why she did that."
"Of course." Shiro answered

And with that I have him a swift nod and walked out of the room and back down the hallway searching for my room. Eventually I found my room and unlocked the pass code I had it set to, walked in and went right to my bed. It had been such a rough day.
I was very tired.

IM SORRY ITS KLANGST!!!! I'm sorry I hate writing this stuff but since I'm writing it for my friend I kinda have to for her😖I hope you guys enjoyed it, it took me forever to figure out what I was actually going to write and what not😂but we good now! By the way there is going to be a part two by the end of next week. So HAw yeEe.

Word count 1821

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